Little Ceasar's Cheese Bread (More or Less)

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hi the mud broker here I really like Little Caesars cheese bread problem is the nearest Little Caesars is about 50 miles away so through much trial and error and experimentation I have come up with a pretty close approximation that you can make at home and I'm gonna share that with you today as always the most important ingredient of any recipe is alcohol and this evening I'm going to enjoy some brandy if I get Ropin all right let's begin first we're gonna have to make the dole and that will require two teaspoons of instant yeast two teaspoons of sugar two teaspoons of sugar and one cup of warm water like I did in my last bread making video I always proof my yeast that is I have the sugar and water and let it work for about five minutes before I start give that a little stir resolve the sugar and the yeast and I'll be back in about five minutes okay I've got my yeast working so now we'll add the rest of the ingredients you need two teaspoons of olive oil a teaspoon of salt one and a half cups of all-purpose flour and one cup of cake flour the flour is important the difference between bread flour all-purpose flour and cake flour is the gluten level bread flour has the most gluten in it it makes for a nice elastic dole which really traps the carbon dioxide from the yeast so it rises nice and it gives it a lot of body all-purpose flour is in the middle cake flour has a very low gluten content na came up with this mix because I tried making this with just bread / with just bread flour or all-purpose flour and both times rather than getting a nice crispy bottom even though it was browned it was too hard for my taste so I came up with this mixture cup and a half all-purpose and a cup of cake flour put that in put the dough hook on and we will let this knead for about five or six minutes [Music] okay this has been kneading for about five or six minutes and it makes a very soft sticky dole so what I'm gonna do is leave this right in the pan for a minute before I deal with it get my mixer out of the way and now we'll get the pan ready for it I am using a 12-inch cast-iron skillet you could use a cake pan as long as it's a good deep one something whole ten by fifteen or so probably big enough or two 8 inch square pans take your cast-iron frying pan add 1/3 cup of olive oil get all in there smoosh it around a little bit so it covers everything and before you grab the doll get a little bit of oil on your hands like I said this is a pretty sticky doll and we'll need her out a little bit and form it into a roughly round shape and flatten it out it doesn't have to be perfect and then simply lay it in the pan you don't have to stretch it all the way out to the sides yet because we're gonna cover this and let it rise for about 45 minutes right in the pan you could cover this with a towel or plastic wrap or in this case an even bigger cast-iron frying pan I'll be back in about 45 minutes okay I'm back and as you can see our dough has risen quite nicely what do you do now it's kind of punch it down a little bit and I already punch it down just Pat it down and stretch it out until it reaches the sides of the pan don't worry get a little oil on top of that's not gonna hurt Han thank you didn't spot there and it'll probably want to try and pull back in some but it's okay to just keep working on it and eventually you'll get it all to the edges of your pan now wipe my fingers off a little give it a good sprinkling of garlic powder Little Caesar is cheese bread it's basically a deep-dish pizza without the sauce if you want to make a pizza out of this just put some sauce on at this point and put your favorite pizza toppings on but since we're not doing that we're making cheese bread garlic powder shredded mozzarella a good application of that you're covering and try and get some all all the way onto the edge because that will burn up nice when we bake up and you get a nice crispy crunchy brown cheese edge okay use a little bit more cheese but that would be okay and I'm going to use some pepperoni on this cut that one too thick I'm just gonna have to eat that and that should be enough pepperoni we'll cover this back up let it rise for 15 minutes while I'm doing that I'm going to preheat my oven to 500 degrees that's 500 degrees Fahrenheit for those of you who have been conned into using that other means of measuring things so 15 minutes and I'll be back okay this rolls for 15 minutes and if you're using a cake pan for this you can go ahead and put it in the oven now but if you're using cast iron like I am it really makes a big difference if you heat up the pan first before you put it in the oven it'll Brown a lot more evenly on the bottom so I will turn this on to medium heat and get the pan warmed up good before we put it in the oven this will take three or four minutes and I'll be back and show you what it looks like right before I put it in okay we're not trying to actually fry the crust but it's puffed up a little bit it's been about five minutes on the heat and if I can catch some once in a while we'll see a couple little tiny bubbles a little bit of a wisp of steam coming off the edge that means we're ready to put it in the oven so open my oven and in the goal 500 degrees for 15 minutes keep an eye on it you don't want this to burn and it will burn fast because it's 500 degree oven I'll see you in 15 minutes I've taken this out of the oven and let it cool for a couple of minutes till it quits it''s a little more or less and I went around the outside of the pan with my tongs to make sure that it's loose all the way around and now I'm going to take it out of the pan to pan a little bit grab the edge with tongs and just slide it on no trick I've learned over the years pepperoni is you know that grease on the top when you first take it off take a little paper towel and just blot that grease off of there you see how much you get if you're prone to heartburn that seems to really help quite a bit to get some of that grease off your pepperoni all right now right move around here camera camera and lights are in kind of an awkward position all you got to do now before I did this I covered my collar with a couple layers of paper towel and we'll give this a slice and we'll see all we got here how crunchy that is and if everything is gone right the bottle will be nicely browned and you can hear how crunchy that is it should be a real nice tender sort of crusty bread and the bottom should be crispy and crunchy but not hard yeah it is perfect and there it is a homemade version of Little Caesars cheese bread or if you put a little sauce on this and your favorite toppings you have one hell of a deep-dish pizza thank you much for watching
Channel: TheMudbrooker
Views: 951
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Little Ceasar's knockoff, pizza, deep dish pizza, Detroit style pizza, cheese bread
Id: BZCe5bZItIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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