Chicken Soup with Homemade Noodles

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hi the mud broker here today I'm going to show you how to make a very simple chicken soup with homemade noodles as always the first and most important ingredient in any recipe is alcohol and since I'm making chicken soup I of course will be drinking booze all god damn you gotta love them Greeks anyway being chicken soup you will of course need chicken exactly what kind of chicken doesn't really matter I always buy whatever's on sale and since chicken drumsticks were on sale that's what I'll be using chicken thighs work great chicken breasts you can cut a whole chicken if you want whatever is cheapest simply take your chicken this is about three pounds you want two to three pounds worth of chicken put it in a large pot cover your chicken with water Oh a couple three quarts worth all depends on how big your pot is give it a little salt and pepper go easy on the salt at this stage because we'll be adding salt and other things to it later so you don't want to get too salty right now a little bit of pepper and we'll put this on the stove and bring it to a boil all right we've come to a boil and I apologize for the odd camera angle but that's just the way it's gonna have to work out and you'll notice that this has got some foam on top kind of ugly looking that brown stuff is mostly from the blood that's been drawn out of the chicken you can skim some of this off now but the foam will come back but you don't have to worry about a tool overly much because as you cook this that form will break down again and it'll disappear on its own but I do like to get the first bit a kind of crude looking stuff off the top all we have to do now is let this simmer until the chicken is cooked it'll take about half hour and I will come back and show you what we got then okay it's been about a half-hour and I'm back you can see that that scum on top is pretty much broken up and gone away and the chicken has been simmered to the point where it's cooked through if it's just a little tiny bit underdone right next to the bone don't panic because it'll get cooked more later right now what we want to do is take the chicken out do this right hand instead of left you want to take your chicken out and let it cool off enough that you can handle it that'll take a few minutes and once it's ready to be touched I will be back and there's your chicken cooked okay chicken is cooled down enough that I'm not going to burn myself handling it it's all ready for the next step we're gonna take the meat off of the bone I'm gonna take any bits of skin throw them back into your pot take the meat off I'll cut it up later little bits there I can go in and it's pretty simple matter just peeling it off of the bone if you get a few little bits in there don't worry if like I said we're gonna clean it up later and if there's any meat left on there that's okay that'll go into our broth now something we want to do is break the bones usually you can just snap them but if they don't want to snap take the back of a fairly heavy knife give it our app and shut break right off so I'll go through this and peel off all the bits and pieces that we need to peel off and if it's a tiny bit like I said before if it's a tiny bit underdone right next to the bone don't get too excited because that will be cooked more later but if it's really raw raw well you didn't cook it enough so that was your fault okay all right through the magic of video editing I got my hands clean and got everything cleaned up here on the counter take a little bit of your broth and label it over your meat cover this with some plastic wrap or a plate or something and set it aside we'll cut this up later now what I'm going to do now go over our bones and skin in the pot I'll add some more water to this and I'll put it back on the burner and let it simmer you want to simmer it for at least an hour but if you have other things to do like I do today you can let it simmer as long as you want to well that simran I'll get on some of my other chores they'll come back and show you how to make the noodles okay now we're going to start making some noodles this is two and a half three cups worth of all-purpose flour exactly how much doesn't really matter because this is all done by eye a good pinch of salt and now we start adding eggs I'll start off with four of them although I'll probably end up using five or six [Music] now he's got your eggs in there get your hands in and start mixing it around yes this is gonna be messy yes this is gonna be sloppy but hey that's half the fun of cooking you could do this in a stand mixer up to a point once it starts coming together this would be a very stiff dull and once it gets there most stand mixers just don't quite have the horsepower to handle it I suppose if you had a real industrial grade one you probably get away with it but your average KitchenAid it's not quite gonna do it so we get in here and we need don't worry about getting flour on the counter because we'll probably need a little bit there later on anyhow and they can tell already that this probably need at least one more egg you want this to be fairly stiff and dry it's kind of a judgment call but you need enough moisture to bring it all together but not much more than that so yeah I'll give that one more egg for sure get any shells in there and break that up and walk it on in every now and then you gotta get the stuff off of your hands because that's a lot wetter than what's in the bowl and you want to work everything in to be good it's pretty sticky at this point but just keep at it I'll probably add adult a little bit of my mixing or not I haven't redesigned it yet we get back here you what you're trying to get is something that when you squeeze it it comes together and stays together but there's still quite a bit of flour that isn't really mixed in very well so I think I will add one more egg and that should do it it's on these little bits here that are floating around yeah one more I guess it takes a little bit of practice but not much you can tell when it's coming together because it'll start making a decent little ball in there yeah that's pretty good now at this stage we start to form a ball and if it needs a little bit more moisture I think another egg would be too much I think we're about right but if you do need a little bit more moisture to it to get it to come together get your hands wet and mix that in you don't usually need more than a couple of teaspoons of water to get it all to work together kind of press the dough in there and pick up that stuff on the bottom roll it around a little bit and we got a ball but I think that we'll need just a tiny bit more liquid wipe my hands off did you do I'll be right back and when I say get your hands wet that's what I mean that's maybe a teaspoon or the water and that was enough to get it to pick up the rest of the flour we're gonna take this now round up all our little stray bits and we got a need this set this aside this is the hard part because this is a pretty stiff dole and you'll need to knead it the bed really lean into it if your hands and wrists aren't up to this well you'll just have to find somebody to knead your noodles you'll notice I'm not putting any flour down because this is pretty stiff and it doesn't really stick you have to does stick you got too much liquid in it put a little flour down and work that into the doll okay that feels pretty smooth work through pretty good but if you try and roll this up now it just ain't gonna happen this is a very rubbery and it will pull back so what we have to do its flatten it out a bit put it back in the ball cover it with some plastic and let it rest and let me rescued that work out let that sit and rest for a half hour 45 minutes and we'll be back alright my skin and bones and broth is simmering away merrily my noodle dough has been resting for a while and then busiest mother things is I actually sat for I bought an hour usually you don't need to go that long the first time and we're ready start rolling in salt this will probably take 2 or 3 Rowling's and resting because this bill is pretty rubbery generally although it's rested long enough I can see it's rolling off fairly well right now usually what happens is this stuff wants to spring right back and you try to roll it out that's what I'm going to do and she's sticking just a little debt too not too bad but roll that out a little bit and fold it up and let it rest again that way it'll roll out even easier next time I roll it I just pick it up put it quarters and put it back in the ball let it set and I'll be back in a little while all righty this has been resting for about 20 minutes or so and we're gonna take this off give it another rolling another roll and then rested I said this is just a little bit sticky normally it just unfolds real easy but you can see it's sticking together and my dog is ringing the bell because you want tall and it's gonna ignore him because I just brought him back in anyway it all unfolded and roll it out again rest this one more time before we give it a final rolling and cutting in the meantime little pockets of flour in there but that ain't gonna hurt nothing in the meantime I'm gonna cut up some vegetables and get my chicken diced up fold this back up put back in the bowl and cover up and I'll be back in a little while okay my stock has been simmering for a couple three hours not sure exactly how long have been messing around all Athens bunch of other things and we've come to the point where we're ready to strain the soup for that you will need oops mom nice a tripod a strainer of course and I like to use this this is a spatter shield you put that on top of a frying pan when you're frying and it keeps the grease from splattering all over the place handy little thing but it's also made of an extremely fine stainless steel mesh which works fantastic for straining soup you can do this with cheesecloth too if you don't have something like this just line your colander with cheesecloth and pour the soup through which I have sitting right here you want to be very careful because this is quite hot pour your liquid through first and let that drain before you dump in too much of the skin and bones and now keep you from getting splashed and let that sit and drip through for a few minutes get all the juicy goodness out of it okay we're back and you see old skin and bones that one through there you can see what a nice job that does of catching all them little tiny bits and pieces out of your soup and you get a nice clean broth and now let that sit a little bit and let the fat come to the top drumsticks don't have a whole lot of fat on them so there shouldn't be a whole very much and you want to have some fat in your soup because it just ain't chicken soup unless it's got some schmaltz in it if there's a huge amount will skim some off but it doesn't look like we're gonna have to we'll get this back on the stove and we will carry on with the next step okay now that we've got the soup strained things will start coming together fairly quickly we're gonna add some more water I want to have about four quarts or so by the time all is said and done and at this point we are going to season this we're gonna add some bouillon powder or bouillon cubes or soup base whatever you have add that to taste take a fair bit cuz we've got quite a bit of liquid salt and pepper it then we can adjust things more as we need to later but get that stirred in taste not too bad needs a little bit more salt a little bit more bouillon yeah that's about right we can always adjust more later well I was waiting before I cut up some celery and some carrots and diced up my chicken put all that in there try not to do that give everything a stir and we'll bring this back to a boil I gotta move my camera again once I got that done I'll start rolling out the noodles and cutting them you want to let this boil for about 10 minutes you want to make sure your carrots are done and everything is all heated through so I'll be back in a little bit okay I got my doll after arrested the last time got her unfolded gonna roll note one last time to its final thickness how thick you want to make your noodles is up to you but roll it down till it's about an eighth of an inch thick is usually about right some reason I wound up with a weird shape but that doesn't really matter too much because we're gonna roll we're all nice and over some and it all makes noodles anyway so what shape it is now really doesn't over the edge there just rip it right off okay that's rolled out where I want it to be what I do now pull it back sprinkle just a little bit of flour in there under the other side is that way when I cut this the light go on the table a little better every handy dandy pizza cutter and have at it I'll edit this so you don't have to watch me going back and forth and back and forth the back and forth a zillion times with Pete's cutter but you get the idea if you have all of them pasta roll machines and you want to use that to make these noodles shame on you this ain't pasta these are noodles damn it don't forget it and there's my noodles cut this hasn't come back to a boil yet so let that go do its thing like I say let her boil for about ten minutes to cook the carrots and celery and make sure the chickens hot all the way through and I'll be back in a little while all right we are in the homestretch the broth is all seasoned up vegetables have been simmering for about 10-12 minutes they're cooked through the noodles are all cut that means we are ready to throw the noodles in just kind of break them up a little bit as you throw them in these cook real fast by the time you get the last noodles in the first noodles be more than cooked when I said this isn't pasta I meant it what you end up with making noodles like this is something much more akin to ripples you don't know what riffles are you have led a sad and sheltered life and I pity you for it as soon as we get these here all in yeah nice you don't have to go through the trouble of separating each and every one of the noodles when you throw it in because try to get a little bit readjustment here there we go now you can see down into there because they'll usually separate all pretty good inside the pot bring that up to a boil again once it warms up the noodles and I'll be back in a minute and show you the finished product all right after you get the last of your noodles in let it boil for two or three minutes that's really all you need and though she's cooled off a little bit I'm dish them up and show you what we end up with when I get all the way to the bottom and get plenty of chicken and veggies hopefully the steam will clear enough that you can see it but that is beautiful chicken noodle soup with genuine homemade handmade hand cut noodles and you want to be a little more careful than I was making it because had I not just added the cold water to the broth when I dropped that bowl in there I would have burnt the living out of myself with that warning in mind good night
Channel: TheMudbrooker
Views: 1,250
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Keywords: chicken soup, homemade, homemade noodles, homemade pasta
Id: 4iPNU2S1SE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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