Literally THE Coolest Overflow Pan I’ve ever seen! Plus 10 other NEW Building Products

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what's up guys I'm Matt Risinger and I'm Mark  Willie on the build show today new products   we got some cool stuff mark from some flashings  that I've never seen before some windows concrete   forming insulation we could just about build  a house with some of the cool stuff we got   today you ready Mark is this thing on it's on  you ready build show new products let's get going ah the most satisfying sound isn't it all  right Mark have you seen these wind bags before   on the job site yeah we were out in Boston  recently weren't we Josh was using these to   set his windows and you know I've seen these a lot  but I guess I didn't realize how often Carpenters   are using them to actually move things uh rather  than I don't know what I thought they were for   originally but uh if you look at their IKEA style  photos in the back of this there's all kinds of   cool uses is including just shoving stuff over  you know setting Windows you got a really heavy   window we need to move it over we need to move  it up check out all the different sizes of these   wind bags this one here goes up to 2 and 3/4  in which it actually looks like it Go slightly   higher than that but it also has uh lifting  up to 550 lbs holy cow that's a lot and this   one 135 kg which I would have never known what  that meant but apparently that's 300 lb I feel   like there's a uh uh there's a George Washington  satnet live joke in there somewhere I'll tell you   inches centimeters is very confusing is very  confusing our friends from Denmark sent these   out and I just can't stop going that is a good  feeling although windbag kind of sounds like a   some blue-haired lady saying something about her  friend in the nursing home she's such a windbag   anyways I do like these and I like that they're  in all kinds of different sizes but next up Mark   something that we've seen on the job site that  is incredibly useful while you're strong dude   uh the grabo so compared to standard suction  cup tools which work really well on glass uh   these will repump themselves up when they've lost  pressure now I don't think that's going to happen   as much with a super slick glass surface right  but what's cool about these is if you look on   their box they're saying hey we can do all kinds  of things we can do uh concrete pavers textured   glass metal gypson board even wood because if  it loses suction it it will repump there's like   a uh a little gauge on here and as that gauge  drops in pressure enough that the cup would lose   pressure it'll repump itself up battery powered  uh and I'm assuming we're going to press the red button this is all about sounds today right sound  very familiar with pretty awesome I really like   these I think these are super helpful and the  other thing that is totally unique on these   that I've not seen before these lash points  when we saw Josh using these on the job site   he rigged up a calong above a header and use this  grabo as a lash point to lift up a heavy window   without without having to muscle it just hit that  come along when you order them remember to get at   least two because based on most the windows that  we're all putting in you're going to need to to   balance that weight properly and this will allow  you to secure it Josh was working by himself right   so that was a little different but but I do  think that two is necessary when you're moving   glass for sure go ahead and get two keep them in  their cases keep them clean grab o tools pretty   impressive well we're at it to Mark interlux are  you familiar with this company they do something   unique when it comes to Triple pain don't they  they do so this is a fiberglass company built   in America they're right in Nebraska is that right  uh right in the heartland of America I've actually   uh talked to several people there including the  owners family-owned company you happen to see the   sample window they sent us cuz I asked them for a  triple glaze sample is the black fiberglass triple   glaze or double glaze a little bit Limited in what  they offer they don't have everything like some of   the bigger manufacturers no double hung or single  hung but everything but it's everything we're used   to right in terms of the tightness they have the  casements and they have the awnings that's right   and the Tilton terms from the performance World  sometimes the marketplace M they're not ready   for it yeah so these are not a til turn these  are going to be the standard operating to the   outside principle like you would see a American  manufacturer and then you'll notice this one is   flangeless ready for a retrofit but they also  make them with nailing flanges on as well uh   neat company and I had them price a project for  me that I was a little late in the process and   I ended up ordering uh what was already in the  budget but I was very impressed with the price   point here Mark yeah ion W the next project they  get these nice fiberglass windows and we get to   do an install with interlux yeah it's good stuff I  like interlocks we'll put a link to everything we   talked about in the description by the way so Mark  uh are you sleeping out under the stars with your   new T what's going on over here brother I could  fast foot standard corner and you know who used   this oh Jake that's right yeah that's pretty cool  so this is the same company that makes the fast   foot system am I saying that right yep brand new  to these guys they call it fast tube so instead   of the cardboard tubes these on the other hand  Mark are made of some type of uh polyethylene   okay seems like a fabric like a woven fabric so  I suspect that's waterproof too right all weather   and boy if it isn't durable it look pretty cool  so they sent us a uh kind of a sample tube right   here and I'm guessing that after you're done you  actually strip the form with a knife is that right   that's the fun part so you you stack two 2x4s  and you screw them together and that's going   to hold you rigid and that column because of how  this is made you can you could cut these at the   length you need so we have 50 foot and 100 foot  different sizes right you got your eights your   10 your 12s your 14s and your 16s look at that  that's kind of cool so you can cut it whatever   length you want no waste and then this is what  you're saying you would clamp some 2x4 screw it   together got and that's going to hold that thing  rigid as you're pouring it here's the great part   when you're done because of that polyethylene that  doesn't stick to the concrete that's neat so you   just come by seems like stripping those forms is  no big deal obviously this isn't concrete CU I   could carry it but boy if that isn't slick now you  can't reuse that afterwards right but you're not   worried about it because you have your roll you  cut that off for the next run that's pretty neat   I saw in their literature they kind of compare  this size-wise to uh the typical cardboard rolls   and how much space they take up compared to this  which is nothing right you could throw this in the   back of your truck and you could have multiple  jobs to stage in the back of your truck no big   deal they're so durable the way that just sits in  there and then I think you have a project coming   up with some framing right yeah look behind you  careful where you grab what is this Mark so your   project has some framing coming up right so you're  going to pop your drill on here that's going to go   and this is the bracing for your for your framing  so this will go back down on U the sheathing deck   right and this is just a standard 2x4 wall brace  and then we can go up or down and uh get that wall   nice and Plum with a little micro adjustment on a  drill too no less right it's really good for icfs   as well you're having that support go on there  that's pretty cool this way when all the load   comes into your forms you're bracing that take  them off use them on the next job just make sure   you take care of your equipment I'm impressed  by this company Mark they seem to always be   innovating and coming out with new products looks  like it's Fab D they tell us that a lot of   retailers are stocking these These are actually  made in Canada but I suspect if you can't find a   retailer you can probably buy it off their website  as well yep made in Canada that's pretty cool good   stuff Fab form Mark we got something fluffy to  talk about next it looks like and it's from a   company we all know and love called Newall Newall  okay let's cut this bad boy open and see what we   got got here uh everybody likes cellulose because  of its recycled content one thing I didn't know   this interesting that says on the box here Mark  is that you can also recycle the product so your   off Cuts if you got a couple of these left over I  didn't think about that I mean it makes sense that   it's from uh you know recycled content to begin  with you could potentially recycle it again so   when we're going with a 2x4 wall you're looking  at a r13 when you're going for a 2x6 wall you're   looking at an R20 I've never seen this before  I didn't know they made this in bats every time   I've used cellos in the past it's been a blown  in situation I didn't know they could make a bat   there must be some kind of binder in here that uh  makes it very stable it's friction fit just like   we're used to you rub your face on it that's  aggressive that is I'm not going to do that   with many insulation products but that feels fine  you know it's funny and it kind old it feels like   uh a jeans material but if you look close I can  actually see uh writing on that newsprint but it   feels great uh a little Dusty if you uh if you uh  Pat it but the other thing that was interesting on   here too I thought they've added a EPA registered  fungicide to make it mold resistant class a   building material right nonirritating is how they  call it and you know we we we could tell that cuz   cuz my hands are all over it yeah I mean I rubbed  my face on it and didn't have a problem let me uh   get on the floor here and let me just cut a bat  I'm curious this isn't even an insulation knife   but I'm curious what this will do with my knife  nice mold resistant product I mean it comes I need   we're used to it but need to use bread knife to  cut it but the point is uh never seen it in a bat   form that's going to be interesting that actually  shows you how durable it is yeah I didn't cut it   very easily and this knife is sharp so we do need  a ser ated blade check that yeah uh Mark we're   using this on an upcoming project which one is it  that's right going back East you all saw the last   project you guys remember build show Bill Boston  with Steven basic the new one multi-generational   so take take your eyes get ready for that one  coming up because new W they're always ready   to work with us that's very cool all right guys  check it out we'll put links in the description   for this one below all right Mark what's up next  modular is all the rage check out our friends from   Klein oh man I think Sparky's going to like this  modular system all kinds of options they call it   modbox it sounds like that's right and similar to  some other systems we've seen in the market slides   in snaps on lots of different uh accessories you  got a coffee cup uh on the side which of course is   very important what does that do little transport  box right so got your dividers you can move around   all your wing nuts whatever else Sparky uses take  it up the ladder come back and click this is kind   of cool Mark flop this over to this side so you  can see little magnet attachment on the side so   whatever random tool you're using all the time  you can magnet on there and of course Sparky's   backpack too these are really getting uh a lot  of traction on on the job site it's backpacks   for Tool use check this out you got some great  oh great storage inside plus what what do we   have here Mark in the rigid box surprise from  mechanical Hub yeah this is not for Sparky oh   man look at that a 100 an 100y year anniversary  rigid oh man that is awesome it's really nice   these American companies I mean Klein's a Chicago  company and that guy right there everyone loves   the pipe wrench made in USA that's really cool  thanks Eric from mechanical Hub how cool is that   that's beautiful I feel like I should hang this on  my w somewhere prominent rather than actually use   it you're going to you're going to well yeah  keep using the one you have right it'll last   forever I mean as as little as I use a pipe wrench  though as a builder I got to say this is probably   still going to look pristine in my toolbox five  years from now it's a it's a showpiece they made   a very limited number that's really nice look  at that 1923 to 2023 that's neat how cool it's   phenomenal you have a project coming up maybe  your electrician has these eh yeah you know my   electrician Mark uh his last name is power uh so  I'm pretty sure he was born to be an electrician   uh but this is a really nice set I'm impressed  lots of options over here very very cool great   job from Klein mod box okay next up Mark fresh out  of Vegas I got to say this is a very interesting   company we saw them and with CJ my electrician and  CJ kind of gave me the full 411 on this product   let me let me help you understand what this is  called skyx and think about a wall outlet your   electrician wires that and then all you got to do  is plug in any of your products that are made to   plug into it this kind of takes your fixtures  to that level as well where this would be on   the ceiling this would get wired into your uh  traditional ceiling box you know your rough end   box and let me take the cover plate off so you  can see what it looks like what you're seeing   here Mark is instead of your electrician having  to hold heavy fixture on a ladder and uh get that   all wired up to that ceiling box where there's  a fair amount of uh Balancing Act going on this   gets wired by the electrician and this has uh I  don't know what they call those the electricians   will probably get on me for saying the wrong  thing but there's four wiring uh positions   on here for your different color wires so this  gets actually attached to that rough in box on   the ceiling and then this gets snapped on so now  this is on the ceiling everything's safe you can   actually flip the light on and as you touch this  you're not going to get electrocuted everything   here is behind your fingers totally safe so  now the electrician's done with his trim out   no fixtures yet in the house you could go ahead  paint do whatever you need to the fixtures are   not in the way and then check this out CJ showed  me this uh this gets wired to your ceiling hanging   fixture either you can wire on this base here and  they've got a whole kit depending on uh they call   it a lighting base depending on what color you  want they've got all all the different options   the designers are going to want to match those  fixtures or you can go to OneStop   and actually buy fixtures that have the base on  already but here's where the magic happens this   is wired on the ceiling and this metal base right  here which by the way holds up to 50 lbs actually   can you hear this noise clicks into the outlet so  now once that Outlet's on it's wired it's totally   good to go and it'll hold up to 5050 lbs it's  remarkable then NE the crowd in Las Vegas was out   past the aisle yeah people thought it was pretty  cool and CJ did a really good job of explaining   this I got to say in fact he did it with one hand  yeah that's right he was taking these fixtures   and unplugging one fixture plugging the next  one in I liked how CJ talked about this being   a timesaver in fact we made kind of a funny joke  with the boxing gloves at the job site knocking   out time you know your electrician is one of  the highest paid hourly workers on the job and   you're going to use your highly paid electrician  to install this Outlet at the ceiling but behind   that electrician can be the lowest paid assistant  electrician uh Apprentice out there who then is   taking those fixtures out of the box and literally  just plugging them in in fact it's so easy that   the Builder could actually do that as well and  I that's another thing that really appealed to   me was that I could keep all of my fancy fixtures  boxed up until after the movers are in and what   I what I would term as a jelly jar fixture which  we've used a lot over the years that you know $5   to $10 fixture that came from the Home Center that  that basically is just a jar that holds a light   bulb we often need every single fixture in the  house to be operating to work for the electrical   inspector to come in and get his final inspection  we could have a bunch of these in a jelly jar   type fashion plugged in they know they work  everything's good to go and then literally I'm   just going to unplug this drop it out plug the the  correct one in and I'm good to go that that's very   appealing to me as a custom builder yeah not just  custom Builders though this is going to run wild   and hospitality and Senior Care facilities and  schools and colleges and churches because there's   a lot of servicing that goes on there's changes  that go on and your electrician now doesn't have   to come back for that install they're protected  along the way you can make many adjustments and   right next to you is also a ceiling fan yeah and  so if you go to that OneStop they've   got all these fixtures that are pre-wired with  the sky Outlet on the fixture already that you're   literally just going to plug them in you're good  to go or they'll work with anything that's out   there whether it's a chain whether it's a uh  what are they call the pole base fixtures what   am I trying to say whatever this this is with a  fixed down Rod all those different fixtures will   work with they play nice with anything out there  I'm going to use this Mark on an upcoming project   this going to be a lot of fun 24 episodes I heard  we uh I don't know if we've officially announced   the Risinger build project but I've got a house  coming up that we're going to be building start   to finish on camera so stay tuned for that we're  going to use these on that project but the website   is Sky correct uh Sky sorry Sky the product of skyx marks did you see   any of the videos in my house I made a lot of  custom fabricated pans for my house these guys   I was excited to to hear about I'm telling you not  only did I see it but I was at your house a couple   times during rough and I remember asking you how  come you have so many drains around your house   I put a pan underneath almost any appliance that  has water with the one exception of my ice maker   in my kitchen uh I didn't put a drain there  however I did a pan so any water that would   happen down to that pan would drain forward and  wouldn't get underneath my uh floors let's say   now my dishwasher I did put a drain on not just a  pan but check this out Mark I had all mine custom   fabricated right this company makes them all  online and I think they're really pretty darn   reasonable in price karney Metals but this pan in  particular is the one that I think has broken the   internet uh if you're on social media I've posted  about it several others have as well they call   this a trench drain pan so I believe this one is  sized for an ice maker you know your your Scotsman   Ice Maker that slides in if that thing drips it's  going to hit this edge here and want to roll that   water forward and then there's just a little  screen uh so that you don't have this big open   trough but it comes with a drain so you could in  theory drain that to your uh your actual plumbing   system you could also drain the straight outside  but it's this trench P that I really like I also   would absolutely use this in the future for my  washer and dryer because they're very neat they're   paint they come prepainted it looks to me like you  can get them in black or white um maybe silver too   I'm not totally sure but that is a really fabulous  piece of uh the refrigerators have the ice makers   they have the water lines and I'm always worried  now these manufacturers are brilliant right they   have great systems but what if something goes  wrong this collects it your hardwood is now saved   maybe there's a unit below you maybe it's your  bedroom or your child's bedroom below you and not   only that but it's just a sharp system so all that  together folks are learning Metals yeah I like   that now Mark on their website I noticed too that  there is a lot of different pans for specific uh   things refrigerator washer dual washer dishwasher  pans water heater pans HVAC pans uh and then then   again into some other stuff like oil pans and  oven and Grill pans sink pans uh and of course   design your own pant too so they will it looks  to me like they will custom fabricate for you   as well this trench drain though absolutely love  this fantastic Kar real good quality   stuff here just looking at the back any plumber  would be happy to hook up with this if you're DIY   just make sure you do it right yeah good point  roll out the roof I vent we'll have passive ventilation all right we're ready ready  all right Mark when you're done playing   the accordion over here let's talk about  roof ivent roof I you ran into   these guys at a show recently the roofing show  the roofing show okay and honestly I've never   seen this brand or this catalog this catalog is  fascinating they have everything for everything   so when someone turns on let's say their bath  fan right bath fan goes on its cycle maybe   it's motion maybe it's time maybe it's on off  but afterwards it's not pushing anymore right   now all of a sudden there's condensation on  the line potentially yeah and that's coming   back into the house because that real moist  humid air didn't get out how does this solve   it that's a free Turner right passive that's  going to be pulling it out that's pretty neat   and it's so slick you can see that nice bubble  level on top bubble level on top but simple turn   here this is for maintenance right y but  this guy will come off somehow there we go takes a second it's cuz I'm not left uh  left-handed and I'm not helping a bit am I   so right there this spins so freely right and  I'll tell you what when this goes back on but   but what happens when you drop this I mean  those things are pretty much trash once they   get get dropped once right so I'm putting it back  together so now we got the cap back on simply take   our Bubble Level screw that thing back on but what  I'm concerned about Mark is if you drop that a lot   of those metal ones are trashed out at that point  is this plastic one going to survive a drop takes   a licking and keeps on spinning wow and give it  a whirl oh that's impressive all right that's the   nature of why they invented this cuz you're going  up the ladder or you're driving in your truck and   it gets pinged and it gets panged that's pretty  cool uh another thing I like about these guys   Mark if you don't like the round they've got an  oblong shaped one which I think is kind of nice   looking and check it out in their catalog multiple  colors too that's kind of neat looks like a bunch   of different options but it looks to me like the  accessories have been well thought out as well   we have a classic boot yep we have a classic  connection that you'd obviously trim based on   what you're going into that's nice the flex duck  there and then this just clicks right in I think   too right it does um to the other unit over here  okay and then this is a condensation collector   which is amazing so if you're in a cold climate  like Chicago which I think this is this is where   this company's Bas out of right now you've got a  way to actually catch that condensate and drain   it so it doesn't get into the house that's right  and the one that you have here that has the the   Dual levels on it again so once you're in motion  and a this is a fixed but I like I mean these are   real modern looking they're cool looking different  colors gray black clay uh even Brown it's going to   match everything but they've thought of the whole  system I like no cords I like that they have Wall   vents options as well I would like to not take my  uh Plumbing Stacks out of the roof if I can avoid   it so a wall vent like this that really looks  intentional but look a whole lot better than a   white PVC pipe sticking out of the side of a house  and one of the thing in the the catalog that we   didn't get which I thought was really cool was  this cable boot so if you know hey I'm going to   bring solar in through my roof I'm going to have  a uh you know a satellite I'm going to put a star   link on the roof this looks like this would be a  really nice solution to keep a watertight cable   connection uh and what's cool is they make these  for metal for standing seam metal for shingle for   slate uh lots of cool options I'm impressed with  this catalog European design and it's all it's   all made right ready to go uh based in Chicago but  roof IV now Mark when people think maxel   the Japanese company I think of headphones right I  mean in the 80s wasn't this ad iconic I mean come   on that was so cool but these guys also I suspect  like a lot of gianese companies make all kinds of   different products I've not seen this before this  appears to be new in the states maxl airtight   products I like any type of flashing and this is  a really in model because unlike some of the other   flashing products that have a rubber gasket uh  and then you've got to attach it this one has a   be based adhesive and when we peel that off by  the way it's a dual adhesive layer so we could   uh what I would do if I was flashing something is  I would stick that rubber to the top let the pipe   come through leave that bottom layer on so that  when I run my house wrap let's say I can flap this   over top and it'll be shingle fashioned correctly  right Mark and another and another way to handle   it if the Pip's already out of the wall pretending  that hand is by the wall right then you're taking   it and you're putting it over the pipe cuz you  got there and the pipe's already there yep and   then you follow Matt's advice and you peel this  off peel the top peel the top slide it in Stick   It and then the next one it's rubber right so  it's very versatile and that be once that's on   there you can see how tight it is that's really  nice it's going to bond really well I like these   now they do make them in all kinds of sizes uh  they send us a sample pack with a little bit   of everything here from a/4 inch pipe all the  way up to one that will fit a believe a 5 to 6   in pipe and almost everything in between so this  is an interesting new product that I've not seen   before it's the mexo air type products they  call it the map system and um they're they're   available through the website in the description  and uh we have a project real soon we're going to   bring these on and I think there's a video coming  out with Eric as well I like it I wonder how many   other interesting products these guys make in  Japan that they don't quite sell in America   so this is cool to see this coming in from  another country especially Japan which is the   manufacturing king of the world all those decades  just like the truck driving around when you used   to have those cassettes ready to play or fast  forward or rewind get these ready cool stuff from Maxell mark back that can't possibly be marble  what is that material that you've got walking   in here I tell you it's ready to go and that  flexibility is real user friendly interesting   so it's called questech and all these material  are all the everything on the table is by questec   and when you go to the FAQ page it says what is  this cast in quest is a proprietary composite of   metal resin and ceramic the surface on these  metal ones is a premium metal and each tilon   bath accessory comes from an original handcarved  design so in other words it looks a lot like an   accessory you might use with uh let's say subway  tile I'm seeing a bunch of images on their website   but it's some type of man-made material that has  a bunch of composits very interesting a quarter   round they call it Jolly they sell this in a 12in  model and they sell it in an 8 foot model both and   they sell them a variety F black and white both  it's going to be a little hard to tell on camera   but it's easy for me to see both a glossy and a  matte finish so mark it looks to me like this is   a company that makes all kinds of different uh  transition pieces caps trims Corners it's going   to make your installation really clean up tight  exactly I've done a lot of subway tile in my day   but these guys also make an interesting line of  metal tiles as well uh both backsplash or whatever   but it's not actually metal I guess the surface  is really metal but anyways pretty interesting   company and they make other accessories that  go with it as well for instance uh I'm noticing   both uh Deora switches and plugs as well as  standard to match a bunch of their accessories   so if you've got a wain's coat tile uh in your  bathroom let's say you could get the switches   to kind of match with their uh their finishes  as well they've thought of the complete system   it's anti microbial right which is what you want  in these bass settings and it's also scratch and   stain resistant and you know even walking in here  I dropped this and it slid and you can't tell I   mean you right away thought this was metal see  from the camera you think it's metal too I also   have the suspicion that these are probably pretty  moderately priced so as a bath accessory I suspect   these guys have some really nice prices out there  the other thing that NE is not everyone has a wet   saw they work really great in a wet saw but if  you just have your regular miter saw it works   in that application too so for the DIY Community  this is for you and for the pro this works for   you too and yes it's tile so it's great for wet  areas wo Mark that's a lot dude that   was a lot that was like 12,000 products it felt  like it at times didn't it uh Mark you know uh   We've recently were at the design and construction  week and kitchen and bath and kitchen and bath but   we've got our own show coming up if you guys don't  know about it we've got build show live coming up   in November Austin Texas 2024 sign up at build  show for updates tickets are going to   go on sale sometime in late spring so guys if  you didn't know Mark Willie before now you know   him he's a build show producer he's often behind  the scenes but Mark I appreciate you uh lining up   new products for me today I'm excited because  for the folks that come to Austin in November   they might have a chance to see some of these  products themselves yeah for sure we're going   to have some amazing manufacturers and some great  education so mark your calendars with that being   said Mark hit that subscribe button Below guys you  know we've got new content here every Tuesday and   every Friday follow us on Tik Tok or Instagram  otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 57,188
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Keywords: Matt Risinger, Build Show Network, The Build Show, Build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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