Literally just Breath of the Wild「Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion 🐙🔫🐙 Ep2」

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her a1 you to look her in the eyes I want you to look me in the eyes I don't even have eyes available for you guys right now so look at but I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me that isn't the most precious thing you've ever seen look at how adorable she is in her hand she holds the memories the beautiful thoughts all this admittedly horrifying creature I don't even want to know what kind of wounds this thing gets into but this is the most adorable thing I just want to make you guys aware of that okay now let's move on with the stream well good morning good night or good afternoon viewers depending on your time zone and this is filled with YouTube welcome everybody we're back it's time it's time all I've been doing for the last 24 hours has been editing but here we're finally able to play a finally able to enjoy this game again the octoling update if you guys missed the UH the last episode that I did a midnight last night er you know 9 p.m. us I want the game came out I pretty much struggled for many a 20 minutes against move it move it station which is pain but now we're back and we're gonna be doing more things I've heard from skull from his stream that apparently on each one of these lines you do you you gain the you gain some sort of new gear and also point out some it moves along with my thumb it's a feels actually incredibly kind of weird ah video games also do she has fingernails sorry looks like she has fingernails anyway what's moving along here ah let's go to this new one I don't even know what it is stamp collaborate in Coulson right that's another music reference are all these references all those little things I'm happy because I also got money cuz the if you guys don't worry if you guys forgot last night I played at my friend's switch for all the things I had to do and then I had to pretty much replay it all today like before the stream in order to get back up to exactly where I was in the last stream either way we now have money again finally because the movement movement station didn't take me five hours to deal with in this run climb your way to the goal all right without face in the background they're all do that face there was something it shouldn't I'm just saying I don't know what it knows a hey I think it's better if I don't know what it is oh what's up with you Oh God why are you carrying the dead on your head it's okay buddy you could put them down the burdens of their lives do not have to rest on your shoulders but Real Talk what's happening here oh oh now that's just cool hey you can get back up oh goodness yeah well there he goes there he goes I don't don't turn around please don't turn about you you stay facing that way your entire life at least you you have a floating telephone to look out what even is this background well that's cute little top of that being the squid thing what even is this level oh we don't we hold on a minute where are we in are we like a turbine what is that that's very clearly a giant fan I don't know okay Real Talk I what I hope we get out of this out of this update I hope I hope we learn where we are it seems like we do talk about like like for a second like you know space-time distortion and stuff but like I just want to learn weird this entire where this takes place like that this whole um well there we go there we go yeah close enough lay like this whole little area I don't know because we have the splatfest here we have up we have a bunch of different things here I want to see I want to know I want to be shown finally got a filled with stream heat yeah I mean look I straight I try to stream a fairly expected times except you know when for Nintendo itself hits me with the unexpected moment like oh yeah alright I'm just enjoying a nice smash where the stream and you know by the way octoling update tomorrow drop everything you're doing and get ready to record it was it was a crazy Street oh my god like that stream yo in case you guys missed out on last night last night I hit an all-time high of 3700 whoa oh I was so close wait are those rings I'm about to jump onto some shootings god the level design is interesting yeah dude what that's so cool man oh that's that's amazing then I'm sorry I'm just having one of these moments but man like how could you not this is such clever clever series of ideas all right well this clearly is not what I should be jumping I also you love it that they finally have like oh I see what's going on they finally have like everything plate but did not do the job oh is this one of those back isn't there I understand but I do not have the skills to follow up on there we go there we go here it comes dude what I love this man I love this this is what splatoon's single player needed a bunch of little squid balloons all tied together in a way that makes very satisfying explosions should you pop them you know that reminds me of that reminds you of exploding TNT in Minecraft not the person but I like the action of exploding TNT minecraft you guys you know you all all you 90s kids remember exploding some TNT in Minecraft like large chains of it and just watching it go that's the stuff oh we got going on here whoa okay you have now unlocked three lines you can view them in the deep city metro map cool none of the four thing it's that four thing is gonna be why they called things is that gonna be explained or was someone just having a weird day when they were naming it they couldn't decide on if they should just call it things or thing we should go with the cool kids way of saying you're just the normal expected way of saying it I've been there I've been there with a lot of husband oh well first of all I will I will always try and do the hardest mode what are you doing up there what are you doing up there little buddy take care out there oh please for your 20 targets the time also I want you jumped it take care of them once again stop please get away God for those who missed the last night's train we we have decided that he has the old wall voice why what do we got so needed bus all 20 target crates before timers in okay sure why did you okay look the task seems simple enough we want to talk about why there's giant bamboo rods existing in the world just casually hanging around also why on earth is this the challenge weapon why is this the challenge weapon this seems like like expected lately a charger would seem ideal for this would it not good dealt with dealt with BAM I needed a little bit of more more muscle for that one I don't like what's happening here but I can adjust to it I should be able to get this guy you almost got them all oh no okay that guy is gonna have to go and go for the next rotation that's okay that's okay it's this pattern memorization you know it spins that's it that's the only pattern I need to memorize okay so there's one guy up there that's not too bad I can get that guy or easy there we go climb up here that it nope this is it whoa okay that freaked me out that weird jump thing I had to do okay wait I see him what shot go for gold wait go for the jump strike double damage that block will think twice before messing with me again spin me right round that's right baby it's gold man easy squirt easy Swiffer that's right and now we get now I I have the ability to do it with every single weapon let's go oh no no don't do this to me don't do this to me don't give me another one of these we don't need more of these I think the world would be perfectly fine without any more eight balls is a fault eight balls multiple here y'all hurry up I can feel the anxiety flowing we are these bumpers or these exactly what I expect them to be please be exactly what I expect them to be polite no no no before that I've got a test they're exactly what I expect them to be except they don't go for as long as I expected I'm not I'm not gonna lie I expected them to like lie go put a bit a bit a bit you know you know destroy the universe as I slowly pushed everything around I do like this though hey it's like curling fun even not even like the actual curling bonds here we go W beat the expansion one day yeah doesn't seem like this wasn't like a long expansion by any means hey it seems like everyone was more or less beating this within about a day or two which at least gives me high hopes for my ability to handle this cuz it's a it's a tougher update you know it definitely does some things that are a little bit more difficult to handle than your normal average everyday single-player mode I'm excited plus there's so much lower in the like oh my god I was reading this this I should I go go go before anything else changes with the world wait no no no okay good yes no that's fine I have to control three of these at once all right sure at least it isn't like like at least we have railings nope no excuse me at least like I can't lose them out of balance it's just complicated like that part is fine here we go let's say there's a launchpad hiding behind the bumper is that horse a mane let's keep painting this until it works there we go what do we got oh now that's entertaining well wait until we get to those there we go how is this one guys still alive okay now everybody's gone forever deleted is he from the world around him out I can't get these all the way to the bumper balls take care of it I suppose the speedrun in this section well I once again BAM perfect wait well there we go take 2 take 2 take 2 rolling around at the speed of sound sound is apparently going very slow nowadays not the saying that you know that was you know anyway ok reply hazy try again ask you like these little memory things these are memories of oh wait these memory things are they memories from the creatures that we see or are they memories about the creatures that we see I don't know man I'm excited though I'm excited I want to see what else this mode has to offer ah hit me with a another green line but we are the new weapons out is there looking is it like a new thing coming up I thought so we had like we had like some sort of like brand-new brand-new pen thing like splatling that's what it was there was a brand new splat lengthy oh my god I remember this one yeah this is so cool I mean I wish I could hit one of them that would be delightful I appreciate that that's this good game design oh this is I see all I see the difficulty in this now the difficulty of this has made itself very apparent oh but this is gonna be cool do it Go Go eliminate them all everything in back there no this is fun no get rid of that get rid of you stop stop do it this reminds me of like um oh I actually think this is my maybe what they were going for the um that way of ordering food in Japan ah stop stop no way of ordering food in Japan where the food shoots missiles at you clearly my favorite or destination whenever I travel to Japan but um nah but it reminds me of that like takoyaki thing I think we're like you like the turrets like the round table sushi thing I thought that was the thing Japan food but I got I got squashed got swapped no they always find all right you know what I'll play this game I'll play this game I wanted a difficult single-player campaign we're out here with a difficult single-player campaign I'm the one choosing all the toughest weapons I'm not gonna complain don't worry I understand my place right now I'll complain to once we get back to the the bullet hack sections which I'm sure will soon follow get it here get out here eliminate all the small guys are no problems the problem has now presented itself god they really can't hit me anywhere here I guess behind the wall is probably safe yeah probably behind cover is my best bet at not dying but here we are not being behind cover that's ok that's good ok perfect split stop what is that for is this yeah perfect cover I owe you my life lock what is this would I just pick up this is all my like fire rate or something I don't know what that was but it's ok keep the rotation going I'll take another spin please I'll take another rotation rotisserie squid got him yes that double shot was needed ok wait him out wait a mount wait a mo you got 30 seconds good who wants to perish it's a simple question it's on everyone's mind who wishes to die right now you you guys awesome thank you 10 enemies left alright one in every second here we go boys alright that was approximately zero we're on our way use the Stingray I mean I attempted to or rather I quite literally did use the Stingray okay we have to get better with our with our direct shots if we're playing the hard weapon we can't keep messing around in hiding we got to play on the frontlines let's see you I can take care of real fast I don't need to mess around with that who else is in my fire engine no one that's okay rotate around rotate around bunch of small enemies whatever hide cool thank God they built this wall yo kill those big guys in two shots easy free free rotate you're up buddy you're up buddy I'm also as in my time is okay all you guys can die every single one not gonna mess with that you're going to perish you're going to perish you're going to perish it's a fact of life right now fact of death stop oh I see I see what that was it was there because it's just sort of rotates around oh that's really clever all right anyone up there you get out here stop it he almost snuck by the little guy all right we almost got them all don't go too fast no that's that's what i meant by don't go too fast you proceeded then to go too fast what good shot I can't be mad at that all right anyone else alive other than those guys nope don't know what this is again good stop stop stop stop rotating you've gone out of my range every single time I do not have the ability to control you apparently we need that stingray you all we need that stingray or we need a couple god-like directs but none of which are directs we got one directing that was not a that was not perfect please please aim for broke now we had no chance of that this is irritating you're still going so jet says you're still going buddy I've been screaming for 10 minutes it's all good just neighbors use blow guys yeah it's cool I'm attempted I'm tempted to use other weapons by the same time I refuse this is the challenge I need I in take upon myself this is what we all strive for we strive for a little competition in our lives we start for a little bit of a resistance it's perfect in my eyes I'm not looking for anything crazy I'm just looking to try and get some easy kills here I'm also trying to live to not get killed but you know what that's secondary frankly it's actually pretty much primary but I just want you know I won't bring that one up again thank you for getting rid of you next up stop stop with this stop with it with stop of that don't appreciate get out here you two gone yo-yo ten enemies left we got a minute in 16 seconds make it nine nine nine in a second I was hoping to get nine okay no stop stop thank you I appreciate that the compliance with the request frankly I did not expect such kindness to be exhibited from you guys you know what that was it I was in the wrong that's okay that's okay yo can I get you though I cannot you guys are way out wait a minute I'll take this come on how they're not gonna kill okay you guys need to die three kills that kill one two go free three bring them around the tastiest squid you got let's go call where's this oh it's a little snake boy you see no tooth oh he was adorable the little snake boy had a big old tooth I love them well that's adorable there are no entries in the chat log okay cool Thank You marina I appreciate your kindness how do you talk to me I don't have a head piece in marinas just following me around like yeah yeah yeah I I you enjoying the game alright don't give me a pugnacious eight-ball station why do you describe this as bodacious what about this vallah is going to be bodacious and should I really be asking those questions you're pondering life good buddy I feel you man I feel you look at him look at him you think anything will stop this guy nah nah this guy lives his life one step at a time oh he's raring to attack he entered into attack mode let's go what what wait chase the 8-ball oh cool Oh what dude I am all on a race dude let's go speedrunners you on okay well got it I chased it I found it now what I tried I tried to make that happen this is a good bonus hello oh no probably if you like messed up or something who would ever mess up with the 8-ball doh I mean I didn't mess up with the 8-ball a Paul went exactly where it should've been I think I just need to be taking this passage right right oh no there is a setting switch okay well you know what look we take you one step at a time I'm sorry octal wing the ball just smacked it don't say if that falls off right now I'm throwing my joy cons good team nice and easy it's a nice little it's a nice go okay good what's this do what has happened I'll do it again through the second bit I mean I'm working on it one second Perl BAM free you're easy you're fodder it's like I am to this ball did I not get another life from that checkpoint won't lie that that worries me a great deal here we go oops which oh okay okay I see your game I see your game move yes simple it goes pass and food flies over to get over the growling over over the grates the railing I see it yes but they shoes eight-ball cool you're the one guy who just plays video games I mean you're that youtuber who just plays video games you're that YouTube player I got him I mean I mostly edit but here I am I you caught me right-handed I am indeed playing video games dude McFly let's go the puns man they keep getting else do I love the consistency of having these guys here back to Train oh it's cool it's really under water texture thing going on here I also feel back to all the passengers that are on this train or on this Metro thing here that are just like me what is this October I'll have to keep bringing us to these weird destinations I just I just want to get the Dunkin Donuts Oh what well that's right flight ancient and dodge until time runs at all don't give me nothing dodge oh no oh no here we go I guess we're playing one of these again alright well look this one seems simpler this one seems way easier to understand and predict plus I understand the concept of jumping which apparently I was unable to fulfill alright so I can't jump warps and me one step is now but you know been understood and learned here we go you do know how to pilot an ink jet right eight do what about you just fly over there wait I can't shoot these here just eliminate them for my field here now okay there there there there there totally took their little heads away that works for me okay also think we follow wait a minute yo you can stagger them oh this is so much easier I can just stagger them apparently not don't appreciate that you can die you can perish frankly you can just go away right now and everything that's happening right now can also choose to go away if it's so desires frankly I won't be a bully it can stay oh god skulk was on my ramble there we go that wasn't nearly as tough that was like that was actually extremely uh extremely easy to handle alright what I gotta get one of these things abracadabra station okay so we have an invisible thing and we're playing with the bamboozler I cool why is there any in failable you should be wind boat I look it's not about that it's not the journey alright oh yeah these actually remind me oddly of Zelda dungeons or or not done just um they remind me of a breath of the wild shrines you know what I'm talking about you guys for some reason they just remind me of breath of the wild shrines something about lately like the constantly changing tasks that require like different mechanics and understandings and in you know what I wish to be with him but unfortunately a wall keeps us apart is there like a wall here no runs off the stage oh so we're going up there yes there we go Boop where they come from breath of the wild style there's passive found me you found me his intelligence is too high I wasn't prepared to handle a creature a beast as smart as he was all right let's go well clearly is gonna be walls in the way of these guys no there are no walls in the way they're interesting okay this is a spiral understood it better not makes me up like the last step I not appreciate that yeah we go what is that over there what does no what is that thing so what's operating that we what I saw some okay so I've actually seen some art of that wasn't there lately like a Japanese splatfest or something based around those also if you're a guy should probably be shooting inwards to try and reveal the sage that is a space shuttle oh dude for October vert for England's Hereford you know this entire race of people he's under the sea the same as like space for them that is actually pretty cool you know you two can proceed to leave the building well I have to each my shoulder sorry about that just throw a bomb in advance oh yeah I burst bombs that was I shouldn't have nearly been as tough as that well at least now we can miss uh hello bulb good day what if there is no wall there you're just supposed to jump in Fryman just die what's the prize you meant hi well we got here four paths easy wall climb thank god there's not like a bunch of more collectibles to find with this guy or or with this arm okay good with this mode where it's like every level has like five hidden things or two hidden thing is at least I'm waiting for it to like not be ground anymore okay there we go Boop Oh perfect and God you Oh God they're flying upside-down clearly here we go I can make that jump easy there's a wall there there's not a wall there cuz that you will die hey there buddy does that poor guy like trapped in the underground that I got you don't worry buddy I'll still find a way to kill you even if you hide against gravity I gotcha cut all God scale of complicated that's all right I will just say though I am really glad with how this um how this level replay system works so with this with the normal Callie and Marie single-player the whole thing is that it ordered to 1000% the game you have to play every level with every weapon and that is extremely irritating but I did it I did it don't get me wrong I was out here on that grind and III got a thousand percent what irritates me is the dude let's go that's so clever that irritating me but now the way that I've replaying levels is handled in this mode it is way better it's way more interesting to do because now you have like three you I think it's like you can play every level three times three different to like two or three different times when like like the weapons are set and different if I'll you just have to boringly play the blaster for like three hours I don't know I just I just appreciate that it makes me look forward to actually 100% in this DLC hey what do we got so clearly I jump here pop that there is a wall here pop that say goodbye to literally everyone who exists Bucci hostile same to you goodbye goodbye I do not desire you attempting to live don't know what that did freak me out for a second though I think I don't shoot anything for a second yeah that seems to be the right way to go a puzzle solving meet and then this should be the end what's up stop allow me to get to the lipstick that you're guarding I know it's clearly a sacred treasure of the octarians but look I require it ironically not for my lips but for my brain lipstick for the brain yeah I don't think Victoria's Secret is capitalized on that market yet please know what makes me a little upset reveal the path of the goal asset yes I understand that part don't worry it wasn't that part I was really missing from the level revealing the path to the goal was frankly just you know par for the course so far nothing I was really missing out on that on that feature there we go and done blah blah blah blah blah I love it man do what would have made that level better is if your ink went away after a certain amount of time for some reason they all know how but it would be it would be cooler because then it would be like the true abracadabra like it would just go away hey what is this oh yeah actually one what's up a dog matchmaker station I don't know if I want to go to this one I'm single and I'm proud frankly I love all this of course you can bring the wine bottle or the splat charger of course husband Oh look I've been wanting to ask you this for a while will you go out with me will you accompany me he will come with me come with me we're going to the matchmaking section follow me that's okay take your time all right look that's okay we'll find it'll we'll make it happen in another way what is this okay so you're supposed to shoot a shootout creates it oh this is just breath of the wild all that were actually just play minecraft remember before I was like I it's it's pretty much like minecraft dude I like to think that the devs were just like L what would be like a really fun thing but further for the the people at home for the folks at home to give a shot at this is amazing oh it's Jud dude dude wait is this just like isn't this like a like a mineplex minigame no don't charge isn't this just straight-up lightly like like a minigame on a minecraft server it actually does make me dude this does make me want to like want to play Minecraft alright well we can just get a nice clear cut off the top right there just level that level that god you ever want to scratch your back so much you just take chunks out of it oh yeah we're gonna need two digits there one over here dude this were the Minecraft pros Excel minecraft pros excel in this update oh it's free it's actually $20 but you know I mean um it's pretty good so far use a little bit off the nose we need three of the digits one don't full charge will charge that there we go and then we should Oh God could see where the issue is alright that it yeah haha you found me you can we are tough why does this seem like a perfect crossover pearl as one of those on as well as those little yeah haha guys what are they called again cuz it's not in taco it's a cat the other one was a cat look it's a dog it's not a dog it's it's quite literally a cat it was Jud Chet you make me upset yeah Crocs what up dog oh I think it's a cat yeah yeah no no core ox dude qe of pearl as a core rock if it wants to draw a pearl as a khorog hit me up on art pose on art fail boat on the discord waits imagine - lets match five ultimate confirmed here we go Smash Bros style hey what's up was this smashing - station oh lordy okay keep it family friendly all right well we got get all this happiness out of here but gone from this world watchful eyes of the of the overlords wait can I go on the oh I want to try and go on the ceiling there hello who are you wait no it's not wait what's happening here this is boss fight oh it's gonna be a boss fight ain't it let's do it baby you can call it's like attacked like a like a tactical explosion across the world here [Music] you'll hear this sound that's so cool [Music] wait how did we get here wait what hold on how did we make it here sea cucumber what you up to how you doing that magic you know well I'll leave it to you big buddy let's go dah dah dah you got a blender part [Music] durable I also miss my selfie window smile when she takes a selfie adorable you'd the bomb full rizal you got the first thing find all four and you will the promised land keep on keepin on I want to make him sound slowly more depressed as we go through this let's play as he keeps up this voice seems weirdest please okay cool any more sounds good to me I'm counting on you know your best this is the blender some right you probably shouldn't be standing on that frankly alright also while we're here I want to show you guys something that makes me think a little bit about this area so I believe there is some confirmation some lore about how tall the octolings and Inklings are compared to humans I want to show you guys something I saw when I was just messing around in this Lobby while I was playing while bored look at the how tall this door is makes you think who's using this door because they even the adults like I don't think of like even an adult squid it feels like it feels too short like aren't we supposed Jesus Jesus is exactly eight six Daniel how do you not know Oh Padre is a big boy that's true no no you're right you're right I forgot that it's not just Inklings and octolings in this world that there's actually a very large variety of people no okay you know what a little bit more understanding I guess you can jump pretty high I might say like Toy Story or something wait this is a doorknob have a hitbox yo the doorknob has a hitbox new goal get on the doorknob I know one more time all right boys I oh let's go yes we're hacking into the base dude got him got him these are the strats you use if you want to be good the doorknob strats have been confirmed I haven't walked the new area dude let's go man game theory game theory why can you stand on the doorknob in octal Canyon just closed door now go buy new area a door that that entire area man it's perfect hey what's up are you tight with my boy is so Padre yet that dude has got swag for days don't talk to me what's up funny thing about deep sea Metro you bought it for free and paid to get off huh okay interesting so get like like what's what what's your purpose again isn't there something some interaction thing I can do with you it's okay probably another time that works for me hello yo that's a wonderful wiving who is some money do you go alright now what are we doing um we've already got one of those things we could go to the left I kind of want to keep going as far as we can keep on going sticking moves I mean now we gotta go here it's my favorite weapon I'm found by that I'll roll with that oh we got crack-a-lackin' what do we got crack-a-lackin' all right Daniel calm down slow your roll well we got BAM wait I'm sorry that cost two thousand to do what is this again is this supposed to be like a bonus level fan thing wait what Oh what are there things out there hold on what wait what what just happened okay also oh no I have five lives chuckles I'm in danger I stole that from ready let's go okay you shoot them I won't lie I had a lack of understanding of the situation okay this level is beaned you a few times what was this do Oh a dumb aha all this little ZZ God chef I know there's something weird going on there who you've brought it back home no I just feel bad frankly all right okay next cool I just want check oz why there's CDs everywhere and why is this fan clogged with cotton candy oh man I don't trust this area all right all right all right all right I I see the situation all right who's ready for some action God that was confusing that was extremely confusing to handle all right good I'm actually off like full focus she was like why why have you done this to me get a very frustrated look on her face understandably so she has died yeah they're like no no what why why why I did not shoot me might as well I am just gonna redo it let's try it again don't hit that don't hit that hit this jump over here okay we didn't get the little onion rings but by all means we made it through like a hot knife through butter don't compare me to a knife that seems too threatening for my lady's little octoling adorable discontinued no composure here what happens when I shoot this oh oh oh oh that's what happened please I wish to take back that action frankly it seems fun yeah I agree with you my hammer inna oh my okay allow me to take this in steps go hit it hit it please faster more MORE oh god I'm good the concept is understood the execution ah a little bit tougher please oh my god okay now I understand why this level is a little uh is a little something it's a little something special I see what's going on here this level plays some games with you doesn't it this is all it really does play some games with you doesn't it all right well we got one more attempt we got three more attempts Plus this one or three more repurchases boom when you're actually a god with the burst bomb and so you throw one accidentally but instead you hit the little tourney thing and you that thus kills you thank you guys agente you really do suck you know that right that's okay no that's okay no I do not wish for you to hack I wish to proceed as is with it with all challenges here you I did not big surprise all right when trick shots kill you apparently apparently is okay let's try this step by step there we go that part wasn't bad what is that why do I have to use that nope I'm not gonna let her hack let me hack that's okay this is washing roulette I don't think you know a Russian Roulette is this is not Russian roulette it's not Russian although I am trying to get to a place faster than usual alright not too fast not too fast faster come on you suck just let me know yeah I know you playing games with me I know you playing games that's okay cuz I'm play some games with you it's called now watch me go watch me go good good don't watch me go that much though Bilbo this one at the tippy top sounds good to me I'll watch you go die XD alright look let the waifu hack probe can't do anything what do you mean ah da role is precious okay I can get one hand on that good this is harder than the bosses I mean you're not entirely wrong okay what if I can just jump over there right now wait a minute Oh big brain brain needs to get bigger Brady's to get bigger hey I saw that go in front of the camera let's go whoa why someone is in check throw me off with mathematics that's a fairly decent way of doing so here we are whoa you haven't locked for lines you can view them at the deep-sea metro now okay cool whoo all right got to offer a reward okay uh-oh this is not like really creepy splatoon you constantly border on this line of like how are you how is this a jpg game every so often this game makes me sing like man how was just not a pg-13 game like I don't know man anyway thank you for the 1000 bits I appreciate it to be fair the sea grapes to be fair their heads are growing out of their arms and conjoining with their necks and they have like 12 of them how do they put on that shirt I want to be real with you guys how did they put on that t-shirt hold on you guys came to see it how do you guys how do they put on that t-shirt well we no no no hold on man hold on a minute nope they're just holding it oh they're just holding there they're at the top of their head okay that's actually a little bit less creepier still fairly disturbing but a little bit more understandable okay never mind oh wait still how did they put on that shirt that's a very tight neck slit neck hole do they put on the shirt bottom below them I look let's just get going I'd love to keep rocking here alright I just open up the map um I kind of want to finish the green line cuz Bailey you get rewards for finishing lines shrinky Inc station okay works for me they put on a shirt like everyone else God woke one head at a time geez why are you judging I see you guys every so often the chats funnier than me which is like about 90% of the time or the 10% of the time it's the game being the funny thing and I'm just parroting what the game says in a weird voice but like you guys are beautiful all right let's go BAM classic splattershot meaning this level must be the hardest level well glad to know I've already wasted a couple shots just you know preemptively oh this is a level ain't it they really thought of a lot of different Mechanics for this didn't thing wait a minute hold on I was going to use him to paint the sponge but apparently he wanted to paint the ground below all right I hate that I already wasted ink um I have no sub got no special got no grace either um I do have a funky face all come on my face well this is required surely okay I've been done dirty oh I've been done exceptionally dirty but please free me all right I'll take these good single shot no problems so far some unfortunate situations but no problem you're gonna shoot the ground below me that's right I can't let that happen that's not a problem that's a guy that hurt a little bit frankly right ah okay and then cool okay they just have a way to break it good I was about to say pull him in I understand dink is almost dry there we go before I don't have enough to actually pop it hey that was fine shrinking speech I was wondering with every time I would shrink e-ink I wasn't sure if it was gonna be like some new mechanic or like I don't know that's a cool limitation I hope you get like more of these levels as like DLC so I don't know what's happening what's up what that do what let me assure you I understand you right you completed a whole series special something else I always wanted to see a full set I've been collecting my entire life and yet I've never seen full set for some reason well that full set tells an interesting story doesn't it one good turn deserves another try this on for size when you reach the promised land hypnotising shades don't worry I won't get you to do my bidding or anything I did they just look really cool I'm what is all right red white dope Oh me uh looks really cool it's a laser pointer it looks like it's pointed into my eye for some reason uh you're supposed to wear the glasses backwards uh have you never seen the bat back glasses before um oh okay any men anymore MEMS it works with me um activate CQ eighty let's go there's a CQ look like like okay I was gonna say the CQ 80 look like the the the sea cucumber guy okay right BAM what is this radical rails station it works me what's it will get wait did I do this no I need our aegis ooh feels like splatfest colors what what is rec what does that mean Oh recommanded probably worse than me hi every ward let's go oh look at my girl look at my girl with this hair maybe the two dollars from Mason Hall how you doing I'm actually doing phenomenal I'm having a good day today I won't lie I did spend like the last 12 hours editing that video that came out recently for the octo expansion so if you guys like that I would actually like super appreciate if you guys shared it with your friends and stuff best way to support my content outside of like literally just don't like super chats and stuff he's just like sharing a video with friends if you have a friend that you think would like it just hit me up it just hit him up with hit him up with a link it really does go a super long way to help me out I appreciate it all right let's go BAM that's the gate we go wait all right boss all the targets before time runs out I appreciate doesn't start until I actually move that's actually really clever of them let's go ready go alright pearl and marina understood that one's free never mind I am free I now understand alright the premises here premises here and good to go get rid of you get rid of you now I can jump off these guys please buy jump please transfer rails ok what am I missing what am I missing I'm missing these three good well so I'm missing I need to go inwards how do I go inwards without touching those alright well I mean look here we go I can get you easy good hop over there hop up here whoa almost missed that for some reason my brain was not on for that Zach you need time that's okay yeah eight seconds yeah unlikely potentially not impossible if I can flip over to the other side maybe that's okay what if me popping actually broke the last one though that sounds good then you'll name your octiline I should actually name you know what since I may potentially be switching to octiline for a little bit just because you know new new new new DLC I would like to try it out I should actually name each of my each of my characters I should name the UM no up up I thought that by Iowa I can't stop there we go actually if I just shoot from up here that may be an extremely optimal way of just handling that cuz then i may just randomly hit things that are down below here we go yeah i should name each of the octolings or each of my characters because I have a I have a squid and I have an octiline and now that : hold on take the low path up one left come on jump shot go yes Big D Big D P booty boobies boob that's a good idea I should name them we'll see well name them fail the other one quote no I want to give them like actual names you yell for things but actually Oh are there four lines and thus one thing per line that makes sense I guess go over here now no I should want to go over here I want to see what's more on the left side all that eight-ball station hit all seven eight balls which are cool more eight balls join us name one woo me no look oh good all my favorite weapons and more what we got hmm okay bolt parallel check okay first of all eliminating second of all five lives third of all eight balls fourth of all chat is already like oh no oh is this like an ink tape I get it all right this one is ounds like a doozy let's do it do it oh I have to I have to play pool yo this is just actually pool I mean not not actually pool but like the concept is very very very you know pool all right that guy is good that guy is good how do I get that guy didn't go where I was hoping how do I get that shot oh I need to have the biggest brain I've ever had today okay now one is clearly intended to be able to get all those that's okay it's not looking amazing how will I do jump this level with the sploosh-o-matic please wait a minute hold on oh wait a minute y'all easy easy I just miss let's go simple geometry men Hans are schemata I agree the biggest brain at least 3000 IQ at bare minimum well we got over here deep-sea metronome at prop station spin2win see I I agree I agree with these uh with this language see we got spin2win the concept is simple the execution simpler where's my trophy all right let's go oh hold on hold on easy let's go sweat that sweat that past part that pass card go ride the propeller lifts to the goal okay eight there's a lift down below I love how these are like I'm sorry I know I brought up the analogy before but I do love how these are just breath of the wild shrines all right how's this work again wait what is this music you'll realtruck I need to listen to these jams later every one of these tracks sounds like an absolute slap let's go what is an absolute slap it's like it's agony slap or not I couldn't eat slapper it's okay oh no frankly it just sounds kind of cool and thus I will now use it every time I describe a song I feel so good to have infinite ink again dude I'm just saying man Inklings don't got anything on these octolings the trials I've had to perform are nothing compared to uh or the trials at any of the Inklings have had to perform are nothing compared to these this is like tightrope walking and clings got nothing on this absolutely nothing I did not do the um Evo missions from splatoon one would surprise me if they were kind of similar like this yeah I know I never did I could now technically I have the amiibo wait is this a DK reference Paulo is this a DK reference you see the tape well I know you guys see like like like like the caution tape that's like that's like yeah no this is totally a 76 mm reference or whatever whatever it is yo someone's got a fact check me on that that looks like that looks exactly like 76 AM or not 76 but I love I like like one of the classic DK levels so give me someone give me some help on that I'm trying to read chat right now it's actually a fairly big struggle fire give it all you got I'm working on that hold on old man one step at a time thank you it's one behind me ours isn't there stop no man no okay we're back here this was in the beginning was it no no this is not the beginning that's okay Thank You marina however I have already learned that from a previous life oh dude speedrun easy speed run strats Spears fears my speed runs man I brought it up before I actually cannot wait for speed runs of this story mode like if anyone can look this up on like speed run calm like is there already speed runs of this mode that would not surprise me and again he would make me very happy look good the gate is open ah gotcha hey let's go man one of these days I'm gonna jump right past that listen to your fans I'm trying Julian I'm giving my best wait one is the Rainmaker alive what what is the Rainmaker have a memory whoops I didn't mean to press Plus well here we go there's got to run that back real fast I also love how how some people are well cool I love to have some people in chat just said uh or one person Chad said are the October expansion is out guys October's been confirmed moved to 32 days get hype Halloween is now twice as long all right run that back um here too cool for school slap slap bracelet station yo hit me up it's slap bracelet station what on earth do I get off for here and works me men all right what do we got play me topia I mean eventually right now though every day is a little bit more octo expansion I'll be doing more games tomorrow in addition to octo expansion but if right right now wait a minute or those things slap bracelets are these they're slap bracelets I understand I never thought of that it's actually really really cool what hey did you not realize it's nope never did it's extremely cool though alright you realize it they always just called them Fuhrer's I didn't know why or I thought they did I could be wrong I love wall riding in this game I wished I wish hear me out I wish wall riding was faster or or more interesting more and more it's more like more optimal more more reasons to do it because it would be so cool if in like actual multiplayer games you just broke out the wall ride lucio style dodged a shot and got the kale like of course going up is fine and jumping off of them is whatever but like I want to do some like horizontal stuff up up up up up up up that was like that was a the exact opposite that's no problem though we actually probably speedrun this section cuz I already know how to get these guys are all one hit kills guy that's an easy kill good and now we just do this yeah Jet Set Radio lucio style oh my god I'm so good at this game hey at least we saved ourselves that time whoops we don't need that alright so what's the goal feel weird of me making go we're meto be a win but uh don't worry about me making some tells me you'll be fine didn't okay Oh what is her abdominal strength what is my octolings abdominal strength to be able to hold themselves up by their right toes falls thirty feet on to their pinky toe yeah we cool hi I see I see so wait hold on if I shoot this I can't do anything right ah ha okay um rep let's go that's probably not the intended way of doing that but thanks problem no what doe sup zip Zam am i right though sup zip Zam am i right BAM let's run that back real fast thank you like sup zip Zam thank you once again bro fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me also don't like how you said booyah when I perished kazakova there's things you're not telling me got some hidden resentment for me here what say let me just jump on the jump thing LOL jk let me just jump off of the jump thing the truest of all irony okay okay I see I I see you I see you of course it's Bom of course it's a bomb of course it's bomb of course it's a bomb why of course in order to solve this puzzle I will need to use my bomb there we go thank you bite it love that okay here we go beautiful blam blam bow an animal slap braces sleaze slap bracelet station I love it wham bam boom boom you poor boy well hold on a minute I saw a very large void to my left an absolute unit if you will I think for the $2 from Corey who I assume is in their own house hey I hope you're enjoying the octo expansion I'm actually loving the octo expansion I appreciate the support thank you thank you Corey with an exclamation point all right all right you haven't locked six lines all right works on me you can view them in the DC metro map stations with a target sign contain one of the four things aha the pulsating things understood all right look ah your god okay what's up big boy how's it going do you have hit boxes I can land on the doorknob did so now frankly the entire world is open to us when surprised me if I can actually land on the on the geometry of this pole like say the pole that's like a little thing I could like okay I tried also dude where are we going man eventually they better eject oh that's adorable hold on I'm not sure if you can see that it's like really tough to see but captain cuttlefish his phone background is of Kidd Callie and Marie oh it's adorable don't appreciate how you're looking at me but that's adorable man I love this world this is such a cool world ah dude also Real Talk this entire area is very studio ghibli for some reason this whole world feels very very studio ghibli okay hello oh okay next step where we off to sue me sue me you little lad you would do over a little ad whoop um let's go upwards yeah blue line boys I'm watching this ten seconds back hello the guy I twenty seconds in the future passed passed probably there we go we got ballers size station let's go I haven't done one of these yet ball time boys whoo holds er detonate got him oh she's so cute look at my little hamster ball child boom be gone good eye I will wear away your shield one shot at the time here oh I also only have like one second to actually win this level in good good try sniper you almost got me but I got myself that's right well I got him guys that's okay now I understand I forgot about the time limit my mistake there I was getting too wrapped up with the whole having fun in the hamster ball thing oh do let's go let's write any of graham crackers those things on the ground don't know why I remember this yeah why isn't it more geometry like that in normal levels no stay back muda muda why is there more like 45 degree angle geometry dodge use octa missiles and keep going I work Sammy meant you've already trained me to dodge everything with that one level hey heck issue level 5 don't worry all this stuff is child's play of which I will hit 2 of and then die child's play let's make this happen nice and easy here woof and boop boop is my favorite swimmy sound I saw 2 dollar donation but I can't really reading right now hold on give me a little bit let me just get this let me just get this thing to the end glorious goal is up there No yeah my way whoo wham wheel boy no wheel wait wait it's so cool man when life gives you lemons you make apple juice well you know what Cory yes but in order to do that you have to go down to a CVS and you know spend some hard-earned money on it up to you if you want to make the apple juice or lemonade your call we left gives you lemons called get some Domino's because they have a $5.99 deal going off or any to medium items you know if I was sponsored by Domino's don't worry you guys would know that wouldn't I wouldn't I wouldn't play that like a hidden thing both sponsored by Domino's I die I die I'd make it known wait a minute it's a normal level kind of yo they've recreated a level okay all you gotta do is ride that tower all the way to the enemy goal okay I what I want to know is how like loyal of a recreation this is like the octolings obviously made this you know what I like with the purpose of um of replicating what the squids have because there's like is there like some lot lately layers of jealousy and they come in in the world here and that's why things are like this sort of oh hey they're here okay get out of here thank you it's not what it's all about why they like they like there's some like layer of jealousy and stuff that's a good spot for that good idea Mia wasn't our last conference concert the best I feel yet oh they're just having some fun you over here you over here I know you are what oh my god you're really hitting me with a stingray no I'm getting competitive flashbacks okay Oh what that's a little bit busted well if that's the case you guys are all dead I thought was like once they jumped on the on the tower it was over I thought wearing like constant overtime rules I'll forget in there yeah you got my point oh I understand I I understand the principles of the fight they can't indeed hop on the tower oh my god I'm actually just playing competitive right now oh my god I'm actually just playing competitive are they gonna actually ride the tower oh my god oh oh oh oh I see I see see you're playing that game are you you're playing this game are you I understand the principle of the fight now before I didn't understand the rules I was just sort of playing it by ear now I understand why I understand the dynamic of the fight it's over for them I thought I just couldn't get off now I can get off any time I want and I can always leave that's okay all good tracking skills you really got me easy come back Colin I know how to handle that situation wait a minute dude this update or rather this DLC is teaching players how to handle common strategies in the meta that is actually so good because like the first um the first uh well what is it what was it the first um like the point of single-player originally is to sort of teach you about like the single-player mechanics and and how to handle them p1 sorry this a lot going on and how to handle them and how to fight against them this is designed for the next level that is so clever since when is the Inc Briella meta I mean you know if you want to play it it's meta in your mind in your weird mind but you know what I mean I'm just talking with like you could play whatever weapon you want there they're just training you how to deal with like more intense combat this really sites just really smart I like it intended you actually know what you're doing every so often every so often I love you baby but like look you just don't it's right let's keep going I did don't worry we all don't know what we're doing all the time what get the little boy oh we do be taking aim at him I just want to look at him look at him the absolute unit he's not a big unit but he is a cute one this texture man I feel like so cool okay anyway yeah for only $20 you two can learn how to deal with stingray on tower control god I paid $20 I paid $20 to enjoy fighting against a stingray on tower control what on earth was I thinking when I bought this oh this is Amna this is horrible oh let's go here comes nope let's go apparently even brands have memories that can be compiled into small little things now you guys I don't like what i zoom because you can see my shaky hands it makes me feel very self-conscious and get real good okay looks platoon stop there phrasing let's go BAM hydra splatling oh i'll see the chat log oh that's right I forgot the chat log I don't wanna be I don't want to waste your time with just reading the chat log chat shut should I read the chat log not you guys but lately like the the pearling marina chat log and Captain cuttlefish chat log there is some funny dialogue I've heard that comes from it I don't wanna like waste your time if you guys are just like not into it or maybe do you know what I'll do you know what I'll do I will one day once I beat the game I will once I get all of them I will go back through and read them all I think that would be like the better way of handling it well maybe I should read it all right now I don't know I really have it all so I'm not sure I don't think that I don't think that's that's a too bad of an idea I'll so I can climb up this right yeah there we go I did moves in directions I was now ready and willing to face alright please Ariel look left then right then behind alright oh I see what's going on all right left done oh my god I just realized what we're being surrounded by I used to have these when I was a kid Nintendo what are you doing to me in my nostalgia I never thought splatoon would give me this kind of nostalgia so what am I suppose to be doing here I see what I'm supposed to be doing here here we go yeah it's it's it's like those things that you can't really put a name on like these random objects that I'm like oh I remember these like they're things I can never give you a name of but like this entire update is like 90s nostalgia spreader oh boy oh I see understood blistering barnacles it's using the same ink as agent oh it is nice to have one of my size suppose yo can we talk about this girl's upper-body strength she fires this splatling with so much accuracy and she doesn't even need to move her knees at all even or just general upper body completely static when firing this my god I'm just incredibly impressed frankly oh ya know clackers I guess they did literally just have a name a big water there are some other things though I'm just saying that that are a little bit harder to describe it I did to give a name for but you know you're right those Laur clackers I didn't see that coming well I think I do see the exit though okay ah this is fun man this is a fun update look at her oh I love this game man this is a fun game all right let's get her second thing we got four of them to get it apparently can beat this entire thing in one stream so I imagine once you get all four yo you win but uh no two full sets I didn't even notice we had a full set let's go what's going on my man where you at well the full set tells an interesting story doesn't not dude I'm legit just gonna do a lore street one day I'm gonna do a war stream because we got it like like we got to do all of the little mem the mem cakes I want to look I want to read all the men cake poems plus read all the all all the lore lightly like from the from the chat logs so probably after I beat the final boss of this mode I'll be like alright let's go through it all one good turn deserves another try this on for size when you reach the promised land whoa alright let's go man my own collection topped out at a mighty - mmm cakes I mean - mmm cakes is not a meal it's not even much of a snack you eat them nonny just beat it anyway uh we're we're - now we're - now of course the last one break and bounce station hmm the last one I don't think I actually did a level four I just went up and I popped the thing I'm suspicious this room is pretty small yeah I'm working on it I can't climb on the walls right I can't climb on the ceiling okay maybe your room is too big I don't know again I feel like this part is like it is building up for something it's whatever I'll play I'll play it by ear by the way man I read chat I don't want to mess around with that take a selfie with the blender pose on Instagram give my girl a cleaner little thing to push around while you have to give her the rusty one come on I don't appreciate that slamming you found the second thing all right that is half of them you are a bad man but jam a rock on don't stop stop your little blue ball whoops so the four things came in different shapes and sizes they look like parts of something not sure why it's a play it's a blender ooh I wonder what it's always all leading up to looking forward to it though me I am the blender but I'm fairly satisfied with how this stream went for one for now I'm trying to think what else we have to handle here hmm you know what let's read it now if she fits she sits let's read it now we are through we have four sessions to go through here or should we read it now or should we wait till later I don't know man we got a lot of things we could read right now I'm not sure whether it's best to read it now or wait to uh or wait for the full thing here I'm tempted but I'm not going to what I do want to do though imagine inkopolis let me hop back here so actually aren't there new weapons or something now don't we get like three eight new weapons available to us what is this I remember this being here I think all these little poster boards change it's cool I appreciate it it's nice um I suppose this is cute uh oh hello yo shout out let me just gonna shout out to this person really fast mr. Polk mr. pokey is this person on Twitter or something because they were the star of my of my thumbnail my uh my thumbnail that I used um for the octoling video I couldn't find any great photos of ah clings and even Taylor tried to help me out and get a good photo for me but even then I wanted to use one with red hair and I just happen to see mr. pokey hanging around right over here and I was able to walk in front of them and go have a screenshot in case you guys were learning how I got that photo anyway thank you all for watching today there's been a fun stream uh I'm ready to what is this gear that's so cool-looking man fresh I'm not sure I feel you should play another game I just don't know what that's okay we have a short history I actually was an hour in 30 minutes that's okay you know what III was doing a lot of uh a lot of editing today I'm actually probably gonna eat and take a nap I am very tired now I think about it I will hook you guys up with the radio so that way you guys have someone to watch join it tomorrow we got the sponsor stream coming tomorrow we're gonna be playing three games as an extension plus however however many people donate or I've lit for every sponsor we get we're gonna be increasing the street the length of the stream by 15 minutes so three games plus extra games for every 15 minutes we may end up going five hours maybe I think it's five and a half would be the absolute max maybe we'll make it six for that stream a potential six hour stream coming tomorrow I will need some sleep for that thank you all for watching to next half whatever feel like doing and this is vincible - why okay Real Talk though do not new weapons I'll better like new weapons that came out I want to play them leave over watching and I'll see you around see what little rate I want to do a selfie with this person they were cool BAM thank you mr. pokey all right I think you for the $2 George I appreciate that two dollars with the wit with the fail Harold there all right let's hit up a raid we got a thousand six hundred thousand three hundred people man that was my previous high up until like a couple days ago that's wild to me um who do you guys want to read who's live right now who's live in my sub feed let me give some love to what am I to one of my friends well I guess we did raid skull recently hmm the Trinity RBG is is gone right now who's playing the update I'll send you over to another splatoon to youtuber who we got going on have I greeted this dude before I'm trying to think about rainy this dude before they have a very cool thumbnail seems like they're playing a very interesting level well you know what let's give it all this to give it over to them let's hand it over to them we're gonna be reading a guy named Ferran fu r8n don't forget you guys rules of the stream are not our rules it's now their rules once you head on over there so um let's see if we can get 500 people hopping over there thank you all for watching today's stream ah you guys are cool here comes the link spam spam some hearts in there chappies super polite be super respectful uh their tag is fur on I believe I'll get that to you guys one more time there bam thank you all for watching and let's get like 500 people over there I'll see you around whoa
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 141,134
Rating: 4.927949 out of 5
Keywords: Splatoon 2, Octo Expansion, Failboat, DLC, Part 2, Ep 2
Id: pJcit12p2GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 6sec (5946 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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