Listwanite & Gold: Unexpected Rich Gold Strike! Richest Gold Ore In The District??

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hey guys my name is Jason with Mount Baker Mining  and metals and on today's video I'm back in this   Creek a couple weeks ago I posted a video where  I found some list one night or list the night   which is a green mineral it's a it's a nickel  bearing mineral and it's really really pretty   it's it's uh it's the green is the nickel and  it's got white and gray in it so today I'm on   the hunt for more lists tonight so let's go see  what we can find that's what we're looking for   so the green is nickel the white  is either a carbonate or quartz   and then there's a little bit of dark gray  in there as well and what this is is this is   a metamorphosed ultramafic rock that's why it  has the nickel in it probably in a fault Zone   hydrothermally altered and it just turns out  really really pretty check it out look it up   on on Wikipedia or something list of the night I  think is what it's called but there's a there's   a really nice specimen and they're just they  look kind of orangey not not much going on on   the surface the green on the bottom tipped me off  to it here's another one I spotted the green on that's a good looking piece I'm not  gonna break that one open I'm going   to take that one home put it in the saw  see what it looks like on the inside but   that's what you're looking for there's  a pretty little piece right right there see how green that is that's a nice piece too bad it's not bigger   I'm not sure about this one here it's got some  green Speckles on it let's see what happens here yeah that's the stuff oh look  that one has some pyrite in it   oh that's pretty cool what does this look like   yeah that's pretty neat with the pyrite in it  that's a keeper there's another one right there   and get it out of there it's got green on the  surface oh yeah look at those nice green pieces   we'll put him in the saw too well here's a piece  I found and I broke open it just had a little bit   of green showing at the top and then it was this  white on top and black on the bottom but look at   when I broke it open it's got that green in  the middle white and black it's almost like   Dan heard's ocean picture Stone both sides  there you got the land the water in the sky   that's pretty cool what do you think Dan is that  worth keeping well I think I got one right here   I can't tell if that green is just like  moss from the or algae from the river oh no that's good oh yeah look at all that green that's gonna  slab up real nice I'm just looking for the   the orange ones and there's a lot of orange  rocks in the creek here but you got to find   the ones with a little bit of green on them  and sometimes they're hard to spot but if you   can find the ones with green like ooh what's  that one right there let's go look at that one oh that one doesn't look very good  but that one looks um not good either now that's just some volcanic about that one nope  so you gotta find the ones with the green on them   but I'm looking back up under the brush and the  Creek's real high right now so I can't get across   so I'm kind of having to work this little bar and  uh it's hard because I don't have a lot of space that might be interesting it's kind  of slimy let's break that one open Hammer cam oh that's cool it's it  doesn't have any green in it but it's definitely iron rich see  how orange it is on the outside I wonder if that's list when I without any Nickel  in it we're back in the shop set up and ready start with this one that has that puritite stuff  on it because I'm really curious about that   and I need your help here what's the best  way to cut these up what's the the most   interesting thing I can I can do with these  things should I make them into a quarter inch   half inch slabs so people can make cabochons  out of them should I cut a couple smooth faces   on them so they're stand ups uh let me know  leave me a comment below we're all set up and   clamped in I'm just going to take a little  slab off that face hopefully we still have   some of that puritite or pyrite in there so  we can take a look at what's going on there   and our big diamond blade is just going to slice  right through there let's see what we got here now I'm going to turn it so this flat faces down  cut off this top part so we can have a little   stand up looking thing oh I cut the bottom off  it see what she looks like now that's a pretty   cool little stand up piece nice green there  on that face there's a pretty one look at that oh yeah see what this house looks like beautiful whoa check that out that's wild look at that on this one too oh  yeah wow that's pretty cool huh that's a neat one here's a real nice one   look at that one this one's cool  because I cut uh parallel with the grain   and you get that a lot more green if you hit  it just right and then if you pull this guy out this is a cool one so you've got parallel and  perpendicular with the grain so you can see the   different characteristics there that's pretty cool  here's a look at everything I got cut a bunch of   stand-ups there's two in particular I want to look  at a Little Closer this one and this big tall one   so let me go get my microscope I'll take a look  we'll take a look at this one here first I'm   gonna use this little microscope Clips right on my  phone it's really cool I've used a lot of my other   videos I got a link in the description if you want  to check it out now here's what I wanted to look   at there's a bunch of sulfides in this one all  those little gray bands and what I wanted to see   is if there's any gold in here because I've also  heard this called I think it's called mariposite   and this is what they used to look for in the  mother lode California area and this would be   real indicative of gold so when I saw these  sulfides I got pretty excited but I don't see any yellow gold it's just sulfides it might be worth  getting some of this stuff acid but it's really pretty look at the broken  up quartz and the green looks like the   green filled in once the courts broke up  I think there's a really good you can see   I don't know I'm making this up can you  see the quartz growth into the green or vice versa I don't know it almost looks like the green is clear  and the quartz like like a fluid and the   quartz grew into it I've got this one washed  and cleaned up a little bit and look at the   structure going on in that rock holy moly it  was folded two or three times and then faulted that's a really neat little specimen there  this was the last one I cut and it's more   green throughout but there's something right  up here I want to look at with the microscope   there's something right there there's  a little Dusty I don't know if you can   see it on the camera but there's a little  Dusty yellow right along there we'll have   to take a look at that one with the microscope  let's see if we can find that yellow stuff oh hey what's all that yellow stuff man that sure looks like gold holy cow is that all gold oh look at that wow is that is that gold look at that it's all the way along that streak wow wow I don't know guys what do you think that  sure looks like gold to me I think that's gold I think that's all really really fine gold   with some bigger pieces holy smokes here's  the other half and the gold continues right along the other half right down those bands wow I've never seen anything  like that in this District it's always been in the quartz veins but that  looks like some really really rich gold or whoa look at that whoa look at that jeez there's Gold Everywhere on this  I wonder what this one would assay oh man it's in the it's in  the green and everywhere   wow that is a rich one so now I've got these  home and I'm just finding gold all over them   I want to show you right in this green  band right here there's a bunch of gold   so we're right in the border with the gray white  and the green on top As you move over here you   just start seeing little flecks of gold it's  it's pretty much all in the green it seems like   so this is that other tall one that had the  mineralization in it it doesn't have as much   gold as that other one but I think  that's a piece of gold right there   right in the left of the  screen there but I don't see   gold in the Bands like we did in that previous one but there's a lot of mineralization in this one a  lot of sulfides not much gold this one's cool this   is the one actually both of these that I broke in  the creek there and it's kind of like that ocean   picture Stone so those would make some really  cool cabochons for somebody I didn't cut those I   just left those as as natural and then these ones  have the vibrant green those ones those ones back   there these ones are a little more structurally  interesting so a lot of cool stuff going on each   one of these rocks is is unique and different  it's pretty neat well there you go guys very   cool adventure I like walking along and finding  no gemstone quality minerals just laying in the   creek that's pretty cool so if you're interested  in any of these samples I'll have a list on eBay   so you can check them out there otherwise thanks  for watching and we'll see on the next video
Channel: mbmmllc
Views: 38,812
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Keywords: mbmm, mbmmllc
Id: iJk0mvPkh9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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