Listening B1 - 7º Test PET | English Listening

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[Music] now open your question paper and look at part 1 there are seven questions in this part for each question there are three pictures and a short recording choose the correct picture and put a tick in the box below it before we start here is an example what's the time have you got the time yes it's 20 past 3:00 the first picture is correct so there is a tick in box a look at the three pictures for question 1 now now we are ready to start listen carefully you will hear each recording twice 1 where is the station excuse me can you tell us the way to the station take the second on the right and it's at the end of that road listen again excuse me can you tell us the way to the station take the second on the right and it's at the end of that road to where did the woman put the calculator have you used my calculator yes can't you find it I put it back on the desk where next to the lamp I think no wait a minute hits on that pile of books now listen again have you used my calculator yes can't you find it I put it back on the desk where next to the lamp I think no wait a minute hits on that pile of books three where is Helen is Helen here yes she's over there next to the man in the shorts he's a widow her brother I think listen again is how I'm here yes she's over there next to the man in the shorts in fur with her her brother I think for which building was hit by lightning did you hear the storm last night of course it was right over our apartment and seemed to hit something near the hotel yes the factory near the church was hit by lightning its lucky no one was at work now listen again did you hear the storm last night of course it was right over our apartment and seemed to hit something near the hotel yes the factory near the church was hit by lightning it's lucky no one was at work five what does the woman want to buy now I've bought the skirt I think I need some new shoes to go with it can't you wear your boots no they're too old I think it would look better with flat shoes come on then let's try that shop over the road now listen again now I've bought the skirt I think I need some new shoes to go with it can't you wear your boots no they're too old I think it would look better with flat shoes come on then let's try that shop over the road six which picture does the woman decide to send my mother wants me to send her a photo of our new house which one should I send ah this one is nice with the children playing in the back garden I prefer this one with you standing by the front door what's under that one then now listen again my mother wants me to send her a photo of our new house which one shall I send ah this one is nice with the children playing in the back garden I prefer this one with you standing by the front door what's under that one then seven which hotel has the man chosen have you decided which hotel you're going to stay in oh yes it's the largest in the area it's got four floors and it's right on the seashore and there's an outdoor pool as well so we'll be able to swim every day now listen again have you decided which hotel you're going to stay in oh yes it's the largest in the area it's got four floors and it's right on the seashore and there's an outdoor pool as well so we'll be able to swim every day now turn to part 2 questions 8 to 13 you will hear a radio interview with a man who works on an international camp for each question put a tick in the correct box you now have 45 seconds to look at the questions for part 2 now we are ready to start listen carefully you will hear the recording twice hi there on last week's program we interviewed the man behind the idea of the International camps so I thought that this week you'd be interested to hear more about one of the camps which will be held later this year over to you Michael thank you yes the camp is open to everyone between the ages of 18 to 23 you don't have to be a student you don't even have to be employed but you must be able to speak one foreign language in addition to your mother tongue okay and what about accommodation well the international camp organisers supply tents which sleep up to four people but you are unlikely to know the people who you'll be sharing a tent with the nationalities are mixed so you'll be sharing with people who may not even speak your language sounds interesting who does the cooking at the camp everybody is expected to help with the running of the camp that means helping to prepare food keeping a campsite clean and tidy and so on the camp organizers are looking for people who can get along with others whatever happens and is there anything you need to take well as I've said tents are provided but you'll need to bring your own pillow knife fork and spoon if you get chosen you're also asked to bring along photographs postcards anything that shows some of the traditions and customs of your own country everything goes into an exhibition at the start of the camp together with a huge map of the world showing the different countries people come from and is there any entertainment yes there is everyone helps to provide the camp entertainment you are expected to sing dance or play something musical it doesn't matter how good or bad you are there is a space on the forum to write down what you can do sounds great fun and what does it all cost well you have to find your own way to the camp so it's up to you whether you fly cycle walk hitchhike or whatever the charge for a week camp is $300 but you'll have to change that into your own currency to get a better idea of the cost you have to pay the full cost before you arrive but you can pay in any currency you want or you can use a credit card if you have one right now for the phone number to ring it's oh one now listen again hi there on last week's program we interviewed the man behind the idea of the international camp so I thought that this week you'd be interested to hear more about one of the camps which will be held later this year over to you Michael thank you yes a camp is open to everyone between the ages of 18 to 23 you don't have to be a student you don't even have to be employed but you must be able to speak one foreign language in addition to your mother tongue okay and what about accommodation well the international camp organizers supply tents which sleep up to four people but you are unlikely to know the people who you'll be sharing a tent with the nationalities are mixed so you'll be showing with people who may not even speak your language sounds interesting who does the cooking at the camp everybody had expected to help with the running of the camp that means helping to prepare food keep the campsite clean and tidy and so on the camp organizers are looking for people who can get along with others whatever happens and is there anything you need to take well as I've said tents are provided but you'll need to bring your own pillow knife fork and spoon if you get chosen you're also asked to bring along photographs postcards anything that shows some of the traditions and customs of your own country everything goes into an exhibition at the start of the camp together with a huge map of the world showing the different countries people come from and is there any entertainment yes there is everyone helps to provide the camp entertainment you are expected to sing dance or play something music it doesn't matter how good or bad you are there is a space on the forum to write down what you can do sounds great fun and what does it all cost well you have to find your own way to the camp so it's up to you whether you fly cycle walk hitchhike or whatever the charge for a week's camp is $300 but you'll have to change that into your own currency to get a better idea of the cost you have to pay the full cost before you arrive but you can pay in any currency you want or you can use a credit card if you have one right now for the phone number to ring it's oh one that is the end of part 2 you now turn to part three questions 14 to 19 you will hear a young woman who has applied for an office job talking about her jobs abroad for each question fill in the missing information in the numbered space you now have 20 seconds to look at part 3 to start listen carefully you will hear the recording twice and though miss Brownlow come and sit down now I'd like you to tell me more about the two years you spent abroad after leaving school all right well I decided to go abroad to see the world I only intended staying for six months but in the end I stayed two years first of all I worked for a family I looked after their three children all under the age of 10 so I was kept very busy I really like the family but after six months I was ready for a change although I didn't want to come home then I applied for a job in a hotel as a receptionist that way I could still practice my languages and it was really good because I had my own room in the hotel and I had all my meals there as well and then a hotel closed down but the manager offered me a job in a bakery it belonged to his brother and I worked there for almost a year at the beginning it was really hard because I had to get up so early in the morning around 4 o'clock every day but once I got used to that it was great because I'd finished work by 2 o'clock in the afternoon and the rest of the time was my own but my parents thought I ought to come home and get a proper job and I suppose they were right so that's when I applied for the job with the bank international in their foreign department and so I continued to use my languages you've had quite a lot of experience haven't you now if I could ask you now listen again and no miss Brownlee come and sit down now I'd like you to tell me more about the two years you spent abroad after leaving school alright well um I decided to go abroad to see the world I only intended staying for six months but in the end I stayed two years first of all I worked for a family I looked after their three children all under the age of 10 so I was kept very busy I really like the family but after six months I was ready for a change although I didn't want to come home then I applied for a job in a hotel as a receptionist that way I could still practice my languages and it was really good because I had my own room in the hotel and I had all my meals there as well and then a hotel closed down but the manager offered me a job in a bakery it belonged to his brother and I worked there for almost a year at the beginning it was really hard because I had to get up so early in the morning around 4 o'clock every day but once I got used to that it was great because I'd finished work by two o'clock in the afternoon and the rest of the time was my own but my parents thought I ought to come home and get a proper job and I suppose they were right so that's when I applied for the job with the bank international in their foreign department and so I continued to use my languages you've had quite a lot of experience haven't you know if I could ask you that is the end of part 3 you now turn to part four questions twenty to twenty five look at the six sentences for this part you will hear a conversation between a father and his daughter Sonia decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect if it is correct put a tick in the box under a four yes if it is not correct put a tick in the box under B for know you now have 20 seconds to look at the questions for part four to start listen carefully you will hear the recording twice so this time next week you will be 18 can't believe in it neither can i you don't seem a day over 10 thank you anyway have you thought what you'd like for your birthday well I wondered whether I could have driving lessons but we don't have a car I know but it would be useful to know how when I have my own car but you're still at school how could you afford a car but most people in my class are having driving lessons well maybe their parents can afford a car there's no point in having lessons if you can't practice Maria says I can practice with her family's car oh so you've discussed it with Maria and I wonder what her parents would say if they knew do you know how much car insurance costs yes it's expensive but I could get a job on Saturday or Sunday and help pay for it if I could drive I could probably get a job more easily you know delivering things or taking people to places yes why not my daughter Sonya with her own taxi service where do you think you're going to get a car I thought I would drive other people's look I know you want to be like your friends but it's not sensible to think of driving until you can afford your own car why don't I pay for you to have a lesson so that you can see what it's like and if the day ever comes when I'm rich I'll be happy to help you buy a car now what would you like for your birthday okay dad you win but I'd still like to begin saving anyway until then what I'd really like would be to go out to dinner with you and mum to save mum cooking that's a good idea and I'll tell you what we'll go by taxi now listen again so this time next week you will be 18 can't believe in it neither can I you don't seem a day over 10 thank you anyway have you thought what you'd like for your birthday well I wondered whether I could have driving lessons but we don't have a car I know but it would be useful to know how when I have my own car but you're still at school how could you afford a car but most people in my class are having driving lessons well maybe their parents can afford a car there's no point in having lessons if you can't practice Maria says I can practice with her family's car oh so you've discussed it with Maria and I wonder what her parents would say if they knew do you know how much car insurance costs yes it's expensive I could get a job on Saturday or Sunday and help pay for it if I could drive I could probably get a job more easily you know delivering things or taking people to places yes why not my daughter Sonya with her own taxi service where do you think you're going to get a car I thought I would drive other people's look I know you want to be like your friends but it's not sensible to think of driving until you can afford your own car why don't I pay for you to have a lesson so that you can see what it's like and if the day ever comes when I'm rich I'll be happy to help you buy a car now what would you like for your birthday okay dad you win but I'd still like to begin saving anyway until then what I'd really like would be to go out to dinner with you and mum to save mum cooking that's a good idea and I'll tell you what we'll go by taxi that is the just part four you now have six minutes to check and copy your answers onto the answer sheet that is the end of the test you
Channel: Listening Inglés
Views: 85,037
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Keywords: aprender ingles, aprender listening, ingles b1, listening b1, aprender ingles b1, escuchar listening, escuchar ingles, escuchar ingles gratis, listening PET, ingles basico, como aprender ingles, ingles, preguntas y respuestas en ingles, ingles para iniciantes, ingles pronunciación, ingles online, ingles facil, clases de ingles, ingles para principiantes, curso de ingles, ingles intermedio, ingles aprender, preguntas en ingles, english in brazil, English Listening
Id: reQD_98gP6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2017
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