Yume 2kki - Nitro Rad

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oh damn, I kind of brushed off Yume 2kki.. but this presents it pretty well, I might have to give it a shot

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/EmilyThePenguin 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2016 🗫︎ replies
I draw red UMaine iki fangames there are so many I've talked about a handful of them before dot flow Nietzsche LC D de m and answered prayers all of these games were developed independently each by a single person but in the meanwhile there was something big boiling in the RPG maker pot not a fan game as much as it's meant to be a successor a sequel it was a large collaborative effort between many users of the Japanese website - Chan UMaine iki was developed by one person so to go the extra mile make something truly special a team of people would gather to cook something up the result is you made two ki spoken out loud in Japanese it actually reads the same as the original UMaine iki the pun is that the Japanese word for two is nice so you know Niki to put it in perspective it'd be as if they called splatoon to splatoon to avoid any confusion I'll just be calling a game you may to keep while referring to the original as you mean iki now it's a pretty big deal to claim that your fan game is a sequel I mean we're talking about a game that's inspired hundreds of fan games some of which are really good but this isn't just a fan game it's a freakin sequel a successor we're not making new many key point five or you may Nikki spin-off or whatever they're making yemeni key to so this better be good the first thing I noticed is the title screen music is a sped-up more upbeat version of you meanie keys theme very different than dot flows theme song which was a complete opposite slowed-down more morbid version perhaps will be treated more pleasant dreams as time instead of you know nightmares you made two key stars Oh Sookie a little girl with a sick haircut and a stylin purple sweater they did a pretty nice job hitting a plat on the sprite and making it look good like that because you know normally that's hard to do fitting a shirt design on a teeny-tiny sprite like that then again I guess you mean Ikki did it just fine too with the design I'm a tsuki shirt but either way we've already got something iconic here even if you don't remember the character's name or exactly what she looks like you'll probably remember those purple stripes the pattern itself has actually been referenced in they're fangames that's a nice where I should get a regular cat the bedrooms exactly what you'd expect by now bed TV game console balcony the works however the design of hooter Sookie's room is a lot more visually pleasing than that of other fan games the balcony is also facing north instead of South like every other fan game I've played with the different orientation you can see off into the distance Ludo Sookie's cut a pretty nice view a nice little details at the time of day will change as you wake up again and again sometimes it's the morning sometimes it's night and sometimes you get this nice sunset going to sleep enters the dream world with a countdown during the transition being replaced by a cloud bubble encompassing a sheep that swoops in slowly and tumbles away it's faster it looks better I like it this is just one of the many small improvements they've made from Yamini key another big improvement is the Nexus instead of doors of various color we now have several objects that directly reference the theme of the world it leads to for example the geometric shape leads to the geometry world the lamppost leads the lamppost world the mushroom leads the mushroom world it's really straightforward I no longer find myself going through door after door after door after door to remember which one brings me to the candle world anymore good stuff the Nexus is no longer silent but is instead accompanied by a really nice ambient track the music overall has seen quite an upgrade I mean we've still got those two to six second ambient loops but a lot of screens have much longer loops now and some even with legitimate songs having multiple people work on the music and sound really made two key sound design standout the guy who made LCD de M was even on board for a number of tracks there's 13 worlds accessible from the Nexus barely outnumbering humanities 12 they're all iconic in their own right - some of which I would argue even more so than Newman Ikki I mean in that game we had a lot of plain black backgrounds with just something weird splattered everywhere whether it be eyeballs or candles or puddles or you know the worlds here have a lot more detail like the mushroom world it's a legit map it's not just a black background with objects scattered around not to say those still don't exist I mean it's so iconic at this point you really can't not include it the graveyard world for example simple black background lots of weird things but the deeper you go with the more elaborate things become simple looping screens become apartment complexes with a number of residents key mountains hiding a laboratory or a Japanese town complete with buildings you can enter and back alleys to explore it branch is so far away from the simplistic nature of human Aquis maps and in that aspect I kind of feel it more strongly represents what a dream is really like I mean how many dreams do you have about a black space with the occasional weird thing floating around I don't know about you but my dreams always take place somewhere I'm really familiar with a location I've been to a number of times whether it be my high school the mall a friend's house or sometimes even a setting inside a video game I think I can best describe my dreams as weird things happening at otherwise normal places and in that way I identify with you may two Keys Maps a lot more frequently than I did with you main eqi's you know that dream you had were the fish swim in the air around the buildings or seeing that giant wolf in the woods and from there on things get weirder and weirder and frightening ly strange and what is going on okay bear with me here you may Nikki kind of creepy game there's only like three actually scary things in it but you know it's pretty eerie here and there you made two key takes that spook switching cranks it I mean the game overall has a much more positive atmosphere than you mean Ikki in and then I don't know where you're right somewhere that's uh not doing this you may need keep pretty creepy game that flow really creepy game you made to ki every corner you turn there can just be something terrifying sitting there the one that got me the worst is this damn face in the museum okay see you need this lamp effects since everything's so dark but unlike other dark areas it doesn't light up the whole place but rather just a couple of feet in front of you but anyway you're walking around and you start hearing these noises like what is that and before you know it you're looking at this damn thing another one that really freaked me out was all go in the magnets world you can end up at a screen with this beautiful face looking at you from the background the more time you spend here the more unstable the map becomes and the more decayed and freaky song goes face gets but probably the most iconic and well-known freaky thing in this game is smile son also commonly known as laughing man or telephone man I like to call him a hit guy it's a gigantic dude sitting on a bed and every now and then he led to this a crappy giggle and it's creepy because that's a giggle you don't think should come out of a guy looking like him but if you use the phone effect enough to drive a person insane but this really does seem like something you would see in a dream walking into a gigantic room with a strange man sitting on the bed and he begins to laugh at show when you try to use the phone but luckily you don't need to encounter anything too freaky to get all the effects though you will have to dive pretty deep for them like any fangame there's a handful of FEX cloned directly out of human iki we got a sick little motorbike in place the bicycle and a lantern and place the street lamp and a freaking chainsaw instead of a knife it looks like since this is a sequel they wanted to create a cooler version of mater Sookie she's got a cooler hair a cooler ride cooler weapon hell in this game instead of getting turned into a cat you turn into a freakin wolf that's badass you can even combine a handful of the effects for instance the bike and the wolf effect can both be equipped at the same time though there's not many more of these and I feel it's under implemented but it is a sweet new idea that hasn't been done yet you may to key sports a whopping 34 effects total that's a big list to scroll through and make searching for the desired effect it's sure when you're playing the Japanese version though it's perfectly fine if you're playing with the English patch the English version of the title screen reads you may need keys squared for some reason but we won't be playing the English version because the latest version doesn't have an English patch yet so I get to have fun aimlessly mashing through menus and hoping for the best when it comes to selecting effects so I got to say the way the effects are arranged is already a huge step ahead of other fan games it doesn't matter what order you get them in or how many you have the bike is always number that's the thing you use most in any fan game the one that makes you go faster and being able to mash to the menu so fast to get on it is already a notable improvement you come to think of it the important effects are all near the top the chainsaws number 2 with the lantern and ferry following shortly after it's a really simple thing the order of the effects but not many other games do this and the convenience is just really good you need the effects a lot more often to advance and you made two key than you did you mean eek in the original game there's only a handful of areas you needed something else to gain access to and even then it boiled down to just one of three or so effects for example needing the umbrella or the yuki-onna effect to douse the flames to key does a great job of expanding on this a lot more of the effects will grant access to different areas and there's a healthy spread around to not kneeling an entrance to a single effect for example any gap you need to float over you can use either the space suit or the ferry and any small entrance you need to squeeze into can be done with both the child and the ferry effects with the game being so big and there being no guarantee you're gonna happen to find that one you need it's good that there's more than one that'll do the trick some of the effects are pretty convoluted to get which is expected but I find in this game a lot more so than others the gaku are in effect for example first you have to find a way to the monochrome japan area okay challenging but doable then you have to navigate this like look how big it is where do you go this store you go in this one here not any of the other you got to go here and the maze is back good though to be fair the maze in this game is a lot better than other games it's a central hub that leads to a lot more areas and with more exits you'll find yourself lost in it for a much shorter amount of time but you know still I'd just rather there not be amazed for once maze also made of intestines that's gross but that's kind of cool because I'm positive that's a reference to the intestines maze and LSD dream emulator hey I follow some of these guys on Twitter like lawl they know about this game it inspires their games I know that there's no way there's no way to set a reference the most notable case of a hard-to-find effect would be the bad wings first you need to use the teru teru bozu effect to make it rain and then use the rainbow effect to create a rainbow bridge across a lake without you may - Kies wiki by my side I never would have figured that out while I'm on the subject I may as well give a good shout out to the wiki and everyone who's contributed to it it's easily the most detailed and helpful wiki I've ever seen accompany an RPG Maker game complete with detailed instructions on how to gain access to every area event and effect with large detailed maps from nearly every area in the game many effects will also change the way some NPCs act this is what's known as a passive effect something that indirectly impacts the world around you without any direct input there's also some functions introduced via effects that haven't really been explored in fan games yet like the glasses effect that'll allow you to see invisible objects no just pop them on man oh-oh-oh kind of scared me oh man I even talk about the game console yet I you know the one that's always got one game on it and it's not even really worth mentioning two keys actually got a whole slew of games on it there's one called gimmick Runner it's just an obstacle course side scroller game it's a nice distraction but not much more but there's also a handful that play just like you may - key where you control your character and explore a place I could never get anywhere in them though so I don't honestly don't know too much about them oops there's also a sliding block puzzle minigame which I hate because I suck at them a lot you don't start with very many but you can unlock more by exploring the dream world and finding certain areas or NPCs you'll also unlock the wallpapers the same way oh I forgot to mention that - you have a computer in the room and that's how you save the game but there's also other things you can do on it too you can listen to all the music you've heard in the game so far and also change the desktop wallpaper you only start with two but there's a bunch you can unlock by exploring the dreamworld 177 in total sometimes it's as simple as accessing a certain map for the first time sometimes you'll have to interact with something or trigger an event the wallpapers were all drawn by different artists many of which didn't really have any further involvement in the game but there's even one by law the creator of dot flow I don't know which one it is I just saw his name the credits under the wallpaper section but I've also seen talk on a boa Chan of the sprites in this area here being designed by him wouldn't surprise me because it looks a lot like something at a dot flow man you may - ki really goes pass just being a sequel it's a celebration of human Ikki and all of its fan games the dev of LCD DM even did some of the game's music but not only that there's direct references to so many fan games there's a room in the game where you can change your clothes and every outfit is from a different game we've got savitsky zu Suzuki's chi gays and even florets there's two outfits that I thought were from mad father and II but it turns out they're actually from fan games called farewell and lost game however there is a direct reference to Eve here an acoustic song inspired by Ebanks and appearance in the game hits Eve entitled Mary song for Eve interact with this NPC right here to hear it I also like to imagine that this dude here in the Game Boy world is a reference to the batter from off it probably isn't but I can at least pretend strangely enough though Matta Sookie's outfit is nowhere to be seen though I suppose the point is to show the UMaine iki fans some love rather than just worshipping the original game its purpose is to celebrate all of the amazing things this community has spawned and that's only something a collaborative effort could achieve even still there's a number of direct references to Yuma Nikki my favorites being a dog version of Ebola being barely visible off screen of this world here and a groovy incarnation of Masada in the basement of this place here but that doesn't mean it relies on unique ease characters there's so much new here that's iconic only to you mate Sookie popular examples being a oshieru the child in the hospital the gas mask scientists will put you in a room and experiment on you making you smash your head against the wall until you wake up but my favorite is definitely yukata a mysterious swordsman wearing a fox mask attempting a chain saw him will have them dodge and leap behind you sometimes they'll even counter-attack let's talk about the games endings for a bit like dot flow it's got multiple endings the first three can be done once you've collected all the effects pinching your cheek while you're awake will get you the first one to get the second there's now going to be a set of steps on the balcony walk up and jump off for the second ending mimicking the ending of you a knee key though in this one it turns out that arose Sookie was a doll in a cream machine a girl winds her and brings her home I like descending a lot maybe we've been exploring this girl's dreams and who Sookie is just a character we experience it all through maybe the girl represents the player exploring a world of our own imagination by selecting this character as the vessel imagine if that's what dreams were really like an exploration of your own raw and unfiltered subconscious through the eyes of something as simple as a doll on the shelf for the third ending walk up the steps but instead of jumping off walk back down Oh Sookie will kick the steps off the balcony and live to see another day those are just three of the standard endings there's a handful you can obtain at any point in the game firstly there's what's called the glitch ending upon sleeping in yo Sookie's bed in the dream world version of her room there's a one in 64 chance of being warped to a decaying version of her bedroom uh yeah I don't even know what's going on here the credits are all messed up like the game's glitching out and then you wake up but then there's this ending which no one even really knows how to trigger when you go to sleep sometimes the steps will be on the balcony nobody knows why or whether you have to do something to trigger it or if it's random or what as far as anybody knows you go to sleep sometimes it's there it's only ever happened to me twice and I don't mean twice in this playthrough I mean twice ever it's not much of an ending you jump off like a new mini key but then wake up because you know it was a dream and not real another ending requires finding three hidden rooms and then equipping the glasses effect to see if there's a large beam emitting some sort of gas and messing up the room after finding all three of these you wake up and walk out to the balcony but instead of walking out Sookie will vanish she then re-enters the room with a deranged smile on her face and goes to bed we then see that same beam now in her room before it treated to a version of the credits with very strange music playing but those ones are just a handful of the hidden endings the final true ending requires not just getting all the effects but getting all the wallpapers too or at least like 97% of them or something like that remember when I said you didn't need to see many of the freaky things in the game to get all the effects well if you want that fourth and final main ending you're gonna have to see nearly everything in this game pretty much every notable thing unlocks a wallpaper this might not include every single thing in the game like this goddamn thing here but it does mean making this guy laugh it does mean going through zalgo it does mean having to navigate the flesh pass world and it does mean seeing the majority of the terrifying things this game has to offer and honestly I like this in human Ikki there is so much to do so much to see but doing it all never reaped any sort of reward having all of this unlock another ending feels a lot more rewarding but if there's anything this game fails to offer its any sort of story you mania was always pretty open to interpretation part of that interpretation being they're not there even was a story but it spawned fan theories that are all fun to read and then along comes dot flow that clearly has a story pieced together by all these vague details Shana submits accuse of conscious but in the case of you may to ki I personally just don't feel any sort of story radiating from this one it seems to me that they were going more so for the expansiveness of the gameplay rather than telling some sort of story like dot flow did I see the unorganized visions of many people not just one and when that's the case it's a lot harder to interpret something coherent from it but this does work in a different way it makes a game a lot more relatable with so many ideas all from different people who all have different kinds of dreams all crammed into the same game you're bound to find something that reminds you of your own dreams but whether or not you see everything the game has to offer can be left a total chance there's so many areas that maybe you'll see that no one else you know will even get to it reminds me a lot of LSD dream emulator now that's a game that's extremely random so many events have really low chances of happening and there's no real way to trigger them not only did I play this game quite a bit in high school but I had friends that played it to an emulator of course we didn't have copies of the thing at the time but we'd always share the crazy stories of the unique things that would happen to us things that we couldn't get to happen again you might have seen things that your friend would never see things that maybe he doesn't believe that you saw because there's no way to prove it cuz you couldn't get the game to do it again it makes me wish that I had friends that played you made two key like I did dream emulator so I could have that same kind of experience but hey I might not be able to but you guys can get some of your friends to play the game play it all the same night and talk about all the crazy places you saw when you see each other the next day I guarantee you'll both have completely different experiences to share and I guess that's the beauty of Dreams they're so weird crazy vivid and unpredictable it's why I love these games so much there really isn't anything else like it there aren't many other games out there that can capture and celebrate the human subconscious quite as well part of what makes Tukey such an accurate portrayal of Dreams is it's wild and consist seize the art style changes nearly every screen you enter I feel you made two key lends itself very naturally to the concept of Dreams with its radically inconsistent art style things could be so poorly drawn they look like they were made in ms paint on one screen and then have photorealistic backgrounds on the next it's pretty easy to say that it definitely is worth calling this game the sequel to you a nikkie but simply it's bigger and better and it's continuously getting bigger but in ways that celebrate an amazing community but keep in mind it's still not done they're still updating the game to this very day what do they plan on adding who can say but a veg anything it's gonna be crazy when we D
Channel: Nitro Rad
Views: 527,284
Rating: 4.9666471 out of 5
Keywords: yume 2kki, yume nikki, yume 2kki review, nitro rad, video games, rpg maker, rpgmaker, pixel, horror, dreams, urotsuki, smile san, uboa, peanutbuttergamer
Id: yGyjyBgyugw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2016
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