Liquid Text Effect for Davinci Resolve

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hi everybody jery here from V Studio it's a quick video to share with you that liquid text that we just added to all fre starter pack so if you ready let's check it [Music] out all right you can download the free starter backpack linking the link in the description below once you've done so you'll get this ZIP file just double click on it to unzip it it will give you this folder in the folder you have a couple of things you have the license the installation instruction the drfx file and the font please make sure to install all the font otherwise the title will not work cuz the and she will not know what phone to replace it with so just select all the font and then double click on them to start the installation process or you can copy and paste them into your phone folder either on your Mac or on your Windows computer but if you already have the free starter pack installed and that's just an update there is no need to reinstall the font just install the TX file and that will be good so once that done you can just double click here on the tfx file will prompt open this window if you already have the free starter pack installed and adjust an update will ask you to overr right and if that's the first time it will ask you to install so just click either one of those and now let's jump inside of D resolve all right so once you update the stter pack you can go over to effect then here titles video to studio and then you will find it in the free start pack in styled text you can then just take the liquid text and drag it here in your timeline if I play it as you can see we have an animation in and an animation out but right now I'm just dropping a few frame so just a quick tip is to to go over to playback then here run the cache and make sure that you select smart basically that's just going to bring up that bar that's going to switch from red to blue and whenever that bar is blue that means your title has been caching and it will play without dropping any frame now let's jump into the inspector and see the functionality that we got for that title so right now you have the animation lens in second that you can choose so by default Run next 1 second but you can switch that to two 3 4 or 5 Second uh depending on how long want to animation in and animation out to be you can also choose in between different type of Animation in and out so here you have anim mission in drop- down where you can choose non zoom in zoom out pan left pan right slide up side down and fade in so basically none right here you will have no animation in and then you can choose from those different type for example here side down you will get a slightly different animation coming from the top to the center of the frame is the same thing right here for the animation out can choose between the same things then here you have the in andout animation curve that you can choose if you know what you're doing if you want to choose the style of Animation you can just do that right there by selecting an expo or for example elastic or Bon curve then here we have a few parameters like this affecting the overall continuous animation of the liquid text so we have first the wave type so as you can see by default it's only horizontal which Mak the text just wiggle horizontally then you can choose for vertical so right now it's going to do same thing but vertically or you can select both to have both at the same time then here there is three parameter that are quite important you get the scale the strength and the speed that's what going to allow you to really customize the look of that effect so here the scale and the strengths are acting quite similarly basically just on the overall like strength and power of that effect so here if I'm just reducing that as you can see can red text a bit more so I will generally suggest to reduce those rather than increasing it because uh it just like less is more in my opinion that will just tend to look better same here with the speed I will probably just decrease it a little bit because otherwise that might be a bit too fast and at any moment if you're not happy with uh parameter you can just reset them to default by double clicking on them but right now I'm just going to reduce the scale by quite a bit and I'm going to do the same thing here with the strength and with the speed but basically play around with it and see what fits your eyes better and what you prefer so then you have three texti that you can choose from you get solid image and gradient so let's start with text it's the usual you can you know change the text change the color uh change your overall appearance you can add an outline Etc and then we have image which is basically right here you can upload the image of your choice so here I'm just going to bring an image in and it's basically going to fill up the text but right now it's not showing up because we still have solid selected just going to switch here to image and as you can see it just basically put the image inside of each lit actually and then the third one is right here gradient and it will just basically put in a gradient that you can then adjust right here under text as well then another few parameter that you can play around with is here the shadow so right now we might not be able to see much because we don't have any background so I'm just going to bring the same image just to create a background right here and to demonstrate then here if we're going over to Shadow as you can see here we can create a shadow behind orex to help orex pop a little bit more from the background you can play around with the shadow strength you can play around with the angle of that shadow you can play around with the Drop Distance as well um and the blur then the next drop down we have the glow so here we can just increase a bit the threshold and we can increase the gain and it's just going to affect all text and bring a little bit of that glow right there we can play around with the glow size which basically going to increase the overall size of that glow basically the spread on the screen and then the blend going to be the overall strength and opacity of that effect so you can just reduce it here if you want it to be a bit less intense then we have the perspective which basically going to allow you to adjust the different XY y and z axxis um and to make it a bit more 3D for example so here we can just play around with that so it really allow you to just put the place literally wherever you want on screen and it can just help you to give it a bit more of a 3D look especially with the Shadow and the glow uh it can give another dimension to the title and then the last drop down is Rina background so you can just use that to create even more separation between your title and the footage so here by default the opacity is at zero but we can increase that and it's just going to bring here a solid as you can see behind the title so that just help um your title just pop up a little bit more from the background there is a lot you can do with that you can play around with the colors the position you can create some venting by inverting uh and reducing here the wave and the height playing around with the soft Edge um and the overall B wave and it can help you to just frame again your title in different ways and that's pretty much it I hope this video was helpful please don't forget to like And subscribe let me know in the comment what kind of title we should create next and thank you so much for watching and see you in the next one speed up your workflow and create better videos using the pack available on the website including titles transition and templates built only for D resolve get started today by downloading our freest Star Pack that contain over 150 elements Link in description below or video t
Channel: Video Editor Studio
Views: 1,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve tutorial, motion graphics, davinci resolve motion graphics, davinci resolve title, davinci resolve template, davinci resolve title pack, Waqas Qazi, jamie fenn, JayAreTv, That Modern Dude, Skyline Motions, Billy Rybka, Chris' Tutorials, Casey Faris, CB Super, davinci resolve fusion, davinci resolve 18, Patrick Stirling, free pack, free title, free template
Id: AjgMh4RsfKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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