Liquid Paint Marbling Effect in Photoshop

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[Music] hey guys you're watching down skew the place to be to develop your creative skills and in this tutorial we're going to learn how to create a gooey liquidy paint marbling effect all in Photoshop now personally I love this effect is awesome and super easy to create you can do this all from scratch or you can drag an image into Photoshop and start applying this effect immediately and there's a few different techniques that you can use to create this effect we're going to be covering some of them in this video as well as my personal favorite that I'm going to save until the end anyway let's get started so you can see I've opened up an image in Photoshop this is what I'm going to be saving for the finale my favorite technique so I'm gonna switch this off for now and if you'd like to download this PSD file and follow along there will be a link in the video description so first of all I'm going to work on this brush layer this is just a new layer with a white background color and I'm going to be using black as my foreground color and the brush tool and we can just pick any brush size brush hardness or brush style from that drop-down and I'm going to start on brushing and you can do this with color as well but I'm gonna stick with black and white for now you can use the left and right square brackets on the keyboard to adjust the brush size let's get a bit creative a few thicker lines there and I can also press X on the keyboard to swap the foreground and background color and just quickly brush in some white and arguably this looks pretty interesting you can be the judge but once you've done that whatever that is you can go over to the brush layer right click and select convert to smart object now think of this as a check point for the layer in its current state normally when you apply a filter up here it's permanent what this means is that it will apply this as a smart filter so we can edit it or delete it if we want so we get a lot more flexibility but anyway let's get a filter down to liquify and we're then presented with this screen now by default we've got the forward warp tool selected at the top which is the one we want and you can also adjust the size and some other options here on the right and we're simply just going to start swirling around look at that and you can make your brush bigger if you'd like to work with less detail or you can make it a lot smaller and you can really work on one particular area it's entirely up to you and every time you do this you'll get a different result and you can get all kinds of creative in here so have a lot of fun with this but you can see I created this in what like 20 seconds and it's a ton of fun to do and an option over here that's also pretty cool might be collapsed by default is the brush reconstructed option so just toggle that down click on reconstruct and with this slider here you can drag between a hundred percent which is where we are now all the way back to the beginning so if a hundred is a little bit too extreme for you you can go for somewhere like 70 or 80 if you like and click OK when you're happy but that's a pretty cool feature and we can now click OK and there we go we've created a paint marbling effect with the brush tool so that's one way of doing it let's try the next one so we've got fibers we'll select this layer go to filter down to render and select fibers and we can of course adjust the variance and the strength here you can see this change in the preview and click OK now you can make this a smart object if you like or you can just go to filter and down to liquify and you can see if I start liquefying this it is a lot more detailed so depending on how detailed your starting image is we'll determine how much detail you get in your liquify so you can see that looks pretty cool a lot more detailed so let's click OK and lastly we're going to do clouds so let's select that layer go to filter down to render and select clouds and Photoshop will very kindly generate some clouds for us and we can of course go to filter down to liquify and start swirling around and remember as I said you can vary the brush size here spend a lot more time get really creative you can control everything with this liquify feature it's incredibly useful and bring some swells and swirl it around I'm just doing this nice and quick for the tutorial there we go look at that work of art fantastic and click ok so you can see the main differences between all of them the brush one a bit early we did use black and white you can of course use color and shading as well but that's kind of the effect that you can get with two colors the fibers of course very very detailed and clouds introduces some more mid-tones some grays in addition to the blacks and the whites but is a less extreme and less detailed version of fibres so three different styles and we can actually go down to the bottom of the layers panel click on the adjustment icon and you can't see it because it's off-screen but trust me at the bottom of this list there's an option called gradient map you can click this and map different colors to the shadows and the highlights in the image so if we click on the color bar I can double click white for example and we'll go with like a light blue II sort of turquoisey color click OK and do the same again here double click that black swatch will go with a nice and dark e bluey purpley very vague on the color names-- here click OK and we can of course reverse this with a simple click of this checkbox and then we have this as an adjustment layer that we can turn on or off and it effects every layer underneath it so we can see how all of these look once we've introduced a little bit of color but actually for the last one my favourite technique I'm actually going to turn all of these off because my favorite technique is working with the color from an existing image so you can see I've got an image of some mountains here let's double click this and it will create this as a new layer and we can of course right click and convert a smart object to preserve that original image and then let's go up to filter down to liquify and of course we can start liquefying the mountains and you can see we have some contrast in this image we have the dark areas we have the lighter areas from the sky and just this contrast just look at that it just blends beautifully and like I say this is just me spending 20 seconds creating something really really quick and easy you can of course spend a lot longer on this to get a much better effect for sure okay so there we go that was very easy let's click OK and I love this because it pulls all of those colors through as well so if you have some other crazy colors in the image it will pull those through in fact we can double click on this smart object and it will load the original image up in a separate dot PSD file and we can actually create a new layer let's go for something something like there's like a minty sort of color click ok let's just grab the brush tool and we'll just do this nothing particular pretty awful but we'll do it anyway and when we go to close this down it will ask us do we want to save that we'll say yes we do and you'll see it integrates this color into the marbling effect so honestly what I'm showing you here is literally just scratching the surface of what you can create so there we go that was how to create a gooey liquidy paint marbling effect all in Photoshop guys if you have any questions or comments please do drop them down below but as always like this video if you enjoyed it take care and I'll see you next time
Channel: Dansky
Views: 1,180,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe photoshop, adobe photoshop tutorial, photoshop tutorial 2019, adobe photoshop tutorial 2019, photoshop 2019, photoshop 2019 free, photoshop 2019 free download, photoshop tutorial, liquid effect, liquid effect photoshop, liquid effect in photoshop, liquid effect tutorial, liquid effect photoshop tutorial, create a liquid effect in photoshop, photoshop liquid effect, photoshop liquid effect tutorial, realistic liquid tutorial, realistic liquid in photoshop tutorial
Id: ouviTuZUB4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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