Lions Scents and Sense Abilities - Touch | The Lion Whisperer

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I'm Meggie that tongue is for rough modeling hey everyone good morning it's a great day here we are entering into autumns of the mornings on us and cool blue blue skies and it's going to be wonderful to do another installment of sense and sensibilities and today we are kicking off with touch in Lyons Gaza's is part of a bigger series where we explore all the senses in the animals here at the sanctuary that includes the Lions the lipids in the hyenas so be sure to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on anything so stick around it's sure to be a good one okay here we have yummy the first to arrive hello big boy hello Bowie and here we go first touch first touch yeah you go to Georgie perfectly demonstrating rolling and rubbing and licking so many examples of touch been demonstrated here that means my plans these days George's exhibiting playfulness with that point any problem with George is that due to his nutritional deficiencies as a cub he doesn't have super attract ability on his claws so when Georgie sometimes gives you that that's that little gentle slap sometimes those claws of sticking out her butt so he hooks sure he hooks your pants or he scratches your shoe or he scratches your skin I get to see things that I would normally would not see if I didn't have this hands-on approach George you can see his he's a calcaneus bone but I wanted to show you that on the claw and if we can see that his claw is growing into his poor ped let that it's probably giving the scar a little bit of pain in his in his foot yeah he's playing playing with a stick so guys I'm sure many of you have noticed that lions are quite unique in that they have Tufts on the ends of their tails scientists think that because there's a lot of sensory nerves around the top of the tail and that it could have a function as a tactile organ with a good line with a good line hey is it demonstration of the grimace cheers my boy hey grab it grab the a we go guys there's nothing quite like waking up early and coming into the farm yeah it's decided to come back today and do another part to the Sense and Sensibility series so today I'm going to visit a few lines that I know I hope are going to give the kind of touch results that that I'm wanting to demonstrate to you guys graphic arrived here at Fayette see La Vie and Jenny and ready by HC is coming up to say hello name a boy oh yes with those naughty girls don't flop on me oh yeah I am a boy so he's in a wonderful mood use you're my boy he's in my boy so guys that if you see the the pouring he what he does is he actually poses me obviously no claws pores no claws my boy he's really in a good mood today really in a good mood let's go and see what's going on down there with the girls and while the girls are not coming up oh yeah she comes not me Livie and look at that look at the behavior look at the behavior jumping on each other touching each other keep rubbing bum bum hello my girl head rubs head rubs oh my boy very happy lines this is a prod of three and and I suppose one can look at me as being the fourth member of this group so whenever I come in there is this touching this reaffirmation ideas cave and I'm a darling you haven't come to sell out today you've been off and are you now you're rolling she likes to sit on gosh Livie so even as adults you can see how they actually depending on their moods and depending on the time of day they can actually interact with each other in a very playful cub kind of way and again that's also just a play fighting with your mate you know certainly in youngsters play is really an important part of learning variety rolling he's railing on there on the anthill there's miss miss Jenny the calmer of the two sisters well they're not actually sisters but the calm of the two females and the prod and when Jenny gets excited Jenny jumps and goes crazy so she's a Josh is like a little leopard the moment we touch anna-marie with a momentary embrace there's a calmness because of that affection and because of that relationship we can then do other things with them that gives them a even better quality of life and such as being able to move between enclosures and not just have to stay in one enclosure all their life well she's come in to cause trouble that's trouble making great demonstration guys yeah so there they've just demonstrated touch in fighting so just think about it I mean they had a little let's call it a cat fight because somebody is causing trouble the reality is is if Jenny wanted to really battle of II heart and and create some puncture wounds don't come cause trouble here with me now I don't mind that that's head rubbing and licking licking the Kings good yeah more there we go before I get to licking let's just end with the fighting fighting is obviously also tactile and it is they don't need to use their full motto their full force just the way that they are sounding and and and reacting so again touch and tells the other one I'm not in the mood for this please don't do that otherwise you're gonna get a club it's going to be more severe licking is again a very it's an affiliate of behavior they they're good you're looking where you scratched me your horrible thing and that is me showing her the reciprocal affection good looking now they've made up now they've made up it slick okay that's also one pot partly demonstrated by mr. big Elvia see is touching mating obviously mating is a big part of what Lions do and it's part of the procreation after the actual copulation you will see the lioness generally swing around and give the male a smack basically indicating that that was soft and the reason for the pain is that male lions have a barbed penis and they are induced ovulation so when he withdraws he actually tears her and that induces ovulation [Music] a little slimy it's so hard to film this guy's because he gets really really excited about the smell of the catnip his affection is very very strong I'm just removing a few surface parasites from Sammy and what this can be likened to is mutual grooming and primates the lines in mutual grooming we're definitely lickin area repeatedly until the ticks kind of release so those fine bristles the papilla on the tongue will help in in in grooming or first affection and touch is so important in a lion pride they need to keep on reaffirming those bonds hello bucket head rubbing with Bobcat and Bob get you yd line the thorns hey why do you lie in the thorns this over here when I'm scratching him on his cheek like I'm doing is obviously stimulating all those glands on his cheeks to you know just to secrete and that obviously is it is a nice it's a nice feeling for bobcat you'll notice Bobcats whiskers and these are brows are very they're very hilum of way they're very sensitive to touch so those there are very sensitive and saris whiskers or vibrissae and and they are most useful at night and so they can detect very very small current air changes it changes or current pressure changes and they're also very sensitive to the environment so they can kind of feel when they're walking through the bush what they what they are navigating thanks for being such a good sport as always loving and leaving Bobcat and I think the last line I'm gonna go visit is is make it's really important that I maintain an affectionate bond with Meg especially now that she is on her own so she's not getting this contact with another lion [Music] it's important that I maintain this with her so that she did get all the necessary contact and affection and grooming only make knows how to demonstrate these behaviors so perfectly and beautifully because she just is such a gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous girl I wish I could show you what she's doing she's actually doing something called mouthing lines will often mouth and affectionately demonstrating his rapping so beautifully and usually would be the one who would do it and licking and maybe that turn a seraph modeling yeah I don't think you get a bit of demonstration than that alright guys so that is it for lines sense of touch in the series sense and sensibilities I hope you enjoyed that one that was a fun one to make next up it's going to be hyenas and their sense of touch I'm sure you're not going to want to miss that one because we know the hyenas are such characters so in order to not miss out please do subscribe to the channel it is the way that we spread awareness to the plot of these animals but I think captivity and in the wild education is key so thanks for watching and until next time guys bye [Music]
Channel: The Lion Whisperer
Views: 687,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: spvQtI2NnO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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