Linux SUCKS at these 5 day to day tasks...

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hey everyone this is Nick and while I truly believe that the Linux desktop can work a hundred percent for most people it doesn't mean I can't admit it has some rough edges and I'm not talking about sweeping big issues with Linux as a desktop operating system I'm talking day-to-day stuff here so here are a bunch of pain points that affect me and a lot of people that I moved to Linux of course these are personal and you might have others so let me know down there in the comments the stuff that annoys you annoys you like this segue to today's sponsor damn it I need to watch more LTT to fix these Segways thanks to linode for sponsoring this video Leonard is my favorite solution to run a Linux or gaming server it's what I use to run my own nexcloud instance and my own only office server the interface is super easy to use they are affordable they have tons of documentation online and they have one click Deployable servers for a ton of applications or game games for example focal board if you don't know about it it's an open source alternative to tools like Trello Azana or notion it lets you create Milestones keep track of your notes have a bird's eye view of your project and it basically helps you get stuff done and you can deploy your focal board server in one click from your Linux dashboard something I should probably do to ensure that I keep delivering my videos on time and to get you started linode is giving you a hundred dollars of free credit to get your own Linux server or gaming server running to get access to that just click the link in the description below now the first one and I think a lot of people will feel my pain is how to handle PDFs on Linux to read PDF documents it's extremely easy every desktop environment has a nice PDF reader that's quite fast it works perfectly you can zoom in zoom out to handle multiple Pages everything you might need to read but as soon as you need to interact with a PDF things start sucking big time to fill in PDF fields for starters you can always use your web browser on its PDF viewer but it's not amazing the native tools just are terrible at it here for example is the gnome PDF viewer trying to edit a document that I already filled in what I entered doesn't show in the fields unless I click on the field on Getty ocular at least has a button that lets me enable or disable these forms and at least it shows what I entered although why it's not the default it's B on me if I took the time to enter data into a PDF document and saved it chances are the next time I open that document I want that data to be shown immediately but maybe that has been developed by somebody who really loves magical or invisible ink that you have to heat up or something who knows and that's just the basics now if I want to sign a PDF document on gnome I simply can't there is no option to do it in any way in ocular on KDE I can digitally sign a document but that opens an error message saying I need to configure a digital signature which takes me to the online manual which says I need digital signing certificates or whatever without any simple way to add one myself straight from the application or create one on the fly from another KDE app hey you know what would actually work better being able to just grab a photo of your actual signature and pasting it on the document or drawing it with your touchpad or your mouse yeah that works for most people most of the time who wants to sign PDS you don't need digital certificates but gnome doesn't let you do that and ocular doesn't either if you try to drag an image of your signature it will just open in a new document there is no menu entry to add an image and overlay it on top of the PDF so by default you literally cannot sign a PDF document what you can do is open the PDF document with LibreOffice draw which will open it in an editable stance let you fill in the form field and add your signature image by simple drag and drop but it also completely breaks the layout of the document in a lot of cases and editing the actual PDF is a nightmare as each line of text is its own object that you'll as often move around as managed to edit it's a pure freaking nightmare and the Knight isn't over yet if you want to reorder Pages inside of a PDF or move one and add another one you need a third party tool a Kai I personally use PDF arranger on Chrome because the default PDF readers do not let you move pages around or delete them or just add another PDF document inside of what you're currently viewing and if you're thinking wow this guy has completely unrealistic expectations about PDFs Mac OS does that out of the box and has done it for 10 years you can add signatures manually you can just drop them onto the document you can fill the forms and they stay filled when you reopen the document you can move pages around you can delete them you can add new ones by just simple drag and drop it works and that's what we need oh and it's free free of charge like having a third-party tool that you need to pay to do these things ridiculous next thing I don't like on linux's email and calendar handling simply put we don't have good desktop applications for managing these things on Linux Thunderbird is the closest we have but the interface is insanely confusing and it looks like something that's 20 years old now sure they're working on a big redesign and I have High Hopes about it but for now I can't use that thing it's way too clunky it opens tabs for everything adding an account is insanely convoluted it doesn't fit well with gnome or caddy in terms of look and feel or behavior it's just weird to use and I never could get used to it I want to use it but until it's gotten that complete ux redesign I just can't it adds too much friction to do anything it's not a matter of locks it's just illegible as an application the default suite for Gnome is also pretty underwhelming you have gnome calendar and Geary and gnome contacts and the calendar option is decent enough very simple for personal calendars and definitely not something you can use professionally if you need stuff like seeing who is available at which time or handling of time zones for example the contacts app is ridiculously simple without any way to add any form of accounts that wouldn't be supported by the gnome online accounts so no card DAV or iCloud contacts for example its integration with the default apps is also mediocre as for example you can't automatically create a new contact when you answer to an email address for example something that should at least be an option and the email app Geary while it's decent is also very very simple it can't create folders to triage your inbox or labels for Gmail it can't unify your inboxes in a single View and more importantly it doesn't seem to access all IMAP folders for example my archive folder which is a huge dump of everything I want to save for later isn't accessible through gearing it can only access the males I dropped in that folder from this exact device which is obviously not what you want unless maybe it is then you archive your emails by device eyes in which case why and you're a monster and stop it then there's the caddy Suite of email contacts and calendars but this thing well it's insanely powerful and customizable doesn't look like it has been touched in decades even just adding an email account that is able to send and receive messages is insanely complicated you have to manually look into the settings for that account and map the folders yourself to IMAP folders or everything will be stored locally and you won't be able to send anything at all it thoroughly lacks Auto configuration tools and same defaults on all the apps of The Suite although their integration in a single shell is actually pretty good if you're looking for an Outlook alternative once it's configured it's awesome but a lot of people will just have flats super far away way before this configuration can happen hey in a way these apps are the perfect symbolic representation of their desktops gnome apps are way too simple in the name of ease of use and like critical crucial features and caddy apps are way too complex in the name of having all the features which means that your last resort is basically Evolution and honestly it's great but it also looks pretty outdated like a gnome 2 app that barely has received the tiniest of touches to make it feel more modern it does everything it's pretty cool but man when you use it on KDE it looks atrocious and when you use it on a recent gnome desktop it doesn't feel like the rest of your applications either so yeah major pain Point here I just cannot find a good legible powerful enough but not insanely complex Suite of applications for email calendar and contacts and all the people I installed Linux 4 told me the exact same thing to the point that they are all using webmails and that tells you something about the quality of your email and calendar apps when people prefer using a Webmail to a desktop app now next pain point is display related stuff we are so late on that stuff display scaling we have but fractional scaling it's a damn mess it's going to have huge performance impacts it doesn't work well on hybrid devices with Nvidia Graphics where you will get screen tearing it doesn't apply to all apps like steam DaVinci Resolve only office and a lot more which will either go 2X or 1X but nothing in between and it's just messy and 10 years behind even Windows which also sucks at this by the way HDR isn't a thing at all on Linux and I don't even know how you could go about turning it on and watching HDR content or playing games with HDR enabled and font rendering kinda sucks as well although it's easy enough to not make it suck that much at least on gnome and Katie gnome tweaks phones enable sub pixel NT aliasing and full hinting on KDE the same setting things are in the system settings in the fonts panel your eyes will thank me after a reboot unless your panel is already high DPI and using scaling of any type in which case you absolutely do not need to enable these things now seriously why isn't the anti-aliasing technology used to smooth phones on an LCD screen turned on by default when every screen is an LCD these days okay you've got some OLED but come on it's mostly LCDs or at least let people change it easily instead of hiding it in an additional third-party app on no now Katie does have settings for that but again the defaults aren't really set for most people to have a pleasant experience with Weyland some of those things are going away slowly but in the meantime we're way behind and it's turning stuff that should be an advantage like a high DPI display on the laptop into a drawback that will prevent you from buying that thing because it's gonna suck and you know it another pain point for me personally is automation like graphically creating a suite of events that happens when a condition is met for example when a file is dropped in the downloads folder and it's an image maybe I want it compressed as a JPEG to save some space and then moved to another folder if it's a screen cap from Firefox which has a specific name pattern or maybe I want to be able to launch a quick one-click shortcut that automatically adds rounded Corners to certain images or deletes all old invoices I have in my download folder since I know I've already sent them out stuff like that is crucial to gain some time on repetitive tasks or even on video editing and I can't do it right now on Linux at least not graphically and sure I could spend some time and create bash scripts to do this exact same thing but I don't want to I want to do it graphically because if we're able to have complete giant settings for everything on Getty we should be able to have an automation a graphical automation app like shortcuts on iOS or on Mac OS now something that doesn't affect me at all but seems to be a big pain point for parents I moved to Linux is the lack of good Parental Control software we have some basic things like blocking certain applications or web browsers or even preventing application installs and limiting these by age range so kids can't install stuff that isn't allowed but first these age limits are often not set by the applications you can install especially when using old repos and not flat back and second you can't interact with screen time at all limiting a computer session to a certain number of minutes or hours or certain days in the week at least not out of the box there seem to be third-party Solutions but default ones will always be better integrated and also all these third-party ones look like they are 20 years old at least so I would be a bit concerned about their abilities and how well they are maintained for rental control apps need to be in that weird limbo where they need to feel like they're older than the kid you're trying to control but they also need to not feel like they're 20 or 30 years old because you want them to be able to handle and catch the new stuff that your kid might be exposed to not that I would care at all about that since I do not have kids and I do not plan to have any anytime soon but still apparently it's a big problem okay so these are the pain points I encounter myself on a regular basis or that I've been told about by people close to me PDF handling is for me at least the worst offender it's the one that almost makes me want to use another OS just for doing that and every time I have to handle a PDF I put the task off by days because I know it's going to be a mess HDR and fractional scaling are mostly issues when looking at new hardware where you know that you won't be able to take advantage of all the capabilities or where high-res screen is actually a problem for you and not a feature which sucks and parental controls well I don't care at all about it but maybe you do so if you have other pain points if you agree or disagree with mine let me know down there in the comments and maybe we can help each other finding solutions to fix those problems and in the meantime I can help you find a solution to your my computer doesn't read Linux well problem thanks to today's sponsor if you're looking for a new computer that you want to run Linux on don't go buying any old Windows computer buy a laptop or a desktop that actually super Sports Linux out of the box from tuxedo for example they are based in Germany but they ship worldwide and they have a huge range of devices that run Linux natively the hardware has been specifically picked to run well with Linux and they have that big big range of devices from small Ultravox nugs big towers gaming laptops workstations gaming PCs and they're all configurable easy to open and repairable and upgradable you can change the SSD the ram you can configure another CPU another SSD you can add Blu-ray Optical drives you can have your own custom keyboard layout laser etched on your laptop or your own logo laser etched on the lid it's really really great so if you need a new device don't buy a Windows computer buy one from tuxedo that actually supports Linux so thanks for watching the video I hope you enjoyed it if you did don't hesitate to like to subscribe to turn on notifications to write a comment and if you didn't well there's a dislike button and you can also tell me why in the comments down there and if you want to support the channel there's a super thanks button underneath this YouTube video there's a PayPal Link in the description and there are also links to my patreon page and YouTube memberships both get you access to a weekly podcast where I talk about the channel Linux open source technology and everything in between and you also get the right to vote on the next topic that I cover for the next month so thanks everyone for watching and I guess you'll see me in the next one bye [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Linux Experiment
Views: 124,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, open source, linux distro, linux help, linux tutorial, linux 2022, linux tips, linux operating system, linux scaling, linux parental controls, linux parental control, linux pdf editor, linux pdf viewer, linux pdf signature, linux pdf annotation, linux pdf sign, linux pdf viewer with annotations, linux commands pdf, linux email client, linux email setup, linux email app, linux email settings, linux for beginners 2022, linux phone, linux tutorial 2022
Id: 0re63X2nY0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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