Linux Mint 19 For Windows Users

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[Music] welcome to another video from explaining computers comm this time I'm going to look at the Linux Mint 19 operating system codenamed Terra this was released at the end of June 2018 and is a Linux distro to which many Windows users may end up migrating in this video and they forgot to look at Linux Mint 19 from the perspective of a Windows user who's considering transitioning to Linux so here we are on the Linux Mint comm website where we can get an expense 19 and it's worth pointing out that Linux Mint 19 is a long-term support release an LTS release which means it has support for 5 years which takes its support to 2023 so to get it we will go to a download and on the download page you will see there are three different versions of it then it's been 19 available with different desktop environment cinnamon marte or XFC II the most common is cinnamon that's the one I like to use so we'll go for that and most people should use the 64-bit version if you're running a modern computer it's worth pointing out that the system requirements here or at least a gigabyte of run although 2 gigabytes are recommended at these 15 gigabytes of space to install it although ideally 20 gigabytes and I would install from one of the many mirrors we have down here best to pick one close to you in the world I'm in the UK I will click the University of Kent remember service to a download it and I'll click Save here to uh save that image to download it and it'll take a little bit the time because it's a 1.8 gigabyte file but when it's finished you end it with a file on your machine as I've got here or Linux Mint 19 I so fine and this now needs to be written to either a DVD or to a USB Drive to install on a computer and I'm here to write it to a USB Drive the you need an USB Drive of at least 4 gigabytes of capacity and I'm going to invite image to the drive using this software here which is called echar and if you haven't got edger just go to the web go to edge to do and you can download a version of that you're here for your machine it'll default to the one you want but you can pick up two other versions as well so anyway I've got actually here on the machine so I can just select the image there it is alone Linux Mint 19 image will select that it's already picked up the USB Driver got inserted this happens to be a 16 gigabyte drive but does anything for gigabyte plus will do and I can now just click on flash and windows will check we really want to do this yes we do I'll click on yes and edge will now get on writing Linux Mint 19 to the flash drive and there we are it's finished so we now have a bootable USB Drive with the lipscomb in 19 on it so we now just need to take that drive and do insert into the PCL which we want to install Linux Mint 19 and boot that machine up and by the magic of filmmaking here we are booting up from that USB Drive and it's worth pointing out on your own PC you may have to go into the BIOS by pressing a key at startup probably a function key or delete key you might have to set in the BIOS for your machine to boot from USB and it's also worth pointing out you might see a slightly different secret to events as the machine will boot up but if you just let things run through you'll end up on the linux mint desktop as I am here now at this stage we haven't installed the next mint we've just booted from what's called live media the bootable USB Drive we've created and you could at this point try out limits Mint 19 just by using the the live media drive but we actually want to install it so I'll go over to install Linux Mint under click on that we need to set language and keyboard layout and then it will say install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware flash etc make sure you tick that and continue next we'll come to the screen here and this will pick up any existing operating systems on your computer so here for example it's picked up the fat was already Linux Mint 18 on this machine or it could for example and many machines pick up you've got windows there already so you could choose to install the new operating system alongside the old one here I'm going to do though go for the second option erase disk and install Linux Mint this to be absolutely clear we'll take everything off your current computer get rid of your operating system and put on your operating system onto it and gives you a clean install but don't do this when a computer would say windows on it if you don't want to get rid of Windows and of course it checks that I'm really sure I want to delete what some machine I do I'll continue it'll check things like time zones all this sort of stuff we now have to pick a username in a computer's name I'm going to give it my name it's picked up a computer name I need to pick a username I'm gonna pick say that and the fella stroke thought password here which it thinks is fair I'm going to set it to log in automatically which I'm going to find a bit easier and I do want to point out here we're setting up a local account on this machine we are not here creating an account with Linux Mint online a Linux Mint is very different - for example if you install Windows you've gone to a Windows install recently you know ask you lots of questions about all the Daedric wants to share with the world none of that happens with the looks mint this is simply a local account to log on to this particular machine so we'll click on continue and there we are it's finished so all we got to do now is to press restart now and the machine will tell us to remove our USB Drive press ENTER and we can boot properly into Linux Mint 19 so here we are booting into the Linux Mint 19 on the machine with the operating system fully installed and I should say this is my second boot because I have gone into made a few changes as things like font sizes so you can see everything a bit better on the screen and that in fact is messed up there lovely a welcome screen now but there we are if you want you can see this one but I don't think I'll shows on boot after now Todd Esther closed that down now just to give you a basic idea what's going on if you are a Windows user this should be pretty familiar to you because we've got down here what they call a panel what would be a taskbar in Windows and we've got a menu up here which is a very nice menu I like the look at the menu in Linux Mint everything is a grouped into sensible categories accessories graphics internet office etc it's not like you know say Windows 10 where everything is just alphabetical it's a much more more sensible install I should also say as I mean further already you can customize this a great deal far more than you can customize in Windows if you want to change the panel at the bottom you could just go on right-click down there and do the panel settings and those have been applied already I have made the panel height greater we can make the panel a lot smaller but I like to have it nice and big so we can we can see it and I've also gone in and made a few changes to font so if we look it's a preferences here and go into fonts which is there you will see but in Linux Mint we've got control of all the individual desktop items something we haven't had in Windows for a long time and we've also got text scaling as well you can also here change the desktop background just right click as you would in Windows we can change the desktop background couldn't be clearer could it there's lots of cool ones included I particularly this one so I'm going to go with that for now because I think that's sir even more exciting that's a really wacky background isn't I really would like that now you can't have missed the fattest little message appear it says running in software rendering mode is something wrong with our drivers for graphics and it's always worth when you installed versions Linux Mint to go into the menu and go into an administration and go to a driver manager and this will show us drivers being used this will ask us for our password which we set up during the install and here we are as you can see it's not currently using the Nvidia driver which I need to could have gotten an nvidia geforce 1030 here it's actually detected that so if we actually select the correct driver and apply changes and there we are we've now got the right graphics drivers installed but once again we need to restart our computer so the system is now rebooted and there's a couple more things of housekeeping we should really do before we start using this machine properly and the first of these involves something called time shift and this was introduced in Linux Mint 18.3 but has become far more prominent in them explint 19 so what is time shift well basically it's a function that creates what they call snapshots of your computer a bit like restore points in Windows so that if you have problems with a software installer an update you can shift your machine back in time and get out of trouble so when you get a new copy of Linux Mint 19 installed you should really activate time shift to do that we're going to the menu we'll go into administration and down here we'll find time shift there it is and it'll ask for a password and here we are the wizard for time shift has come up and by default it will select the our sync option you should stick with us mate you've got really good reasons not to unselect err next and another thing we'll have a bit more space again my sizing so you can see things has made things slightly tricky but there we are and basically you'll have to pick here the drive you want to keep your snapshot on and there's only one drive we can use here so we'll keep the default because it's hearing option we have and we'll go to next and we now need to decide how frequently we're going to take snapshots I think daily is sensible and will it click on next again and there we are I think it's um okay we were about to roll a system back if we need to so I'll click a finish on that and that time shift is now active on this computer you now closely associated with time shift in Linux Mint 19 is the update manager and you can access this in various ways you can go to the menu in administration and you'll find there we are Update Manager is down there but you can also see an icon for it on the panel by default and you see at the moment it's got a little blue coloring to it that means that an update is available as you can see there from the pop-up if we go there into the update manager that way you'll see what update is available and I could here just click on install updates I'll show you that I'll click on install updates if asked for my password in a second there we are and whilst it's getting on with that it's worth pointing out that in the past then explained it was very conservative in the way it suggested to apply updates and that conservatism has changed it's now much more likely to recommend updates because it's got time shift running on a machine and we can see that if we just let this thing finish off there we are it's finished off you can see the system's now up to date and the icon down here is now showing a little tick that's what it'll look like if your system is up to date but if we go into edit and preferences we can see here for start that snapshot is clearly important part of this it says show up warning if system snapshots are not set up they are if we look at levels you'll see here now it's got selected to do all levels of update will be actually as shown and selected because it knows he can go back to a time shift to get things back if there's a problem so these days you can go in and do lots of setting changes yourself in the update manager but to be honest if you're new to linux and you just want to system to get only do things by itself automatically it's not very good at doing that and you've never got two choices you can leave things so that you wait and see the icon down here not being a a green tick and apply updates yourself or you can go into auto upgrade and make sure here have you got system snapshot showed up in time shift yes we have and we could then apply update automatically and I think that many people that's a good thing to do but it is nice know you can if you want occasionally turn off the automatic update so you don't have interrupting you under a particularly important piece of work but anyway I will apply that and now our update manager you're going to be properly set up again we need the password but effectively now on this machine I can forget about update the system will take care of them all by itself right having been good and did all the housekeeping you should do when you get a new copy of your operating system installed let's turn our attention to software and as you may remember you look down in the menu here is a lot of software installed by default in Linux Mint 19 you've got for example the GNU image manipulation program which is basically a Photoshop alternative you've got on the internet things like the Firefox web browser Thunderbird email and under office you've got a libreoffice writer' with its word processor spreadsheet et cetera and if you wanting you can add shortcuts to D to e to the desktop or the panel you just right click here we could say add to panel and you'll see we've got that down there and that's how to say Firefox I don't know to Thea to the desktop there we are it'll go up there so we've added those on and therefore you can you can work with things exactly as you would in Windows now having said that because you might want to add other software to the stuff it isn't currently installed and to do that you go to the software manager Lea software and you is there look little green and white I can't we click on that it will come up and here we are it shows you some editors picks you might want Dropbox minecraft all these other popular things or you can search for things by name or you can use the categories so for example if I look at say games there there's lots of a Linux game so if you want over board games first-person shooters all sorts of things are there and we've got say Internet here where we could have for example the chromium browser so if we want to install something here we just have to select it will select chromium browser and we'll click on Install and the thing I'm hopefully showing you here oh yes we have to enter our password again and I'm dirtballs then to Kate but the thing I trying to show you is that to install software on a modern version of Linux something like the Linux Mint 19 is very straightforward there at all it's all done we could launch it from here I'm not going to I always like to launch things by going down to the menu just makes me feel they're really there welcome to Internet we now have the chromium browser and that's it ad that's the panel down there there it is look and I'm gonna launch you from down there I'm just in a wild mood today and there we are there's the chromium browser and let's go to explaining computer's common picked it by default that's Julie clever isn't it and there we are you can get to a website didn't check out quantum computing goony all that excitement from a few weeks ago on the channel if you wanted to do that now here I am back again to both demonstrate and fix a problem that some Windows users have when they come across to Linux and to do this I'm going to run up OpenOffice writer with a nice little icon I put down there for that purpose I'm going to load in a document recent document there it is it's called a sample word doc and there's a document you're probably thinking that looks absolutely fine and it does until we compare it to what it looked like in word if we look here and you'll see in word it look different and if we come back to the looks the reason is we haven't got the same fonts installed on the system so what can we do about that well let's close that down and we could go to the software manager there and we could search for facility to install fonts and some people do that it doesn't always work though to be honest and so I'm gonna do a terrible thing here with these some people set a terrible thing I'm going to get used to terminal and the terminal can be scary and I think people want to come across within let's go or dare you have to type commands into a terminal to write things happen isn't that awful my view is once you start using them if you have to a little bit of work with a terminal now and then so what do something in this video use the terminal and this is going to be it and what we're going to do is to install some standard windows fonts in what I think is the simplest way to do it now the first thing we'll do is to run a command called sudo apt and update now all that does by just press until it goes through and enter my password to prove it and all this does is check that the next mint 19 knows where to find all the packages we want to install bit later on let's move out up the screen just in case you can't see that on the bottom now and now we're going to enter the command to actually install the fonts which is going to be sudo and sudo by the way just tells the machine to execute a command as administrator because this is a something it actually alters the system and it's gonna be apt install and it's going to be MS tt core fonts and they forgot that white press Enter looks like I have do we wish to continue yes we do that that runs through and now I just need to scroll down to the bottom here to accept the license terms and okay there we are got to okay eventually text based system we must accept the license terms as we'll do that okay again I do accept the license terms yes and there we are in theory get finished and we can prove this has worked or not very easily or get rid of this and we'll go back into a LibreOffice writer this is a test isn't it live demonstration of something working from the terminal and they will go across to our sample document and yes it now looks like it should look because we've got folks like of comics sounds and vadhana and aerial installed on this system so if you're a Windows user bringing a lot across a lot of documents to at the next system it's very important to install these core windows fonts right I thought I'd close up saying a bit about storage under Linux spent nineteen how drives are handled because if you're coming across some Windows you'll discover you know they've got lettered drive you know long have got for example eight C Drive and so who actually helped us through this explanation I've added two more drives onto this system one is called transcend that is a USB flash drive I plugged in one is called video that is a hard drive I've are connected in to the system and as you will see from this by default Linux Mint 19 will give you an icon on the desktop for every mounted volume and there's also a couple of icons which also linked to it's a farm manager which is called Nemo which your computer and home and if we click on home you'll see it shows you initially a list of all those folders for you as a user where it expects you to store your files so you'll see for example as a folder here called documents which contains a sample document we had earlier music pictures video etc if you want to access other drives you can see down here we've got our transcend flash drive there it is with it the files in that and here is video which is the extra hard driver value onto the system you might be wondering what's in it physically Coley's if you're curious and you can see here um the pop up this drive is called SD b1 and to explain that basically what happens in Linux you that every physical drive on the system is labeled SD a SD b SD c etc and then a number on the end indicates for the particular volume the partition it is on the drive so here video is the second drive on the system and it's got one partition therefore SD p one is the volume we can see there same for trance and that is SDC one that's the one partition on that dry you want to actually see everything on the system you can the snippet of a terminal and I'll do that for my sin for a second time in this video so type D F minus H it will show us here a list of all the file systems on this computer which will obviously include all the physical drives so here for example the SDA one that is the main hard drive in this system the first partition on it where we've got the operating system installed SD b1 is the first only partition on the drive called video an SDC one is a first only partition on the drive called chat sin you can also quite useful e go to menu and administration and disk usage analyzer and one of the things that does it also to list all the physical drives on a system now having shown you that I will has take you into the icon here called computer which is just another view of an email file manager and this shows you all the physical drives on the system again and here if we click on file system file system is the first volume SDA one if we now know it's caught and there if we look at that you'll see there's lots of folders and these contain all the places that the system stores or the operating system files programs etc and there's also a directory here called home and home is if we click on that you will see it's got a folder directory for each user they're on cjp and inside that where it stores all the particular folders where you actually storing your files so there we are there's a very quick overview of drives and how you navigate them and then it spent nineteen it's a bit different what you would do in Windows but you'll get used to it in time Linux Mint 19 it's a very polished operating system that will serve many people very well indeed and which is currently my Linux install of choice but now that's it for another video have enjoyed you seen oh please press that like button if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and I hope to talk to you again very soon [Music] you
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 1,138,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linux Mint 19, Linux Mint, Linux Mint Tara, Linux Mint Timeshift, Linux, Mint, Upgrade Manager, MS Core Fonts, Install MS Core Fonts, MSCoreFonts, Christopher Barnatt, Barnatt, install, NVIDIA driver, NVIDIA, Linux Mint NVIDIA, Etcher, demo, Linux Mint 19 demo, Linux Mint 19 install, Linux Mint install, Timeshift, Windows, Windows users, migrating to Linux, migrating to Linux Mint, drives in Linux, Linux drives
Id: eI7QQqnV1P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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