Linux 5.15, Fedora 35, RHEL 9, LXQt 1.0, NVIDIA 495, MS Edge for Linux | This Week in Linux 174

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welcome to episode 174 of this week in linux recorded live on november 6th 2021 from the destination links network i'm michael tinnell if you're new to the show this is the podcast that will keep you up to date with what's going on in the linux world and i'll give you my take as a 20 year plus linux user this week's episode is just slammed with stuff because i wasn't able to do an episode last week from internet issues and that sort of thing so let's just jump right into your weekly source for linux good news this episode of this week in linux is sponsored by digitalocean and by bit warden a first in the show this week is of course the linux kernel because 5.15 has been released and there's a lot of new features in this as there always is but arguably the most important feature to come from 515 kernel is the new ntfs file system driver which is named mtfs3 prior to this release anyone who used ntf file systems had to depend on the ntfs 3g driver which was a user space driver which meant it kind of while it was more reliable than the other solutions it was a little bit slow and sometimes had its own issues even in the reliability space but this is actually much better because we have a new uh version of ntfs3 which is made by the peregrine software company and what's great about it because it being built into the kernel means it's got a lot more low level support and it can handle things much faster and more reliably which is great so it's got much improved rewrite support ntfs journal replaying acl support support for normal compressed and sparse files and much more so this is fantastic news for people who have to use ntfs now if you're just a linux only person you don't have to worry about ntfs but if you have any kind of windows install or you're in like a network and you have to do cross support for different files ntfs is still kind of the go-to for that so this is fantastic that we have support we've we've had support for a long time but having support in a much cleaner more reliably faster experience is going to be great for everyone who needs it also the latest linux kernel includes a new in-kernel smb file service now the goal of the ksmbd is not to replace samba but to provide a lightweight and fast module that is compatible with like user space tools and libraries and this new in-kernel module is capable of much faster smb3 file serving and supports more features such as rdma support for smb direct and it's also just basically makes it cleaner for certain things but still samba is going to be used for people who need extra features that are not supported in this new kernel module now there's also been a lot of improvements for hardware more specifically i wanted to talk about the improvements for the apple m1 support thanks to asahi linux with the i o mmu driver being merged as well as usb and pcie support being added this is great for people who are who already have an m1 laptop and that kind of thing but it's more important that we have support for linux to you know going forward on apple hardware because they are going to be adopting the m1 on everything uh they've already established that or they're you know the the newer versions iterations of that and not having support in that hardware ecosystem would be a problem for the adoption of linux so it's great that that work is being done and putting into the kernel now there's another thing i want to talk about is the new amd van gogh apu audio driver this is going this seems like a very specific thing that to list off but the reason why it's exciting is because this will benefit heavily the up upcoming steam deck and anything that helps makes the gaming experience on the steam deck better for the people who are you know getting started with linux through the steam back is gonna be fantastic so i am excited for that there's also a lot more in this i'll have links to the mailing list to post as well as the kernel newbies breakdown of the links to those in the show notes below if you'd like to learn more after a slight delay due to dealing with blocker bugs fedora linux 35 has been released and i mentioned the blocker bugs because some people like to call fedora linux a bleeding eggs distro but it's it's not and if it were they wouldn't be worrying about bugs blocking the release so this shows that fedor releases when it you know when it's ready to be released and i think that is a good policy now if there's like a five month delay that would be problematic but that's not what this was it was like a two week i think and fedora linux is updated much faster than other distros so that's what the confusion is about thinking that it's bleeding edge because it's not it is faster but it's but just because something is faster than christmas or in the case of lts distros two christmases it doesn't make it bleeding edge so i think that it's worth noting that because it's a good policy that they have these kinds of blocker bug structures but also at the same time they are still going to be updating much faster than people expect it to when it comes to like lts or static releases and uh there's in the latest release of fedora linux 35 there has been the update to gnome 41 in workstation gnome 41 improves the efficiency of the default weyland session the reliability of touchpad gestures there's also improvements for the gl renderer for gtk4 apps as well as many other things such as the power modes being added now technically power modes was already in gnome 40 and was also already in fedora workstation 34 but you had to install the power profiles daemon now with fedora 30 workstation 35 it includes the power profiles daemon by default and also has improvements to the power modes in general so you can choose between the balanced power saver or performance mode balance of course is just the standard power mode then power saver is for if you have a laptop and you're using battery it will one you can choose to use it if you want to but also if your battery becomes low will automatically switch the power saver which is great and the performance mode it boosts the computer's performance but also will use more energy so it will use more battery make it drain faster or if you're using a connector it will just use more power from your system so that's how it that's that's the options and that's great that you have these options by default and you don't have to install anything special to get them you can also uh check out the other updates for gnome 41 in episode 1 uh on 169 of twill and you can check that out there's stuff related to the revamped software app there's also a new application for the connections for rdp stuff lots of cool stuff in there if you want to check it out gnome 41 on twill 169. now another thing about fedora linux 35 is that there's a new addition to fedora linux and it is the fedora kinawhite version now this version is similar to fedora silver blue and it uses the os tree and it uses flat packs and it's like a read immutable system now it's not read only completely but the file system itself is and this is a really cool idea because i'm excited to try it out because i think silver blue is really cool but the only thing that i don't personally like about silver blue is that it's gnome and that's not to say that gnome is bad or anything is to say that i prefer plasma and fedora kenoite is the silver blue for plasma so you get the same value of silver blue but you get kde plasma instead of gnome which for me sounds awesome so i definitely will be trying that also in this latest release of fedora 35 they have the nvidia's proprietary driver is now included to support the enhancements for weyland now we'll talk about this more later on in the show but this is definitely very important now not all distros are going to have support for it uh because it's the very latest nvidia thing that's why some people kind of construe fedora being a leading edge because they do get updates quicker than others but it's not so that's why i mentioned it earlier anyway we'll get to more details about nvidia later on the other thing i want to talk about is third party repositories can now be enabled in after installation very easily just with a check box now this is related to flat hub specifically but it might be more in the future and this is great because it makes it easier to get started with using flat packs because previously you have to activate the remote hub for flat hub and now you can just click a check box and you're done or a toggle button whatever and this that's fantastic and the more ease of use to getting started with that i would love to see rpm fusion with just a check box or toggle button that would be awesome but uh you know just a request out to the fedora team or you know whatever the last thing i want to talk about is the update to pipe wire now pipe wire for those who are not familiar is the unified audio video server that first appeared in fedora 34. now it continues to mature and get improvements and overall like for example it's got improved bluetooth handling support for pass-through of spdif signals over optical and hdmi connections as well as several bug fixes and that sort of stuff but the thing that i want to talk about it is that there's a new media session controller called wire plumber so pipe wire media session is being replaced by wire plumber and now this is a more advanced session manager with support for plugins and scripting with lua which is what's really cool about it you can do all sorts of stuff with wire plumber but the first thing you'll notice when this change when you update to 34 or update from 34 to 35 you'll notice nothing and that's another cool thing about it because the the compatibility previously with the other the other media session stuff and as well as the the compatibility with pulse audio is just streamlined and it's seamless which is a fantastic thing because sometimes you'll see updates with core pieces and have some issues you have to deal with and when you don't have to do that that is fantastic news so it's kind of like great and that you don't know it's new but also you don't see that it's new so you don't you can't like dig in or whatever but that's why you're watching the show and that's why i make this show to tell you about these things now the history of wire plumber is also interesting because it started with automotive grade linux project and there's a and there's a bit more specific feature that you can do with it that it's related to that that i want to talk about so to quote the developer from collaborate george uh kia gadakis maybe i i don't know hopefully i said that correct or close enough so he says that wire plumber was initially developed for use in automotive grade linux where the problem that needed solving was mostly problem of arbitrary arbitrating between different audio streams for example an oblique an application playing some music in your car at the same time there is a gps navigation application trying to assist you with directions when the navigation app needs to speak to you it needs to be clearly audible so the music has to go in the background either by lowering its volume or by pausing it momentarily or for example when you receive a phone call the music would definitely have to pause at that point now this is a great piece of software because this is a great example of issues that you couldn't do things at the same time with pulse audio now in pipewire it theoretically could do it but it would be kind of a little bit more effort and wire plumber is to make that process much cleaner to do which i am so excited about this new session manager for it now not because i'm going to be scripting myself probably not but just to see like how much pipe wire and wire plumber is coming together to make audio on linux so much better because we we've always had jack for a long time and we've had pulse audio for a long time and both of them had their you know their use cases and they both provided solutions for people who needed them but to have them all in one project that you can just whether you need casual audio controls or you need pro level audio controls or you need something like this for car infotainment systems or whatever to having it all in one it's just super exciting to me and i can't wait to play with it so i will maybe do a live upgrade sort of at some point today who knows uh i will be upgrading today i'm not sure i'm gonna do it live or not cause well the stream might crash when i do the update not because of anything wrong with fedora but you know you gotta reboot the system when you do that so i may or may not figure figure out some way to do it we'll see also a really quick uh there's going to be a fedora linux 35 release party coming up next week so if you want to check that out i'll have links in the show notes for that as well as just in general for more information about fedora 35 or fedora keno white or you know the pipe wire wire plumber stuff i'll have links to all of this in the show notes below up next in the show let's talk about rail 9.0 beta this is red hat enterprise linux for those who don't know what rail stands for now there's a lot of improvements for this and of course this happens when you know this is a big update it's not available just yet that's why it's beta but there i just wanted to talk about it because one it's it's rail and there's a lot of cool stuff in here so there you go now and also rail and red hat and the centos saga and all that sort of stuff has been in the the news a lot lately for the past year i've been talking about it frequently because there's just so much interesting stuff happening with the whole enterprise linux space we might be talking about that more later on the show too but i want to first start off talking about rail 9.0 beta because there's a lot of interesting stuff done with cockpit so this is for like automation and management of deploying uh virtual machines containers and just systems in general with the web console so you have improved performance metrics so you can access additional information which will allow you to better identify the potential cause of performance bottlenecks if you are having those there's also streamlined image building which is really interesting because basically you can do like image building improvements for rail 9 beta there's also ability to build rail 8 and rail 9 images in general in a single build node which is really cool now for those who are not familiar what i'm referring to the streamlined image builder is similar to sousa studio style image builds where you can do point and click gui builds of your own infrastructure of like how you want the specific image for your deployment through cockpit which is just awesome one of my favorite things about sousa for a long time was hoosa studio and it's a shame they got rid of it just a quick tip bring it back but another thing that's great about cockpit's latest update is that they have introduced a kernel live patching now this is very important you can now leverage the power and ease of use of the cockpit web console to easily apply live kernel updates this is uh very very important for especially the enterprise because they don't really want to reboot their systems if they don't have to so having that option is definitely something that they're you know people are going to enjoy having that option they've also added smart card authentication inside of cockpit which is really cool and also there's a lot of other things that i want to talk about but the first let's talk about the security profiles that they added so they made it possible to achieve better compliance with various standards so for pci dss or hipaa compliance or others and this is a very important thing that if you need to do some kind of compliance and using an enterprise level distribution you probably do so well not necessarily because of the whole new if you want to use rail you get 16 free licenses just because so that isn't necessarily true anymore but historically it was typically true people would need to have you know care about that sort of that factor but i'm setting up my own rail uh build because i can and because they let you now which is fantastic but that's not important to the discussion i just wanted to say that for some reason now let's talk about the fact that they have integrated open ssl 3. so they are applying the latest security standards with the new open ssl 3 cryptographic frameworks built into rail utilities they have been recompiled to utilize the open ssl 3 to provide organizations with new security ciphers for encrypting and protecting their data and it's also if you want to learn more about the openssl 3 and what the differences are the changes i did talk about that previously on twill so if you want to check out episode 167 of this week in linux you can learn more about that there's also been a lot of other updates like the ubi images the pod man gcc and so much more if you want to learn more about the latest version of rail 9.0 beta or maybe even test it for yourself and give some feedback to what you know if you have any issues or any input you can check out links in the show notes below this episode of this week in linux is brought to you by digitalocean now is the perfect time to dive into the digital ocean with their new app platform service it helps you build modern and cloud native apps for way less money with the app platform you can build deploy and scale apps and static websites faster and easier than you ever could before with their simple intuitive interface you simply point the app platform to your github or your gitlab repository and it will do all the heavy lifting for you whether you're using node.js python go php ruby static sites docker or container images all of these are supported by the app platform and you simply just point your github or your gitlab repository to the app platform and then it will basically handle everything which is awesome and by running the app platform on their own infrastructure they're keeping the cost significantly lower than with other products plus it's also built on top of digitalocean kubernetes which provides a smoother migration path for if you already have kubernetes deployed be able to control your infrastructure setup much more easier and as a listener of the this weekend linux podcast and a member of the dealing community you can get started for free on the app platform actually better than free because digitalocean is giving you a 100 free credit when you go to dln again go to dln to get started with a 100 free credit on digitalocean's new app platform service and we want to thank digitalocean for sponsoring this episode of this week in linux up next in the show we have the latest release of lx cute which is 1.0 now this is a big milestone release now it's not that much different there are a lot of improvements to overall like some extra features and stuff like that but the lxq desktop environment has been usable for quite a while now and many releases but this is the first 1.0 which i am happy about so you'll see in some places they're talking about like this is an eight-year development to get to this point uh but it has been usable for a while i'm just i just wanted to make that clear so when you when people see that 1.0 they sometimes think like oh it's the first version i can use it's been usable for a while so don't worry about that if you want to try out lx cute now lxq for those who don't know is the lxqt or the lxde successor which is written in cute instead of gtk and it's the combination of the lxde teams and the razer cute teams merging together to make lx cute now this happened eight years ago so uh for those who don't know what areas are cute uh that's understandable because it they did merge into a new project many years ago but that's the history of where where it came from so you'll see lxde still existing however it's pretty much in like maintenance mode if that because pretty much everyone moved over to the cute based version now lxq 1.0 is packed with stuff to talk about so we're going to cover everything but we're going to cover some highlights so for example there's two new lxq themes to try out there's a new do not disturb mode for desktop notifications which is very important in every de in everything that has desktop notification should have a do not disturb mode because uh speaking of which i should probably turn on my do not disturb mode on my particular setup okay now that's on so there's also a new lx cute panel plugin called custom command now this lets you run a custom command directly from your desktop panel which is awesome and also there's a new ability to save and load cute palettes in lxqt appearance configuration which is nice if you want to do customizations for your the design and coloring of the experience they've also made some updates to the file manager which is pc man fm qt that's a lot to say also received a bunch of goodies such as the ability to handle emblems a recursive customization of folders a new option to make desktop items sticky by default new options for the lxeq file dialog and much more plus on top of that there's also improvements to their image viewer the lx cued archiver q terminal or is it cute urminal i'm not it's probably q terminal but i kind of want it to be cute erminal anyway and of course also there's some bug fixes and that sort of stuff now obviously this latest release of lxq 1.0 just happened this week so depending on your distro it is very likely that you do not have available to use it yet though it may be in testing for some distributions if you want to try it out now with that said i'm very happy to see lx cute finally releasing a 1.0 the last time i talked about it i kind of requested them to do a 1.0 because it just made people think that it wasn't ready to use and it has been for quite a while so that's why i wanted to uh you know i wanted them to switch and change it to a 1.0 because it just lets people know that it is ready to use because they zero point whatever is typically used for development and i'm not saying that the reason they did it is because i mentioned in the show but i kind of want to pretend it was so let's go with that if you'd like to learn more about alex cute 1.0 i'll have links in the show notes i'm next in the show let's talk about nvidia because the latest drivers for nvidia have been released as stable we talked about them previously when they were in the beta phase but now they are available for stable release so nvidia 495.44 has been released as a stable and this is most notably introducing gbm support or generic buffer manager and now the reason this is important is because it very much improves the support for the proprietary drivers from nvidia on weyland and now this is very important because whalen is becoming a it's becoming more and more used by various distributions various users which is great because the the more that wayland is used the better support it will have and that's you know the catch 22 related to that kind of thing but this implements the gbm back-end driver that can be used with the mesa drivers as well so you have support for you know you don't have to worry about the egl streams that nvidia was trying to do which created a problem with weyland so if you were to use nvidia on some distributions it would force you go back to x even if you wanted to try weyland because it wouldn't work because of the whole thing that nvidia used to do now with this new support for gbm you can actually use whalen provided your distribution has implemented the new drivers so some of them will already have support some of them will not it just depends on your distribution so there you go now another thing that's also been added is an easy to use indicator for resizable bar support as well as fixes for potential xorg server crashes for those who do want to continue to use xorg and various vulcan extensions have been added as well as a variety of other improvements in as well now another thing i want to talk about nvidia is a weird topic but i think it's interesting because it it needs to be noted notified in case someone who's in the market for getting an nvidia gpu evga's product manager uh jacob freeman confirmed in an official forum post that on october 29th of this year a shipment of egva geforce rtx 30 series graphics cards were stolen from a shipment truck so i'm mentioning this not because it's like oh the whole supply chain fiasco is you know doom and gloom kind of thing but it's more to say that if you are in the market for a gpu be careful where you get that because if you get one of these evga says that they are aware of which cards were stolen because they have referenced by serial numbers so if you do get one you can't register it you can't get a warranty or any of that stuff so just make sure you're aware of that if you are in the market if you'd like to learn more about nvidia's latest driver 495.44 we also talked about it in more details in a previous episode i'll have that linked down in the show notes below as well as a link for the latest release of the nvidia drivers up next on the show we're going to talk about kde connect and i've covered kdconnect on this show many times and almost every time i receive comments looking for support for iphone users every single time i have to say sorry but there's nothing to tell you yet well that ends today because kdconnect is now coming to the iphone starting with ios 15. so this is currently still in beta and i think it's the test pilot mode i think that's what they call it where if you want to try it out you can but it's in the beta phase and if you want to do so be sure to report any bugs you have so they can improve it for the official release but this is fantastic so if you're not familiar with kdconnect i'm going to give you a brief like synopsis summary of what it does so it allows you to connect your phone to your desktop or your laptop and be able to do a ton of cool features for example if you want to share files like music or photos or whatever you can do that back and forth for the phone you just basically say uh you go to your phone and say share menu send a kde connect and it will just send that file over your wi-fi to your computer and it's just super smooth i use it all the time also another thing that i use all the time is notifications so if you get a notification on your phone you can have it automatically display on your desktop will make it way easier to be able to to not miss any kind of critical message or that sort of stuff uh provided that you haven't turned on do not disturb like i did earlier in the show but there's also uh customizable commands that you can do so you can make you can create a list of commands that you want to do from your phone and you will be able to launch scripts or run programs or whatever on your computer which is just another fantastic feature of it and it also has the ability to control your media player on your desktop from your phone or you can do like a you know find your phone kind of thing or making you click a button on your desktop and make your phone ring if you if you misplaced it and that sort of stuff but also many many more you can even mount the file system of your phone onto your computer and use your desktop or laptops file manager to navigate and browse the phone's file system which is fantastic and i have used that many many times there's a lot of other great features that kdconnect works with and if you've never used kittyconnect i highly suggest you do now also another thing that's worth noting is that kdconnect is not required to be used in kde plasma now a lot of people see the term kde and associate stuff that's kde insert thing meaning it's only for plasma but that's not that's not accurate because kde is the community that creates it and sometimes they just name stuff kde blah because they're the people who made it and this is the case of kdconnect it will run on any de so if you want to put it on cinnamon or gnome or whatever you can do so with kde connect and once you do you're not going to want to go back because kdconnect is awesome and i have it installed on everything that i use regardless because it's awesome if you'd like to learn more about this or check out the beta edition and the test pilot for the ios or iphone implementation i have links in the show notes below this episode of this week in linux is brought to you by bitwarden get started right now with your free account at dln bitwarden is an awesome piece of software it is a password manager that allows you to have peace of mind knowing that your online accounts are secure how does it do it well bit warden provides a ton of different tools to be able 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move like many of the community have and get started with bit warden and thanks again it's for a bit we're sponsoring this week in linux up next in the show microsoft has announced edge for linux has a stable release that is available for anyone who would like to use it and i know i know people you're why am i covering this but keep an open mind that let me explain why this is newsworthy so up next in the show valve we got valve news up next in the show we have some valve news a lot of it so we're going to cover quite a few so bear with me if you're not a gaming person i think this is still interesting and if you are game person it is absolutely interesting so about nine years ago today when i say about i mean exactly nine years ago today november 6th valve released the first beta of the linux client with steam so this is a historic action because prior to that gaming on linux was well let's just say limited i guess in fact i remember when pharonix wrote about the client coming to linux people did not believe it they considered it so unlikely that they just thought it was a joke and like a you know in bad taste joke and that sort of stuff but it was true as you can well as you know so in just nine years so much has changed with the upcoming steam deck we're gonna get even more people using linux on gaming on linux and we're gonna have so much more potential for the availability of the linux platform and i can't wait to get my steam deck and i can't wait to see what the future of linux gaming is because with this is just a period of nine years going from almost no gaming to a massive company releasing a product specifically for linux gaming with valve doing it now you know valve did all of those things for the most part but whatever uh high five to valve pretty much every time i talk about it well done valve uh but also the linux market share is growing on steam now it's not growing like super fast but it is steadily growing we're now at 1.13 market share this is notable because this is over a million people but also uh it's notable because it's it's been over uh one percent for four months or so and it's only going to get even more with the steam deck coming out and i am very excited about this now next up we're going to talk about the steam beta because valve added support for va api hardware encoding on linux with with uh support for amd and intel and this is fantastic because va api is for making it better performance for the different gpus and making it having it built into steam beta is just going to be even more higher performance for your various games and that sort of stuff so more fps which means better gameplay automatically that's how it works i think right uh recently we also talked about uh anti-cheat software for linux uh we talked about this on a couple occasions and i'm really happy to let you know about something you know specifically to battle eye so we had announcements for both easy anti-cheat and battle eye in regards to linux support uh eac or easy anti-cheat kind of explained that the developers would have to upgrade to a new sdk which is not something that's quick and easy to do it requires them to do more extra testing and that kind of thing but valve has announced that uh in conjunction with battlely that the experience for developers for using battle like anti-cheat is a way easier to support linux pretty much all they have to do is reach out to battlely and have the proton support turned on so there's no additional work required on the developer side all they have to do is send them an email and tell them they want it turned on and that's it now it'd be really cool if it was just automatically turned on sure but the fact that it's just an email the barrier to entry is very very low and there's still going to be have to be some testing i assume but just the process of not having to change any code or having to change their sdk or whatever that's fantastic news uh so if you'd like to learn more about any of the topics we've covered here for valve you'll find links in the show notes up next in the show is another topic for gaming that this is a very interesting topic that i wanted to discuss because this is actually in some ways an example of how to pitch to game developers why supporting linux is important for them to do because a lot of the times they would always say something about how market share is not big enough so they don't have reason to care and that sort of thing and this is a great example of why market share is not always the only thing they should look at so an indie dev found that linux users generate more and better bug reports so they're basically saying that linux gamers are the are most helpful to developers and for example this this developer of a game called rings of saturn which is a sci-fi top-down physics-based space mining simulator uh said that on average linux players will get you 650 percent more bug reports now and some people might see that going oh no that's a lot of more bug reports but it gets better so they so in only 5.8 percent of the of the players were playing on linux and they generated over 38 of the bug reports not because the linux platform was buggier than the other platforms it was only three of these 400 bugs that were reported were actually related to linux specific issues just three which means that all of those other bugs that reported were helping every other platform who are playing this game so the developer of rings of saturn says that the report quality is stellar specifically saying you get all of the software os versions all the logs you get core dumps you get replication steps he says sometimes i got with the player over discord and we quickly iterated a few versions with progressive fixes to isolate the problem you just don't get that kind of engagement from anyone else so is developing your game for linux worth doing it some devs say that market share is too small so they don't but if you look at it this way the linux market share is a helpful qa testing set so basically that is an enormous value in itself you get qa testers kodera software the developers behind rings of saturn says it's like having your own 700 person strong qa team that was not 38 extra work for me that was just free qa that is a fantastic perspective and that's why i wanted to hide on the highlight on the show because you can give this as an example for if you talk to a developer whether it's an application or it's a game or whatever there is that factor of linux so yes it might not be the biggest market share but your anytime you support linux you're also going to get a group of people who want to help you make your product better and that is in itself way more valuable i think so if you'd like to read read more about this like check out the reddit post from the developer yourself i'll have links in the show notes up next in the show let's talk about some hardware we have a new product from the tuxedo computers it is the nano pro this is a very compact yet powerful machine so the base configuration for this is the is amd ryzen 3 4300 u and amd radeon graphics and this is uh it starts off at 640 euros and this also comes with four gigabytes of uh ddr4 ram 250 gigabytes samsung 860 evo ssd wi-fi six and it also comes with tuxedo os 20 20.04 lts now you can have it upgraded to amd ryzen 5 4500u or amd ryzen 7 4800u you can get up to 64 gigs of ram and you can also get up to support for two a two terabyte m.2 ssd it has a lot of ports for such a small device it has a lot of port so you have hdmi display port it has two usbc which also has support for the displayport it has two ethernet jacks one is a one gigabyte ethernet the other one's a 2.5 gigabyte ethernet now this is interesting because a lot of times you'll see these kind of compact things only have one if any of the ethernet ports so it's interesting it has two it also has a usb a which is the more standard usb it's got two um 3.2 or it's got one 3.2 gen and it's got two 2.0 gen usbs and they say on their uh website for the announcement for the product it says whether a as a media station for the living room an extremely space-saving work pc or digital signage solution for companies the tuxedo nano pro is versatile and starting with an entry level price of 640 euros i think it might be a little bit overkill for digital signage solution just saying you can get a raspberry pi for like 45 bucks for digital signage but the other stuff sure that'd be cool so if you want a very powerful pc that's very compact then that that makes sense but if you want a digital signage solution uh maybe a raspberry pi instead if you want to learn more about this latest uh product from tuxedo computers i'll have links in the show notes below up next in the show we have some humble bundles to talk about i'm going to have a link to all the current bundles there's a lot of stuff so just i want to highlight two of them because these are really cool and the rest are also good too if you're interested in any of these things i'll have them linked in the show notes but first of all i want to talk about the sonic the hedgehog bundle because it's if you want to try sonic mania or team sonic racing or sonic lost world or sonic adventure 2 or sonic adventure dx and sonic and sega all-stars racing or any of these they're all available inside of this bundle and this is something that i am so excited about because these are all supported well there's two that are not supported great in proton but the rest of them are so i am very excited to get this bundle myself because as a a person who grew up with sonic and i am kind of i'm pretty excited to try out these games because i've been wanting to play a few of them but they were only windows related and they didn't work on proton that well but now they do so awesome also the other thing i want to talk about is the asper 25th anniversary bundle you can get sid meier civilization beyond earth collection uh borderlands the handsome collection and bioshock infinite plus the bioshock infinite season pass now i have uh i have bioshock evident but i haven't played it but i've heard really good things about it so i do want to play that soon i might do it on a stream or something like that but i have played borderlands uh both the borderlands 2 and pre-sequel and i have to say that if you have never played borderlands 2 and you're interested in a fun while very crude and violent game it's a first person shooter that's it's very unique and what it but it's really cool uh borderlands 2 has one of the best villains of all time and i think that's a very strong statement to stat to say but i would put it in at least in my top five best villains ever because it's just fun fantastic where you you hate the villain because he's rude but he's also funny so you like him at the same time so i don't know it's weird but i think that handsome jack is awesome and in many ways so if you're curious about what i'm talking about and you want to get it out you'll get a link in the show notes for this particular bundle and you can get borderlands 2 and pre-sequel in this bundle and also real quick these links will be affiliate links so if you are wanting to get any of these any of the bundles in there please use those links because a small percentage will go towards this show as a like a tiny commission that kind of thing so i would very much appreciate that if you do want to get in these bundles to use those links so links in the show notes thanks for watching this episode of this week in linux if you like what i do here on the show please like that smash button and be sure to subscribe if you'd like to support the show and the channel we have multiple ways to contribute via patreon sponsors and others you can learn more by going to contribute and if you do become a patron you can join me during the live stream in the recording stadium to discuss stuff between topics and just hang out every week after the show as well as in the beginning of the show because we're doing a patron-only pre-show now as well as the patron-only post show so if you want to be you're going to be a part of that go to contribute and you can also support the show by ordering the linux is everywhere t-shirt or the this week in linux shirt that i'm wearing right now by going to plus while you're there you can check out all the other great stuff there's there's hats uh hoodies mugs stickers aprons backpacks so much cool stuff i'm actually gonna be checking out my own uh order today because i wanna get the deal in uh the destination linux podcast water bottle because uh you know having just a basic bottle of water is not very effective because as you can tell i'm pretty much out now so i need to get my uh my own destination linux water bottle very soon so go to if you want to get one for yourself if you'd like some more checks more podcasting goodness from me and the rest of destination linux while you're at the store you can check out the other stuff at such as the destination linux podcast hardware addicts gamesphere deal and extend sudo show and much more check it out by going to destination linux dot network and just a reminder this show is live every saturday at 1 pm eastern or 1800 utc so join us in the live chat room to discuss all the latest linux canoes each and every week by going to thanks again for watching i'm michael tanell with the destination linux network and i'll see you next week for another episode of your weekly source for linux good news [Music] you
Channel: Michael Tunnell - TuxDigital
Views: 5,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linux, open source, DLN, linux podcast, podcast, tech podcast, technology, linux news, tech news, linux distro, Destination Linux, Linux Kernel, Linux 5.15, Fedora 35, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, RHEL 9, LXQt 1.0, LXQt, NVIDIA, NVIDIA 495, KDE Connect, iPhone, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft, Valve, Steam Deck, Anti-Cheat Linux, Linux Gamers, TUXEDO Nano Pro, Humble Bundle, Sonic The Hedgehog, Aspyr 25th
Id: 6c0sPIsCi_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 35sec (2735 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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