LINK CLICK Season 1 Recap | Get Ready for Season 2!

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the camera's up here the summer anime season is here and you know what that means link click season two the explosive dongwa from China is back again and I am so excited uh but in case you haven't caught up since its release we are here to break down everything that happened in season one of them let's jump into it we start the series by meeting Luke Wong Cheng jiaoshi and Zha Ling at the time photo studio besides running a photo studio Zhao Ling brings the boys clients where they use photographs to help accomplish a specific objective lugon has the ability to see everything that happens in a photo within 12 hours of it being taken and Chang Joshi has the ability to dive back into photos by clapping his hands with Luke Wong allowing him to possess the photographer's body for 12 hours in order to fulfill their clients wishes Lu Guang is able to share his Consciousness with Chang Joshi and direct him he tells him what to say and what he can do and not do while inside a photo gel link tells the boys about a job from an unnamed client to expose a company Vicki games fraudulent activities however the data to do so is nearly impossible to access the group determines that Emma the cfo's assistant has the best chance of seeing the data so Liu Guang looks through a photo taken by Emma two days before and finds it's possible for them to succeed except they only have one chance at it Lou gong and Chang Joshi go over their three rules for their photo Dives one Chang Joshi only gets 12 hours in a photo to complete their mission two Chang Joshi must follow Lu guang's instructions when in the picture so he does not change anything in three leave the past and future be Chang Joshi points out that he's heard the rules thousands of times and the two of them high five and change how she enters the photo chenjaoshi now as Emma is sitting at her desk posting an image of her egg rolls and moments the CFO Mr Zoo calls Emma into his office where he attempts to make advances on shenzhoshi as Emma he tries to decline but Mr Zoo continues to coerce her fortunately they're saved by her phone ring allowing shenzhou to push away her boss shenzhou she answers the phone and it's Emma's mother who says she's concerned for her daughter working so much and eating poorly Emma's dad Interruption tells her mom not to bother her so she can get work done and go home the phone call gets interrupted by Mr Zoo who demands that the materials for the meeting the next day must be done that evening after ending the call Mr Zoo also adds on some additional responsibilities and her parents feel guilty about getting her in trouble with her boss Chen Zhang XI as Emma arrives at home at 2 45 am only to need to go back to the office with a 9 A.M meeting where they will have their one chance at seeing your data Emma receives a message as soon as she closes her eyes but shenzhoshi initially does not check it as for lugwong's orders while asleep chenjoshi dreams of Emma and her parents eating spring rolls around the dinner table the stream morphs into Chen Joshi seeing his own parents and they walk away from each other and never return shenzhoshi wakes up and Liu Guang says that when he becomes people he will also inherit their feelings janjoshi asks will they come back referring to his own parents who left when shenzosi was young and Lou Guang tries to comfort shenzhausi before going back to sleep instead of sleeping chenjoshi checks Emma's phone and sees an apology from her mother over getting her in trouble with Mr zoo and Emma's mother also adds how much she and her father love her seeing this makes shenzhoshi emotional the next morning Emma goes into work and during the meeting lugong tells chenja she distilled tea on her boss's pants she tries to help him white bump the tea but as she does Mr Zoo's wife comes in and accuses him of cheating on her with Emma Mr Zoo puts the blame on Emma saying she's the one who puts advances on him Mr Zoo's wife slaps Emma further insulting her for her rural upbringing shenzhoshi enraged by the unfair treatment prepares to fight back but stops after remembering lugwong's rules Mrs Zoo hits her again and shenzhou she falls over taking Mr Zoo's laptop down with her while she sits on the ground luong and shenzhoshi are able to extract the necessary financial information off the laptop after finishing the job Vicky games higher-ups or charges fraudulent crimes including Mr zoo and although she was not involved in the Scandal and this proximity to those who were means it will be nearly impossible for her to find another job in the industry a dejected Emma goes home and begins to cry but a plate of fresh spring rolls on her table catches her eye it is revealed that Chang Joshi as Emma responded to her parents texts the night before with the message Mom Dad I miss you something Chang Joshi did on his own while lukewong was asleep thus creating a change in the past receiving her message Emma's parents went to her apartment to leave supplies for her so she could take better care of herself Emma calls her parents after seeing the supplies and asks them to wait at the train station so she could go see them in the rush to get there a mysterious man offers her a ride and she accepts back in the present Chang Joshi wonders about Emma and Lou Guang replies they must leave the future beat shortly after lung Guang watches a video on his phone with a news report on Emma sudden and suspicious death for the next job yuja an owner of a chain restaurant company wants to obtain the secret new release [Music] [Laughter] I quit you want to tell them why you wrote noodly because growing up instead of calling it Rob called noodles okay I can go back in time for their next job an owner of the chain restaurant company wants to obtain the secret noodle recipe kept by her ex-partner Liam Zan a really touching story unfolds in which yujian's desire to grow the business gets in the way of her and Lin Jin's partnership and friendship however when they find out the secret ingredients Lin Zhang uses as a fragrant flower from Yu Zhang's home in Zhang zhuang yujia remembers what's important to her and goes back to her hometown where Lin Zen has opened up her own small noodle shop noodle shop lots of Tears shed by all including us continuing on with the Heartbreak their next job is from an architect who seeks out the group to help write some regrets from his past Chen Zhao the client wishes to say three things to three different people in the past his best friend his crush and his mother when shenzhoshi Dives back into the photo we witness a basketball game that shenzhou and his best friend Lu hongbin lost however because shenzhou XI is actually a really good basketball player and he feels guilty for causing Lu hongbin's injury they actually end up winning the basketball game in an epic turn of events luguan gets frustrated at Chang zhaoshi for changing the past but then explains the concept of time nodes anything change how she does or changes in the past could create a Time Warp and rewrite the future that they're currently in which would help the entire world The Only Exception is when a specific Moment In Time a node occurs one that can still correct things even if all the past before the node was altered if the time node gets altered then all corresponding past events could be Rewritten turns out shinjoshi winning the basketball game instead of losing didn't do anything to change the node so they're all good and the future won't change after the game one by one Chen Joshi delivers the words the client wished to say to his best friend his crush and his mother all the same person she asks luguan if it was really okay for him to be saying those words and Luke Wong reassures him that as long as the node doesn't change it would be fine after he says the final words to the client's mother she brings some noodles to the table they ask you how you are you just have to say that she brings some noodles to the table and reminds him that it's his father's birthday May 12th all of a sudden shenzhou stops he asks her what year it is and she tells him it's 2008. it finally Dawns on shenzhou XI what this means and why the Note won't change it cuts to a flashback of a younger Xiao Ling and Chang Joshi who's talking about a big earthquake last night and that many people died in the devastation bursting into cheers she asked Zhao Ling if his missing parents might have died there she brings him into a hug and Comforts him while he cries Chang xiaoshi begins to freak out because an earthquake is going to happen in a few hours and will completely destroy the client's Hometown and kill almost everyone there Lu Guang jumps out of a seat in commands and believes the photo immediately but he doesn't listen and instead starts running out the door with his bicycle at hand tank Joshi comes to understand NY altering the basketball game and saying those words of the client's friends and family had no effect in the timeline as they were all doomed to die anyway luong tells Chang Joshi that he cannot alter death as it is an important node Chang Joshi ignores this and attempts to convince the client's friends to flee their Village to escape the earthquake with little success Chang Joshi begs Luke Wong to allow him to at least save his mother and Luke Wong agrees this agreement is not genuine however as the mother ends up dying by protecting Chang Joshi as chenjao balling falling falling after leaving the photo changji realizes lugwong knew this would happen and punches him in Anger before collapsing to his knees and crying into lugong's chest Chang Joshi and Liu Guang tell Zhao Ling that they will be taking a break from entering photos but then a police officer arrives at their photo studio in this Arc besides learning about the time nodes we learn in another important thing about Chang Joshi's time travel he is able to retain his health or physical strength and abilities while possessing someone's body as he has perfect eyesight and doesn't need the glasses that Chen Xiao wears next in the special 5.5 episode we meet Lucy Wen a young man who was uncessantly and unwaveringly attempting to prove himself worthy of his girlfriend's hand in marriage to her martial arts master father the martial arts master over decades continually beats as Lucy when though despite hiring Chen Joshi and LU Wong to find the master secret technique Lucy Wen eventually beats the master in a battle of wills and a couple now old is able to marry back in the main story The group's next client is a police officer and the father of a young boy that was kidnapped who are seeking help to locate the boy we learn of the events that took place before the kidnapping in which the boy's parents were so busy running their milk tea shop that the boy got snatched right out from underneath them it's been three years and the father was still searching while his wife has gone crazy from the trauma and guilt the father pleads for help but he is nevertheless turned away as Chen zhaoshi has decided to put operations on pause Zhao Ling later admits she saw the child dodo being taken away by a stranger three years prior Xiaolin has been haunted by the situation because she never said or did anything about it this spurs shenzhoshi into action even though he was most likely going to help anyway the duo uses CCTV footage from the police to look for Clues the CCTV footage sends shenzhouxi into the past as himself as there was no person that took the photo or video while in the past shenzhou XI chases the kidnapper but ends up losing them because he runs into Xiaolin it turns out that he was the one that distracted xiaoling from noticing the boy was being kidnapped all along Chang zhaoshi loses track of a kidnapper while trying to avoid changing the timeline by interacting with Xiaolin while talking with the father about their failure to find any information about the kid mapper they end up finding a photo that was taken by dodo right before he was kidnapped this allows Chang Joshi to go into the past as dodo and they are able to gather Clues to identify the kidnapper and Chang Joshi scares the [ __ ] out of her which ultimately leaves the kidnapper to not traffick the child and dodo gets saved in the present after dodo reunites with his parents the police officer asks for help on a Serial murder case lugong looks at the photos of the case one of which is Emma's corpse boogalong hides the photo before Cheng jioshi sees it substituting it for a CCTV image of the Killer and turns down the case on a friend of the gang is their new client and press Aid in discovering what her close friend and likely love interests dang Yi said to her when she blacked out the night before Chiang xiaoshi notices a man approaching zhu's friend who looks suspiciously like the perp from the police officer's photo he saw earlier fearing the man is the serial killer Chang zhaoshi gives Chase anyway it turned out to be a Manju Shenzhen recently turned down and not the serial killer but he was going to drug her so it's not that chill XU xianchan ends up in the papers the next morning except her story was exaggerated from an unrequited love story to a resolved Urban mystery related to the string of Serial murders occurring and the president xiaoling meets up with Lou Guang and Chang jaoshi and she texts Juju and Shan to ask her if she answered donging's confession however the group receives an uncharacteristic text message in reply saying Clues received my new friends concern Michelle Ling calls jujinshan and are surprised to hear a strange man's voice deliver a cryptic message saying fearing the strange man on the phone is a serial killer the police are after luguang visits the police before he leaves he tells Xiaolin to look after a distraught Chen chausing who blames himself for putting jujasha in danger after he changes the past the night before while he was diving while with the police luong enters the CCTV photo of the killer where he is able to identify the license plate of the killer however Lu Guang then sees Chen Yoshi in the photo and realizes change as he has entered the photo alone we cut to a flashback of lubong and shenzhouxi going over the rules of diving on one of their first Dives and shenzhausi asks if his abilities work if he high-fives himself and luong warns him never to do this because he will not be connected to lube Wong in the past and LU Wong won't be able to guide him in order to not change the future back in the present shenzhou XI wanting to do everything he can to help find shushan Shan takes it upon himself to dive into the CCTV photo of the killer to find Clues meanwhile the police visit Liu Ming the primary suspect and owner of the license plate luong identified only to find him paralyzed from a recent automobile accident thus Liu Min could not have committed those crimes as he is bound to a wheelchair and has an alibi for Emma's death as he was in the hospital Chen Joshi now in a photograph gets into the trunk of lumen's vehicle as Lou and Emma get inside Lumin drives to an isolated location and begins to strangle Emma turns out lumin's father owns the company Emma worked for and when his father cut him off from the company's profits Emma's boss Mr Zoo began secretly funneling away money for Lumin but Mr zoo was also stealing money for himself and eventually gave Emma dirty money as well as Lou means strangles Emma he shouts her name and shenzhoshi hears this and realizes his actions as Emma changed her course of fate and brought her to this point in time to be murdered shenzhou to be murdered to be murdered to be murdered Chen zhaoshi yells in distress which stops looming from killing Emma as he goes out to check the trunk but when he opens it Chang Yoshi reappears at the time photo studio in front of an angry lukewong and a very surprised Xiaolin the defeated Chang Joshi admits he did not change anything and realize the futility of his actions shortly after their police report lumen's injury to the group and say that Emma could not have been murdered as the CCTV footage shows her walking alone on the bridge before she died Our Gang regroups and strategizes on how to save jujin and they find a photo that she took before she went into the time photo studio the day before Lu Wong looks into the photo and discovers that something did happen to shujian Chan and Jing Joshi mentally prepares himself for what may happen if he enters the photo Chang Joshi enters the photo where he bickers with himself and his friends and learns somewhat of what they truly think of him both positive and negative we also learned how after Cheng xiaoshi's parents went missing Xiao Ling's father let him 10 years worth of rent that he would need to pay back when he got older hence why changed how she calls Xiaolin his landlady Ching Joshi and Zhao Ling basically grew up with each other and Zhao Ling was there for him when his parents were gone we also learned how Lu Guang coincidentally walked into both Changi and jao Ling's lives after having met Cheng jiaoshi earlier playing basketball as the confrontation was jujan Shan and the attacker draws near Chang zhaoshi put some pieces together and asked Luke long to follow his lead to set up a trap for the Killer believes the cryptic message the killer sent was in response to a game Chang Joshi as jujuan will set up for him when he comes to attack blue Guang goes along with Chang Joshi's plan and the Knight unfolds as the killer comes to attack changshi as jujuan in the past in the present the killer enters the time photo studio in synchronicity kind of Chang Joshi stops the attacker from killing xuxian Shan by intriguing him with a game and LU Guang runs to the development room and locks the attacker inside the killer agrees to play Xiang Zhang xi's game as he is intrigued by the new friend he made and Chang Joshi returns to the present appearing in the development room with the attacker it is revealed that the attacker visiting the studio was all part of shenzhi's plan to confront him and make a deal providing the attacker with a hint the group chat text from jowling at 10 am and returned for Zhu zhenjen safety the attacker finds himself locked in the development room with Chang Joshi in the present in the two fight with Chang zhaoshi disappearing and reappearing as he enters the photographs of the attacker's victims the serial killer is revealed to in fact be Liu men and when he confesses to Sheng Joshi he is arrested by authorities the human is interrogated by authorities who are confused by his inconsistent paralysis the woman talks about his friend who did the killings discussing the killings in a manner suggesting schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder this further confuses authorities who say Liu Min has no diagnosis of mental illness that was using Jan saved in order to resolve the final mystery and learn what really happened to Emma Chang Joshi asked for the CCTV footage of Emma on the bridge and uses it to attempt to save her he dives into the footage and for the first time Zhao Ling experiences how him and Liu Guang dive into the past it's revealed that following xinjioshi's near Discovery in the trunk of lumen's car Lumin was afraid that he had killed Emma when all he wanted to do was scare her for stealing his money and rushed off to get to a hospital Emma regained Consciousness and caused Lumin to crash his car where he got paralyzed we see Emma escaping Lumen but then she starts breaking down because her life isn't going how she thought it would just before jumping off of a bridge Chen Joshi approaches her after entering the CCTV footage and reveals his ability he says no matter what he does he can't change the past after she asks him to however he says that despite that we can still change our future and provides encouragement to her he reaches out for Emma's hand and she reaches out for his having changed her mind and wants to continue living while witnessing this Lu Wong is shocked because death is a major node that cannot be changed however at the same time three horrifying things begin to happen lumen's eyes turn red and he begins to strangle himself while in custody Emma's eyes turn red and she jumps off the bridge Angel Ling's eyes turn red and she stabs Luke Wong at that moment Changi and luang both realize that another person has the ability to take over bodies and that person was using Lumin as a puppet which would explain the inconsistency in his paralysis xinjiao she returns to the present after not being able to save Emma only to discover xiaoling standing over the bloody Lu Guang the possessed Xiaolin taunts Chen zhaoshi saying this is your punishment for breaking the rules of the game now the game has been reset [Music] we need to know what happens so we are so excited for season two if you have a watch link click which why would you be watching this video you can watch it if you haven't watched it it is one of the best we've been on the edge of our seat for over a year now oh yeah waiting to see what happens next yes and if you want to watch with us please do because we'll be watching every single episode right here on YouTube so let's watch some anime I'm Molly thank you for watching goodbye I died
Channel: Let's Watch Some Anime
Views: 17,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: link click, shiguang dailiren, link click anime, chinese anime, what is link click, shiguang dailiren explained, link click explained, shiguang dailiren ending explained, link click ending explained, link click ending, link click season 2, the ending of link click explained, link click recap, link click anime recap, shiguang dailiren recap, link click season 1, link click season 1 recap, link click s1 recap, everything you need to know for link click season 2, anime recap
Id: WalkyisNQHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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