He Was Abandoned For Being Weak But his The Strongest God

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his friends abandoned him for being weak but he's a God who hides his power yet yogiri is dreaming about the moment he met Asaka his foster mother that day Asaka was taking a job interview to work for a research institute but upon reading the contract she noticed a clause that she couldn't complain if the job was the cause of her death she tries to obviously reject it and leave however they force her to sign it she thought this was the base of an evil organization but yukoh the interviewer tried to dismiss it while taking the lift she wanted to know the details about her job yet yukoh replied that she simply had to take care of a monster she's shocked to hear it but yukoh explains they do cursed experiments in their Institute upon reaching the bottom floor she notices how dark it is with something written on the doors Yu-Gi-Oh explains that's a scripture she asks where he is taking her and he reveals it's to her workplace while taking another lift he asks if she knows about Alpha Omega since she doesn't he explains that it means everything or for eternity and that's the name of the test subject she will be taking care of Asaka asks if that subject is human but Yukio cannot give her an answer because he has never seen it all he knows is that Alpha Omega can kill anything he wants just by thinking Asaka cannot believe they expect her to take care of a monster like that yet yukoh replies that's possible because she has a teacher's license she realizes that's the only reason she got this job but yukoh tries to explain that if she doesn't do it Humanity could perish perish he explains they think they can only avoid that outcome by providing him with an adequate education she complains because there are other people more suitable for this job yet yukoh reveals she's the perfect fit for the job after finally reaching the final floor she notices a vault door yukoh explains he cannot get further from here and gives her some papers with instructions he wishes her good luck and takes the lift up she uses her card to open the vault and upon stepping inside notices how it's not what she expected she follows the map and reaches a house but she doesn't seem to find anybody inside she then hears some noise from a room and opens the door she then sees that Alpha Omega is just a little innocent kid despite the shock she complains about everyone being scared of a little kid and picks him up she goes outside and throws him onto the floor telling him to be a normal kid and play outside the kid is confused but points his finger at her she gets scared after remembering that he can kill anything just by thinking suddenly she hears something dropping to the floor and sees some sort of Shadow the kid revealed that thing was hiding in her Shadow just to get here she asks about it and he calls it a demon while also revealing they often come there to kill him Asaka is confused and the kid tells her that he doesn't mind playing outside but asks if he can do it tomorrow because it's almost evening Asaka realizes she forgot about it after losing her head and helps him get up she introduces herself and asks the kid for his name he he replies they call him Alpha Omega but before he came there he was called Lord akaushi he then tells her that he's hungry making her realize that she must also prepare his meals she checks the fridge and realizes that she cannot cook at all while checking every kitchen compartment she finds some cup noodles and gives him to eat upon tasting the kid mentions he likes it but Asaka is still thinking about his name she asks about his parents but the kid doesn't know what's a parent she apologizes and upon looking at him she thinks about a dog and names him yogiri the kid asks if takatu yogiri sounds good Asaka doesn't understand why she's using her family name but realizes that he doesn't know what's a family she decides to let him use that name and teaches him how to handshake and greet someone Asaka is preparing breakfast but she's pissed that the agency didn't provide her with a rice cooker the meal she's preparing is missing some ingredients she decides to taste it and she's horrified by what greets her taste buds she dishes out the food and yogiri eats it but he complains he tells her the food is yucky and too sticky she's surprised that's all he had to say to her after she made him breakfast he tells her he can't compliment her because the food is gross and she shuts him up angrily she tells him a guy should never complain about the food a girl cooks for him because it's unattractive yugiri doesn't understand what she's talking about and she forces him to eat the food and say that it's delicious yogiri gives in and eats it telling her that it's delicious yogiri Yi is working out some problems when Asaka hears someone come into the house she wonders who it could be and yogiri tells her it could be the Courier Asaka opens the door carefully and she sees a girl carrying a bag she asks the girl who she is the girl tells her she came to bring them groceries with a robot voice aaka realizes she's a robot and she wonders if it's safe to allow yogiri to grow up H surrounded by robots she tells the girl to also bring them other things thei tells her he's done with the work and she realizes he finished early she decides to take him outside and she's happy with the view she can't believe they're underground yugiri tells her there are some floating things on the ground and she tells him it's because it's a farm Asaka has a bad feeling that she won't make it out of there alive at the end of the month Asaka presents her monthly report her supervisor yukoh is surprised she lasted the whole month she tells him she won't last much longer because she doesn't think she can give yiri the minimum education he needs he tells her she can make it work but she tells him she'll need more people yukoh tells her that it's not that easy because other researchers usually bow out after just one day with yugiri Asaka remembers her experience and she sees why others usually last only one day Yukio asks her if she hates her job and she tells him she hates it with passion she wonders why she has to be locked away in such a place and yukoh tells her they'll make it worth her while because they value her he gives her a package and she wonders what it is she opens it up and he tells her that's her month's salary she tells him no amount of money can convince her to keep working there yukoh tells her she can go outside if she wants and she's surprised he never told her that before he asks her if she would like to leave but she's worried about yugiri yukoh tells her robots will handle his meals and she wonders why she made his meals Yukio tells her they needed her to add her special ingredient of Love She immediately submits a vacation request suddenly she wakes up up in a Cell she remembers she went into the city had a meal and did a lot of shopping she spent a night at a high class hotel but she can't remember how she got to the cell she wonders if she was caught and a voice from a communication device tells her they won't cause her any harm the voice tells her their organization disrupts anomalies and seals them away to protect the world they just want to have a word with her the next day yogiri asks his Courier robot where Asaka is and she tells him Asaka went on vacation yugiri isn't happy to hear this he sits outside to read wondering when Asaka will come back yogiri sees that his dog is also lonely and he decides to find aaka by himself he asks the robot about Asaka whereabouts and she tells him she doesn't know he asks her to bring the researchers who know her location to him she tells him she can't go out because she cannot open the door from inside yogiri somehow contacts the control room and he tells them to open the door they are thrown into a panic and they decide to contact attack yukoh he rushes down to the control room only to see all of them slumped on the floor he asks his colleague what's going on and the scientist tells him that yogiri is controlling the lady scientist and anyone who tried to stop her lost their life yukoh is surprised that yogiri can do that he orders his security detail to shoot the lady scientist but he suddenly slumps to the ground yogiri enters the room and asks Yukio about Asaka and he tells him she's on vacation yogiri asks him when she'll be coming back and he tells her she won't be coming back because she was taken away by the agency yogiri wonders if he'll help her but he tells him he can't help her because the organization has a global reach and they are not powerful enough to stop them yogiri decides to go help her and he tells yukoh to keep his murder spree a secret Asaka goes to the agency base and he tears through everything he asks those in charge where Asaka is they think yugiri's power is to take out anything he sees they decide to take him about before he sees them they set up an ambush but yogiri takes them out Asaka is pissed that she didn't get a job at a conventional place and she wonders how yogiri is doing she suddenly hears some commotion outside and she decides to use that chance to escape the door suddenly opens and a woman points a gun to her head aaka is surprised because they said they won't hurt her the woman takes her hostage and yugiri walks into the room he's happy he's finally found her but she's surprised to see him the woman tells him not to move or she feel un alive Asaka she keeps threatening Asaka but he uses his powers to take her life Asaka wonders what happened to the woman yogiri rushes to hug her and he tells her they can go home they walk out of the room and aaka is surprised by the damage yogiri dealt to the place she smiles at him reassuringly and they leave the base she returns him home and she goes to talk with yukoh in the garden she asks him what will happen after what yogiri did and yukoh tells her there's nothing to be done she's surprised that there'll be no punishment for yugiri's atrocities yukoh tells her that they definitely can't let her quit now and she's pissed that he's laughing about that he tells her they'll take extra steps to make sure she remains safe and he asks her if she's comfortable with continuing her work she tells him she doesn't feel like quitting at the moment because yogiri would do worse things if he's left alone she tells yukoh she still has some things to teach yogiri just to make him happy yogiri tells her he wants to play a game and he tells him she'll join him soon she leaves yukoh and runs into the house she suddenly realizes that she forgot her bag at the agency base and she's sad that she lost her month salary an older yogiri is awoken from his sleep by his classmate tomacha who seems to be in a panic he opens his eyes asking who she is but quickly remembers she's the girl with the weird name he remembers that before taking a nap they were on a class trip and asked if they already arrived however Tomer replies they haven't and tells him to wake up and see what's going on giri looks around and sees several of his classmates lifeless in their pools of sauce he notices that one of them is pierced by something strange and asks what it is he decides to look outside the bus and notices something wrapping around it he thinks it could be a giant snake or a lizard to figure it out he grabs a random mic on the floor and throws it against the pierced guy turns out the dead cannot fight you back but the thing that pierced him starts moving Yi returns its attention outside the bus again and realizes that thing is a huge wyver the monster flies up and decides to charge at the bus while preparing to breathe fire suddenly tomacha hugs him in despair that moment rewies Yogi's brain the sensation of a plot-- filled girl holding on to his arm changes his mind he focuses his mind on opening a door and says one word die in the next second the wyvern suddenly collapses onto the floor yiri tells tomacha that they're safe but she's confused and asks about what's going on yagiri pulls out his console while telling her to calm down and tell tell him what happened after explaining the whole thing yogiri realizes there's a big problem he has no way to recharge his console in this world he then gets up mentioning that according to yuzaki it's now safe outside tomacha asks if yogiri did something but he replies the dragon crashed onto the floor and died she knows it's a life but they decide to get out through the window upon checking the surroundings yogiri notices they can go to the hills city or Forest tomacha then points out that something is flying in the sky after observing she realizes it's three of their classmates yogiri is impressed by her sight at long range and asks if he should kill them she asks what's what is wrong with his mind but yogiri simply replies they left them behind to die tomacha says he shouldn't talk about killing them yiri answers that they could be hostile toward them she's confused but the guys start getting closer also confused because the dragon is dead one of them notices that tomacha is still alive and complains that he was planning to turn her corpse into a zombie so that he could go wild yes that type of wild the guys talk between themselves complaining about turning a corpse into a zombie and using her is weird hearing those words tomacha realizes they clearly cannot be friends suddenly one of the guys casts a huge Fireball that barely misses tomacha the guys keep talking between themselves how about they refine their magic and how one of them is a Healer the other a hero and the last a necromancer the guy who casts the fireball then tells tomacha to come to his side without resistance she's confused about his request but the three simply reveal they want to spend their fun time with her tomacha realizes they're all after her body yagiri is impressed that she has the guts to say that in that situation The Necromancer guy complains she and yagiri seem too close but yagiri simply says he will manage even the conversation he points at the fireball guy and tells him to Die the other two laugh it out but get shocked to see the guy randomly hug the floor they ask what happened and yogiri replies he simply ordered him to die he tells them to not move but the Necromancer tries to check on his friend yagiri tells him to die as well only Fatso remains and yagiri says that if he moves he will die yagiri promises to explain his ability and tells Fatso to check if the other two are truly dead Fatso complies and uses his healing ability mentioning he can cure anything in an instant however his friends don't move Tomer realizes that yagiri is the one who killed the dragon but he simply didn't want to explain what happened she gets mad at those words but yogiri explains that fatso is dumb so he needs to explain in detail to him instead of her Fatso complains that yiri went too far but our boy simply explains he only did it because they tried to attack him he then explains that his ability is called instant death to any Target in fact he doesn't need to tell people to die he just needs to think about it Fatso says that's impossible but yagiri would love to test the theory Fatso accepts defeat and tries to get close to yagiri pretending to be scared but he's preparing to attack him with a magic attack however yogiri simply tells him to stop Fatso is confused and yogiri explains that he also has an ability that allows him to know if someone has the intent to kill him or not and to make it worse he can combine the two abilities in short he doesn't need to know who's trying to kill him Fatso gives up in tears and yagiri asks why they're so cocky so early after getting those skills Fatso then reveals this is the second time the three of them came to this world they defeated the Demon World and return to their world yiri asks tomacha if the three missed any classes and she replies they didn't Fatso reveals that when they returned home only some hours had passed yagiri decides to kill him but Fatso asks tomacha to help him tomacha replies she is only alive because yagiri saved her therefore he should deal with it Fatso calls her cold and pulls out an item promising that if she puts it on him she will become her servant in short it's a slave caller and he puts it on himself he acts like a pervert while walking toward her but she tells him to stop the caller starts strangling him and she asks if there's a way to stop being his master Fatso obeys the order mentioning that she can transfer it to another person she does it transferring to yogiri who decides to not kill him instead Fatso should head to the forest full of monsters and wait there but before leaving Fatso should leave all his items and never tell anyone about the yagiri and tomacha Fatso obeys orders and tomacha asks if this is okay yagiri replies that Fatso will always betray them therefore it's better this way she then asks if he isn't suspicious that she might turn him in yagiri simply replies it is what it is after all he's the one who decided to protect her she blushes mentioning she doesn't know how to reply and that they never spoke much before she asks why he decided to protect her yiri initially replies he doesn't know why but after tacha's insistence he admits it was all because of her soft and juicy developed plot she blushes and gets angry complaining that men are are all the same yogiri and tacha managed to reach the nearby city tacha is happy about it but yogiri is feeling sleepy they notice the guards closing on the gate and rush out to them however they cannot understand what the guards are saying still they order them to wait until they call their lord the Lord appears mentioning that this situation is annoying and asks if they got separated from the guys that came at noon tacha gets happy as the guy can speak Japanese however yogiri simply asks if the guy can let them in as they're trying to catch up with their colleagues the guy gets annoyed mentioning that usually people need to pay to get inside however he has orders to not get in the way of sage candidates yogiri then mentions his colleagues talking about heading to the capital and how they can get there however this ugly face simply tells that he won't get in their way or help them at all yugiri thanks him nevertheless and decides to leave however this trash face dude says that he wants tacha to spend the night in his house she immedi mediately rejects him and pulls yogiri as she walks away upon getting inside the city yogiri asks why she ran she replies that she was afraid that yogiri was about to kill him yogiri gets confused and asks if she thinks he's a serial killer however she replies that she's surprised that he hasn't noticed it upon looking around tomacha gets excited because it looks like a fantasy City filled with Beast folk a fox girl named myu then approaches them asking if they are Sage candidates she asks if they are lost as it seems like it's their first time in the city tomacha gets hyped to see some cat ears but yogiri asks what she wants the catg girl explains she wants to help them for free the two get confused and ask why she would do that myu explains she wants to get along with the sage candidate boys for two reasons first they have a guaranteed future and second they're easy to seduce tomacha thinks this girl has no salvation but myu replies she doesn't want to seduce her boyfriend she believes that the secret to building a great relationship comes from Friendship tomacha explains they're not a couple but yogiri wants to know her opinion about their situation she answers that she wants to look around the city before it gets dark since that's her goal yogiri asks myu to show them around after tacha's shopping spree she reveals that she never expected to wear this new type of clothes so casually however she's so blind that she doesn't notice that they're currently surrounded yugiri reveals that he was expecting to end up in this situation tacha apologizes mentioning that she wanted to follow myu because she looked kind the bandits start their treats but yogiri protects the girl while asking if they want money the bandits reveal they do want money but their main goal is to get talentless Sage candidates he explains those who possess gifts usually go Rampage in their City everyone hates them but they cannot do anything to them however Sage candidates who have no gifts are perfect to beat up and sell tomacha starts to freak out but our Sigma yogiri is still chilling he replies that he understands the deal but asks permission to kill the bandits the bandits mock explaining they will be the ones who will be killing them tacha tries to warn myu up explaining that yogiri is actually strong despite his looks however this stupid cat girl thinks this is all a bluff because two people without a sage gift are as useless as you in real life yet yugiri pulls his verbal death note and orders everyone behind him to die in an in everyone is down the rest of the bandits get confused but yogiri continues his task ordering the leopard dude to have die however the guy collapses and yogiri realizes that it's impossible to be half dead he decides to try something new and points at the KFC's ankle ordering it to Die the guy collapses but yogiri thinks this was a mistake he points at this be dude's shoulder and orders it to Die the guy goes to the next world as well and tacha says that yogiri is so harsh he reveals that he tried to go easy on them and orders this dog's eyeballs to Die the guy becomes blind shocking everyone yugiri continues his Onslaught forcing myu to ask who he is yogiri doesn't reply thinking that it's not efficient to kill individual body parts myu tries to play the victim asking for help as her little brothers are waiting for her to go home yet yogiri simply replies that's not a reason to steal and kill people the last guy asks if he isn't talentless but yogiri points his finger at them and tells them to die however it doesn't work they are still alive and try to run away tomacha asks if he is letting them go but yogiri replies he didn't he simply delayed his order the two Bandits manage to hide themselves but the death is activated yugiri tells tacha it's time to leave but they're stopped by some guards who want to know about the situation yugiri lies and explains they got lost and found everyone dead on the floor one of the guards reveals that's a lie because she saw everyone fall out of nowhere when they were about to attack the two tomacha gets angry because this clearly means the guards were watching but didn't help them the guard explains they wanted to destroy the Bandit's backer as well yogiri understands the guards wanted to let them get sold and then track the people who bought them the guard confirms it and tells them that yogiri cannot do anything to them because they're protected against gifts however one of the guards uses his appraisal skill and reveals that neither yogiri nor tacha have gifts the is shocked but that clearly means they cannot do anything to the two because they have no powers the guy apologizes because his captain is as rude as your everyday Karen but yogiri doesn't mind he asks the dude if he knows a place where they could stay the night they take them to a huge in mansion which shocks tacha as she thinks it's a castle yogiri asks if she's fine with sharing a room with him to save some cash but she's shy about it he then decides to ask for rooms next to each other the next morning yogiri notices that she seems tired she reveals it's all due to the recent events and asks if they will catch up with the others yugiri explains that he met celestina one of the in staff and had her look for the other's location prepare language translation and some concealment items not only that but celestina created something that will enable him to charge up his console celestina hands them some tickets to leave the city and yogiri asks her to keep all the items he has the two later depart on a train and tacha's ancestor is still scared of yogiri tomacha asks if he can see her ancestor to which he reveals that he only saw her from the moment tomacha talked about it tamacha then sits by his side and asks if they will be able to meet their colleagues yugiri replies that according to celestina their mates should be moving around the Primeval Forest to train suddenly he turns to her and pushes her down a huge explosion blows the ceiling away confusing her a message orders the passengers to stay put as there's a sage fighting an aggressor you y thinks they're safe as nobody is after them but tach doesn't know what's going on they look around and see a huge Mecca robot which yogiri realizes is the aggressor tacha uses her amazing sight to tell him the sage is floating the sage launches several attacks at the robot but their battle is pretty even destroying mountains during fights it's pretty common tacha asks if yogiri can get rid of those too but he asks her why should he do it she claims they're on their way but yogiri explains that's stupid because he could use that same reason to kill everyone who walks in front of him she tries to explain that they could have died just now but yogiri says they aren't targeting them he reveals that he has some rules to use his power otherwise he would simply kill everyone who annoys him she apologizes for being naive when suddenly there's a huge attack coming in their way luckily the robot takes the attack the sage complains the robot is moving and attacks with a huge ice spell the passengers get frozen but yogiri managed is to protect tacha tacha calls the sage cruel but he gets annoyed yogiri asks why did he attack them but the sage tells him to kneel down and praise him like a dog he starts insulting yogiri but yogiri insults him back and thinks about killing him the sage Falls flat on the floor and tomacha asks if he did it he simply replies he had a good enough reason to do it the robot approaches them but reveals that he has no intention to fight the robot wants to negotiate with yogiri promising to give him anything he wants tacher realizes the robot is afraid of yogiri but our boy asks if there's a way to return to their world the robot mentions he knows a way to return to the world where he came from not where they came yugiri asks if the robot can take them there but the robot refuses because his entire being is not in this world plus the robot refuses to bring someone as dangerous as yogiri to his world he then explains that this world is at one of the lowest levels and climbing up requires a huge amount ount of energy and the right coordinates yugiri then asks the robot to give him advice on how to find the energy and coordinates to return to his world he then asks if tomacha wants something but her spirit interrupts meanwhile the two Rest For The Night in the Woods where tacha's ancestor reveals that she turned her underwear into a katana they walk through the forest until they reach hanabusa city tomacha happily mentions that it looks like Japan but notices that yogiri has a poor physical condition yogiri however repli that's normal because he killed enemies on their way she gets confused but when looks back notices monsters and bandits who tried to attack them she asks that since he's tired his power must have a limit yet yogiri replies that he can use it as much as he wants but he will feel tired after using it they get inside the city and the spirit notices there are barriers instead of walls tomacha looks around and sees the huge Hotel the previous in lady told them about they decide to stay there and get inside where they meet takana their classmate he's happy to see tacha and she asks why he's here instead of being with the others takana replies he split with them because they're inefficient with their leveling yet there's a maid girl who isn't happy with tacha being friendly towards tabana the guy tells her to calm down because they're classmates the girl shuts up but there's another one who praises takaba tomacha is confused and asks yogiri if he knows what is this all about but he doesn't takana then introduces them to to the maid girls mentioning they're his bodyguards there's a total of five girls severing this piece of trash the five girls introduce themselves but also use this chance to threaten Tacho she doesn't understand what is this all about but tabana apologizes because he's a beta who isn't strict with girls he orders the girls to shut up and yogiri asks Tacho if this guy also left them behind he mentions that he doesn't know what kind of ability takaba has but he seems quite confident yet Tacho feels that this loser has always been like this he was always popular with girls and a narcissist yogiri is surprised mentioning that school is more interesting than he thought suddenly this trash calls this fate and invites tomcho to become his lover he knows this was sudden to ask but Tacho is shocked the guy goes on telling her to not worry about yagiri he doesn't usually accept guys but he can give him some special treatment tomcho is shocked because this guy still keeps going even yogiri mentioned that he doesn't feel killing intent thanks to this nonsense tomoo asks why is so confident and takana replies he has the Dominator class in short he can dominate everyone who's weaker than him she's still shocked by his words and mentions that he hasn't leveled up that much when compared to the others who are training in the Primeval Forest this dumbass thinks she's into him and decides to explain everything it all started when they threw a party after completing their first mission Four Eyes came to him and gave him some advice For Eyes class is a consultant in short he's a master plotter and scammer For Eyes mentioned how everyone was avoiding tabana because of his class and mentioned that if someone doesn't become a sage everyone will become livestock and that's why he tells tabana that he should buy a large number of the cheapest level one servants in short the servants will fight for him and if they win the battle the opponent will become his servant but also get the experience points yet tabana mentions that his abilities don't have that information For Eyes reveals that his consultant class allows him to see the hidden details of others takaba wants to know why Four Eyes is trying to help but our Master plotter just wants to make sure that everyone has a chance to become a sage and wishes him good luck after that story tachiko thinks support types are too strong in this world yogiri understands that while they're speaking tabana number of servants and level is rising the cocky guy confirms it and asks Tacho again to become his lover she rejects him but he tells her to think about it and reply later he leaves the place and she reveals that he's annoying still yogiri thinks it would be safer for her to be by taban side when compared to him she asks if he's trying to make her angry but he doesn't understand her reaction later yogiri is resting on his bed while tacha wonders how long they're supposed to stay in that place suddenly she sees some smoke on the streets this is because the guy whom Lane told to take care of yogiri is coming into the city and destroying everything the guy announces that his Immortal Army is recruiting and that if the citizens die they will become zombie soldiers she decides to call Yogi's room to wake him up but the spirit thinks she's relying on him too much meanwhile the phone rings while yogiri dreams about his childhood he remembers waking up to his dog licking his face and aako telling him that breakfast was ready he then wakes up from his dream and picks up the phone promising to go to tacha's room upon stepping outside he sees the corridor is empty however the maid is invisible and pulls out a dagger yugiri closes his eyes and focuses on sensing The Killing intent he manages to see the girl and finds out that she plans to Target tamaa he pulls out his mental death note and the girl falls onto the floor he gets inside tacha's room and explains there was someone outside her room to kill her tacha is confused about why she would be targeted but yogiri simply calls the reception to say there's someone collapsed in the hallway tomacha asks why he did that but he replies they would suspect them if he didn't meanwhile takana receives an alert mentioning that his maid signal has disappeared but he must worry about the other monster inside this dungeon back at the hotel Tacho realizes that it was tab's maid and yogiri thinks that this is bad he tells Tacho to prepare her stuff to leave this place she confirms it but he's surprised that she's really calm in this situation tomcho replies that she's used to seeing dead people while by his side the spirit adds up mentioning that humans will die anyway plus her family members shouldn't be upset over something so basic tomacha gets angry and tells the spirit to stop talking about philosophy they start running away but another tab's servant appears asking where they are going yogiri asks what she wants but the girl casts a spell to restrain him inside an Ice Crystal she happily reveals that her trash boss asked to bring Tacho to him yet yogiri simply punches the ice and gets free the girl and Tacho are confused because it should be easy to break it yet yogiri replies that he tried to kill the ice which worked Tacho is confused and asks what he means by killing the ice the servant is in shock and starts casting more magic yet yogiri kills the magic and then her staff the girl falls to her knees and he explains that he can kill anything he thinks about therefore she should be a good girl and ansers some questions she accepts and he asks if she can use magic without a staff the girl reveals that due to her class she can only use magic when holding a staff yugiri knows this means that she must have some spare ones the girl confirms and pulls another want from haaland tomacha asks why she is hiding it there but also tells yogiri to stop looking he's surprised because he didn't expect that she could use them in that way he then talks about what she just said about taking tacha to tabana and asks about the others she answers that everyone received the same order suddenly another girl is on the ceiling and tries to attack Tacho she quickly uses her Judo skills to put the girl down yogiri is surprised but the spirit mentions that tacho's martial art talents are Awakening however when they properly look at the girl they notice it's a doll more dolls surround them and the other girl pulls another wand from her hair mentioning that she thought she could do this on her own Yogi's eyes shine and the girl drops dead onto the floor the girl who controls the dolls is sitting on the stairs and orders them to deal with it but to let tach alive however yogiri kills every doll the girl starts to panic and they manage to find her she begs them to not kill her making tomacha feel like they're the real villains meanwhile takaba feels again that his servant is dead and the little girl has lost her will to fight and told yogiri and tamacha everything upon hearing the conversation he tells the other Maids that yogiri can kill anything just by thinking they all find it hard to believe it but takana thinks they should observe the first and lead them to a place where they can Ambush them tacha and yogiri start walking down the stairs until they see it filled with cockroaches she screams in fear and when yogiri is about to say its name she stops him because it will traumatize her the spirit knows tabana is using the insects to watch over them tamacha asks if yogiri can kill them which he confirms but the insects will R over their heads she refuses that idea but he mentions they could enter her mouth and suffocate her she imagines it and decides to get revenge on tabana the spirit mentions that tabana could make the whole world their enemy tabana watches the situation thinking that yugiri cannot do anything he thinks about using the roaches to make them scream and chase them however his maid says that he should be careful because they don't know about Yogi's power he refuses to give up and orders the roaches to kill yogiri they all activate the blood lust making tamacha feel scared yogiri says they should kill tabana because he thinks it won't take too much effort he uses the roaches killing intent to track tabana position and tells him to die tabana collapses on the floor making all his servants shocked yet tacha is freaking out because he failed and the roaches are still alive yugiri explains his power never fails because if his enemies can reach him he can also reach them after all the world won't let someone Act without consequences Tomo notices the roaches are more active and he explains that's because taka's death has set them free she panics but he grabs her arm and tells her to run meanwhile tabana servants are still trying to heal him from the dead the other one tells her they're free now and walks away yugiri and Tacho then walk through an alley to leave the city but they suddenly hear screams upon checking they see the city filled with zombies the zombies start wreaking havoc in the city and tomacha questions what is happening yugiri however mentions the zombies are slow and it should be possible to escape if they're careful tomacha asks if they cannot help and yogiri replies it will be hard to save the city even the spirit tells them to get out before everything gets worse meanwhile the city Manor complains about masuki who released the zombies into the city explaining that lane the vampire Sage gave him the city managing rights masuki simply tells him to not worry because the sage candidate era is under lame plus the mayor shouldn't be worried because they fought the same battles the mayor replies masuki already died and became an undead therefore he should group his zombies and leave the city the zombie dude however reveals this was Lan's order he tells the mayor to hand him the key to the city since it's an order the mayor gives him the key and asks what he will be doing however masuki replies it's nothing important he then uses the speakers around the city to order his zombies to stop moving the guy then introduces himself to every citizen and uses a huge screen to show yogiri and tacha's pictures he explains that he's searching for them and the remaining humans should bring them to the Central Plaza within 1 hour if the citizens don't do it he will make his zombies move again at that same moment yogiri and tacha were trying to sneak outside the city they hear everything the other guy has said but also hear that he locked the whole city to prevent everyone from running with this every citizen understands they have two options to capture yogiri and tacha or to become a zombie the mayor suddenly enters the room the other guy is speaking from complaining about hurting the citizens however the guy replies that if he didn't threaten them they would never look for the other two everyone around the city starts looking for the other two which forces them to hide in alleys tacha thinks humans are now way more dangerous than zombies but yogiri replies they must run to avoid being found tomacha then asks why they are being chased yogiri thinks about it and replies it must probably be because he killed the other Sage suddenly three girls managed to find them and promise to take the two even if it means killing them yogiri thinks this was quite fast and warns the guys that if they get close he will kill them one of the guys ignores him and tries to attack forcing yugiri to mentally Death Note him the others start to panic and tacha starts complaining about this being a disgusting way to carry out a promise yugiri replies these guys are trying to kill them so they should also expect to be killed he then notices the other two running away and thinks masuki is only instigating this because they think yugiri cannot kill a normal person he reveals that he's now annoyed and thinks about going to the plaza to negotiate with masuki they head out to meet him but find the place to be quite Grim as if it was Halloween tomacha even thinks this is the most fantasy-like stuff she has seen in this world upon getting close yogiri asks who's masuki the guy initially doesn't recognize them and asks if they came here because they gave up running he calls them boring for trying to sacrifice themselves for the people but yogiri calls him stupid tomacha starts toay Panic after hearing those words and masuki asks what yogiri wants because if he kills him the game is over yogiri replies he wants to get on a train and go to the Royal Capital therefore it would be kind of masuki if he removes the barrier around the city masuki is shocked to hear those words and gets angry he starts complaining mentioning that yogiri is in a bad position to negotiate right now yogiri realizes that's true and thinks he must have something to offer therefore he simply says that he will let masuki even though he should that would be a bad thing masuki gets even angrier calling yogiri crazy and asking if he wants to die right now he orders his Immortal core Army to attack yogiri explaining that yogiri cannot kill something that is already dead but as you expect our boy orders them to die and they all collapse masuki is shocked because he cannot understand what's going on and the mayor uses this chance to say he's not involved in anything yet masuki wants to know how the dead just died giri replies he also doesn't know about it but since the undead were moving it pretty much means they were alive tacha then complains about how yugiri ignored what just happened but just answered it masuki still could not believe what had just happened but yogiri gave the biggest Chad answer he's the one who decides what's dead in short If It Moves it's alive if they stop they're dead masuki gets angry and calls out his master Lane but yogiri simply asks what he is going to do since his comrades are already dead the guy gets down and refuses to accept yugiri's instant death ability he starts transforming into a mix of Batman with werewolf but yogiri tells him to die tomacha complained she wanted to see the transformation first yet yogiri doesn't understand why he should do it she then asks what they are going to do now because they cannot negotiate with the Dead undead however yogiri says that's not a problem and approaches the mayor the guy panics and begs to stay alive promising that he just wants his City to stay safe yugiri simply replies they just did this to protect themselves the mayor then explains this is all because Sage Lane ordered masuki to kill the two upon hearing that name tomacha questions if cion isn't the real name the mayor then explains that seon is also a sage but this city is under Lane's control tomacha is confused because they came to this world because of cion and now another Sage wants to kill them the mayor explains he doesn't know much about it but he doesn't usually interfere with sage candidates the spirit then calls out yogiri but he replies that he already there's some sort of spiritual manipulation heading to that area suddenly yogiri starts feeling killing intent all around the plaza every citizen gears near making everyone confused the mayor then checks muki's body explaining that if they're using Spirit magic then the city barriers should keep them safe he tries to activate the key but it doesn't work he then realizes that lane is the one controlling the barrier tacha asks if yogiri cannot kill the source controlling the citizens he replies this is different than tabana case he starts killing everyone who tries to attack them and people fall one by one he feels like this is just a test like they used to do to him when he was a kid yogiri then notices the mayor in a panic to see his citizens die in front of him yogiri notices The Killing intent get stronger but she then notices the dark aggressor the huge aggressor destroys everything he passes through and they begin to panic yet at the same time time Lane reveals that since her clones know nothing about yogiri they have no killing intent toward him he then orders his clones to attack the city when the aggressor either tries to attack or dies tomacha then asks yogiri if he can kill the aggressor he replies yes which shocks her because she didn't expect it the mayor begs yogiri to save the city but he has a bad feeling about doing it nevertheless he orders the aggressor to die and while it's taking effect he notices the city being attacked from the air he saves AA from being hit but she wonders if this attack came from the aggressor yiri reveals he killed the aggressor however this attack blended with the darknesses killing intent to remain unnoticed he realizes this attack has no target but the goal is to destroy everyone in it he thinks everything until now was just a test but tacha tells him to stop enjoying his new pillow they then get up and yogiri explains he doesn't know what's happening upon looking at the sky tomacha explains she sees several women in a dress raining form the sky the mayor realizes that lane and tomacha asks if yugiri can do anything to her he explains that he cannot do anything because she isn't aiming at him plus they're all moving so fast that he cannot find them in short this all planned to deal with his skill since all women look the same tacha asks how many lanes exist the mayor then reveals their clones because Lane has super regeneration abilities upon hearing that yogiri reveals he can deal with it but it would be easier if she aimed at him the mayor then brings out a hologram of the city and explains there's a pattern to the attacks it doesn't attack the same place twice and the attacks aren't also made close to each other the spirit even calls Lane dumb because she's trying to make it random but she made it consistent instead tomacha thinks they can use this information to predict where will be the next attack the mayor quickly realizes where it will be and yogiri says he will be heading there the mayor then reveals he will help him with his teleportation ability yet tamacha also wants to come yugiri tells her to hide but says she's the only one who can see everything the spirit also wants to help and they decide to teleport away yugiri and tacha hold hands and she leads him to where the Clone will hit he orders the Clone to die and the spirit uses an ability to create a shield around them after the impact the shield is retrieved and tacha is relieved because she thought she would die yogiri then notices something on tacha's hand and asks what it is in short the spirit used its power to combine some of tacha's underwear with the power of the previous aggressor that can transform into a shelter yet the spirit is worried because defeating the Clones won't help in the end game yugiri however replies it's all fine the Clones then fall and disappear making Lane question how Immortal vampires can die her servant tells her they shouldn't Target yogiri but Lane replies she just needs to make new clones with different settings suddenly there's a strange feeling in her body and she realizes her True Body which was hidden in another dimension is dead she then goes on a bungee jumping without rope but thinks this is how she will save the girl she suddenly disappears and tacher realizes there aren't any attacks coming with this they return to the mayor to get everything ready and Escape back in the city the mayor thanks them for their help and gets them a car telling them to be careful upon getting inside tomacha complains that yogiri is playing games instead of driving he explains that's because he always crashes his car into walls when he plays games therefore he cannot drive with that tomacha is ready to drive and the spirit reveals that her family has the skills to drive anything while driving through a canyon MAA wakes him up to tell him about the boulder in their path she mentions how he was asleep for the whole time but he explains that it's because he used too much power in the last City yogiri then asks the most important question why are they even going to the capital tomacha is shocked because he could have asked that question before they left yugiri explains their goal to return to Japan and to do that they must talk toan but he thinks there's a better way to talk to her without going to the capital tacha replies their classmates are all going there she then starts driving back hoping that she can find another route to take them to the capital but they suddenly bump into something upon checking outside they see a dragon who prepares to attack them but yogiri orders it to die tacha feels relieved until she notices a lot more dragons fly flying their way yugiri realizes they're in their territory the dragons prepare to breathe fire and tacha grabs his arm asking him to do something since the dragons have killing intent yogiri orders them all to Die the dragons start raining down making tomacha even compare it to a dragon insecticide commercial she sigh in relief until she notices they're being covered by a big Shadow upon looking up she sees a huge golden thunder dragon in front of them she starts freaking out thinking she will be struck by lightning but yogiri reveals he doesn't sense any killing intent the dragon looks at them and tells them they have passed tacha is confused by those words but the dragon turns around and flies away in panic yet yogiri yells at it to wait and asks why the dragons attack them if they can understand them the dragon ignores him but yogiri promises that he will do the same thing he did to the other dragons turns out the huge dragon is actually a little girl who's shaking in fear she knew she should have flown away without talking tacha is confused about her new appearance and the spirit reveals it happens a lot in parallel worlds yugiri asks why the girl attacked them the girl explains she was trying to see if they were qualified to meet the swordmaster yogiri and tacha are confused by those words the girl asks if they haven't come to see the sword Saint they respond they couldn't give less of a cat because all they want is to get to the capital the girl explains the sword Saint is in this Canyon and that if they meet them they could get a gift in short she's only here to test people who want to meet him however arduo still couldn't care more about it the little girl goes on to say how great the sword dude is mentioning he can rival the sages with that yogiri thinks he must have some information on how to return to their original world yet tacha thinks they shouldn't take a detour because they're already lost the ly uses this chance to propose a deal she will guide them to the capital but first they must meet the sword dude they accept the deal and she introduces herself as Atilla after a quick drive they reach a spot where several people are gathered waiting for the sword dude everyone starts complaining about them cheating for coming in a vehicle yogiri is confused about everyone's words but Atilla explains that today is the selection for the Knight of the holy king in short If someone becomes a knight of the holy king they can become the sword Saint disciple therefore everyone here is aiming to become the next sword Saint another guy looks at them and says they've been disqualified despite working so hard yet another voice says the selection hasn't started therefore nobody has been disqualified everyone then sees the sword saying the old man then gives everyone their first trial which is a Battle Royal to the death until he tells them to stop tamacha cannot believe the old gezer but yogiri asks the old guy if he can leave ailla is confused but the old man creates a rule that if yogiri leaves the place everyone will be disqualified everyone starts killing each other while yogiri and tacha watch a random group suddenly targets them and since yugiri has no other option he decides to kill them yet a random dude comes forth promising to protect them the random guy calls everyone a fool mentioning they're all misunderstanding the sword dude's intention he thinks this is a test to determine if they have the right personality to become a knight of the holy king tacha thinks he's a decent person but the spirit mentions he's skilled the guy deals with multiple opponents at the same time yet he doesn't have the intention to kill them some random guys start casting magic towards yogiri but he simply orders them to Die the random dude is confused about why they fell but concludes it must have been the old guy punishing the Lawless ones since everyone had given up on fighting them he turned to the duo asking them to stay for a while longer while he protected them suddenly the two hear a voice asking for help on the ground they see a guy who was sliced in half trying to crawl and asking for a stone she sees a rainbow colored Stone next to her and places it on his hand the guy then crushes the stone and somehow regenerates his body he thanks her for the help but the sword guy tells them to stop and follow him because their numbers are lower now he walks into the forest and tacha wonders what they should do Atilla begs them to stay and participate yogiri is confused because she just wanted them to meet the sword Saint she then explains that if her recommendation becomes the Knight of the holy king she will become their servant yugiri thinks this is becoming Troublesome but since they haven't gotten any info he will follow along as they move the other guys introduce themselves as Rick and the Crystal guy as Lionel he explains he was forced to accompany his friend to this trial suddenly they see the other participants Vanishing but Atilla tells them to not worry because that's an invisible barrier upon getting inside they see a huge Tower but the spirit orders tacha to leave this place because she senses some evil miasma from the tower suddenly lonel starts throwing up and the spirit explains he got hit by the miasma the spirit explains tamacha is only feeling fine because she's being protected meanwhile yogiri is looking around and notices something Lionel uses this Stone and gets resistance to the miasma yogiri then asks Atilla if it's fine to get inside the tower but she isn't there Nick explains that only people taking the trial are allowed inside they get inside the tower and take an elevator the the highest floor there the old guy tells them to look down they see a huge energy ball and the old man explains that's the end of the world upon looking down tomacha sees monsters Frozen in time during a huge battle she notices there's a man in Black and a woman in white at the center she tells yogiri the woman's sword is piercing the two and Rick explains that's the holy king and the devil the old guy explains his job is to guard this place suddenly a girl named Frederica thinks this will all end if they beat the things inside the ball minel calls her name revealing that she's the friend who dragged him here she tells the old man that his duty will end today and throws a huge Fireball inside the energy ball she's confident it's all over now but the attack barely moves upon getting inside the energy ball the old man explains that time flows slowly inside the barrier therefore it will take some hundred years before it reaches the dark lord the girl is shocked but the old man points to another girl explaining she will give the details of their trial she reveals their goal is to go from the roof to the first floor of the tower within 24 hours A girl asks if they can jump down from the roof but the other replies they must first accumulate 100 points inside the tower the duo notices they haven't seen her before but notice that some other participants have been added tomacha ignores it and asks if yogiri cannot kill the dark god with his ability however she realizes that he has no reason to do it she then looks at him but he seems nervous he then reveals he tried to kill the source of the miasma and turns out he killed the dark God they then decide to get inside the tower to reach the bottom floor and leave the other two try to follow them but Lionel's friend tells him to stop she asks for his special stones to restore her magic power he hands her a stone while explaining that it can only be used by him since she cannot use it she throws the stone and complains about him following her despite being useless Rick advises them to move on and once inside they see several participants collapsed he mentions the tower should be filled with monsters and traps however it should be easy to go through them because they're in last place he tells them to avoid the missing traps but Lionel immediately steps in one he gets stabbed by a javelin but quickly heals himself with a crystal tomacha advises him to always hold a crystal in his hand they force their way into the door but find a girl dressed as a maid inside Rick recognizes her as terise and asks what's going on she starts attacking with her threads claiming that a knight of the holy king must be the strongest person in the world tomacha watches Rick using his shield to block the attacks and thinks that despite his strength ter raas is much stronger she's just playing around while Rick needs to try his best just to block the attacks however yogiri decides to ruin the fun and orders to raise to die she falls flat onto the ground shocking everyone yet yogiri changes the topic and asks if the hand he just found belongs to Lionel despite the initial shock tomacha starts looking around and finds him on the floor about to die and begging to have the the crystal back the group later continues and reaches floor 98 there they meet a girl who explains this is a safe lodging area for everyone to rest yogiri uses this chance to suggest that the group split up because they could face a trial where they must have to kill each other Rick agrees mentioning he never expected this trial to be so cruel he asks if they will be safe and yogiri reveals that as long as he's with tacha Lionel also wants to wait until midnight to replenish his crystals with this decision Rick decides to leave while Lionel asks for a room to rest tomacha and yogiri are left alone and he asks if she wants to rest however there's a problem they only have a room available our boy takes the room just to find a couple's bed in it tomacha reminds him about her spirit ancestor always being present but the spirit tells her to have fun while she hides inside the wall tacha's worries start to grow as she sees yogiri bluntly taking off his clothes and changing into his pajamas he then steps into the bed and lays down like a brick tomacha cannot even believe this guy simply went to sleep while in the same room as her the spirit hurries one of the two to wake up tomacha is the one who opens her eyes first just to notice yogiri enjoying his Wildest Dreams she quickly gets up and the spirit starts begging for help tomacha notices the spirit has half of its body inside the wall and asks what's going on the spirit explains that she noticed yogiri clinging onto tacha while asleep and tried to give them some privacy however she ended up like this after becoming curious and trying to peek tacha starts complaining but the spirit reveals the tower is drawing The Souls of the dead into a single place therefore the walls and floors are trying to absorb her yogiri finally wakes up and the spirit asks if he can help her upon hearing it yogiri tries to kill the absorption function of the tower the spirit is finally being absorbed into the wall and tachica says goodbye yugiri then touches the wall to narrow down the Target and activates his skill the spirit manages to get out of the wall and wonders why they are trying to collect the souls of the dead yagiri thinks this trial has some hidden objective he tells tacha to be prepared because he will kill anyone who acts hostile without even asking anything she's confused because that's what he usually does yugiri explains he's trying to avoid killing as much as possible however the other participants will try to kill them therefore he cannot hold back anymore tach thinks that's too late to say because she's already prepared she then surprises him by stating that he's been using his power to save her therefore him using his power is the same as her killing someone she doesn't think it's good to complain when all he does is protect her she still tells him to be moderate making yogiri blush he turns around mentioning he's hungry and they call for the room service yogiri and tamacha are making good progress inside the tower but he doesn't feel it's fair to kill all traps and riddles suddenly a random dude appears and tells him to stop cheating he explains that he's the one who built this Tower and that he can appear anywhere he wants tahuka complains that's also cheating but the guy mentions he had a hard time thinking about traps just for someone to appear and Destroy Everything yugiri explains they just want to leave the tower but replies they cannot leave he reveals this Tower exists to maintain the barrier that seals the dark God therefore yogiri cannot destroy it yogiri tries to make a deal if he lets them leave nothing will happen however the guy doesn't believe him because he could be one of the dark God's pawns the guy finally introduces himself as a glaca the high wizard he tries to give yugiri some choices but our boy tells him to die tacha gets shocked and asks if this guy isn't someone important yugiri replies the guy was about to kill them and that they should move on suddenly the swordmaster notices several alerts in the tower system revealing the so path was broken not only that but the traps and riddles are being destroyed without activating meanwhile our duel manages to reach some sort of Arena where they see two people fighting they then notice a guy sitting on a throne with two other girls standing next to him he tells the rabbit girl that his opponent's attacks are trash and she thinks he's trying to encourage her tacha continues to watch the fight and the spirit asks what they will do yugiri thinks that's simple this fight has nothing to do with them and therefore they will just Advance quickly yet tomacha notices the door is just behind the guy the guy however tells the opponent to get serious she decides to follow his advice and reveals herself to be a half demon the girl promises to finish this quickly before the swordmaster finds her identity she combines magic with her sword and attacks the rabbit girl yet the rabbit dropped her weapon and started to punch the other girl turns out the rabbit girl is focused on close combat instead of Swords tomacha thinks this is never going to end and yogiri decides to ask the guy to let me pass through the guy on on the throne asks who he is but yogiri simply replies they won't be getting in his way yet the guy refuses to let them pass because his disciples don't have enough points yet yogiri still doesn't think they should be fighting because he and tahuka only have six points combined the guy freaks out mentioning that's a reason why they should fight yogiri dismisses it because he doesn't want to collect points he just wants to leave yet the guy claims he's enjoying this trial and won't let anyone abandon it yogiri then confirms with the other girl and she replies that he can do whatever he wants the guy on the throne thinks this is a chance to watch a three on three fight if yogiri wins he will let them pass tacha starts to freak out mentioning how awful yugiri's negotiating abilities are he tries to explain people just don't listen to him the half demon is worried about the other girl's strength because the rabbit is also strong yet the guy reveals the rabbit is actually his weakest Apprentice he introduces his girls and then reveals that he wants to keep the half demon and tacha for himself he orders his girls to kill yogiri and let the rest live yet they all fall to the floor after yogiri orders them to die since they won yogiri and tacha start walking away but the guy refuses to give up he's about to make a move but yogiri thinks about his death tomacha notices it but doesn't say anything as they prepare to live the half demon girl asks if yogiri is the one who killed everyone he confirms it and she begs him for his help yogiri is unsure of what to do but tacha tells him to at least hear the request theoda introduces herself to tacha and yugiri she tells them she wants to find her sister because she heard that her people were being held hostage at the tower tomacha thinks that theoda is asking for their assistance but theoda tells her their assistance may look like Rebellion against the swordmaster yogiri tells her the swordmaster already thinks he's against him because of the way he's thrashing the tower he tells theoda his ability would be useless in finding her sister but they can search alongside her theoda tells him she would appreciate any help he can offer he asks her if she has any idea where they can start the search and she tells him underground would be a good place to start she tells them she can faintly feel the presence of her people Lionel Rick and Frederica enter the same level as the duo and theoda tries to remain unseen Frederica is scolding liel for wasting their time and Rick tries to calm her down tacha is pleased to see that Rick and Lionel are safe tomacha looks around and she recognizes the room from a previous encounter the sword master urab turns back to look at the participants he sees that just 17 of them have passed so far and he's about to Proclaim them as Knights but he's interrupted because there's an emergency his assistants tell him that the tower has fallen silent and they're having difficulty maintaining the first barrier they're still telling him about the problems affecting the tower when a bright light suddenly blinds them all after a while the light dissipates and they look up to see a purple portal going through the barrier uab's assistants keep giving a situation report and urab gets ready for a battle a demon suddenly descends from the portal yogiri tacha and theoda are going down some spiral stairs but it feels like it's unending the spirit tells tacha that a barrier could be tempering with the space yugiri figures out that there could be an important room at the end of the staircase they go further down and theoda can sense more of her people's magic tomacha tells yogiri to do something about the barrier but he tells her he can't because it could be theoda people who put it up Suddenly they hear a scream which pierces through the barrier yogiri is thankful to whoever spared them the effort of taking the barrier down a blue suddenly Apparition passes through tacha and she becomes frightened yogiri asks her why she's frightened all of a sudden and she tells him she felt like a blade demon just passed through her whole body theoda sensed something and opened up a stone door on the side of the stair wall she looks into the room and she can't believe her eyes the room is filled with containers holding yugiri joins her at the door and he tells different specimens tacha to wait outside because he doesn't want her to see what's in the room theodo walks up to the container and yogiri asks her if her people are in there she tells him those are her people and she's shocked to find them in such a state she's somewhat relieved her sister is not in one of the tubes yugiri figures out that they were put in such conditions to strip them of their magic powers and theod decides to put them out of their misery she breaks the glass jar and they leave the room tomacha asks yogiri what their next line of action should be and he tells her they need to go back up first before he can decide he asks the Adia what she'll be doing and she tells him she'll avenge her people by taking the sword Master's life yogiri tacha and theoda emerge from the stairwell and tamacha can see that the other idiots are in a bad situation the goddess decided to break the core and bring her darling back to life she crushes the core and the barrier breaks open the Divine King steps in to put an end to the demon god theodes uses that distraction to take down the sword master the goddess is still in shock at her darling's demise and the sword monster uses that opponent to stab her with his sword the monster disappears and Lionel immediately goes over to heal the goddess she gets back to her feet and begins acting like a crazed goddess the demon goes to pick up the demon god trying to get him to regain Consciousness he remembers that his God requires human sacrifices and tells the demons to present all the humans to the demon god for consumption the Divine King decides to protect the human and yogiri decides to protect tamacha and theoda he tells the main demon to die and all the demons follow suit theoda asks yogiri if it's okay to leave the goddess as she is and he tells her he won't attack the goddess because she Bears no hostility towards them suddenly a girl arrives at the tower dragging a boy behind her she asks Rick for yog location and he tells her it wasn't a good time for reunions because of the Goddess she analyzes him and tells him he has become a sword master and he recalls the former sword Master's words she tells him his sword can put an end to the goddess the Divine King tells him the barrier won't last much longer so he decides to take down the goddess the girl asks for yogiri once again but the boy with her doesn't want to meet yogiri again suddenly he notices tacha's silhouette and the girl figures out that yogiri is standing beside her she analyzes him and she can't believe his stats she's so mindblown she becomes nauseous she sees that yogiri is the culmination of the fate of the world in the shape of a man tacher recognizes the boy and asks him why he's at the tower he tells her he was brought there against his will she barfs but she tells them she would be fine after she gets some rest she tells yugiri she came to deliver the boy to him but yugiri tells her he doesn't want him she decides to dispose of the boy but he's tired tired of being treated like thrash so she abandons him yogiri takes a census of the humans left after the battle and Rick asks the Adia the reason for her actions she tells him she did it to avenge her people Rick tells her he's the new swordmaster and she asks him if he's going to continue in the evil ways of his predecessor yugiri tells her they need to check underground and he promises to help her get revenge Rick thinks that yogiri is powerless but the Divine King tells him only yogiri had the power to defeat the demon god the Divine King thanks him for his services and Rick wonders what yogiri is made of he asks him what he plans to do next and yogiri tells them they'll be heading to the capital they all decide to go to the capital for one reason or the other including theoda theoda tells them the name of her sister and they are both familiar with the name they decided to point her in the direction of her sister's last known location the Divine King also decides to head to the capital to see if his bloodline hasn't died out Rick suggests they travel together but yogiri tells him he only travels with tacha Rick gives them maps and pendants to keep them out of trouble and they all part ways leaving the boy behind tomacha looks at yogiri as he sleeps in her car makoko tells her she should just spend the rest of her life with him and she's surprised her spirit can tell what she's thinking makoko likes yogiri look so much that she's eager to inject some of him into their bloodline tomacha tells her spirit that she has to let yugiri make his own choice yogiri wakes up and tamaa tries to keep her conversation with her spirit a secret she wonders what they'll do now that they're in front of the royal Capital mamoko informs her that they are being surrounded by Soldiers the lead security guard tells them to step out of the vehicle and tamacha hopes they don't get arrested yogiri tells her they'll fight back if that happens and tacha knows it won't be much of a fight the chief guard introduces himself as Torx and he tells them their vehicle belongs to the immortal core yugiri tells them they're not in the immortal core he tells him they got the vehicle from the mayor rayuda and tamacha can see that Torx doesn't believe them yugiri tells him their candidates for the sage of seon and they come to do something like a trial Torx decides to appraise their gifts but tacha is skeptical about letting him do that yugiri tells her to trust in celestina and a soldier appraises them Torx looks at the result and he sees that they are Sage candidates but he still doesn't trust them because he knows the results can be forged yogiri shows him an amulet and they immediately go on their knees tachica asks him what the amulet is and he tells her Rick told him to show that to whoever holds them up in the Royal Capital he gives tachica her amulet and he tells her it's engraved with the royal family crest Torx is about to let them through but David who is the youngest in the royal family tells them the amulet means two things firstly they are Rick's acquaintances and secondly they are Knights of the Divine King he tells them the amulet doesn't allow for lawlessness and tor T tells him not to be rude David asks Torx to show him the holy sword he received from the sword master since he's a knight of the Divine King yogiri tells him he didn't receive a holy sword and David can't believe that Rick is a sword master he tells yogiri to back up his title with his swordsmanship he tells him he can't lose to someone like him who skill less with the sword since he's a knight of the king tomacha wonders if they should turn back but makoko urges her to fight tomacha knows that she can't beat opponents with a high fantasy level makoko tells her that David's fantasy level is low yogiri tells her to give it a shot and he assures her he'll take care of things if they get dicey they begin the battle and yogiri notices that tacha's sword style is unorthodox makoko tells him the family style is to mislead opponents with their movement yugiri thinks they're having a star down but makoko tells him tamacha is already moving she's hiding her left leg so David can't see her move and she's also waving her sword back and forth to make David misjudge the distance tachica suddenly throws her sword into the air rushes past David and hits him with a low blow yogiri is surprised by her moves Torx declares her the winner and the guards are astonished by her moves after the fight yogiri touches the castle walls and sees that it's Enchanted David tells him the walls were built by an ancient Wizard and they can withstand any attacks David is surprised to find out that yogiri knows the wizard tamaa wonders why he's tagging along with them and he tells her he wants to be their guide they enter the castle and tomacha notices a lot of martial artists David tells her they are explorers who will challenge the underworld tomacha is surprised that an underworld exists David tells her a dark lord rules the underworld and his spawns were trying to escape yugiri tells him he doesn't have to show them around anymore since they're close to their destination David leaves them and tomacha thinks that yogiri was a bit rude he tells her they have to discuss meeting their classmates tomacha thinks they need to come up with an excuse for escaping the bus but yogiri tells her she first needs to decide if she'll forgive them or not they go to see the king and yogiri is surprised by the number of people present the king begins addressing them but shya a sage candidate challenges the king tacha can't believe he's that dumb the king tells him this is not the first time a sage candidate has challenged and he immediately puts him in his place the candidates are surprised that the AR Ro Master's ability didn't Save shya the King tells them to be quiet he tells them they need to accomplish a huge achievement to become sages the king addresses the candidates in front of him he tells them if they can travel to the world underneath and conquer the dark lord the sages would acknowledge that as a great achievement but he's convinced the candidates lack their requirements to achieve such a feat but he has to keep to his end of the deal he tells them they'll prepare a base for them and he tells them to always remember that the royal family can cause the gift to weaken he tells shenya his finger will reattach when there's enough distance between them and he leaves the room yugiri wonders what they should do and tacha calls out to her classmates they're all surprised to see her alive but she's pissed that nobody acknowledged yogiri while some of her classmates expressed their worry about her some were not happy to see her alive and well gaki tells yogiri and Tamika that he didn't do wrong by leaving them behind yogiri is indifferent about his betrayal but tacha is pissed she doesn't want to complain because it'll just irritate her even more she asks yazaki if he thinks their presence in the castle is bad he's about to answer when Sora Cuts in telling him they should help each other since they have such few allies in the world yugiri doesn't recognize her and tomacha tells him she's a famous Idol in the entertainment industry yuzaki tells her he doesn't trust yogiri and tacha and Sora understands his distrust because he would seek revenge if he was in their shoes the boys go to their dorm and yuyugo complains about their movement restrictions ahara realizes that yogiri doesn't recognize them and they both introduce themselves as The Losers of the class yuugo is surprised yogiri doesn't recognize him though they've spoken a lot he tells aad yugiri's insect Hunter class makes him a loser because he can only kill bugs yogiri asks them about their abilities and he finds out yuugo has the cook class while aara has the reading class someone knocks and yuugo gets the door he's surprised to see fukai who requests an audience with yogiri and he tells yogiri he wants to talk about Lord akaushi he introduces himself to yogiri as a death God and he tells yogiri he doesn't have to shoulder the responsibility as the taker of souls anymore yogiri wonders why fuia came to their dorm and fugia tells him he was never allowed to get close to him to look him in the eye though he was told to keep tabs on him he immediately rips out his right eye and he tells yogiri the eye can detect the supernatural but it lost its powers when he got close to yogiri he stands up to leave and yogiri is surprised that's all he has to say tomacha takes the girls to meet yogiri and they go out for a conversation as soon as they step out rioka apologizes to yogiri and she tells Carol to apologize too but she's adamant Carol is surprised to see rioka acting so erratic when she's usually so calm yugiri realizes they know about him and Carol tells him she's from the agency while rioka is from The Institute and fukai is from the cult she tells him they were sent to keep an eye on him and yogiri didn't expect to have three babysitters yogiri asks Carol for more information Carol tells yogiri that Sora uses her vow powers on students to prevent them from using the skills they were fine with the three er Ro Nobles as long as they weren't stopping time but they weren't sure if they were using their x-ray vision skill Carol tells them Soo became the leader because yazaki couldn't get them together yogiri realizes that whoever breaks sora's vow loses their life Carol wonders why yogiri met with them and he tells her he wants to talk to seon the sage because he's sure she has some information about how they'll get home Carol realizes that going home is the normal thing to do and rioka thought they had no choice but to become sages tomacha wonders if going home with everyone's help is the right move and yogiri tells her they should go for the great achievement because going to will cause chaos Carol and rioka tell yogiri they're on his side the boys go underground and yogiri wonders why David is accompanying them David tells him he can suppress a low-level Demon's power easily because of his Royal Family's ability harud wonders if David can also seal their powers and David tells him that he can he decides to just guide them to where the demons resign a four armed monkey attacks yogiri and he does his best to suppress his murderous intent he decides to use his sword to take it down the boys commend his prowess but one of them wonders how he was able to bring the monster down with a single blow when he moves like an amateur tomacha asks yogiri what he does during the day and he tells her he plays games she's pissed she has to take down monsters all day yugiri asks about the underworld and she tells him they've cleared the fifth floor and would explore the sixth the next day yogiri reminds her that there's a dark God on the seventh level and he wonders if it'll be easy to take down Carol tells him they'll barely make their one-month deadline yogiri is optimistic cion would show up even if they lose yogiri asks about shinya and rayoka tells him ayaka took his life and she swore to take the lives of everyone in their class yogiri welcomes tacha back to The Hideout and she wonders why he's just sitting about he wonders if she thinks he's just lazing about he decides to demonstrate something to her by taking off a few pedals from the rose flowers in a vase tomacha wonders what he's doing and he tells her he's learning to tone down his power he decided to learn how to tone it down because he knew he'll need to tone it down to get information from the sage tacha wonders if he's done anything besides that and he tells her he took a stroll around the city while eating some food tacha wonders why he's having a good time in that world on his own but he informs her that he was targeted while walking around the city she tells him that isn't a good thing and he tells her he needs her help tomacha wonders what yogiri wanted her help for since they're just walking through the city he tells her he wants to be targeted without taking the life of whoever is targeting him yugiri asks her to use her good eyesight to help him spot the enemy he notices she looks a bit angry and she tells him she'll tell him about her mood if he buys her lunch yogiri can see she just wants him to treat her to lunch a sniper who's targeting yogiri begs a woman to let him go but she tells him to hurry up and take the shot he begs her to spare his life and she tells him he has to take down his Target to be free of his pains the man pulls the trigger but he loses his life immediately the lady tells her operator to aim for tomacha next tomacha and yogiri arrive at a destination only to see it in rubbles and tacha is pissed by ayaka's handwork they decide to visit somewhere else but tacha is suddenly targeted and yogiri saves her the operator decides to continue with that strategy but yogiri tells him he's coming to meet him with which shocks him to his core tamaa can see that someone was watching them and tacha wonders what they should do mamoko tells her she has the source of the waves and tacha wonders if it's the waves that are making her erratic the operator wonders if yogiri knows his location he decides to run away but his Escape helicopter suddenly fails and he jumps out tamacha suddenly attacks him midair and yogiri appears before him yogiri asks him not to run and he obeys which makes yogiri realize that the operator knows about his power the operator tries to feain ignorance but makoko shows him the spirit he sent to attack them the operator wonders how the princess of spirits lost and makoko tells him no Spirit can defeat her makoko also shows him that she defeated the king of spirits which pisses the operator off he summons a wolf spirit but yogiri takes it out instantly with his death skill he forms a pact with Yama the queen of the Dead world but then he tries to stop it but it's too late yogiri takes her out easily the woman who is a clone comes out of nowhere to protect the operator by attacking yogiri but tacha saves him yogiri approaches the Clone called in Jew and he deactivates her tacha wonders who she is and yogiri Promises to explain later he asks ryuk the operator to spill all the information he knows yogiri interrogates rasuk and he tells him everything he knows he promises to leave yogiri alone but yogiri tells him he's going to lose his life since he can create as many in Jew clones as he wants with his ability rosu begs for his life but yogiri takes it anyway yogiri explains that inju is a friend he used to play with when he was little and Tacho wonders if she's a robot yogiri tells her the robot was modeled after inju and it was made to take his life yogiri tells her he wants inju to rest forever and she misunderstands him he notices she looks sad and he tells her inju is still alive and well tomacha wonders why he was talking about letting her rest and he tells her he was referring to the robot tacha is happy she doesn't have to fight the Clone of someone who has lost her life later in the day Sora informs them that their class is town to 18 students because aaka has taken down eight of them they are surprised that no one was able to defeat aaka Sora tells them aaka is able to win because she is singling out her victims she informs the class that they have been asked to leave the kingdom immediately and they wonder why the kingdom is going against the Sage's orders she tells them the kingdom will be destroyed if things continue as they are she tells them all to proceed underground and clear their mission as soon as possible yogiri and tamacha go to the sixth floor underground accompanied by David yogiri wonders why David is accompanying them and he tells them he wanted to see the sixth floor with his own eyes yogiri tells him to be careful but David says everything would be all right as long as yogiri defeats the dark God they arrive at the dark God's castle where they are greeted by thousands of monsters suguru leads the class in Siege formation and they run through the monster horde easily tomacha wonders why the class is celebrating so much and her classmate tells her their Journey so far has been easy junah wonders why she's always with yogiri and she suddenly notices he's missing her classmate thinks he's a loner who doesn't like to be in public and tomacha thinks they are mean she decides to go look for him yogiri is playing some video games in the forest when he notices David walking on his own he wonders if he's drunk but David doesn't answer him he sees David walking to his impending doom and he rushes to save him yogiri tries to wake him up to no avail when and suddenly the ground starts breaking up the class is Happy they've made it so far without a hit and cion suddenly appears she tells them their Journey has been too easy and a sage may not be born she decides to create an Awakening event so she tells them she'll make them fight each other until only one person remains which horrifies them tomacha goes out to look for yogiri but the grounds breaks and he falls down into unknown depths Shan explains to the participants that they'll have to take each other's lives till there's only one left standing she tells them that the trial will begin in an hour and that an hour into the trial Whoever has not taken anyone's life will be un alived by her Roka gets a notification that the second Alpha Omega door has been opened and Carol notices this too Pon warns them not to leave the castle walls or they'll lose their lives she tells them the remaining survivor of the trial will be declared the winner the participants can't believe that they have to fight each other to the death fuia the death God decides to take C's life and cion is totally fine with this she tells him the trial will end if he somehow succeeds in taking her life fuia figures out that his abilities won't work on her and she tells him he has a better chance of surviving if he partook in the Battle Royale he uses his ability to try to take her life but she is unaffected he thinks his ability didn't work but she tells him his ability worked but she just resurrected in an instant this pisses off fuia and he keeps using his death ability but cion explains to him that she levels up every second so she recovers from bus ability each time she tells him she will always resurrect if she loses her life fuia doesn't pay her any attention and he keeps using his ability Shan decides she has had enough and she lands a deadly flick on fugia that takes him out immediately she tells the others they don't have time to waste and they all get into panic mode tacha is moving through the forest wondering where yogiri went to Romeo and Juna suddenly come running to her and they tell her they are in deep trouble and tacha wonders what they are talking about meanwhile yogiri is in a free fall with David in his arms he remembers when isaka was telling him about a novel she read when he was much younger she told him the novel told a story of a being that surpassed humans and the word eepos appeared a lot in the novel she told him that the novel said what a superior being needs is character and not ethics or morals young yogiri didn't get her point and she explained that it was impossible to apply ethics and morals to beings that surpass humans she told him the Supreme Beings have to make up their own rules for themselves and yogiri wondered if he had to come up with his own rules Asaka told him he had to because though he could do anything it didn't mean he could go wild whenever he wanted she told him to think it over carefully and decide what kind of character he should adhere to yogiri stops his reminiscence and he realizes that he'll only lose his life if he decides to follow the rules he made up he couldn't let himself lose his life after promising to return tahuka to her world he unlocks his abilities and he reduces his momentum he lands gracefully on the ground and he sets David down he realizes he's at the seventh layer and he immediately takes out his phone to place a phone call yogiri wonders if the person on the phone would be all right and she tells him she should be fine as long as the fighting has not started he tells her to keep him posted so he will help in any way he can Damon comes running out of nowhere wondering why he's being attacked he notices yogiri and he immediately falls on his knees in apology jiri wonders why Damon is on the seventh level and Damon wonders the same thing about yogiri yogiri suddenly remembers he said he'll take Damon's life if they ever met again and Damon denies him saying such a thing he begs yogiri to take care of the slob trying to attack him and yogiri immediately takes it down he wonders if Damon knows how to get back to the sixth layer and Damon tells him to go back the way he came yiri informs that he crash landed on the seventh layer so he can't go back the way he came and Damon wonders how he's still alive yogiri tells him he reduces his downward momentum so he doesn't get hurt and Damon is amazed at yugiri's set of abilities Damon suggests he takes a short cut and yogiri asks him to lead him to one Damon agrees on the condition that yogiri protects him and yogiri agrees Damon is about to leave but yogiri tells him to piggyback David which pisses him off Kiyoko pulls up her navigation map to see where the other participants are and she takes out her guns before heading to the castle with tacha secretly tailing her mamasa reads her actions from a book as she enters the room he reads about her peppering him with bullets but he erases it and instead aaka enters the same room as Kiyoko maloko Praises tomacha for suggesting they split up she tells her yogiri is in the seventh layer and he's trying to find his way back to them tacha thinks she'll be safe hiding in the trees because she doesn't have a system installed in her she suddenly hears gunshots from the castle and they know the battle has started between the participants Damon leads yogiri to an elevator and he tells him he'll drop him off on the sixth layer while while he heads to the first layer yogiri tells him he has to go with him to the sixth layer since he can't operate the elevator and Damon is bummed out yukimasa arrives at the room with the elevator and he keeps reading his book which predicts his action he tries opening the door and it doesn't work but we soon as he turns to leave the door begins to open and his book tells him yogiri and Damon walk out with David on his back he tries to use this opportunity to take them both out he writes in his book to change the future and take out yogiri but it only shows that he loses his life he's surprised because his ability to change the future should be the strongest but it keeps showing that he loses his life he rips out the page in anger and it kept saying the same thing as soon as the door opens yogiri takes out yukimasa and Damon is surprised he took out his classmate without remorse yogiri explains that he only took out yukam Masa because he felt his intent to take them out he places a call to makoko but there's no answer and Damon informs him that the system approved his participation in the sage candidate selection battle yogiri informs him that he can't leave the sixth layer because seon won't allow him and this pisses Damon off SE is lying down having thoughts of going on a vacation when ARA tells her he's fed up with her because she's too lazy she wonders why he didn't just take her life and he tells her he'll feel guilty but he decides to do what needs to be done a rock falls on her and ARA thinks he's taken care of her but she teleports to him and she realizes abukawa is with him abukawa opens a door of lava above her head which Pours Down on her but she's unscathed which surprises them she tells him she's immune to all attacks and she's pleased with the look of Despair on their faces she hits abawa with a saint KO punch and immediately disintegrates him and arama is in awe of her powers she tells him she was hit by a beam of light from a cat's eye before their field trip which took her life but the cats resurrected her and gave her powers through a link to the cat God as an apology ARA is convinced she can take garcion so they don't have to partake in the event but say thinks the event is fun she hits him with a beam that immediately disintegrates him she gets a notification that Damon is now part of the event and she decides to go take his life she teleports to them as they walk out of the castle and Damon is surprised to see her she wonders who yogiri is but he realizes she's come to attack them she tries to attack him but he counters her and takes out one of the cats the other cat decides to get revenge and say doesn't hold back but she sudden loses her powers because yogiri took out her Source she runs into the forest with shame Kiyoko and aaka are engaged in battle and tomacha watches them from the trees makoko informs her that someone is setting the spirits loose and there is electromagnetic interference so she can't contact yiri Toma decides to move instead of being a Sitting Duck and she's immediately surrounded by Spirits Romeo approaches her and tomacha can't believe she's the sorcerer Romeo tells her she's a necromancer and she apologized for hiding her powers she asks her about Juna but Romo tells her she doesn't know her whereabouts because she disappeared kamacha wonders why Romo came to her and Romo tells her she has a guiding Spirit who is the princess of an ancient species whose name is Teno tomacha is pissed that Romo got a cool Spirit while she's stuck with a spirit with a weird name makoko promises to floor chano if they engage in battle Romo tells tacha that Tano can't do anything but count and she'll gladly trade her for makoko she suddenly makes mamoko possess her and she starts attacking tacha who's surprised by how powerful Romo has become mamoko tells hero is using her powers against her will she informs tacha she's in control of her battle suit and she uses the purge command yogiri and Damon walk in on them and yogiri hits Damon in his eyes so he doesn't see tomacha as her armor falls off yogiri offers tamacha her shirt and he's convinced he'll have to take our makoko since she's attacking tacha Sora is impressed by the group yuzaki was able to form and he tells her they aim to become strong enough to take down cion Sora figures out that they are attacking her because she took away his leadership position wasaki asks her to give in him so he doesn't have to take her life but she humbly declines he orders his group to surround her and attack but as soon as they do so several fans appear behind them cheering Sora on joaki orders his group to take out the fans but the fans blow themselves up to take out members of his group which surprises him several fans blow up yazaki and harud is worried about the tricky situation they're in suddenly the jelly glob engulfs everyone but harud they call out to him for help but he uses his secret weapon to save himself leaving them to their fate Romeo is still petrified with fear of yogiri but a voice suddenly tells her she's more powerful than that since she's a necromancer riko realizes she's undergoing an Awakening so she releases makoko she becomes Amazed by the power coursing through her body and yogiri wonders what is going on makoko informs him that she's Awakening riko feels so powerful she thinks the world is at her feet she tries to attack tamacha but yogiri uses his death ability on her to take her life tamacha asks makoko to return her gear and she sad riko had to lose her life she decides to continue with the challenge but Damon tells her she should be more sympathetic so he can take advantage of her yogiri decides to find a way out of the sixth layer to draw seon's attention but Damon doesn't like this idea because he thinks he'll not be spared aaka is about to defeat Kiyoko but in her moment of Despair she summons a huge weapon Carol and ryuka join up with yogiri because they made it a point to run for their lives yogiri tells them his plan to lure out cion but the sky suddenly turns red and yogiri tells everyone to get behind him their location is hit by a huge blast and everywhere erupts in a huge explosion ayaka brings Kiyoko down but as she's about to finish her off Kiyoko tries to search for weapon which can defeat her she screams desperately and a huge container appears in front of her which surprises aaka yugiri decides to lure cion out to get some Intel on her but the sky suddenly turns red and he tells everyone to get behind him harud watches the scene from a distance and he thinks it's time to change his plans because the situation is quite dire a light suddenly appears which surprises him and the area suddenly goes up in a huge explosion Kiyoko regains Consciousness wondering what happened to her her medical unit informs her that she has lost over 60% of her body so she's now falling into stagnation she tells her medical unit to do something and her medical unit tells her it has just two options either it ceases her current operations and waits for her to heal naturally or heals her completely using her Dragon heal Kyoko tells her medical system to go with the latter option since it's very convenient but her system tells her it's not recommended because it would cause irreversible damage her unit tells her if she goes through with it she'll change into a dragon Kiyoko gives the medical unit approval and the medical unit tells her to recite the command Kiyoko recites it and she turns into a dragon immediately tamuka wonders what happened and yogiri reasons that it could be an Annihilation bomb that went off he tells her the bomb creates a huge explosion that blows everything into smithin he tells her the bomb also destroys any nanom machine in its blast radius and tomacha wonders how he knows all this ryoka is worried the second gate is behaving strangely but yogiri is more worried about them leaving the trial area which pisses tacha off Kiyoko decides to continue on her vengeful path she wonders if the people she wants to get revenge on have been eliminated she decides to confirm this to satiate her vengeful desire but her plan execution unit informs her that her search skills have been restricted but it tells her she can use her Dragon Warrior skill to find out Kiyoko uses it and her teeth begin to fall out and when they reach the ground they turn into clones of her human body her plan execution unit tells her the Clone can help her with the search Damon is scared out of his mind but he suddenly hears people marching towards them he raises his head to see kiyoko's clones heading towards them and he informs the others they wonder what the Clones are and tomacha thinks it's kyat herself her plan execution unit informs her that five survivors have been discovered she commands her clones to attack them but they all immediately fall to the ground kotak wonders what happened and her battle unit informs her not to waste more troops because something is a miss her plan execution unit realizes they are facing the alpha omega and she wonders why he's able to recognize them when they're in Phase 2 her medical unit informs her that the blocking function may have been disabled since she changed into a dragon her plan execution unit is shocked because they were created if Humanity was annihilated by the alpha omega so the alpha omega shouldn't recognize them her battle unit tells her they need to retreat and Kiyoko is surprised her battle unit suggested such a cowardly strategy she's pissed she gave up her beautiful body to change into a hideous dragon all for nothing she can't believe she'll have to let the survivors Escape when they are within her grasp she wonders what her purpose is now that she can't get her revenge anymore the group of survivors notice her flying towards them and Tomer realizes the dragon looks like what attacked them on the bus when they first arrived in that world Kyoko is about to shoot them with a huge Fireball but her battle unit warns her against it Kiyoko ignores the unit and goes ahead with her plan but yogiri uses his death skill to take her down easily she loses Consciousness but her units continue to function for a while before going off tamua approaches the clones and she realizes they are clones of Kiyoko Damon tells them they need to keep moving despite not knowing what would happen if they did yogiri agrees with him and they get moving Damon realizes there's nothing around them and he tells them even cion must be confused by the events Shan suddenly appears and she tells him she understands everything perfectly which surprises him yogiri recognizes her as the sage and she recognizes him as the person who promised to wipe her out yogiri takes out her ankle and she immediately loses her balance yogiri tells her he wants some answers and he tells her to focus on him she tries to use her powers on him but he nullifies it he tells her to stop her Antics or he'll take her life by accident because he's trying his best to hold back he informs her that she can't use an instant death ability to stop his heart and he asks her how they can get back to their original World he takes out two of her fingers and he threatens to take out more parts of her if she doesn't answer his question she suddenly disappears and Damon wonders why yogiri let her teleport to safety he's worried she can teleport anywhere and catch them unawares but yogiri assures him that everything is fine f arrives back at her castle and she wonders what's happening to her she takes off her defective hand and grows a new one but the new one is also defective more parts of of her body lose their function and she becomes skeptical about answering yogiri since he's going to take her life anyway yuichi enters the room but before he can help cion his hands and his feet lose their functions he begs cion to help him and she decides to teleport back to yogiri to beg him to spare yui yogiri tells her he just wants to talk and he won't attack anymore if she answers his question he's sure she figured out that he can attack her anywhere she goes including her allies everyone is freaked out by his powers and they are happy to have yogiri on their side he asks her to tell him how to get back home but she tells him there's currently no way to do that yogiri informs her that Damon was able to go back home when he initially arrived in that world Shan tells him that was back when there was a link between their worlds yogiri wonders if the link is now gone and cion tells him the link is gone she informs him that the world was weaker when there was a link he asks her for the coordinates of their world and a screen pops up behind her showing it Moko decides to memorize it and convince tacha she can be vital to getting them back home yogiri realizes they can return home if they have the coordinates and the right amount of energy to take them back he asks C about the energy needed and she hands him a philosopher's stone she tells him he'll need several of them to generate enough power to get him back home and yogiri is surprised she'll give up such a thing easily she tells him she doesn't need it because she doesn't rely on it yogiri wonders if all the other sages he took down also had philosopher Stones Shan tells him they had but the stone loses power once they lose their lives she tells him the stone is the source of a Sage's immortality yogiri wonders where the other sages are but cion tells him she doesn't know their location yogiri asks Damon about the exit and Damon tells him he has the location of it on his map Damon is shocked that yogiri is about to leave cion and yogiri tells him he won't be taking her life despite hating her so much Damon is surprised he's showing her mercy despite her giving them a taste of Hell on Earth they walk away leaving cion and she remembers she has to tend to uichi she begins flying but the red jelly erupts from the ground which surprises her she takes them out wondering what they are but she decides to get back to UI as soon as she can she tries to teleport but she can't and she notices that the red jelly has attached to her leg she wonders what's happening when Mana suddenly starts speaking to her Mana tells her she thought her immune system was reacting to something worthwhile but it turns out to be cion who's a joke of a sage wonders if she's a dark God and she flies upwards leaving her leg to be devoured she realizes the SAGE test may have been a mistake she tries to teleport but she suddenly loses her balance and falls to the ground into mana's jelly Mana makes justest of cion for making up a fraudulent system just to call herself a sage F realizes she has lost her powers but Mana decides to use her to nourish her brother F wonders what she's talking about but the jelly begins to devour her and she realizes she can't do anything to stop stop it she decides to warn Mana about yogiri and she tells her yogiri will take her down Johan remembers yui one last time before she's completely devoured by mana's jelly two huge robots suddenly land in the capital but a little robot appears to try to take them down it attacks one of them but the robot regenerates itself while the other one proceeds to destroy the capital it's about to start its destruction when it's suddenly engulfed by the jelly the jelly spreads through the capital and Rick notices this he decides to evacuate the soldiers at the gate before they fall to the Jelly he sees his opportunity to carry out his role as royalty and he decides to fight off the jelly he swings his sword at the jelly and he destroys it to the amusement of the soldiers they tell him he is indeed worthy of becoming a sword master but Rick tells them he's not having much impact more of the jelly suddenly rushes towards them and Rick wonders if the sage candidates broke the Seal of the dark God hararis relishes in the engulfing of the capital by the jelly he's glad that Mana has a awaken to manifest herself upon the Earth Damon brings everyone to him and he's surprised they are able to use a shortcut yogiri uses his death ability and Damon wonders why he took him down right away yogiri tells him he felt hararis intent to take them down that was why he took him down yogiri wonders where they are and David tells him they are in the seat of the diving King tomacha realizes the jelly is engulfing the capital and Carol notices it's about to go over the walls the jelly breaks through the walls and Damon tells tells them it's all his fault tomacha wonders why he said that and he informs them that Mana was the dark God who was at the bottom of the underworld he tells them everything is happening because he broke the seal holding her yogiri realizes that was why he was trying to rush out of the trial area yogiri figures out that it would be difficult to move around because of the jelly the jelly suddenly gathers around them and mana's face forms she recognizes Damon which surprises yogiri and she tells Damon to guide her to yogiri who took her brother's life he immediately rats yogiri out which disappoints tamacha and yogiri Mana realizes he's the one who took down her brother and she tries to take him down but he pulls a Uno reverse and takes her down instead Damon begins praising him but tacha wonders what they will do about all the jelly David suggests they go up to the roof and he shows them an aircraft yogiri apologizes to Damon since they have to leave him behind because the aircraft Can Only Hold five people mamoko suggests they stay behind while the others board the aircraft tacha wonders why they stayed behind and makoko decides to try out an experimental armor on tamaa she changes tacha's armor and tacha is embarrassed by how revealing it is yogiri wonders how he'll fly and makoko tells him tacha can carry him if he holds onto her he quickly grabs onto her and tacha is surprised he knows nothing of boundaries tomacha takes off from the ledge by spreading her cape and they fly out of the capital yogiri wonders what they should do going forward and tacha decides to take take a breather since they've been through a lot David offers to guide them to a nearby City but tacha suddenly notices Damon is Missing Carol and ryoka decide to tag along with them but yogiri tells them he's only gathering enough energy to take him and tacha back home tacha is surprised by this but he tells her he can't take responsibility for two more people Carol and rioka tell him they're fine with his decision yogiri asks tacha for a piggyback ride since he's sleepy but she declines his offer rioka offers to give him one because they have to do everything to protect him which pisses off tacha a carriage suddenly arrives and rizle jumps out of it and she rushes to yogiri she asks him to marry her but he declines her offer because he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in jail foda and euphemia also come out of the carriage and yogiri is surprised to see them rly offers him a philosopher's stone so he will listen to her request meanwhile the Divine King stares at the aftermath left by yogiri and he realizes he can't ignore such a monster a robot descends to pick up harud and it disappears into the Stars Damon is running through the forest and he decides to go build up his own harim world tacha is sitting in the carriage with yogiri on her lap he dreams of when Asaka told him it's fine for him to use his powers on people who he doesn't like she told him to follow rules he comes up with himself instead of following conventional Justice tomacha looks up to see that rizzly is jealous that she's so close to yogiri watch this next video see you on the next one yeah
Channel: Aniplot
Views: 119,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recaps, anime recap, anicaps, anirecap, anime summary, anime, ani, recap
Id: JWxTTg8i9e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 25sec (6385 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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