Linda V Taylor with Pam Clarke. Stained Glass

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pam clark is here today to tell us about her stained glass yeah isn't it fun it's wonderful and you know think of it is that so many people think that with our long arm machines all we do is machine quilting yeah well that's why we buy them yes well there's lots of fun things you can do with them i can't wait and uh this one i uh let me tell you how i got started with stained glass okay i was visiting my daughter in alaska and i was helping her clean her sewing room you know how those kids are okay so anyways i was helping her clean it and she had done all of the all of the stained glass part you know this this part here she was doing the daffodils and she goes here mom you want this and i go oh yeah i packed it up so fast i took it home and i put it on my quilting machine and i thought oh my gosh this is really hard to quilt because what happens is you have to stop at every single spot around that black so i thought well why couldn't i do the reverse with the quilting all right so this quilt here that we're looking at right here took me maybe six hours but you know it wasn't a pattern it was something i just made up okay so and that makes a big difference you know i could just make up my own flowers well anyways what you want to do to get started is first off you want to choose a backing fabric that's really busy okay okay um and this is something that you're probably not going to want to enter you know for a show clip all right because you're going to put a false back on it and you know in some places they a false back is acceptable but this is great if you want to do it for your church okay or as a donation or for your guild show where it's a viewer's choice they're not going to know it's a false back on it well i love it oh it's it's really fun well anyway so what you want to do is first off find a really busy backing all right because you're going to be doing some over stitching and there's beautiful backings oh there's gorgeous vacuums and look can you tell that won't be hard i mean you can't really tell all right so what i do first is um i'm going to do all my background quilting first all right and i'm going to step back just a little bit again because you know i tell you to pick a busy backing out but first what you're going to do is you're actually going to use um your top okay you're going to mark your quilt top all right and you're going to mark your black lines on here so when i get my ideas i get them out of coloring books the dover free copyright free books there's all kinds of ideas or i just make up my own flowers okay all right but the first thing i do is i pick my background color all right and then i want to draw my stained glass lines on and i like to use like a permanent sharpie anything that's going to be permanent and then this one is probably going to be maybe a little bit wider but it'd be fine for this large one right here but these little thinner ones i'm going to use the fine point all right and i want to make sure that's it because you want to be able to see the lines afterwards because what we're going to do is we're actually going to quilt all the background quilting first and then we put all of the applique on top oh okay all right now there's two ways to do this um you can either do the background quilting without the lining which is how i did the quilt on the back behind okay all right or you can do this one that's sitting right here where actually is the whole thing is done at the same time but what happens when you ha when you do that you tend to have a lot more quilting on top of each other so let's pretend like this right here i would take this and i would just load my my top and my batting okay all right and then i've already marked the quilt i've already marked my lines all right i load it up and then i'm going to show you how to do the different background quiltings because this part here is probably once you get this ready then all the rest of the stuff is fun it really is so let me all right let me show you my favorite background designs okay i mean really my favorite these are the ones i mean not just for stained glass but it's great for just all over quilts okay all right well this one here is the one that's on the back of the quilt that's behind me and it's the one i just that we just showed all right this can be just a wavy cross hatching pretty simple um i i don't measure it you can all right and the same with the straight cross hatching or you can do a diagonal cross hatching but you know what to me that takes out of the fun because i have to mark everything and i have to use a ruler so let me show you how to do this one right here i'm going to draw it up on paper and i already have it you'll see it stitched on one of the samples we're going to be doing in just a minute but um this i call a star and a star and it's really simple all right so what i'm going to do i'm just going to do it on paper here and i take it and i start with the star and really i don't really do a whole star the first one is back and forth like this the hardest thing you're going to have is keeping that nice and angular those points and that's what this is this looks great just on across a quilt that you want a lot of geometric lines on it looks really good but it's wonderful and your stained glass quilt i think that would be great for a starry night or something too yes i could eat like um i started doing this behind mariner's compass and the thimbleberries quilt block of the moth that they started out long time ago that was perfect for it but it's just a great oliver design and especially if they do a lot of quilts of valor this is a really nice one to do also yeah maybe add a couple loops but it's just a great way of doing this now i'm going to show you how to do my wavy cross hatching or the wavy lines um it's one of my favorite designs to put behind the stained glass i've already marked my lines on here all right and the thing of it is is that i'm using a different color thread so you can see it on the camera you really want to match your thread color as close as possible to your background block all right so i'm going to i'm in stitch regulator because this is going to hit me here all the way down because i tend to move it just a little bit faster and then up to this one and here back down i'm going to make this this just just a little bit bigger i mean a little bit smaller so i'm going to go back in and change it down to about 11. so here we go i'm going to lock my stitches i tend to like my stitches just a little bit larger i think it's because when i first started quilting 11 stitches per inch was the one that we were told to use when i do really tight background quilting i like to go with a smaller stitch length but here i tend to go a little bit larger so all the way down and don't worry what's really nice about when you do stained glass quilts is that you get to actually you know stitch on this black line i've used a really really busy backing but i'm just stitching down here you come down here come up this way you happen to cross over do not worry about that okay because you're probably going to have a flower or something across that so if you take this and do all your background quilting first now if i were to um if this let's say i had just the batting behind this and the top okay then i would then take it and reload it i would put the lining up and then i would reload it but this one we're going to quilt with all the lining the batting and the top okay all right so all three layers are together on this one but it just depends on how much thread do you want to see on the back of that quilt all right if you use a really busy fabric like i'm using right now you can get away with it you really can but if you're going to use a pretty light colored one where your stitches are going to show then you're going to probably want to use you know the false back okay yes have the falls back all right so let me show you how you're going to attach your um flowers now once this is done you're going to if you if you have just the batting alone all right you need to reload it with the liner with the lining all right so you got all the pieces together we have all the pieces together now i'm going to i'm ready to put my flowers down on my stained glass quilt all right so i'm going to cut my my fabric out if you use a pattern make make your flowers up it doesn't matter all the ones that i've done so far i just cut them out gradually you know just kind of randomly but there's two ways to do this also all right the one behind me i used basting spray okay i cut out my fabric just by itself i put the pieces in a box with the wrong sides up and i spray based and spray on the back and that worked pretty good it really did but what happened is when i went to put the black lead down if i didn't get the black lead all the way attached down with my thread then sometimes that would come out so i really would recommend a fusible bonding my favorite is called soft touch if you can get that it's very very soft all right okay and it's not going to really gum up your needle right made by a company that's the name of it it's called soft touch okay uh-huh um it's just fairly new out but it's wonderful to work with you're gonna lay your stems down all right just like that you can cut them out randomly again if you have a pattern go ahead and put those down you're going to lay your pieces down what i really like to do is to try to get it so that my black line because i have to when i go to put my black bias on which i'll show you in a little bit um i have to have it so there's no raw edges so it's kind of a little challenge too but it's also really fun so i'm going to lay those pieces down and normally i don't um i can do this part on the long arm machine but when we go to put the black lead on it i do take it off okay okay so i'm going to lay this all down and you want to be careful if you're using fusible because you don't want to get on your iron so you're going to lay it down all your pieces make sure it's not upside down yeah that's not good and you probably wouldn't be happy if i did that with your iron so lay this down here and i can kind of feel it all right then it doesn't really need a lot of iron on it you're just going to take it and we're going to put the iron over it and if you're doing a lot of this sometimes i'll take a box and put it underneath my table all right and that works really well now i also like to use zipper leaders when i'm working with this because off and on i can take it off if i know that i'm going to be doing this and i really need to have a nice firm surface it works great if you happen to have like an extra piece of granite like a hard rock surface that works great i happen to have a granite countertop so i put a a pad down and lay this down and it's really hard and it doesn't hurt it but really just a hard surface uh a cutting board works really well just a firm firm surface okay and that once that's done then we're gonna reload um we're gonna take and we're gonna put um a colored thread on now okay now all the quilting is going to be done on the flowers okay okay so let's get ready for that part all right once i have all my flowers attached all right and or i can even like on the one behind me i actually did it as i went i laid them down i ironed them on and i quilted them all right so once i have them all down i have it down and i'm not gonna do the quilting and what's really nice about about the um the stained glass i hear is that you you really can just kind of stitch on top of that and i really do kind of go right along the edge that's going to be covered with the yes this can be covered with the black and i'll show you that up here and this is what i usually do something like this on my leaves back here or i might do this one i love to do this in my leaves i love swirls back out i still um come out and stitch around that leaf though because even if you don't hit it exactly this is going to keep it down because i put the black lid on even with the long arm machine i don't do it with the um i don't do it on my home machine and i like to just do something like this there's a few other things i do but this is probably the easiest i get in here and then maybe do some circles this one and when i lay these pieces down when i didn't really talk to you a little bit about it is that i do try like right here when i go to put my uh my flowers down i do try to keep them in an area like this so when i come back with that black lead it's going to be all continuous all right because it this one over here we'll see if i can get that in it's it's really quite a ways away and a lot of times there then i actually add a little extra black lead okay so i can get in there and do that circle but really what i try to do is i try to get it so i have an area where i can come out and you'll know more once we do the when we do the lead okay so once i'm done with this i still want to come out and go around that and then i just come in here and just fill this in with you know any type of quilting that's going to get it to lay down i try to do like petals but i still try to get all the way out to that edge because if i don't get that black lead on it just perfect then there's a good chance that that's going to come out all right and that's why i don't do um i don't recommend when you first start this um is to do the fusible the uh the basting spray once you're comfortable doing this then you can go ahead and do the basting spray all right and then we're going to walk over here i just kind of what's really nice about this is you get to travel down here into this one and this one i come come in like this and if i can get my little um stitches all the way out to the edge like that then i don't worry about it too much way out there and i'm not too concerned if that black lead is going to cover up those little loops i'm really just trying to get thread and texture into that flower and i try to kind of kind of hit that little flower right there all right now since i'm loose over here i'm going to have to come back and just do a little bit of stitching on that okay and this one i'll just take and i'll just do a great big swirl in here i mean these are all just really easy things to do i do have a dvd out on just a really simple design on this but it also teaches you how to do um four other applique techniques and come out here right like that this is why it's really important that you're um but your backing is really busy right here all right and that's it now the next thing i have to do is put the black lead on it so let me just show you what i use for the black lad all right and this is from clover but there's also some generic brands out there and i just buy it at my local fabric store where you can get it at your uh at your local quilt shop or on the internet or on the internet yes that's great um it's a quarter inch and what's really nice it has a paper backing but back here this is an iron-on and when you go to put this on you don't want to stretch it because it's on the bias all right now i have put this on using just on my frame like this but what happens is the iron cools down too fast because of there's no hard surface right so if i'm just doing one little thing i could probably go ahead and do it or if you really don't want to take it off um find make a box or a little table under there so you have a really hard surface because it's very important this doesn't stretch on you i like those zippered leaders idea because then you can move it over do this and then move it back exactly the zipper leaders are great that's really the best um the best thing to do so i'm going to go ahead and take this off i'm going to take it to a hard surface and then i'll show you how to apply your black lead all right now i'm ready to put my stained glass lead on all right and the thing is you want to look at it and i've got my lines are marked right in here and in here so what you want to look at is where you're going to be putting another lead over the top and what's nice about this black lead is that once you iron it on if you happen to make a mistake you can actually pick it back up and stick it underneath that's always good yeah it really is so this is one little part right here so this is really going to show you right there so i take it and what you don't want to do is do not stretch it all right oh because it's on the bias especially when you go to load it back up again and if you happen to be like me i kind of pull my stuff a little tight it's going to pop out sharp scissors are really important all right then you just clip it right there i take this i lay it down right there i know i'm going to have a quarter inch to work with across here like that now this is the stuff you can you know buy at the at the quilt shop or online or at a fabric store but sometimes unlike the like the stained glass that that was behind me on the camera well i had to make my own i i had to make like a like an inch and a half really so i just use those little clover bias things again and that works great okay and i like to use kona kona black kona black is great because it pretty much matches everything it really matches this okay so once that's all like right in there i have to still look now i can go ahead and do my leaf and the leaf is probably going to be the hardest part but when you look at this then again before i do all of my leaf i still have a line right there so that needs to get covered up so you want to do all of the pieces that all of the markings on the background first and then the application well not always all right um because see if you look here um you know sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't this one here i told you i was gonna have to come here but really you know what i really have to go on that one so there but let's say i made a mistake not really make a mistake okay you know you just i cut it down like that i kind of go with the angle of that and then i realize oops i um i iron this down this is going to go out in my binding right here so that i actually allow little extra um bias there i think oh i forgot to put this one right here so all you need to do is either get it warm again and lift it up and stick it under all right so you know the whole idea is to try to get those done first all right so let's say those are done and this one right here let me put this one on now this one if you see it's at an angle like that of my leaf i actually take it and i want to clip it so that it's at that angle yes and it doesn't have to be exact that's what's so nice about this because you're going to come back over it you just want to make sure it's going to cover and this i don't have to worry about because when i come back through here with my flower it's going to be covered all right so let me do i'm going to do a leaf and then i'm going to do a circle so when i go to do my leaf i can start right here i still need to do it at an angle and a lot of times what i'll do is i'll keep keep a piece of paper on my quilt and then i can keep all those so i all these little clippies right here oh so i don't iron them onto my background and even if you did it'll come right off okay so i'm going to come up like this this is probably going to be the hardest part you're going to have when you get right here and we'll probably get the camera in really good let me get that down nice and tight okay and then what i want to do i can use a pen or my scissors and i want to do like a 45 degree angle so i'm going to take this and i'm going to pull it like that so it's kind of like when you're doing your miter on your corners on your quilt or binding or a binding on on your binding so i take it and if i just see if it's warm so i've got this little crease right there and then i take it and i iron it so a lot and a lot of times let me show you what i'm using i'm using a piece of granite underneath of this and a lot of times if i have a lazy susan hopefully my arm's not in the way that tends to do that if you have a lazy susan that you can put this on then you can turn it as you're going all right and that works really good yeah and i give it one little good press again clip this off and then i'm just going to keep working around until i cover all of this up that turned out nice it really it just it covers up a lot of errors all right and it's really funny because i teach this every once in a while at a show and i'll have some of the girls and it's a background class and i'll get going on this and um let me show you what i'm talk while i'm talking when i'm doing a circle like this and when i was doing it on on the camera i mean on the machine i remember i told you to try to get that right there on that edge there so when i come back around like this this is what's so nice about this bias it really does move i can come up like this it really bends really nice like that and i would actually want to put some of those in there first but i'm going to take this and this is where that lazy susan comes in but i'm using this piece of granite right here which is really nice and it gives it a real firm surface so i can also take that and just move it all right because you don't want to get your hand you know you want to be able to be really really easy with it don't stretch it i can come like this and then i can also come back i want to make sure that covers up that one raw edge there and then i can take it and start building out here like this and go around the petals right but i would really want to put another piece up into here up in there and do all of this but i just wanted to show you how how nice and easy it is to make that so you don't stretch it way out so let me go ahead and finish it all right and then um then we'll show you the finish all right and i want to show you how to uh how to attach or how to stitch down your black lead and when i stitch down the black lead i'm going to use a thread like this i have used this brand for years i love to applique so i do a lot of machine applique um this brand is called sew art um i believe that yli and superior are about the same the same quality i like it first off i test it i go like this and i want it to break but i want it to be strong enough and i want it to kind of like blend into my black so anytime i'm using black i'm going to use this smoky color nylon thread i use nylon it's really weird it doesn't melt i can put hot iron on it this brand is really really good i've used this brand for like about 22 years love it um it's just it's held up very very well i mean i even have a quilt i did 23 years ago which supposed to clear thread on baby quilts but i did and i'm like for my son and it's held up really well washer dryer hot iron preschool all that stuff so anyways then i take it and i do like a little tiny zigzag and this is all it is i just free motion this if you're doing this on your home machine you can go ahead and do your zigzag all right and take it and all i do is i want to make sure i use black thread on my bobbin and the clear thread on the top and i just do a little zigzag like this and i'll show you a close-up of this in just a second all the way like that i want to try to get that right along that edge because this bias if you iron it way way too much there's actually a seam right in here and it's going to come apart okay it really will all right so that's why you really want to make sure you get that zigzag all the way across and that's how i do my stained glass quilts that's it wonderful it's fun isn't it all right so let me show you the what it looks like on the close-ups on the one that's that's been stitched okay all right so this is what it looks like um when you're gonna put your black um when you load it back up and you're gonna do your freehand zigzag that's all it is and this is this is the the bias that i made myself because you can't find this this wide now what i didn't tell you is i i went ahead and made it but then what i did is you know the so the the uh oh what is that brand i was just using the so soft fusible yes i actually cut it in strips oh all right and then i put it behind here and then i make my own bias all right so you can make your own bias if you can't find the color that you want i'm sure you can order it online there's all kinds of different colors that are out there i personally prefer black because it just makes everything stand out outlines yeah we're used to that yeah and so all of us can do this freehand little zigzag that's really easy and that's all there is to it all there is to it and it is beautiful and i already have an idea of where i need to do this in my house so can't wait to see i'm very excited about it thank you so much for showing us your technique for this stained glass thanks
Channel: Linda V. Taylor
Views: 478
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, longarm, shortarm, quilt, rulers, techniques, gammill
Id: 8yoK1Qvoyy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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