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Hello sweethearts, welcome one more day to the channel, I am sheila carrasco, a singer, on this occasion, as you have already seen the miniature, we are going to react to another singer who we do not have the pleasure or the pleasure of knowing about her. ronstandt good and want a little research and find out more about it because I have no idea of this woman where has appeared from whence he is who he is and others here know that Wikipedia can put in quotes what is more or less official what most or less care has ever happened to him that he read the wikipedia bible ok and then it is not so ok then you told me no but it is no longer counted it is that it is no longer with which one or that is because I do not know what it is for either very very very well wikipedia the truth but hey informs you 'a little bit not about it good pretty maría ronstandt vale born on july 15 , 1946 75 years old in the usa oysters usa american mother tongue english educated arizona state university years active from 1967 to 2011 well 2011 because relatively recently things like the queen of rock or the first lady of rock are pseudonyms genres rock rock and roll folk country rock country rock ranchera solve rock jazz big band and arc rap rock oh my god It seems like a tongue twister for the love of God here the English are going for the milk they do not know but I do not the truth the instrument voice discographies capitol records island record and distinctions come on if he begins to list them be careful with her be careful with her record vocal it is appreciated that she is a crusted soprano we are already starting coloratura we are going this means that it is something similar to ima sumac something similar I have said something similar careful similar it is noted higher in full voice it is a sun showing live in the tumblr song and He says his lowest note could be a G or a F and his highest note with head voice is a do in the song I'm with you win mother of God come on this has to be I already tell you not similar Okay, okay, okay, as and more humane, okay, I mean, similar because he is a soprano with the same coloratura with a premium, not because he sings the same because he still does not listen to her, or okay, surely he cannot sing the same things as they are but hey name not yet no no no we are going to advance nothing we are not going to advance anything we are going to start it is worth remembering or if you are not subscribed please subscribe to the channel give the bell to subscribe the button that you have here next to it you have to join me if you can join the perfect channel if not absolutely nothing happens agree down here in the information box you have all the links to all the playlists to my covers to my reactions mexican singers argentine singers singers from all over the world how to collaborate down here you don't have everything ok let's start with linda ronstadt the stone crucifix and I am the corrido I imagine there are two songs of course let's go look I have not done it wrong and although I have not done it wrong u and someone please tell me what clothing is this is worth not for nothing but it has surprised me it seems to me a very curious clothing is not that things are ugly as the clothing you have but the clothing has surprised me the truth things like is when wanting to see to see to see to see to see I did not expect at all at all to go out with mariachis that is, but at all at all I did not expect at all to go out with mariachi but time has given birth to me and freaked out and then that voice with a lot of air when taking out a lot of air that voice, my mother, has left me totally shocked, it has left me first, all the clothes and then the second what is the voice not with a lot of air when taking out That vowel is not the pronunciation, no, I did not expect it, so it does not have those same vibrations that Mexicans have and it does not show so much obviously careful that it also releases some flips and in some flips it means when you are singing and c ortas a little that voice not those are some are the flips but a very angry voice with a lot of air and the truth is that a voice is not a whole mixed voice but it seems very curious to me I do not know it is neither Mexican nor English nor is it He is American, I do not know, I find his voice curious, I do not know the night, sorry, I withdraw everything I have said before, true, you show me to see withdrawal, yes, well, I can say that he withdrew a little, okay, what I said before, I did not expect me at all, it is falsetto, do not wait She doesn't have impressive vocal resources at all, beautiful too, I thought it was going to be the whole song so very calm because obviously I was not expecting it at all that it was Mexican or that it was a Mexican song worth death you have seen that vibrato of the end is the vibrato of the end is is is a typical Mexican mogollón that is to say is that it is typical Mexican of this woman another one as like as demetrio demetrio gonzález who is he was a Spaniard born in Asturias but with four years old he left e to Mexico and of course because being custom is all the way of singing everything in the end there it was launched and there it was made as an artist no other and another like this beautiful woman hey really I tell you or I am going to go to Mexico directly that It has Mexico that it has Mexico, please explain to me that it has Mexico, so that these artists can come out, I don't know what the actor has that he is going to say and it is also that, look, he feels like a Mexican that is, that is very very very strange In quotes weird because of course, being an American, I already tell you, I don't know much about the trajectory of Dona Linda Ronstadt either, no, I don't know, I don't know if she grew up in Mexico from a very young age, as happened to Demetrio, I don't know. I know then, first of all, I want you to make it clear to me where that suit is from, or where those monkeys with those braids are typical or is it that she was like that and that she wanted to characterize herself that way because she felt like characterizing those signature aunts no but I found the pri curious Merely the clothes and then or whatever you sing and in those ways is that only that I have heard from the Mexicans so of course that is why he came to the com to conjecture the truth that he had to grow up in Mexico, not if I'm not mistaken no job it was very small Mexico come on are my assumptions because we are discovering singers some small flips it is a nice vibrato when finishing a brutal typical mexican phrase ok go on with that voice that is not whole ok it is a mixed voice there are many times that it does obviously to pass falsetto rises to voice it head and passes falsetto because to switch to falsetto have to go through you head according the whole voice means that sings like when you talk to me may understand it so for me You understand, obviously, it is not the same, it is not the same, but a whole voice is that which when you speak, that is, the piccolo and it is a whole voice, it is not the same as the piccolo, this is one more head voice I do n't know I do n't know if it you have caught the difference then he asks me many times what a flip is a flip is a when he is singing to see if we catch him again and I mark it for you okay that is a falsetto okay you have seen there that he has risen to the head voice has I have made a transition that is called a mixed voice voice, okay, head voice, and the head voice has risen to falsetto, okay, that is, I have not done any flip for now. that is very typical Mexican, those are those names, yes it is very Mexican, it is very Mexican, I don't understand it, I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy, and I, that is a whole voice, that is a whole voice, and now all right , that's a whole voice. Because what I have commented before so that you understand me is how the entire voice is as if when you speak, it is okay, that is a way of singing a whole voice, a voice gave me a mixed voice, well, there is different, but that is a whole voice. ok it's like you're talking singing the Same technique, sorry about nothing, I don't find out about anything, I just listened to some thanks, I'm going to sing a song, I don't know what it is, I don't know what it is, I don't know what it is, it's funny, it's funny because he sings extraordinary, let's go, he sings extraordinarily well in Spanish but then he doesn't speak Spanish. curious is curious the more curious i and it is worth there only understood songs of my father and I well forgive you already know that I am not bilingual I do not get the budget to study languages or to study any of this anyway but hey everything will work and I know everything will all be seen but no no, that is, it seems very curious to me, it seems very curious to me, the truth is, daniel valdez, you will forgive me, I did not count on him at all at all I do not know who he is as well as beautiful we have seen the wikipedia something about her that I know who is an American who is seventy-odd years old, active until 2011 well relatively recently we have seen singers that good but I do not know anything about this man I do not know anything about Nothing and since I like it, I feel it and a whole voice is worth as much one as the other is worth as much one as the other a whole voice very chest is good very chest I would not say and I would say it is chest but not very chest okay It is a whole voice that is true but I would not say that it is a chest voice very worth so that you understand me and then please leave me in comments some more information about this man because it leaves me a little caught I do not know who he is, I think too Very curious, such a brunette person does not sing rancheras, I do not know is that as I am discovering so many things and I am declared for you it may be very normal but for me I am not a singer of orchestras here in Spain I have not left Spain I am a singer of orchestras More than 25 years ago but of course by God it is that these things are for novels I hope and I do not know who they are and it is normal illicit as many of you do not know Spanish singers from here very difficult very difficult I tell you always very difficult to sing to two voices very difficult or it is achieved by the voices to sing two singers together because obviously they have to agree not when making those vibratos so that one is not on one side and the other on the other obviously but it is very Difficult to sing they sing in unison okay but of course obviously one makes a voice and another makes another voice of course it is up to there all I think we arrived as a good Mexican there is a live rush since it is called a live rush and although that is that it is very Mexican I find it very strange, very crossed, it is normal for me to say very crossed but hey is that it seems strange to me the whole ensemble in general seems strange to me the whole ensemble in general or an American singing Mexican and I know that many times you tell me no no is that a Mexican does where he wants to do it if I know that but it does not stop being weird no no it does not stop surprising me obviously of course normal a voice continues with that entire voice is worth a whole voice is no yes If it is not a chest voice, okay, continue with the two with those vibratos with that I have not heard any flip yet to explain what a flip is many times you ask me if it is a whole voice and what is a flip and what is not I know what singing teachers are for, okay, I'm a singer and I can distinguish what it is, but of course I'll explain it in the videos because if I have to write you in the comments, it's a head voice when I don't know it's not worth it. no no I can explain it in better videos I love the skirt cute you know that I sequins and colors with sequins and other me going me me chiflan not but but care is very beautiful care is very beautiful I am man I'm really telling you, forgive me with all my respect, I don't know him, it's okay to leave me in comments who is this man, please, he must be one of the greats in Mexico. As we say here in Spain, I don't have it e very very very easy it is very easy to make those holes to make those screams of possibility of joy, give him the desire for chili and that does not depend on where you are in which region you are worth they are called hollows cries of possibility cries of joy cries of Give it a whim, they are called different ways, I don't even know what year this is, the truth is, I have no idea what year this is and I have no idea where the paint comes from beautiful water, my idea I knew has a very curious shape also decanting you have noticed to choose the mouth towards the pink side it touched us died or has a curious shape but today things are not as bad as they are nor as badly cared for this already I think I think it has to be one of one of weight one of renowned his mother give it to him those vibrato if the endings those very golden endings is that you see that in quotation marks little more I can highlight because you always do the same they would do something different to us I would explain it to you in fact if it is still It has a flip on the way back, there is a hint that I like it, I do not know what to do, and send me something if they do, it did not back down because they block it, okay, but well, that too, you know that it is exceptional handling. of breathing because of course when you sing a song or a phrase for example we are going to say it like this and all the phrases with it with the same air that you take when making that phrase it is very difficult to do that is very difficult but of course they are 'Come on, they are teachers, not to do that, I can do it too much, the man, forgive me, I no longer remember the name, okay, the man, yes, he is singing with a short whole voice, obviously, he is a man, and he has a very very very deep voice. chest very very very serious then of course he is singing with a whole chest voice very serious she is singing with a whole chest voice but it is not, that is, it is not a very very serious voice obviously because being chic being a woman well look where does the voice c come out As for the care that the one that surprised me a lot is Lucha Villa, who also has an impressive voice on the channel, that is, we have it on the channel and the voice that Lucha Villa has is also impressive, I was amazed that they are in the video with Vicente Fernández And with Paulina Rubio's mother, what they are doing there is a voice, it is a middle voice, it is worth a middle voice, it is not a whole voice, nor is it a head voice, it is a middle voice, what is there, is what the air does, you know, you know why they It is evident that it is evident that when they sing together they have to look at each other many times and more in the endings and you have realized why they have to make the same turns and of course this will be this will be studied this will be we will be late it will be on and it will be Everything you know will be everything but they have to look at each other on stage to know those endings as they do to each other, no or as they begin in the sentence or if you know noticed they look at the emp start and at the end of the sentence not in the middle it is not necessary obviously he follows with that whole chest voice and she continues with that whole voice is worth chest but higher is a high chest voice what she is doing according to continue With those vibratos with those Mexican endings that they have and I'm hallucinating then I'm giving birth and really freaking out you have noticed and that it leads to starting before but has had to look at it to start with it, because what I tell you is look when things are not clear between two people who are on stage the two of them look at each other when a sentence is going to start and when it is going to end to end together obviously she is going to start earlier and has stopped a little and nothing has stopped three seconds and he started with him again well yes well yes well yes well yes he has surprised me linda ronstadt has surprised me a lot more surprised a lot now to see obviously this is the first time I have seen her on the channel and Well, this is normal, it is not logical, not that I was surprised and then the man who goes out with her, you will forgive me, I did not know that I was going to appear in this song, I do not know who it is, I do not have much idea, please leave it to me in any comments. His story, not something that I could that you could contribute, no, no, no, and if he sang separately or now a guest of hers or she sings now as his guest I do not know I do not know okay I do not know I do not know I do not know I know thank you very much for having been with me in this reaction, the truth is that I was quite surprised, you have asked me a lot on a channel a long time ago, and of course there is a lot, there is a lot to react and a lot to see up to here the reaction of Today thank you very much to the 'subscribe' button you give the ddi with the bell you give everyone a join button if you can join the channel to collaborate with the channel is great and if nothing happens absolutely nothing and we are such friends and so great to Do remember you have all the information below in the description box in the information box you have all the links to all my social networks , how to contact me and my covers, my unpublished songs, there you have everything in agreement, a big kiss from Spain from Zaragoza I love you very much, no thanks
Channel: Sheila Carrasco Cantante
Views: 63,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sheila, sheila reactions, la cigarra linda ronstadt, la cigarra reaccion, la cigarra reaction, linda rondstadt el crucifijo de piedra, linda rondstadt reaccion, linda ronstadt, linda ronstadt canciones de mi padre, linda ronstadt la cigarra, linda ronstadt reaction, linda ronstadt songs, sheila vocal coach, vocal coach reacción, vocal coach reaction, vocal coach reacts, vocal coach reacts to, sheila carrasco cantante, singer reaction, reaction singer, el crucifijo de piedra
Id: vOs1RtQjiXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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