Lin-Manuel Miranda on what NOT to do when watching Hamilton movie...Anthony Ramos might agree!

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I like your shirt well thank you so much I had to pull it out the only bummer is I've got all these ring lights and I'm nervous so I'm sweating my eye my shirt well listen nice musical I don't even I know what I'm doing on July 3rd by the way it's also my 50th birthday so I feel like you guys have given me a better gift than anybody happy birthday yes I had to put on the sweatshirt and yes it is my birthday how do you not milk that with the cast when it's coming out on Disney Plus on July 3rd your birthday anyway I hope you enjoy these interviews with the original cast of the Broadway smash Hamilton 11 Tony Awards app youlet surprise a Grammy you name it what a thrill to be able to zoom with some of the most talented human beings on this planet I'd love it if you'd subscribe to this channel if you like what you see if you don't maybe you'll give me a second chance and still subscribe and in the meantime enjoy the interviews have a great safe 4th of July holiday first of all I can't thank you both enough for this gift can you help me set the scene if on July 3rd advice for how to create that theatrical experience at home oh you just need a decent internet connection by the way July 3rd is also my 50th birthday so I don't know what my husband's gonna get me to top this so thank you have any of you seen it oh yeah oh ok help me set the scene I'm in my house what do I need do I need snacks I know there's an intermission should I dress up yeah girl you know it's your birthday you can you gotta go all out with this ok do you definitely nice snacks I don't know you know if you're if you'd like to have a drink or two another beverage you know don't go crazy though because you don't want to be slumped for the second act and you know I think you know just with people you love just make sure you with people you love and people who you want to share special moment with I just don't take a shot every time they say my shot you will not make it to the second act where you wear your pajamas and bring some popcorn yeah and a big one you this one this one you can just pause the intermission so you don't need to worry about the line for the restroom or whatever so you get experience that line is brutal and and most importantly you know come as you are come as you are because whatever you know and literally your whole family there's something for everybody in your family in this musical which is the only reason why we get to talk about it so much and I'm excited for it to be yours I can't wait to see this I had the pleasure of seeing it on Broadway about six months after the original cast left and of course you your vantage point changes you control what you're seeing what was the hardest thing for you to decide what are people gonna see what is that vantage point here well I think the challenge existed throughout which is every time you go in for a close-up or medium shot it means you're not seeing the surround you're not seeing the ensemble and I wanted to make sure to embrace the storytellers everywhere on stage so we're very judicious about how we use our close-ups which gives you intimacy and I think you have real proximity to the emotionality and to the story but I also wanted to celebrate the dance in the show the physical language which is such a big part of the story so it was it was important for me to give everyone the same seat and so I wanted you to see things that you wouldn't have seen if you went to the theater but also be reminded constantly that you're in the theater and this is a celebration of theater what's incredible about what Tommy is done is that he's in the press release I think I say everyone has the best seat in the house but that's a lie because no one had the seat no one gets to go behind King George as he walks down stage no one gets to go above the stage as we throw Reynolds pamphlets 50 feet in the air so you know it's whether you're watching it on your phone or your tablet I would recommend the biggest screen you can muster and as loud as you can but your mileage may vary ladies you've talked a lot about how this musical has always hit people differently depending on what we're going through and of course the light of what we're going through and now you've seen a bunch of your lyrics on protest signs the whole black lives matter movement is there a lyric that is just resonating with you right now it's so funny there's a there's a part in the show where we have a character named Samuel Seaver he was a real guy and he says he'd not the rabble who scream revolution they have not your interests at heart and Hamilton hears that and raps over it he'd have you all unravel at the sound of screams but the revolution is coming and to me that is the dialogue that is happening right now you know this sound of revolution this these protests that are happening that's the sound of change that's the sound of a country reckoning with what kind of country it wants to be and that's that hits in a different way than it did in 2015 is there a lyric if you could put a lyric from this on a sign and walk around with it now reflecting how you're feeling how you're doing what is that lyric for you that just resonates with you oh I mean definitely history has its eyes on you I've been which week which we've seen a lot out there but I you know a big part of my personal work in this moment I have found is like sort of questioning the ways in which I interact with with capitalism and in all of the various forms that I participate in it I've moved on to the film and TV industry a lot now and like there what kinds of accountability am I able on insisting upon with sort of this idea in my head that my choices say something about me I am no longer at a point in my life where I have to say yes to everything I bought my house you know I'm saying like my family is safe I don't have to say yes to everything and so the fact that I say yes to anything speaks something about myself and there better be like a real good solid foundation for why I said yes and if a company I am working for fall short of that I need to hold them accountable because history has its eyes on me just like it has its eyes on them and I hope that everybody is recording and keeping me accountable for my mistakes so that I can try to live up to the best version of myself and I have been trying to figure out how to insist on that behavior from everybody else I'm working have you seen the film version that we're gonna see July 3rd I have Bobby does not but we can talk about that later does he not have access I don't like watching myself so I haven't watched yet but I want to watch Alma Krantz well then just put a little hand over over the stuff that you're on can you Christopher since you saw it how has this affected you watching it again now my level of adoration for the entire team that made it but especially the actors that I was fortunate enough to share the stage with for all of that time has become a real benchmark for my own personal life obviously but man are they something and the level of precision in storytelling and the level of character work and the obvious joy that just sort of leaps off of the screen is the same that I felt all of those many hundreds of times doing that show and and to be able to watch it I kind of I kind of understand what the big deal is you know just an incredible company of actors did you cry did you get choked up I did but not in any of my parts you know I you know I I could I could I could talk for four days about the level of specificity and the the joy that is expressed just watching this man right here do his work I I you know in the first act I'm oftentimes not on stage with him at the same time and I remember seeing so much in the wings but it's just not the same when you're out front and Tommy's gave giving us an incredible bird's-eye view into you know the moments that you sometimes are too far back you know from the stage to actually see and there's so many things going on on you know on that stage that that Tommy really helps to guide the eye and and every piece is just delicious you know the show has always inspired me a lot of different ways but especially now hearing the lyrics and and and seeing what we created it's an everlasting reminder that something really a tool that's really powerful is the ability to like listen the ability to listen to others to take that and ask yourself questions educate yourself and finally to advocate to take that what you've learned what you've processed and take it out there and use your voice in order to create a world in which you want polina's talked about the access now that everybody gets with this coming out on Disney Plus in regards to access you guys didn't have to go through what we went through to get tickets to your show so I'll start with you Renee what is that production or that show or that concert that you worked your butt off to try to get access to whoo my first was a well actually I won't even say my first I had the great privilege right after we left Hamilton to go see Beyonce with Leslie out of dinner I think the reason why I got the tickets is because the three of us with our significant others we're sitting there watching another phenomenon and you know like we were at school right Leslie and I saw the color purple together the new production that came on Broadway so yeah you got it you got to get out and get inspired by other people and we definitely did well it sounds like you also have to get the right friends to help get you access to some of these cool events you guys are like the perfect group of friends and he's the ps/2 business dunce when they were filming this obviously they tell you hey fYI guys were filming this for a potential thing that we'll put up on the big screen or small screen later did it change anything about what you all did I'll say yes and no I mean no because you know this at this point you know this is this is after really the show's been reviewed we've you know our heroes have you know that people the word is already sort of it's been decided what people think of the show so we no longer have to prove that you know to anybody so it was really about preserving this thing that we've done at this point by the time we shot this movie I'd done I play bird I'd played bird over 500 times so no but then I was really excited about the chance to to layer in some some subtlety and some smaller moments that really wouldn't read in a thirteen fourteen hundred seat house you know once they brought the cameras in and you have the you have the ability for the camera to come in closer it gives you an opportunity to do a different kind of storytelling that I also like a lot the chance to repeat the fact that we get to you know the Hamilton on Broadway you know it starts and then we we don't stop until it's done with with this thing you know we got to repeat a couple moments and consider is there anything I want to change is anything that I feel different this time so that was all exciting stuff happy birthday I know I had to make it about me to start this thing off because it's it's always about you guys I can't tell you what a gift this is and I know Lynn has talked a lot about how this this whole musical hit people differently depending on what they were going through what we were going through and in light of what we're going through now I'll start with you Alex has this hit you differently watching this version now oh that's a great question you know I admit I have not yet been able to just take in the film for a while because in preparation for its release I was so focused I'm listening to the sound and making sure that this is you know it's just so and that is you know the quartic or the most perfect rendition of the show possible so I have yet to be able to just sit down and let the piece wash over me I'm actually looking forward to doing that on July 3rd because I backward I can't change anything anymore it is what it is but I do feel like it's going to allow me to just take in the show and take in with that moment wise because that was a very special moment in time for all of us and where we were in the show and where we were in the history so I think it's going to be very moving especially in this time when we can't connect and we can't be together in a room like I would give nothing more than bender to be able to sit with Andy and Tommy and Lena being together but I think we're going to be longing for the feeling of connection and longing for to be able to high-five each other again I was gonna say one thing about your question I think is really really a wonderful question is one of the things that I think speaks to me most about the show now is that we're dealing with an imperfect situation in the way our country was made in the way are these founding fathers and mothers took care of us and pushed us into existence there was problems there was confusions and there were mistakes but somehow we fought through because we all wanted something and I think now the the musical resonates in another new way because we're pointing out that in history there have been a lot of unanswered questions and there have been a lot of muddiness and you have to go through the muddiness to get through to clarity so we find ourselves in the cyclical position but that's honest and that's empowering to say we must have changes in front of us and we must walk into that battle well and you know what it's work it's forcing us to do a deeper dive into our history yeah yeah absolutely after watching George fluid murdered for 8 minutes and 46 seconds it kind of put me in a specific state of being that I don't think I can really move from or any black person in Seattle can and I think having a show where our founding fathers were white men played by people of color saying hey no matter what speak out against the injustice --is try and tell people about the country you wish to see and then fight for the country that you wish to see that you believe that it should be a thing that's very important right now I think it's important for everyone to remember that that came from white voices then and it's echoed by black voices now and I think that's a true connecting tissue for this country possibly who knows time will tell hopefully this is the beginning of some real actual sustainable change I know what I'm doing on July 3rd what will you be doing July 4th because the timing of this and the fact that we get to watch it as a nation the day before our nation's birthday is huge I'm just I'm just gonna be with my sisters I'm just hanging out with my sisters and enjoy enjoy their company I'm actually gonna be with my brother and my cousin and maybe get to see my and my uncle and my mother because they're driving from Illinois to come visit them and so we're gonna go meet them and celebrate my brother's birthday because whose birthday is on the floor Oh tell him happy birthday done for me well and Anthony how about you um uh you know I don't know I'll probably somewhere in Brooklyn chillin watching it with you know with family honestly you know I think my mom and the rest of my family are super excited to see this and we've seen the show more times than anybody in the world but they are they are so excited to to watch it in this way so I think I think you know we're gonna be probably hunkered down at the crib just watching it I know you talked about how when you this whole thing kind of came to you on vacation I know vacations are hard to come by right now but Tommy can Lynn ever go on a vacation again and he comes back and you not say all right what masterpiece do you got for us now I just always make sure to answer if I'm around when he calls and if he says we're going we're going we're going left then I go left with them so uh what whatever if he happens to take a vacation I will make sure to find out what he was reading on that page Lynn do you feel more pressure when you do get the occasional vacation uh no though you know I do have to say the success of Hamilton has taught me that like vacations good ideas happen when you're not looking for them and I think that that's a nice lesson to take away for someone who's increasingly busy congratulations I just I wish we could do this in person but maybe another time yeah well happy birthday in advance yeah congratulations I'd be the new dad appreciate it thank you thank you yeah I buried the lede have a great day you guys yeah I can't wait it's incredible it was originally supposed to come out on big screens in about a year and a half from now but they moved it up in light of everything going on so thank you Disney Plus Hamilton streams exclusively on Disney Plus July 3rd
Channel: Tara Hitchcock
Views: 612,873
Rating: 4.9664831 out of 5
Keywords: hamilton, linmanuelmiranda, ending, movie, song, clip, trailer, phillipasoo, disneyplus, hamilfilm, daveeddiggs, leslieodomjr, anthonyramos, jasminecephasjones, reneeelisegoldsberry, broadway, musical, thomaskail, alexlacamoire, andyblankenbuehler, alexanderhamilton, roomwhereithappened
Id: Yis1PxzYMxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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