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I gotta shake your hand what's your name Brandon Brandon is this your first marathon no there's my third LA Marathon who's my second LA and what if I told you there's gonna be a guy that's gonna run 11 marathons in four days consecutively so what if I said there were so many that was just gonna get up and start running 300 miles in a hundred hours what would you say to him take it easy take it easy don't get hurt so what would you say if I said someone was gonna run 11 marathons in four days straight can you handle crossing mountains and the altitude I think the guy is very brave I don't see how it's humanly possible I don't think it's possible as long as he has the willpower and he has the guts you can do it it's possible at a cost I I do think that as Rawley will eventually break down the mental aspect of the attitude I think if you could sum up in one word the guy who's gonna run 300 miles in a hundred hours in one word what would you say it was driven [Music] someone once said home is a place your feet may leave but your heart will always be welcome to the city I grew up in Visalia California a small community in central California between Bakersfield and Fresno with a population of over a hundred and twenty five thousand people Visalia is considered the Gateway to the Sequoias and on a clear day you can see the snow-capped Sierra Nevadas that's me I'm Josh and that's my older brother Justin we are the two youngest of four and have been best friends all of our lives Justin taught me a lot over the years from football to girls and he even took me to my first party but in all seriousness he's taught me the most about leading a positive and inspiring life nowadays Justin speaks to people of all ages encouraging them to live a healthy lifestyle his love for fitness led him back to our hometown to open his own gym while my passion for film and music led me to Los Angeles where I now direct commercials and produce and perform music this is my mom Susan she's always been there for us every game every performance anything we were involved in growing up our mom was always there cheering us on she's definitely our number one fan and next to her was my dad Ron most people call him Ronnie he's been a teacher for over 40 years and had the passion for music he even wrote a jingle for one of my commercials my parents have been married for 40 years and they're the best example that we could have asked for 40 years the big four oh this is all of us there's my oldest brother Jason my oldest sister Liz and you remember the rest my mom Susan my dad Ron my brother Justin and me Josh we are the Levine's my brother Justin was lucky enough to meet his wife Stephanie in Visalia they've been married for almost nine years and now have two beautiful daughters Olivia and Bobby Joe and you might be wondering why it says inspire well we'll get to that later most families are like branches in a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one what does the word limitless mean I looked it up on Google it said without end limit or boundary that's powerful to think that 26 miles is not the end to think that you can go beyond that and when I say limitless I'm not talking about the movie where the guy takes a pill and becomes the smartest person in the world because in this situation it's a mindset and there are no actors just my brother and his support team documenting this journey I learned a lot about human spirit and pushing beyond limits so without further ado let's take it back about four years why did you decide though to take on this journey I really in November of last year I completed the Ironman in Arizona and I got home with that kind of reevaluated which I teach my clients to do is really wait after a goal and and I wanted to accomplish something else and I started thinking about how people set limits on themselves we we have these walls that we build either from society personal you know just negative influences and we set up these walls and limits and limitations in ourselves and so I started you know I started doing some running in in the winter and one day Christmas break I told my wife I was like do you know what I'm going to I'm just gonna start running home about halfway through this run a light bulb really hit me it was an aha moment and I just started thinking that there is so much that is possible there was a Friday night where I came home it been a long day and I just started watching YouTube of Dean Karn Asus of David Goggins you know these ultra athletes who are just achieving these ridiculous ultra distance events Dean Karn Asus has ran across the United States he did 50 marathons in 50 days and 50 states building some motivation and some inspiration of this idea of that anything is possible couple of weeks later he called me and he said I think I can run the Los Angeles bro and I just kind of sat back and I was like well if you're gonna do this then I'm gonna film it what the heck happened what did you call it extensor digitorum tendinitis dinosaur who matatus what and when I came back the next weekend it hadn't gotten better and he was still icing it and I started getting worried about him that fat foot you got yeah it's going down so you really do think it might be broke now I was like I'm taking my brother over to see my mom right now because my mom would probably be the only person to talk some sense in his foot is so swollen and he's gonna be running a 300 miles I said my son is crazy I just kept begging Justin please go to the doctor justin is not the doctor type yeah that's not as probably working crazy I see your tan too so it's a little harder but you can start to see it that's from the infection so tell us your interesting news here as we walk out have an infection staph infection he can up his medicine for his staph infection are you through this whole process I've had nothing but a positive mindset I mean yeah I'd rather be on my feet and working all day but then I just I look at that other that other side of things I hate at least I'm getting mental and physical rest you know what it is what it is that's kind of how I'm looking at it I just want to I just want to take care of it too and make sure that you know everything goes correctly and nothing serious happens pretty much I'm not gonna run the rest of this week I mean I feel like doing some push-ups and some planks and stuff you know just to do something but I'll slowly get back into it yeah we're here doing a little training camp here at the Central Coast Central Coast and yesterday we ran 47 miles today we're going for about 35 we have 43 days left to limitless so this is our training camp it's a good dress rehearsal for us all to work together and you know work out the bugs of what's going on learning how to be an ultra distance runner took time patience and lots of running and it wasn't just about me I needed to build a strong team around me to be successful so as a pacer did you learn anything in these last two days yeah you know I think logistically making sure that we've got plenty of fluid we know the route you know also just keep them spirits up high mostly because it's a it's a long day you're running all day all day long so keep the spirits out there's there's highs and lows and but ultimately you know it's it's for a great cause that's pretty motivational [Music] it's mesmerizing to think what 300 miles of running looks like I will be taking approximately 240,000 steps over the four and a half day period it's like running 11 and a half marathons it's like running 1,200 laps around a track I needed to make myself into an ultra distance runner I had a plan and I was executing to the best of my ability the analogy of running and life how you put one foot in front of the other how it's you have to be determined to get to your destination you have to do the necessary things to prepare yourself to get through this this run this life of ours nutritionally training wise when times get tough what do you do do you just stop and quit or do you continue to keep moving forward so running has enabled me to you know think about those those aspects as I'm running but also when tough times come in life and in area in every area of life [Music] I'll talk a little bit about the the course you know it's it's gonna be hard to set up a you know 300 mile course someplace the court Visalia California we're running to Farmersville exeter lindsey Porterville Bakersfield then we're heading east we're gonna climb into Tehachapi we're gonna go to mojave then we're gonna head south again through Lancaster Palmdale we're gonna run through the Angeles forest which could be the beautiful beautiful running and then when we sit out the Angeles forest then we'll kind of be running through Glendale Sherman Oh get into like like really Eastern Thousand Oaks and then head south to Malibu and then Santa Monica so it's like look at that and start talking about like holy mackerel where'd I get myself into a lot of dots to connect one of my good friends his name is Josh Hickey he's just he's a he's an ultra freak and we need I think he's ran 12 13 ultra distance marathons in the last two and a half years from 50k 200 miles and he's done Ironman you know a super positive guy just loves the Train when I introduced idea with them I mean he I mean they'll even blink of the eye he was down to be my patron my number one paid fan so when Justin first talked about the big idea for limitless it was mind-blowing I mean going from our hometown to the ocean and trying to plot a route to find the journey and then figure out what the vision and the idea behind limitless was to involve the local community got very excited about the whole entire thing with me and then this other gentleman he's not running but he's going to be our sag bicyclist so he's gonna cycle with us the whole entire time this is a 62 year old his name is Jim Barnes and this side has triathlon across America then he does it all for his brothers brain injury foundation his mother died of a brain injury he started this foundation to raise money and awareness on brain injuries immediately I knew I wanted to be a part of this project we all have a different role in support on something like this the same thing in in our life if we can be alongside other people and support them and and and take some of the load off of them and work for each other then we're gonna be able accomplish we'll accomplish a lot more [Music] we're gonna help give to a great cause we're gonna work out we're gonna create community awareness we're gonna have positive relationship [Music] [Music] you say you had a little bit of trouble getting to sleep last night yes just wound up for the event a lot on the mind you know a lot of unforeseen things that could happen I mean 83 miles first days let alone run in 66 the second day in 83 the third day and 45 the fourth day and 15 to Lots morning so so there's a lot of just a lot of situations that enter the head well good morning hey this is the answer to the question what are you doing this week well if your name is Justin on the California Fitness Academy you were doing something to really test your limits in fact that's why it's called limitless starting tomorrow he is going to run 300 miles in 100 hours yes tomorrow the first leg here to Bakersfield a beer 86 mile jump Oliver raise money for leukemia lymphoma and to show and prove to folks that if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything we're gonna talk to him find out how you can get involved tracking all morning long if you want to go for a run I'm sure you'd be happy to have you join crazy inspiring today isn't it the same thing kinda fun level and continue warming up it's gonna be a great way to celebrate life and be motivated I promise anybody who's going to come out is going to have a spectacular rest of today so I encourage you to come out we're going to start at 6:30 a.m. we're gonna do a one-mile loop around downtown mycelia and then we're gonna send off send our way out go Justin 300 the run was about to happen and I had a lot of excitement I mean I was really excited for about the next four and a half days because when I closed my door that morning I closed my door to leave the house I turned off the last light I shut the door and I said I'm coming back a changed person hey if I get everyone's attention first of all I'm really overwhelmed with with the assist the community involvement here I mean it's unbelievable to have such great support I mean I would not be in this position if it wasn't for this this right here I mean this is why I do what I do is for you guys and for the people in this community I want to definitely thank my wife Stephanie Lavigne when he told me about the project it was like how are you gonna how do you even train for that you just run 20 miles every training session or how I there were so many questions and it was he made it sound so simple like I said last night on my Facebook post she's uh she's my number one fan and my support and I love her I love her greatly and my daughter Olivia Jojo is here she's gonna be with this whole time I knew the responsibility of trying to prep food and have it ready on hand when he needed it and also having Olivia on the side was gonna be very difficult I she's a great kid and she's very go with the flow if you would say but I guess at that age I didn't know if she was how well she was gonna do thank you so much I mean I can't say that enough for you guys coming out it's early and and out here supporting us and I really appreciate it so that's or just give us courage along the way thank you for all these supporters and we just thank you for this day [Applause] and within the first mile or two of the run I had already felt this energy come over me and I was inspired to start running with them already within the first mile or two [Music] positive energy wide smiles infectious laughter and a true sense of community there was runners of all shapes and sizes and all skill levels running through downtown Visalia spreading optimism inspiration community and wellness right then [Music] [Music] as this was a great start to the morning in this adventure I knew lots of work was ahead of me [Music] I guess Josh 300-mile he's running Santa Monica they're running 86 miles today they'll run 65 tomorrow great and Dave [Music] my friend Ryan a cancer back he had surgery and they removed about 95% of it and he's gonna be undergoing chemo in a few weeks so at Mile 1617 when my legs wanted to give out I just kept thinking he's gonna be going through chemo what do I have to complain about it's kind of hard not to get emotional but he helped me push through so that was me pushing through my comfort zone today let's bring him [Music] should've stopped at 20 but might as well do 6.2 more get a marathon in how's your hip buddy what does limit list mean to you doing something beyond what you're supposed to your capabilities so exceeding here which I tried to do I knew Sean Taylor since third grade he was a third grader seven years old he was in my class he came in couldn't hardly walk he had braces on the doctor said he would never be running let alone walking and in my third grade class he was one of the first ones to complete doing a hundred mile er award a one mile a day good job man way to push all right let's keep rolling [Music] then there were two nice water [Applause] [Music] [Music] that was starting to get pretty hot Hickey is a bigger athlete than me and he was getting dehydrated and fell off my pace I told Jim I was feeling strong and a ride by Hickey we made our way into Porterville college it would be our first main rest stop [Music] [Music] concerns about 300 miles is just there what what can go wrong they go wrong will go wrong just basic times refills how much intakes or take in if anything comes up I want to be a little track it see how long they've been dealing with it and see if it's gonna become a problem [Music] and I ran out of water I'm like Jim come back and search me not there's ingestion so I was like how the mouse do and then jumped out Josh Hickey I know we wanted to run alongside Justin the entire 300 miles but I think he got to a point where he realized he could do it but he would not be effective in the role he wanted to play I call it the unselfish role taking a break here song fresh to keep Justin tonight when Eric leaves at first I thought I'd be able to keep up with them stride for stride and then come into the realization that you know I was there for him you know you want it feel like you're fresh and it's your game and you know when when when Justin goes into that rabbit hole you have to realize if you're going in that same rabbit hole there's two out there and you're gonna have to have someone else support you at that point it definitely had changed my mindset a little bit you know making me a little bit more humble [Music] quickly I learned to set small goals for myself and getting to do core was a gold man but I also dropped into a serious low spot right about the same time usually during these low moments silence takes over talking ceases and little things start to annoy the mind goes virtually blank the legs keep going in time hopefully this low spot passes [Music] [Music] almost the Oildale that guys close [Music] daddy hug your daddy kiss give daddy kiss you [Music] now we call it a day we made about 68 miles you know it just came to a point where sleep is important now and then we get up and just keep going so after the first day it was you know pretty much a wake-up call all the logistics the actual course running on the roads the people the whole process it was kind of a realization it was a lot harder than you Mitchell II mapped out [Music] [Music] so when I woke up I was good spirits when I woke up I was good spirits you know had my eggo waffle and it started hitting me deep though in my mind earned pretty early that I have a long ways to go all right you guys go get tired Justin our hearts are with you limitless buddy [Music] today it's gonna be hot and yesterday we definitely had to battle through some walls and most runners know what that wall is I mean whether you run a mile or you around 50 miles there is going to be a wall that you hit where you maybe your mood gets a little bit low or maybe you're you need to eat a little bit more you're getting a little dehydrated so those are the walls that you have to learn to bust through they're kind of inevitable and they're gonna happen but it's how you handle it with with a good strong positive mindset and this crew is just what keeps you going when you see you know the people that you love and that's supporting you throughout the whole journey leads me into my next question what about your support staff here what are they doing to help your success oh it's I wouldn't we would not be in this situation without it without a good support team and they're just meeting us every three to five miles with fresh water and ice and and fluids and food and my little baby daughters there with a smile on her face just I mean that keeps you uplifted and motivated to get to the next the next spot and again this crew means everything to me and it's it just makes for such a better event and at the time it was buzzing my phone was chiming all the time everybody was talking about this it was crazy I don't think we expected any of this there was everybody on Facebook checking where he's yet what's he doing is he okay how's everything going how's everybody else finally kind of had to say okay well we'll post when we can and let you guys know is update when we can we're running on the pavement and you know the heat was just radiating off the pain pavement coming up at us [Music] was a tough element this this was one of my first like I was in a wall but I felt okay I think it was more of a Munhall and I can fight through that I just need to you know sit for a little bit and cool down and once I cool down then I'm good to go and my brother Josh saved the day because here he comes with fruit popsicles for all of us and I ate it and within one minute the sugar had just gave me energy and I took off at a high running cadence liberal that popsicle gave me a little energy and so you're looking for those things [Music] I need something [Music] [Music] suddenly we see the route that we're going to go there's a detour and the road is closed like we probably wouldn't see you for an hour though we talked to some city workers who were driving big rigs through that road we saw him coming through that road so we asked them is it accessible and they actually said no there's a dead end and you shouldn't do that with automobiles but we were like we need to get through here we literally run to the end of the road where there is a bridge and nothing and we felt lost at this point we didn't know where we were going if we were gonna go around the bridge that was under construction you know it was it was like a dead end it's the metaphor of life sometimes you got to make the decision to keep going [Music] keep [Music] [Music] keep [Music] with my heart halfway lost but I know soon I was starved on my way a million steps when I'm in the clouds with the painter face-first plants who always had a fish you know what a real man do in a flood zone run for his soul only hunter would it go did it put a funnel [Music] [Music] we have a really long windy stretch that just gradually climbed and climbed and climbed don't push it too much you guys are going a little faster than you were down there mr. Barnes is getting old am I right or wrong am I going strong am i looking good like I know I should sound off sound off break it on down one two three four one two three four I thought you said there's a mountain there's a molehill every time you see it you say I want more Hill I want mow Hill these guys are really they're doing it at a pace you can tell they're relaxed I think they're in their element running these hills was like therapy as we listened to the clatter of our footsteps on the pavement no cars on the road birds chirpin just a couple of guys running it made for peaceful moments [Music] [Music] [Music] this was the first time I would be running by myself as my pace runners we're all taking a break but it also gave me an opportunity to get inside my head and that is exactly what I did within three miles my brother Josh is running with me I just have felt the urge to start running with my brother and at this point I was kind of thinking to myself like well if he's already ran over a hundred and something I don't know how many miles then why can't I run five or six miles with him and so I started running I kind of had my Forrest Gump moment too I just I feel a lot running with you by route there are cargo shorts cotton t-shirt cotton socks and some casual New Balance shoes he's out there supporting me he saw that I needed somebody and so Josh came in was like hey I'm gonna start running with you and we start about 10 11 12 miles to run through the night which was going to take another couple hours [Music] he's a fluid Jim fluid chimp Rose where you really don't know how far got to recover Peter sword [Music] going my body was freaking hurt he dude most importantly I just needed some rest for the night even if he'll just for a few hours once we got to the campsite it was it was a pit crew it was a quick stretch from Rocky it was some food it was a quick RV shower you know no more than three minutes just to rinse off and then right to bed but sleeping at this point of the run we started becoming very difficult not only am i fighting stress and physical pain but I'm sleeping with a two-year-old who's all over the place and we're in a small RV bed and it's shaking and the trains are you know howling outside so you can hear every every every noise but next thing you know I'm up and I was really sad and it's hard to even put into words and to describe the sadness that you feel you have this mission you put it out there you're holding yourself accountable people depending on you there's so much support and there is no quitting quitting is completely off the table but but negative thoughts are there all right day three Ruby headed from Tehachapi to Angeles forest goal for today I think is to to keep going and you know try to get around that 70 range would be ideal and we thank you so much for the support team the people that are the witnesses the ones that are here driving the RVs and getting the food ready in the the waters and cheering us on the first mile emotion hit me not sure why but I started crying and I wasn't just kind of sniffling I was like crying I was full-fledged crying and tears were streaming and I was kind of like you know just in the the motion of this trip really hit me that day three it wasn't a physical cry it was a this is harder than I imagined and I still have a lot of miles driving you got to forget about the first two days that she ran you're about to go around 70 miles in one day my feet were swollen we had an even pavement that I was running on so I was and I had been doing that since Bakersfield the day before will is just uneven in my arches really took a pounding Justin's feet or we're so beat up after after running that much we gave him a little tape to help his arch up his toe stay happy I'm not gonna put your socks on it's time just got here some fresh legs yeah a little downhill warm-up a half mile jog to get going first thing here this morning heading into the desert it's gonna be a great day it should be good tap just like scenery keep my nutrition up keep healthy and break through some of my own barriers you know break through some of my own limits I set I really started to get nervous here at this point he's halfway finished he's ran a long ways the body is probably taking the pounding and we're waiting for him to run by the cameras so we got everything set up so I start googling just random people that have ran marathons and I start coming across a couple of stories where marathon runners have died after one marathon and I'm thinking to myself my brother's already done six marathons in two and a half days and he still has almost six more so that kind of started freaking me out so I get on a phone call and I just started kind of voicing my opinions and my nervousness and I really started getting freaked out that you know what if he didn't make it or what if he got injured or what if something major happened to him [Music] good good I'm a coffee runs do me so I got thinking [ __ ] up here good thing we're miked for that one huh this one just no discipline seems Pleasant at the time later on however it [Music] no that's I can't even feel it fair to my knee and my hip right now my hip flexor my knee is pulling on my hip flexor my I can bands oh it's really good the about 16 miles and then after that like oh dear this lit on fire thank you for graphically getting more difficult I'm gonna get at least another three I'll be 26 something always in a way uncomfortable and you just kind of have to learn how instead of like you can run from it or you can learn how to embrace it and have it make you a better stronger person and so the same goes and endurance world it's more just you can always quit before you feel pain or you can learn how to embrace the pain and it can make you a stronger better person I hope to inspire also other women anything's possible there pastor what you've gone through that you can overcome all those struggles and with your life [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] it's getting late I'm cold I'm hurting my mind is all over the place and ideally I just want to go home and go to bed I mean that's where I'm at right now and here it comes to angels Raul and Antonio came to my rescue you of us understand your body can do a lot more find it why do you think a lot of other people don't find this they don't just discover this inner strength I think it has to do with that term remember this you know you just don't say geez without putting any parameters on your mind your body is amazing the machine and dismount okay Justin you've got a couple people joining in and you have how many miles of transits bidding go or is it just a time finding out the - is the biggest obstacle not the body buddy go get in the mind around that idea the other thing is that you start to learn about it doesn't you know doesn't get any worse than this and like I don't dust and I said if you feel like you're ready to out keep running [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] little dangerous crossing that freeway you see a light there right there pretty free treacherous [Music] planes merica [Music] this is the safest spot we have two and a half up if you can do it much better and all of a sudden I started surging up the hill I was sprinting to get to the top and I was so thankful that they took time out of their busy schedules they had to work the next day and they came around with us I wanted day three to be done I wanted it to be over I wanted to wake up and run the mountains [Music] it was cold my body was screaming my mind was being difficult then all of a sudden we were like where'd he go he disappeared it was one of those times where I just needed to run by myself again it was just meeting the road 110 miles to go 4000 feet of climbing as I ran I was just quiet Jim didn't even say much he knew I was in a low point but the scenery was magnificent and when my brain looked up when my brain looked around me I couldn't believe it Vangelis forest was magnificent I didn't spend enough time enjoying the views because I was so in the zone the next 10 miles were long a little bit of mine torture [Music] [Music] I actually became depressed everybody was cheering in our crew they had the bells and the whistles and you know the blow horns and they're cheering and all I could think about was that we had 100 miles left to run [Music] [Music] it was a huge learning lesson in my life when you set goals don't just be concerned about the destination know how far you've come you you [Music] [Music] [Music] we still got to figure out this route in LA I'm gonna be helping it through this thing [Music] [Music] all of a sudden some car pulls up next to us and I look over to my side and it's my older brother Jason [Music] here we are me and my brothers running and I've never done that I've never gone out on a run with my brothers [Music] and then to make it even better to put the cherry on top is Hickey notice that my dad was driving and so he kick he immediately said you know what I'm gonna go drive for your dad and I think your dad needs to run with you guys and so here we are running through the Angeles Forest it was my two brothers it was my dad running Jim was next to us on the bike and it was just something so magical that you you know sometimes dream about [Music] I love when I see my children together and when I saw them all together on the run it was really beautiful it's the connecting it's the connectedness that's really that will hold this together forever and I was so choked up I I couldn't speak tears were running down my eyes to see this family that the band of brothers and the dad all making it up and then going along the top of the ridge there it was just a very special moment [Music] things got pretty dangerous the cars were picking up the speed flying by us how to pay attention looking at the side of the road starting to see crosses where accidents had occurred I was so upset I kept telling her on Grande what are you sitting there for why are you letting them run across a freeway call the police maybe they'll get him off the freeway they were actually running on the freeway running across what cars were coming and I was just so upset because you know what I don't care about a 300 run if my child is gonna be hit by a car and when I saw the city it was the first time that I sat back and said we've ran a long ways I started to see the finish I knew it was in sight we are now moving through LA cañada over to to eventually get over into Sherman Oaks so San Fernando Valley LA cañada okay that's a trip right journey running or driving de Flore was coming to an end we were at Glendale City College the night was upon us and Justin called a meeting together we were behind schedule and something had to be done and you knew something was going through Justin's mind to figure out what we're gonna do Justin made an announcement that inside I was reacting to like no no no no no [Music] [Applause] and if I get the 20 more miles in at 2:00 a.m. and he said the next thing he said was we have to pull an all-nighter when he said that I looked around everybody and look at their faces just to see their reactions and I think they were all stunned a little bit now inside me I'm just going no way I'm not even a night person alone an all-night person and I was expecting some people to say no and I was about ready to join in with them but instead they all just shook their heads I knew it had to be done let's knock this thing out by 10:30 that gives us five two six seven eight nine eleven twelve one two three four five six seven 18 hours but also inside me goes I've come this far I do not want to miss one mile of this trip and I'll do whatever it takes let's get the Sherman Oaks first I'll go from there how far are we from there fourteen miles so I started running and we were about 800 yards out from Starbucks and here comes Rocky full-on sprinting I turned my head behind me he's like stop stop and you're going the wrong way again Justin and at that point I turned around and I was very frustrated and this was the point of the run where now we're wasting time and if I have this goal and so I mean we wasted probably a good hour at that Starbucks where we didn't really we didn't make any progress but I quickly went from frustrated to problem solver and I had to troubleshoot the situation and figure it out how can we still get 300 miles because this wasn't a race this wasn't a point-to-point race there were going to be logistical obstacles that we were gonna have to battle and and make maneuvers based on that so as we were walking back I started looking on my phone and figuring out okay what are some other routes that make can make things safer and just a smoother process the rest of the run we needed about 55 miles at this point what's the craziest experience you've had to deal with [Music] I guess today when we do left to go take care of the RV's we weren't there to give it to them will happen to the RV are you talking about when you go top it and fill it up and water and stuff in it yes there was no place there was a bumper a subtle part it's the craziest thing you've had to deal with home oh yeah this morning we will talk about we won't talk about that no it's there's no point sleeping because my legs aren't gonna feel any better my body isn't gonna feel any better and my mind feels good now Donavan uh yeah we kind of we had a change of plans because we're we're in Glendale and just kind of making our way over and it's just like directions and are in our pace cars just it was just too hard to keep keep track of everything and they were getting lost and we were getting lost so we're just taking a quick dinner break and then we're gonna drive into Oxnard and then just start running down the one all of a sudden we see my good friend IRA pull up next to us here's a guy ready to have a good time and just be with us the rest of the journey but we needed him to run and he didn't know that yet there's some talk about a block confusion that day about what roads to take and traffic and coordinating things and are you running to know voluntarily volunteered residents looking at me he was just like can you run I was like sure I mean I didn't plan on running at all and I had heard that the most he'd run before in one length of time was six miles I thought I was just gonna watch and everybody already had the thing going on there was a it was like a like a well-oiled machine and I was just there to support and to cheer on and basically be a cheerleader for them tell us about your involvement here and how did you end up here at this last stretch to route Justin along right well he's my best friend so I don't even really think about that I just show up and do it how long you planning on going tonight as far as I can five miles 20 miles the whole trip who knows you know it's not us it's not about me you know I'm just there to support so I suppose long as I can and you know just do the best I can and just be there in anyway this is crazy by the way who's going to be running through the night 45 more miles what [Music] [Music] pretty much on a whole other planet I'm just imagining them on a prowl raise the roof raise the roof sprinkler how about the sprinkler Funky Chicken [Music] we were talking about it I was like so you rent until 8 o'clock in the morning but then you said you wanted to finish at 10:30 or 11:00 so are you gonna just sleep for like now and he's like no I'm just thinking it was misty the waves were crashing to our right you heard the silence Jim hadn't said a word for an hour I would just bump shoulders with IRA we were kind of weaving in and out one minute you feel good the next minute you can't run another step what was keeping me from moving forward I don't really know human spirit IRAs energy I knew Jim was right there with me the RV was a couple miles ahead I knew I needed to get there I might need to take a nap right [Music] like I don't remember much between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. you doing okay all I remember is sometimes I kind of be alert and I'm wondering what's this white light going back and forth and I realized oh it's my headlight and I'm moving back and forth they they doing any conversating right now is it all quiet it started to lightly rain on us and that played with the entire scene so I were coming sure and he says how much further do you want to run and for me I'd you know so let's just go all the way screw it I read decided to run the entire night he wanted to finish this thing with me but he looked at me was like you serious and I was like yes let's go all the way man I'm gonna take it to the end no matter what our sport running long distances takes your mind to deep levels I was at my extreme limits we had just ran 275 miles in the four-and-a-half day period I was getting to that point now where I'm starting to tired I'm starting to get hungry my knees my feet are starting to hurt reach had to grind it out he's had to flip that switch to dig deep and to gnaw quit and to keep pushing through once 4 a.m. came around the sleep-deprivation now really started to play tricks with my mind and I could feel that sense of fatigue and everybody and I would literally see bushes on the side of the road and think I want to sleep in that push right now we needed to take a break and right at that moment Josh Hickey made an announcement and said we need a rest let's all rest our eyes for 45 minutes and continue on after that but we just need to rest our eyes and rest our bodies now let me tell you sleeping at this time of this journey was practically impossible my body was tore up my joints were hurting but most importantly my mind knew that I needed to run and I had anxiety and what prompted me to get up was a was a stern comment in my head of get up and then I got up and I went into the RV bathroom I looked at my mirror in this small little quaint bathroom I put my hands up on the sink and I really looked deeply into my eyes I slapped my face a couple times kind of drenched my hair and I exited the bathroom it was now about 5:30 in the morning I slowly and gingerly walked down the RV steps and I went to the side of the road because I was waiting for Hickey and waiting for Jim and honestly I just wasn't yet ready to start running I didn't I I had it a hundred percent talked myself into going yet well let's not hit that brink tonight meant everything was completely at the edge of my limits so just looking at my brother's face at this point I could see the exhaustion and emotion kind of took ahold of me while I was looking at my brother and everything that he had gone through and I just kind of had a flashback of everything that it took to get us to that point right there and tears started coming out of my eyes and I remember going up to my brother and hugging him and telling him that he's got this [Music] Josh was emotional he saw the magnitude of this journey he was emotionally entrenched and right then the emotion hit me and I started running you got this I remember that moment so significantly where I was running so fast [Music] boy the daylight was so good to see I needed to see daylight that was one long night at this point we're running into Malibu Malibu is about 15 miles from Santa Monica we're almost there the people got me through it at this point my pace runners the support team they got me through it they kept encouraging me put your name Casey you came away from San Diego wow man so what brought you over here you're part of Justice Project Rove at midnight midnight to get in at 2:00 and now I'm gonna jump in down the road a little bit further and then finish it off adjust and let him be a part of this awesome project [Music] [Music] amazing huh [Music] I could not put my mind past two miles at this point I just needed to run one mile at a time so each mile was very long only popped it that's welcome to yeah he popped it you know I'm gonna just new skin every two miles I would have to sit down take a break and collect my thoughts about the body Sugarman give me shot blocks in 28 hours just getting through it you guys all this which serves an easy answer and if not not an easy answer is just it's a whole vicious [ __ ] yeah it's just I gotta get to this wall man it's just part of it all right just the wall bud yeah I was just thinking though it's fun pissing off you might caffeine rushing yeah well but the thing is I think that's what's going on is I'm doing that I've been gonna have those 30 hours [Music] okay okay mile 290 [Music] [Music] what do you think what do you think about that running guys got blisters right now dude he's mentally mentally just he's got balls and all the adrenaline flowing it's emotional [Music] [Applause] the stars [Music] everybody seemed really speechless not like especially Justin Justin didn't really have much to say he was he just had this really glazed-over look on his eye look in his eyes you know like it was surreal to him he didn't feel like it was the did feel like it was real okay door never going back to the life that I used to have the writing's on the wall can't pretend to see a shooting star life moves fast better find out what you're looking for everybody had kind of gotten a second wind for that last mile and a half push you know we all kind of dug deep we all were like super excited and we try to run and we ran as fast I could and only ended up being like a half to a mile and a half faster look we had already been running so I'm gonna push the boundaries work so hard to live no longer introduce myself my path shaped me into what I'm all about now acoustic from the soul so I'm bringing out the rawness ever since he'll remember I wanted all of it saw the lights flash bright always stayed honest it was a bittersweet feeling I knew we were about to be done but I didn't know if I really wanted to be done on your camera cell remember your past it's nothing to be embarrassed up try to teach the little ones cuz they're shaping what's of one of us [Music] life's a roller coaster camping kids throw your hands up enjoy the ride can't forget where you came from memories are posted on the wall Time magazine Rolling Stones I remember dreams dedication education whatever makes you happy like a vacation Google glass keeps the memories from passing have a sense I can't remember [Music] [Applause] [Music] one of those things that I think about still to this day maybe we're always running maybe we're running from something front running from our fears or running from negativity or running from things that you may not want to be involved with but that day when I turn the corner to finish the last mile I realize that it all is possible and when you set your mind to it and you have the crew around you running next to you and supporting you in every way they can some big things are possible let me talk a little bit about my wife Stephanie who basically is the hero of this entire journey in my opinion she was five months pregnant she was taking care of our daughter Olivia Jojo she was driving the big RV she was preparing and feeding me as much as possible and she needed to be my rock plain and simple she needed to be there by my side 100% supportive and my rock so I could just be vulnerable too and ask for help at anytime and she was nothing short of amazing and we finished that day we finished we ran 300 miles we completed this project and proved the message that when you put your mind to something when you have the team and when you really believe in yourself it all becomes possible life is limitless life is what you make it you got to learn to take 100% responsibility for the things you want you got to be influenced by the good people in this world you gotta set limitless goals and go after them and create action you got to raise your standards all the time every day that's how you live life that's what this project was about you can go after your goal maybe it's a 5k maybe it's a better relationship maybe it's a better work environment maybe it's in your financial life or your professional life whatever goal it is go after it grab the bull by its horns and go and raise your standards every single day in every aspect of your life don't settle for average the bet me when your dad I'm coming with you that was so good in the second Josh jumped in you [Music] [Music] three months after the run of my life basically the the really the the focal point of my life where it changed and I really grew up a little bit three months after I get the phone call no father wants to hear so three months after limitless I honestly don't know if I realized the magnitude of what limitless was going to teach me until this moment and regular routine chuck up who's going in the nurse could not find a heartbeat I thought it was kind of weird but she's playing it off very well but I use like something wasn't right it can usually those I thought maybe the monitor is broken you just hear specific words like no heart rate and died right when they saw the picture on the TV screen I knew I knew she was there there she was she's gone never snow heartbeat the doctor came in and made it official and it's the word that just sits in your gut and you really don't know how to react to it at first so we the doctor ended up telling us that we have to give birth so we gave birth to her when in that afternoon they induced labor and we gave birth to her it's still hard and it's hard every day but limitless is something that taught us that we can we just don't keep going I have I have found my peace I've missed her everyday but she was she again a huge gift we don't get to have her with us but she was a huge gift for me and I will cherish that experience that I was able to have with her but limit was taught us that you can keep going here it's gonna be setbacks there's going to be something it's going to happen that's going to you cross paths with you and it's whether or not you pick up and keep moving or you let it stay back we named our daughter inspired [Music] [Music] I'm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: OPTX
Views: 222,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: optx, josh levine, trip, road trip, 300 mile run, marathon, la marathon, long distance running, ultrarunning, iron man, visalia, justin levine, jim barnes, josh hickey, limitless, santa monica, motivation, inspire, love, underdog, david goggins, ultra, crazy, across america, badwater
Id: GMWp6x-Jzdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 50sec (5810 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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