RUNNING THE WESTERN STATES 100 - 100 mile ultramarathon

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[Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] you think about you know the most iconic Hunter model race for the world today many of you have been trained for you know months years 11 maybe it's seven eight years just to line up in this event tomorrow Israel oyster enjoy early UPS the downs the snow accumulation the pain the suffering the challenge this is your day [Applause] camera for this to start just get going already 55 minutes that means you're not nervous yeah I just want to get going because once you get going it's just like okay I'm in this thing [Applause] see you out thank you thank you we got this we got this see you at the podium oh yeah hi everyone how you doing yeah here's yourself good you're on the guy yeah man this is so much better than Leadville happy Saturday my beautiful people we are out here at the start of Western States 100 2023 we got about 22 minutes left till it's good time until it's lift off there's hella good Wing everything you know hook up baby Western State stay tuned for more let's get it let's go all right we are here at the start line just under 15 minutes to go and I am here with probably one of the most legendary Runners we're gonna see on course today this is hella uh this is your second 100 Miler correct correct and this is going to be what day of your run streak day 2231 consecutive which which is wild so this is going to be this is gonna be a cake walk for you but I don't know about that but uh it's gonna be just another day but a very long one so so what does it mean for you to be here at Western to be a part of this moment and to be representing as our bypoc entry for for today it means a lot because I really think that represented representation really matters so being out here I want other people of color they see me and get the confidence they too can do stuff like this and even better so I'm very happy to represent the bipod community and you're an incredibly positive individual what's going to be the Mantra going on in your head on repeat as you Traverse the 100.2 miles to the track since day one of the run streak no matter the circumstances got to figure it out there's a will there's a way it might not be the way that I want but there's always a wish I have to find that way and keep digging and remind myself this is a privilege even if it gets tough I still get the ability to move my legs and be out here at the western state 100 y'all dude absolutely amazing we're gonna be following you all day have fun out there bud and you'll get warmed up and we'll see you we'll see you at the track baby all right yeah back to you guys in the studio less than a minute baby only cannoli it's happening [Applause] oh seven [Music] seven and lessons this 100 let's go [Applause] let's go [Applause] let's go baby let's go baby we are off [Applause] yeah [Applause] we began the steep climb baby let's go we are hiking this up baby now we ran a little bit just hit a little over a mile we got 99 miles to go baby you know we're chipping away we are chipping away foreign happiness so happy to see the daylight too yeah [Applause] this is all ice oh ice all I'm missing is uh ice skates Hotel I don't think this isn't that bad if you look up there we're literally on the snow for 10 miles yeah there's not really any jogging yeah I gotta be mindful of protecting ankles you know muscle strain and just power move power hike sun is behind us it's beautiful we're on this for 10 miles yo and wild unreal here he is here he is you guys coming up with the sun my man right here look at how good he lives what's up Sally hello always thank you thank you thank you I feel great [Applause] [Music] yeah look at that thank you guys thank you [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Applause] thank you unreal now we descent gotta be smart the crowd the energy yeah it's unreal now we're descending if you can't let that carry us away though let's see how that's one that was fun I have to do that I fled down a little bit on my butt that felt good actually oh boy I have to have fun with it not my friend Zach here hi how you doing Zach I'm good good we're doing it we're doing it y'all hey it's too soon we're less than a quarter way in I'm holding back comfortably but moving efficiently so I don't want to focus too much on time right now because we're not even a quarter way in so this is going to be our third a station my beautiful people we keep moving y'all we keep moving we're blessed we're grateful man it's such a different feeling at this point than it was for me uh at Leadville another different races different are in different states but it was good baby let's go so we're about to do the First Swim our first body dip let's do it how cool is that too cold it's pretty cold all right let's do it oh boy that's the ice bath that is the ice bath don't let go whoa wow wow oh that's cold that is cold that is cold my friends I don't know if my body thank God they're we're using a boat to get across my whole body can't go in this oh boy thank goodness for the Rope yeah Ah Ah that's cold [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] I feel fine I feel like my energy is being very conservative so how I started my energy hasn't changed much okay so it doesn't feel like I told Jordan at all okay so I'm okay and then how's your heat uh heat is fine well I want to put a short sleeve on okay but my hyping is okay [Music] ice [Applause] [Music] yeah I feel so comfortable in this if I can get to you guys at this feeling yeah give me some Jared no you're you're your attitude is so good I'm gonna hold these two for you and as you stand up yeah where's my stomach Shades I don't know we saw it right here do you want to put on your soccer stuff I've never seen someone in such good spirits I love it actually pull this one off real quick Julia Superstition left one has to get on first for me yeah that's all right that's all right that's the soccer team that's good yeah that's good yeah give me the left one that's left hello are those the shoes that you want yeah I'll wear these again yeah and then what else do we need chapstick chapsticks everything's refilled that's great yeah and then I have your sunglasses and potatoes here everything is good I'm so shocked I feel good my uh yeah thank you sorry my hiking I'm so happy it was night and day for level good I'm just like losing looking good average based on Hikes all right get those shoes tight yeah here we go remember no extra minutes nobody gets any extra minutes from you yeah all right yes here we go we got egg out of your potatoes here and your sunglasses and then Lexie you want to spray them down one more time okay thank you guys here we go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] six miles in running a lot more since we hit the 30 miler at Robinson flat I feel fine I feel good just trying to move my leg without actually having feeling like I'm picking it up hard because I'm saving them so I Cannon and also so I can get to mile 62 and pick up my Pacers you know it's a quick little update feeling fine stand up for hydration fueling and everything so here we are we're 43 miles in we're about to go to the Canyons starting with uh Devil's Thumb and there's El Dorado after that which is harder than Devil's Thumb and I thought the Osama was the hardest one so it's the second one that's the hardest which is El Dorado this is gonna kick some butt so I gotta be very careful on The Descent save my legs because we gotta hike up y'all hang in there hey suddenly get warm but not too hot we're hanging in there y'all and now we are descending and we're gonna have to climb up [Applause] thank you now we find y'all I believe this first one is Devil's Thumb switch back all the way up sorry to tell we came all the way from up there now down up let's do this y'all positive mindset I'm a good hacker let's do this how you guys doing good man yeah man how are you doing man that was a soul Snapchat thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you okay let me go grab you some songs how does this feel all right I can't yeah and then the big one on this one and in the bottom yeah I've never had videos ever are you guys using leukotate yeah like every time I have that one yeah when everybody shows up yeah it's like open on the front there it looks like and then the tape will stay on until the finish and you're gonna be just fine whatever [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] again [Applause] yeah we're gonna get moving hey no extra minutes you got this let's go hello [Music] let's go hey welcome back everybody this is so long yeah oh my God thank God okay okay and we'll just walk together okay so this section is awesome because you're it's gonna be rolling it's 18 miles to the river okay so you guys are just gonna move like you were moving back there you moved so freaking well dude thank you [Applause] you're and that's the thing we want to keep you moving so if you're already in a good flow you want to keep doing that everyday this part right here here we go that is the best energy that's the energy you want in Forest Hill that's it wow he's locked in too like nothing could stop me like at this point thank you how long has it been tell me the hours [Music] but I need like 12 hours of sleep every night she usually sleeps till 11AM he said his feet feel good they finish so much faster super than what we projected I mean he was moving so freaking well and so I just told him I go count every person that you pass celebrate every step forward no you want and as you go into every decision he's going to negative split like this half of the course for sure he was moving so well so that's why we wanted to keep him standing because it was he was like in it the energy was there and then even just walked out he's like I want to run I was like okay yes oh my God [Applause] thank you [Applause] oh it is tomorrow yeah I restarted the Apple good job [Music] watch out watch out thank you [Music] step wherever you got it yeah and Pacer oh yeah you got it yeah all right nice I'm gonna avoid this [ __ ] because it's uh dangerous to uh hold the Rope this time the water's so high and I don't want to get washed away so where are we at hello so we have one mile I don't even I can't even over a mile 77. well 77. so did we really Run 100 miles or track 100 miles on our feet not quite really you gotta minus this yeah ah I'm tired it's late what is it here it's one in the morning yeah West Coast time 1 20 or 154. yeah 454 East Coast time we are on a boat though so that is pretty cool it's just cargo versus cargo yeah yeah yeah you guys are doing it man welcome thank you I stop right here nice step unless they say this is so awesome so you got bubbles [Music] [Applause] [Music] good job nice job yeah my achilles from the transference so I'm kind of nervous about that feels like it's tight it's almost like tendonitis do you feel anything in here my calf isn't yeah it's not okay no okay it's right there yeah right in here [Applause] how does that feel when I do this uh it doesn't feel anything okay push down on me does that hurt nothing no okay that's good yeah now Point your your toe does that hurt nope okay so that's good yeah so you might have some fatigue yeah maybe that's what it is deep fatigue can you tell yourself that yeah so if you have no pain like Pusheen yeah okay cool okay yeah when you squeeze yeah like right there yeah yeah so it's fatigued yep and and I'm sure it's tight in here what about this one nothing okay how's your toes here toes are the both of them suck going downhill yeah all right so the bottom has been good though so we're not gonna change it yeah no we're not gonna change it's not gonna do anything what we have next changes yeah it's kind of more cruisy okay all right all right yeah so do you do you want something yeah I should have how's everything else I'm fine I mean yeah at one point my legs were super heavy I was telling Brandon it's hard to kind of um take my leg up it was just heavy and I'll get over it and then we get cruising again yeah like we'll find a group and then just stay behind them and don't let them yeah she went to the store and found vegan oh wow thank you is it hot yeah Jesus the Copa is doing well I mean it was I'm kind of over it okay so water yeah okay calves are okay yeah [Music] I've been drinking a lot and I I had like a few I saw the mashed potato on purpose but that was about it yeah yeah do you want like candy or anything oh that popcorn was good at one point oh yeah yeah you want another one of those yeah okay how much time do I have here I don't really have too long you have like two and a half minutes it's like kind of broken there but yeah it's okay and then do you want to stop here let's swap this yeah take it out pull it out um do you need a jacket or uh I've been fine okay I guess will I see you before the Finish yeah okay so we'll do we'll do 16 miles and we'll see them we have a high five it's super close drive to the food okay cool and then Roby Point whoever whoever wants to either or along that road the whole entire crew can run that mile or they can kind of be anywhere in the neighborhood really cool yeah because it's like a celebration yeah tell her you you look great you sound great like here we go you know what though it could change I just keep on like coming back to life [Applause] and you we get you anything to drink I'm good good okay thank you my children upgrade veggie broth dude we're gonna do Rice right now is it vegan Scott yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you seven time winner back to back Western State eleven total serving the people yeah so crazy we're doing right here thank you yeah that's just said how's it going uh it's going I'm almost there but I'm done I can't wait to see when everybody in this show and not do anything for the rest of the day Lex he's actually crushing we passed about 20 people since we left Green Gate his Achilles are hurting but he's moving I mean look at him he's moving so well we're probably gonna we're looking at like a 27 hour-ish finish this guy yeah is getting a buckle I'm getting that buckle [Music] [Applause] did she say don't sit down I'm okay okay no no she said don't okay you can do it all right okay I want to take this jacket off because uh really fast yeah yeah I saw the last one yeah see you guys at the Finish Line I want to beat uh I want to be Leadville that's 27 44. let's go here we go see you there next time we see you Western States finisher right here [Applause] [Music] let's go we've been waiting for this [Music] oh yeah I feel like it's like something everyone looks forward to right get into No Hands Bridge super exciting yeah thanks for being so well too cool it's amazing I love all the flags wait I was literally gonna ask you that all right 50 seconds looking so good this guy has been doing intervals for the last three miles sometimes there are two minutes sometimes they're 30 seconds but he is doing everything he can to keep moving and moving strong let's go hella you have 30 seconds left moving so efficiently 20 seconds foreign how you doing thank you thanks for being out here nice help take your time thank you take your time here this guy's been climbing with some pretty painful Achilles so oh man this is something else right here I don't know how he's doing it but yeah yeah thank you incredible pain tolerance right here yeah all right hello we're gonna walk for 20 seconds and then we're gonna pick it up again okay so just relax here thanks you guys thank you thank you we're so close thank you working on a one minute interval right now and by work I mean he's working through some pain so freaking proud of him 30 seconds you got 20 seconds here we go hella so good even in that pain you're so efficient four three two one chill yeah that was a good one solid Woody what are you thinking right now hello I'm thinking I'm so grateful that you're here for real literally how far do we have until we get to Roby I think we're on a mile or less yeah and then we're gonna hike that up yeah how does that feel because that last mile is actually our celebration now right feels good because I'm done with this you don't look done though I gotta reconsider if I ever come back here no you should never do that in the last couple miles of 100 mile race good morning yeah yeah dude that dog can't wait to get over that climb I know exactly what it's like from Channing camp so Steve uh but I'll get it done climb shows you how you are because when you feel like you got nothing left they're like you got one more time left is what you have yeah whether you like it or not and everyone does it yeah we're about to do it too yep 10 seconds Helen we go three two one this one's just 30 seconds okay I want to get out of these salty and be clean when I hit that road we just have all the strengths open it up open it things are about to get a whole lot better for you I hope so can that I need I'll look in the Gods I'm tightening up my hat now I'm going to open this up either on the roads or the track looks fantastic I know he's been just the joy and light on the trail all day [Music] [Applause] [Music] awesome [Applause] thank you yeah man I just gotta get over that Hill hey one more steps hello celebrate mile 99 my friend baby yeah let's go I watched so many videos Sally I saw your video I've seen oh man good job I can't thank you enough I needed you shout out to Brandon shout out to Sally shout out to Jeff shout out to Julia you know shout out to element we got John in the house we got you and the crew and most important but not better than anybody but my bill come on MVP MVP real MVP since day one we've been through it all together and now we're here and we're just getting started baby after this hill I'm sending it yes we're sending it as you should help you mine probably Achilles because we gotta run Street tomorrow we're gonna send it I'm back on my natural habits at Rhodes the last two nights here I promise you guys congratulations amazing [Applause] save it up [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] don't take it easy just relax yeah he pushed so hard to get up here I do the last section was Unreal unreal Sunday foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] when I ask each of you tomorrow bring your best self to every moment of the day of the year go get it foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow say [Applause]
Channel: HellahGood
Views: 94,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hellah, hellahgood, running, runner, run every day, run streak, running everyday, running every day, run everyday, running streak, how to run, why I run, run across america, run, I ran across america, I ran every day, I ran for, I run for, beginner runner, running for beginners, running tips, running motivation, western states 100, 100 miles, 100 mile ultra, ultramarathon, leadville 100, 100 mile run, running 100 miles, 2023 western states, 2023 wser, wser 100
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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