Lima Co MCRD San Diego 2016

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that's my gu sir sir nobody falls back get up let's go [Music] yes one more step let's go go you're there let's go p p down the hill go go get up here let's go [Applause] get off the hill got I report9 all present very well all present very well 2 251 all presents verywell two 253 all presents very well 3254 all present very well tell 3255 all present very well what you see the come out and fall out fall out and former School circle around me fall out how's everybody doing sir you're right how's everybody doing good sir hey we just got off the reaper right yes sir what did I tell you yesterday yesterday hey February 19th 1945 the Marines from the third fourth and fifth Marine Division begin their assault on a small black volcanic island that Island was known as eima which was the Costless battles of World War II at the end of the fifth day of fighting five Marines and one Navy Corman planted that guide on and mount sarach the secretary of the Navy Mr James forell remarked the flag on top of cachi meeting the Marine cor for the next 500 years although that flag was planted the battle was still far from over at at the end of 30 days of fighting three of those marines that planted that God on will be amongst the 6,000 800 killed in accident just like you those Marines come from all different works of Life all different parts of the country different backgrounds and different upbringings but they started on the yellow Footprints and begin their Journey as the United States Marine just like you did they learned it's pretty core un cohesion discipline most importantly teamwork more important than that they would they learn our institutional core values of Honor courage and commitment those Warriors are no different than you except the fact that they fought their battles and establish our court Legacy it is your duty to uphold that the past three days your drill instructors has had taken you to the final test of recruit training it was supposed to be designed to be a replica not the real deal replica what Marines see in combat endless operation sleep food deprivation you understand that yes sir each one of you had to rely on a fellow recruit to get the strip to press off but together together you formed a bond that cannot be broken I'm going to leave you with a few thoughts every generation of Marines wonder if the Next Generation can still perpetuate what the Rinko Legacy is about many years ago before many of you were born General chesse perer was asked what do you feel about the new breeding Marines he's simply saying old breed New Breed it doesn't matter as long as it's a marine breed I want you to remember this day for the rest of your life I I am proud because you done what you did do I deserve you have earned the title I deserve I'm going say again you have earned the title look down at your left breast right now now look at me you earned the title do you understand that yes sir congratulations and remain all right sir shimmery delas all when you see the when you see the command Fallout fall back information all good morning sir the company's formed very will take your post I sir senior Jal instructors bestow upon these recruits the coveted Eagle glob and anchor and make them Marines guys is the house as as I sir yes sir yes sir sir sir yes sir ni 2 one is that [Music] this morning guys had a hard time ready yes yes all right sir yes sir I for all right sir yes sir sir when you receive the command b s sck around me f hey good morning Marine morning sir sound good doesn't it yes sir hard to believe that 12 weeks ago each of you were standing on yellow Footprints with one goal in mind to become United States Marine and now here you stand on top of the Reaper with the emblem of our core in your hand right now I'm proud of each and every one of you you need to be proud of yourself sir last two days have been difficult yes sir last two days have been difficult right yes sir but not one of you made to this point alone you've relied on those Marines to your left and right over the past 11 weeks and you should now begin to understand the meaning of Brotherhood and a spirit decord that your joural has stried to instill in you over the past 73 days you are United States Marines now this only marks the beginning of your journey you all now have a duty and a responsibility to uphold the Legacy and honor of all those marines that came before you marines that fought in the Battle of elima or in fuia like first talked about earlier make no mistake about it there's not going to be any kind of magical transformation that's going to happen now that you have that emem in your hand now that you have the title Marine you're not just going to get to know everything that is to know about being a Marine what makes Marines successful in battle is our dedication to duty and to each other so when the time comes Marines can perform their job to save lives carry yourself as a marine today and every day hold yourself to the high standards that your drone search have set before you continue to better yourself BT hard Nast your craft and above all I want you to remember this you are all now professional War figh ERS are part of the finest fighting organization the world has ever known it's up to you to keep it that way cuz you're the future you going stand up right stand up in the and and to keep un Earthly we are proud to claim the of United States our to every to we have in every where we could take a you us United States are proud to serve in we and our you remember this pride and you have you have in your heart right now all right yes sir situations like this don't happen very often in your lifetime right yes sir remember this for the rest of your life sir now live and rise to the challenge set before you all right yes sir all right now I don't know about you who's hungry you can't eat yet you finish his damn hike right finish the hike and we go to warri breakfast all right yes sir all right I get back formation senior General instructors take charge came the plan [Applause] today off [Applause] 24 [Applause] [Applause] on hold it in hold it in hold it in now it up [Applause] compy we got [Applause] for it up it up oh yeah good [Applause] one keep it going keep [Applause] going get a little bit louer all right ladies gentlemen now like I told you they're going to keep running I don't want you to go anywhere stay exactly where you are for some reason I still got family members going on there even though I told you anyway it's okay maybe I should see the ears all right now ladies and gentlemen they're going to take off ready us a festar hotel all right we like the call this they going on long way just for fun no big deal bring back over to side of and what we going to do right now comp keep it going keep it going keep it going it's F you can f [Applause] it evening ladies and gentlemen I know long time keep be keep [Applause] good [Applause] right 10 seconds to another 8 7 6 2 1 [Applause] wow you guys are awesome silence Ladi gentlemen complete silence oh [Applause] r good morning ladies and gentlemen how's everybody doing I'm bror General James Beerman I'm the Commanding General of ncrd San Diego and the Western recruiting reach and I want to welcome all of you to sunny Southern California and to MCRD San Diego let me start by introducing that great looking Marine who's out there running with me up front let start maker Quarterfield he's got his hand in the air and he's the senior listed Marine here at MCRD San Diego where are uh where are the Educators uh from uh from milwauke Indie you put your hands in there okay I don't know if we've got them over here but uh great glad to welcome them tomorrow to the uh to the graduation but hey I'll tell yall it's impossible for me ladies and and gentlemen not to be pumped up and motivated as I stand here in front of a company of America's newest United States Marines Lima Company and then I look back at all the great folks who had everything to do with these marines being here in Marine Corps we like to say we recruit the Marine but we enlist the family and so on behalf of the 37th common of the Marine Corps General Bob neller I want to welcome all of you to your new extended family the United States Marine tourah I'm very much reminded as I look over the ranks of this great Marine company that none of these young men none of these marines got here on their own and the people who had everything to do with all their success a lot of them are right here in this horseshoe and then there's many others waiting for their return back in Hometown America but I want to thank all of you for a couple things you've already done and for some things that I know you're going to continue to do first of all I want to thank all of you particularly you moms thank you for entrusting your precious Marine your son your family member to the United States Marine Corp and then secondly I want to thank all of you for the support that you provided to your Marine while he was undergoing this right of passage that his Marine Corps entry level training boot camp we're very proud of the fact and we make no apologies for the fact that Marine Corps food Camp is the longest and the toughest entry level training of any service in the world but for your Marine it wasn't quite as tough as it might have otherwise been because he knew when he hit the rack at the end of a long day when he rolled out of that rack at Zero Dark 30 he knew that they're out there somewhere there were some great folks who were thinking about him who were rooting for him who were praying for him him and he knew that he was never far from your minds and I promise you it made all the difference during this last tough 12 and 1/2 weeks and then ladies and gentlemen I want to thank you now in advance for the support you're going to continue to provide to these marines as they head off to continue their time in the Marine Corps but wherever they Marine Corp Journey takes them inside these United States deployed overseas maybe to combat wherever they end up going they're going to continue to need all the love and support that you showed them up to this point so thank you in advance for that what an exciting future is in store for each every one of these marines from Lima Company tomorrow's graduation at the conclusion of graduation they're going to head home for plus or minus 10 days of very well-deserved lead and yeah and and they've earned every bit of that and catch up on some long lost sleep spend some time with all of you but I also need to ask for uh for all of your health when it comes to that LE what's probably not the right approach to their leave is for them to try to make up for in uh in 10 days everything that they've missed over the last 3 months and they'll try it if you let but I need you all kind of get OverWatch they're Marines now they're adults are taken care of it's been a long time since they've been behind the wheel of a car it's been a long time since they had a beer it's been a long time since they've been around a young lady so again these are things where they're going to need to need to Pace himself but seriously there's nothing that's more of a gut punch for me and the sard major in our 2 and2 years here that to preside over one of these awesome graduations and then to get the word sometime over the next week that one of these young men is G home and uh and been killed or seriously injured so uh so let's all work together on that and thank you for thank you for your help there when the Marines return from their boot leave they're to conduct their combat training up the road to Camp pedon then they'll head to their MOS schools where we're going to teach them their specific job and then they're going to join the ranks of for deployed Marines and sailors all over the world that are out there protecting our American values and our way of life it's a very exciting future I want to extend an invitation to all of you tomorrow morning at 08 we're going to observe more morning colors and if I can if I can talk in to get out the rack a little bit early it would be great if you could be in place about 7:30 or 7:45 cuz it's going to be a big surge of people trying to get on the base but if I can talk at it getting out of the rack a little bit early uh I think you'll find that was worth your time in that short and meaningful ceremony you're going to get to see United States Marines take care of the colors of our great Republic I'm going to introduce you to some small representative groups that are there because they represent larger units and formations that have at a hand in the uh in the training and transformation of your marine and uh and I think if you come to that it'll put the graduation which is going to occur at 10:00 into into better focus if you show up a little bit early it won't all be dead time we're going to have the MCRD band playing and uh there's going to be award p red and you'll enjoy it before I turn and address these marines I'd like to get your help in recognizing two very special groups first of all regardless of whether you're a man or a woman regardless of what branch or the Armed Forces you may have served in whether it was a time of war or watchful beast but if you've ever worn the uniform of a member of the United States Armed Forces put your hand in the air and ladies and gentlemen join me a round of applause [Applause] than and secondly ladies and gentlemen I'd like to ask if you could join me in recognizing the officers and the drill instructors of Lima Company more than any other group these drill instructors are the heart and soul of the transformation that occurs at Marine Corps boot camp and they are in it heart and soul in a lot of cases they put their own young families on the back burner because they're so focused on doing everything it takes to make the world's greatest fighting men and women United States Marines please if you would join me a round of applause to show appreci ladies and gentlemen I'm going to take a minute and uh and talk to these Mar from ly good morning [Music] Marines Marines I want to tell all of you how proud I am of each and every one of you at some point in the past for some reasons that are special and unique to each one of you and then probably also for some reasons you share with some of the Marines to your left or your right you made the decision to become a United States Marine and then you have the guts and the stick toess and the intestinal fortitude to see that commitment through and now you've earned the title and you're United States Marines you're the worthy successors to all our history and tradition in the Marine Corps you recruit ERS promised you a challenge and these Grill instructors have delivered on that promise in the short time I have left as your Commanding General I got one final task for all of you at the earliest opportunity and that may in some cases be this afternoon or that may have to wait till you uh till you get back home in Hometown America but at the earliest opportunity you look the people in the I they have had a hand in your success and you become a United States Marine and you thank them that may be a hug that may be a firm handshake but you look him in the eye and you tell them everything that they mean to you that may be one of the Marines to your left or right that may be your drill instructors that may be a member your family standing here or waiting for your return or that may be a coach or teacher but you've grown up a lot in the last 3 months and one of the things you realize is there's too many things in your life that you've been taken for granted so you fix that at the first opportunity you heard me talk to your family members about the near future hey Marines it's going to be awesome don't let anybody tell you that your combat training is forth phas of boot camp it's not your United States Marines but it will be tough and it will be challenging and you need to show up in shape with your game faces on ready to train when you go home on leave make good decisions spend the time with uh with your family members catch up on some long lost sleep eat that nasty food we've been keeping from you but don't forget who you are and that you're a United States Marine and on that note the last thing I'll say Marines is as you leave this Depot don't ever forget what these Grill instructors have taught you you're United States Marines 24 hours a day 7 days a week in uniform out of uniform on duty off duty and you need to live and show our core values of Honor courage and commitment in everything that you do I'm very proud of you I wish you the very best of luck God bless you and [Applause] seer your drr take charge care plan of day oh make some for 3,249 now 250 it's okay the [Applause] scen Give It [Applause] Up [Applause] all right chance [Music] [Music] a [Music] la [Music] la [Music] a a [Music] oh [Music] this morning company L third recruit training Battalion recruit training regiment will form and marching the parade following the pass and review the graduating Marines will return front and center the reviewing stand for final dismissal the staff for today's parade is comprised of Marines from the recruit training regiment the commander of troops is Captain John rberg company Commander third recruit training Battalion company L the parade agent is Captain Alex Baron series Commander third recruit training Battalion company k the marching units are now being called to attention and the agitant command sound adant call Will begin today's [Music] parade marching in today's parade are 393 of the graduating Marines from company L recruit training is comprised of subjects required to produce basic Marines who function effectively in [Music] Garrison are trained in rudimentary individual field and combat skills and practice the personal and professional traits which distinguish them as Marines examples of these traits are discipline the achievement of a state of discipline which assures respect for authority instant and willing obedience to orders and the self-reliance to maintain or improve those traits which exemplify a Marine Military bearing consistently demonstrating military presence and personal awareness as well as the proper wearing and maintenance of uniforms a spree de cor a iring the common Spirit of the Marine Corps that inspires [Music] enthusiasm devotion [Music] Pride [Music] initiative teamwork aggressiveness determination moral [Music] courage integrity comaraderie [Music] and the burning desire to work with and for others toward excellence and common goals for the Marines of company L today marks the end of the 12we recruit training cycle they have marched countless miles at Camp Pendleton and on this parade deck and have been trained as our Almer Marines as basic Riflemen in addition due to an intensive physical training program their strength and endurance have doubled since their rival aboard the Recruit Depot they are Marines qualified to take their places in the ranks of the world's finest fighting [Music] organization [Music] I [Music] okay the platoon are now being aligned from left to right in order to get them into their exact positions for the parade the next portion of the parade will be the presentation of the colors followed by our national anthem we we welcome veterans and members of the Armed Forces to join us in rendering appropriate honors with a military salute for guests who have not served in the military it is proper etiquette during the national anthem to place their right hand over their hearts and for men in the audience wearing headgear to remove it well the guests please [Music] rise [Music] might [Music] [Music] yes ladies and gentlemen our national [Music] anthem [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I would go get it [Music] thank you please be seated following the command parade rest the parade agent will give the command sound off which signals the band to parade forward of the assemble Marines while playing military marching [Music] music l a [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] la la [Music] la [Music] oh [Music] oh a the parade agend now presents the assembled command to the commander of [Music] troops [Music] hey [Music] orer [Music] die sir 3,49 [Music] present3 [Music] all quar headquarters training reg Depot San Diego California our Sanctuary 20 next day is after tomorrow is after love on order of [Music] DJ at the command officer Center March all unit commanders and guide on bearers marched the front and center of the formation historically it was at this point that commanding officers would issue orders and instructions to the unit commanders following this the unit leaders would face about return to their units and pass the information along to their [Music] Marines [Music] yeah is [Music] there W what cler help [Music] Harry door [Music] H [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] yeah oh bu help me [Music] ladies and gentlemen the Battalion Commander for second recruit training Battalion Lieutenant Colonel William doctor Jr good morning and welcome to the graduation ceremony for Lima Company on behalf of the Commanding General Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego in the western recruiting region RoR General Beerman and the commanding officer recruit training regiment Colonel Ericson please join me in extending a warm welcome to today's parade reviewing Officer Colonel dowy United States Marine Corps retired sir you honor us with your presence here today now please allow me to direct your attention to a special group seated next to the reviewing stand they are the family and friends of our officers and drill instructors no one knows more than they the time and effort it takes to make Marines please join me in showing appreciation for their sacrifices making Marines takes the effort teamwork and cooperation of many individuals I'd like to recognize staff sergeant Williamson 12 Marine Corps District recruiting station Portland Oregon for giving our company honorman private first class Fields the opportunity to earn the title Marine staff Williamson PRI first class Field's outstanding performance is a testament to your hard work and dedication in recruiting America's Finest congratulations on a job well done every Marine is a Rifleman and the mar he's up at weapons build training Battalion Camp Pendleton take pride in teaching the fundamentals of artisanship I'd now like to recognize corpal Chung who's the primary Marksmanship instructor responsible for our company high shooter private first class Baker excellent work corpal Chun congratulations finally I'd like to recognize a few of our special visitors the first Marine Division associate Grossmont High School Navy JC and the Educators brought here from recruiting station Indianapolis and Recruiting Station Milwaukee over the past week this this last group of teachers mentors and coaches visited Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego Marine Corps Air Station myamar and Camp penlon to learn how we make Marines and find out a little bit more about the Marine Corps to the Educators I know you've had a great time and I know you've learned a lot all we ask is that you share your experiences with the young men and women that you encounter who may be considering the Marine Corp as a career option thank you all for joining us this morning Marine Corps recruit training is the one thing that distinguishes us from every other military organization in the world the individual responsible for this training is the Legendary Marine Corps drill instructor drill instructors represent the best of the Marine Corps they work over 120 hours per week and sacrifice personal time with their families to ensure your loved ones earn the tile Marine if you have not already done so please take a moment to seek out your loved ones drill instructors and thank them for a job well done your words are very much appreciated in a nation whose population exceeds 322 million these young men represent the best America has to offer they average age is 19 99% of them are high school graduates and three of them are college graduates they come to us from various countries around the globe including the Dominican Republic Mexico and the Philippines and some of them come from as close by as right here in San Diego after having completed the nation's most demanding recruit training these young men have proven that they're ready to carry on in the proud tradition of the Marine Corps as an expeditionary force in Readiness prepared to to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic as you look upon them today you'll notice they stand a little taller and look a little leaner when you get them home you'll notice even more change you may have to remind them to use their indoor voices and you may have to remind them to slow down and chew their food they wear their trousers a little higher they tuck in their shorts they never need to comb their hair in moms they even know how to make their own [Applause] beds but more important is the change within for they have been thoroughly immersed in our core values of Honor courage and commitment and by earning the title Marine they have accepted those values as their own ladies and gentlemen I present to you 393 young men who have earned the title United States [Applause] Marine [Applause] please pardon me as I turn my back to address your new Marines good morning Marines Marines of Lima Company 12 weeks ago you were offered the challenge of recruit training and the opportunity to earn the title marine 12 weeks ago you didn't have time to think about graduation there were still many miles to run there were still many physical obstacles to conquer and there are still many mental hurdles to overcome today you stand as America's newest Marines we're all proud of you you should be proud of yourselves when you get home your friends will notice a change they will look up to you they will want to be like you they're going to ask you how to do it when that happens take them down to the local Marine Corps recruiter that motivated recruiter will know exactly what to do and trust me your drill instruct cannot wait to meet your friends enjoy your time at home be safe and make good decisions always be mindful of our core values of Honor courage and commitment and remember the eagle glob and anchor that you earned and now wear represents over 200 years of history and tradition it represents the reputation of all marines that have G on before you always be worthy of that reputation protected on behalf of all commanders drill instructors and support Personnel aboard Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego congratulations we look forward to serving beside you may God bless you may you always have Fair Winds and following seas and may you forever remain Seer Fidelis now taking his position in the reviewing area is today's pray Rie Officer Colonel Joe dowy retired he is accompanied by Colonel Darren Ericson commanding officer recruit training regiment Marine Corps Recruit Depot San [Music] Diego he oh Colonel Joe dowy served as an infantry officer for over 25 years in both command and staff positions throughout the world during his distinguished Marine Corps care career he was honored with nearly 10 years of command experience ranging from a 42 person platoon to a 7,000 person regimental combat team Colonel dowy served in over 50 countries including combat and con contingency operations in Beirut Panama Somalia East tamour and Iraq following his retirement from active service Colonel dowy joined a defense Contracting firm as an executive director providing innovative problemsolving solutions for senior leaders and decision makers recognized as a trusted consultant with inherent tactical problem solving skills colonel dowy was sought to serve as an advisor to the center directors of NASA's stenis Space Center in Mississippi following the devastation of hurricane Trina under Colonel Dow's leadership he led the organization through crisis Management in operational recovery in 2007 Colonel dowy joined NASA's Kennedy Space Center as the chief of staff he managed organizational matters oversaw integration activities of business processes and strategic planning and execution and served as senior advisor to the center's leadership development programs ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Colonel Joe dowy [Applause] [Music] watch command review and Rew run hey [Music] [Music] forward more than a million Marines had have been trained here in the past 92 years and have departed San Diego for combat and conflicts around the world including places whose names are immediately associated with Marine courage and dedication names such as guada [Music] Canal Tara eima [Music] H [Music] enan kesan Bo City leanon grenado Panama Kuwait Somalia Iraq Afghanistan and our most current operations worldwide this parade deck is rich in history and tradition and no Marine train here ever forgets its sights and sounds ladies and gentlemen the commander of troops Captain John rberg in the Battalion sta Marine Band San Diego Marine Corp Recruit Depot San Diego California ladies and gentlemen as the national flag passes directly in front of you please rise once it has passed you may seated series 3,249 series Commander Captain Ryan fi honor platoon 3,249 senior Jo instructor Sergeant David Alvarado platoon in 3250 senior drel instructor Sergeant Marco Polo madreal platoon 3251 senior Jo instructor Staff Sergeant Robert W the regimental Color Guard is led by regimental color Sergeant drill instructor Sergeant Cameron castano series 3253 series Commander first lieutenant Kevin B platoon 3383 senior draw Striker Sergeant Steven mirez and 3254 Senior George sler step Sergeant Enrique and look to 3255 senior call instructor staff sergeant Edward G W ladies and Gentlemen please rise to the plane of anchor away followed by the Marines h n la thank you please be seated the Marine cor's uniqueness and strength as an elite fighting force is directly attributable to the Magnificent efforts of the drill instructors and Company officers who train and supervise the recruits the distinct qualities of spirit and discipline the heart and soul of every Marine have been developed nurtured and engrained and recruits through their observance in relationship with their drill instructors and officers recruit training is the very foundation of the core each year recruit training provides thousands of America's Finest young men and women with the basic knowledge and skills to function in a profession characterized by its own set of high values and tough standards the most important thing we do in the Marine Corps is make Marines the individual Marine is the core and that is what we do here for the young men graduated today the long arous journey of the last 12 weeks is but a small step into the future of the Marine Corps as they prepare to fill the ranks of our Corp they do so with unquestionable support for the high ideals and standards of the United States of America and the United States Marine Corps although L prepares for their final dismissal from boot camp today their initial training is not over after well-deserved 10 days of leave these young men will report to the school of infantry Camp penon California where they will continue to be trained to serve as an effective member of a marine rifle Squad the intense initial training that every Marine undergoes is designed to instill the fundamental premise that every Marine is a [Music] Rifleman w Dy we love you love [Music] you ladies and gentlemen at this time we would like to introduce to you the Marines responsible for ensuring the success of the difficult transition required to become a Marine the company Commander is Captain John rayberg the company first sergeant is first sergeant Rakim Lee the Marines standing in front of platoons have spent 24 hours a day 7 days a week for the past 3 months training your Marine drill instructor duty is extremely demanding and requires a normous personal sacrifice to accomplish the mission of making Marines ladies and Gentlemen please join us in a warm Round of Applause for the officers and drill instructors of company [Applause] l [Music] every Marine is trained first and foremost as a Rifleman well-trained Marines have the confidence required to deliver accurate fire under the most adverse battle conditions the Marine cor combat Rifle program includes the requirement for Marines to effectively engage targets at various es ranging from 25 to 500 y utilizing Elementary firing positions and more advanced combat shooting techniques please direct your attention to the Marine standing in front of platoon 3,253 this Marine has a signat itself as the most proficient combat Marksman in company L obtaining the company high score of 340 points out of a possible 350 his primary Marksmanship instructor is corporal haot Chong ladies and Gentlemen please join me recognizing private first class Chad Baker the most proficient combat Marksman of company l [Applause] physical fitness is a requirement in the life of every Marine it requires a high degree of personal discipline and dedication to achieve 20 dead hang pull-ups 100 crunches in 2 minutes and complete a three-mile run in 18 minutes or less for a combined score of 300 points please direct your attention in the Marine standing in front theato 3,255 this Marine per formed 23 dead hang pull-ups 109 crunches in 2 minutes and completed a 3-mile run in 18 minutes and 35 seconds on his final physical fitness test ladies and Gentlemen please join me recognizing PRI first class Louis Ariaga the most physically figurine of company L the next portion of the ceremony will be the traditional function of retiring the gons the guidons have been carried by the platoon throughout recruit training and are being retired to symbolize the disbanding of platoons all similar units in the Marine Corps carry such guidons which identify the unit and are a source of Pride to each individual member note that the honor of carrying these guidons is bestowed upon those Marines who displayed outstanding leadership qualities motivation and enthusiasm and were selected as the platoon honorman the honorman are recognized as being the most outstanding Marines in their platoon the platoon honor men compete for the titles of series honorman and Company honorman who are considered the top men graduating today and have demonstrated the highest potential for future leadership and responsibility in the Marine [Music] Corps upon retirement of the gons each honorman will receive a plaque from the Marine Corps Association and Foundation the core's preeminent professional association and the publisher of the leatherneck and Marine Corp Gazette [Music] magazines [Music] free go the guidons will now be returned to the drill instructors [Music] get go [Music] hey [Music] hey the honorman will be presented their plagues by the commanding officer of second recruit training Battalion Lieutenant Colonel William Dr Jr and assisted by sergeant major Jimmy Ferris ladies and Gentlemen please hold your applause until all the honor men have been introduced the honorman from Bon 3,249 and also the company honorman is private first class Elija fields from Beaverton Oregon private first class Fields is also the recipient of the chesty polar aard for outstanding Merit tours performance while in recruit training the honorman for platoon 3,250 is Prim first class Joey Vian from Colorado Springs Colorado the honorman from Platoon 3251 is private first class Timothy Phillips from Grand Junction Colorado the honor from Platoon 3253 is part of first class Jared Kong from Santa Maria California The honorman from Lon 3254 and also the series honorman is prior first class Nicholas Candela from warrenburg [Music] Missouri the honorman from Lon 3255 is private first class Jonathan rentes from Imperial Beach California ladies and gentlemen the honorman of company L first oh y hey instructor down the senior jeel instructors will now dismiss their platoons this will be the last order the numer rece from the Joel instructors and probably the most welcome order they have received while in boot camp [Applause] [Applause] my color is red my color is red it shows the world of blood we shed it shows the world of and my maror color is blue my color is blue shows the world that we are true shows the world that we are true and my color is gr my color is gr shows the world that we are made show the world that we are made singing [Applause] we love you we love you we do it all the time we do it all the time oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah give me some give me some PT PT good for you good for you good for me good for me give me some give me some rock heart rock PG P here we go here we go heyy Amy he hey Army hey hey hey hey Army hey Army get off your Tes and follow me get off your Tes and follow me I am a rine Corp inant I [Applause] [Music] nail blood Mach [Applause] blood get off your ships and follow me get off your ships and follow me I am aore infantry I Amore Infantry hey hey Air Force he Air Force hey hey hey hey Air Force Air Force get off your ples and follow me get off your ples and follow me I am Marine Corp infantry I am Marine Corp infantry oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh three oh3 oh three oh3 what we want what we want two 2 be to be infiltrate INF give me more give me more give me more give me more give me that old Marine Co Spirit give me that Spirit give me that Spirit give me that Spirit give me that Spirit give me that spirit cuz it's good enough for me cuz it's good enough for me it was good good for chest polar it was good for chest po it was good for all daily it was good for all daily it was good for the first sergeant it was good for the first Serge and it's good enough for me and it's good enough for me give me that hit it kill first last one shot one kill Spirit give me that over Spirit give me that over Spirit give me that over Spirit give me that Spirit give me that spirit cuz it's good enough for me CU it's good enough for me it was good for for the company Commander it was good for the company Commander it was good for the Ser Commander it was good for the commander it was good for the Senor instructor it was good for theor and it's good enough for me and it's good enough for me love [Music] right all right right we love to double time we love double time I say motivated you say dedicated I say motivated you say dedicated I'm motivated dedicated I'm motivated dedicated I say dedicated you say motivated I say dedicated you say motivated dedicated motivated dedicated Mo to the core to the cour to the core to the core every day every day all day all day every day every day pump it up pump it up pump it up pump it up up front up front pump it up pump it up in the middle in the middle pump it up pump it up in the RAR in the up from a 60t oh tro devil do blood sucking war machine to fight to kill to die but will shock tro devil do blood sucking war machine ready to fight ready to kill ready blood sucking get oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah PP it up it up I get in the front in the in the middle in the middle in the RAR in the I TI It Up TI it up I get loud get loud oh yeah oh yeah I want come on up come on let us hear a motivation let us a motiv and take it on the left foot take it on the left foot mighty mighty left footy Mighty I take it take it I got it I got it oh yeah oh yeah here we go here we go here we go here we go on the run on the run on the run on the Run just for fun just for fun pump it up pump it up pump it up it up oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah heavy on the left foot heavy on the left foot heavy on the left foot heavy on the left foot heavy on the left foot on the left foot you're oh yeah oh yeah now here we go here we go here we go here we go easy run easy run easy run easy run just for fun just for fun oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah feel good good [Applause] I get some get I get some get I I get some get some I get some get some P all I just oh yeah yeah here we go here we go here we go here we go [Applause] good more [Applause] motivated [Applause] D determinated D determinated be the best be the best be the best be the best be the best be the best forget the rest foret the rest oh yeah oh yeah here we go here we go here we go here we go PT PT every day P PT every day I build body the marway build body the mar oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah pushup pushup pull up pull up three mon three mon feeling good very good oh yeah oh yeah now one more one more no sweat no sweat two mon two mon no good no good three months three months getting better getting better four months four months I break a sweat break a sweat five months five months oh yeah oh yeah I'm feeling good feeling good I'm feeling good feeling good six mon six mon I got to quit got to quit I got to quit got to quit seven months seven months I'm passing up passing up oh no oh no I no I no a rain c r a boot boot a rain c r a boot boot that's us that's us that's us that's us rain c r boot cap Bo I wear the best we the best forget the rest the rest oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah uhhuh uhhuh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah feeling good feel good uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh uhh uhhuh uhh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah feeling good feeling good easy run easy run easy run easy run right right right the time the oh yeah oh yeah here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go more more more motivated more [Applause] motiv deicated deicated to the court to the to the court to the Dr instructor come on out dructor come on out let us hear your motivating shout let us hear your motivating sh I take it on the left foot take it on the left foot mighty mighty left foot mighty mighty left foot I take it on the left foot take it on the left foot take it on the left take it on the left take it take oh just War K will what are we do what are we do where we are we here
Channel: Gilbert F. Rodriguez
Views: 217,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dRLW5ifDOC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 24sec (6804 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2016
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