Lilly Singh Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

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hey how's it going i'm lily singh and you're watching the wired autocomplete interview oh yeah [Music] what if i hit the camera and it fell thank you all right when is lily sings birthday oh easy september 26th yes i will take gifts uh who is lilly singh replacing on nbc i am replacing carson daly a lot of people have thought it's jimmy fallon or seth meyers or james corden it's none of those white men it is the other white man carson daly who has been very sweet and supportive i need to say lily sing who wants to be a millionaire ah i know what this is the highlight of my life was being a question on who wants to be a millionaire it was something along the lines of who is a really sexy youtuber that's very talented i'm paraphrasing um and the answer was me what is lily sings favorite color okay this is the whole thing because i like pink yellow makes me very happy but i feel like i get judged for liking pink because it's it's supposed to be girly and then i'm also conflicted because i don't want to hurt any of the other colors feelings this question stresses me out what is lily sings what is lisa's real name lisa's real name is lily singh i know what you're thinking it's too short for an indian person and you're racist okay it's just lily sing it's not indir binder jeet nothing just lily sing is what it is what does lee sings tattoo say oh i have five one is his heart and then i have this says without fear so without hate on my angle i don't put lotion on but you can't see it there's a staircase that's on every chapter of my book this essentially just means like keep climbing keep working stay grounded um and then i have just taken the clothes off right here says one love can you see it it says one love which is my favorite bob marley song and my general mantra for life what movies has lily sing been in i've made small cameos and ice age collision course in bad moms and in fahrenheit 451 more to come hopefully casting directors what lily singh character are you a lot of my house is filled with beards and wigs that's why i'm single i do a lot of characters i dress up as my mom and my dad then there's jessica then there's samuel then there's linder and there's a little lily and there's a buzzfeed quiz about which character are you i think i got i think shockingly i didn't get myself i think i might have gotten my mom it's true what they say you just turn into your parents this is a whole someone make an appointment with my therapist what is lilly singh's phone number okay okay i mean depends we'll see why is lily's why is lily saying that so because i don't know why is lily's i don't know i just have my in 1988 two immigrants from india came to canada it was a drunken night things happened they probably know how to do it because they've been suppressed their entire lives because such as indian culture and then i came into existence that that is why lilly's sick why is lilly's thing called superwoman ah great question so i named myself superwoman in 2010 when i created my youtube channel clearly thinking it wouldn't go anywhere because calling yourself a trademark dc name is not the smartest business move but it just felt really empowering to me it was based off a hip-hop song by little mo and fabulous but i recently dropped that and i go by lily now which is my fake name why is lily sing a hero i mean you tell me i guess we're all our own superheroes i think i'm a superhero because if i had to pick one thing i think i'm a pretty great work ethic i think that makes me a superhero why is listening so popular beats me i think i started making youtube videos at a time when no one else that looked like me did and i was talking about things that no one else was for my community and i think a lot of people could relate to that also i have great hair and so even if i'm not funny people don't really mind is lily singh married to the rock no i'm not married to the rock uh not in this lifetime at least but he has been a great mentor to me i he was my idol growing up absolutely obsessed i had the opportunity to meet him i'm grateful enough to say that we're friends now and he gives me advice during my most trying times is lacing back on youtube this makes me sad did i leave youtube i did take a break from social media the end of last year and i guess i don't have as regimented as a schedule so people might think i've left youtube but i've not left youtube i'm very passionate about the community even with my new late night show it's important to me to continue uploading whenever i can on youtube because i love that community and that fan base so so much is listening vegetarian i am i am vegetarian not to be confused with vegan i respect vegans but i feel like not enough people know the difference between vegans and vegetarians so i don't eat meat but um cheese and stuff i still do because i like happiness is listing in f the prom oh yeah i am in f the prom this was um produced by the fine bros they graciously asked me to cameo as a teacher in this movie it is on netflix so i guess my previous question of which movies you're in i'm an idiot and i forgot this one is listing in stranger things what oh okay i understand why you'd be confused between me and the demigod queen we look very similar i look as similar as that flower monster thing but i'm not in stranger things i think the reason this is here is because i'm good friends with noah who is the little boy that gets abducted into the upside down i guess i i also have chilled with millie a lot so maybe i have a lot of friends in stranger things and by association you think that but no i'm not cool enough to be in stranger things is listening related to humble the poet i know this is very confusing because he has a turban and a beard and he's also brown we're not related we're just friends also important note that every person you see with the bearded turban is not humble they're different people just all wearing a turban does lily sing have a sister i do i have an older sister her name is tina she's six years older than me just three adorable baby boys who are my nephews i followed her footsteps when i got my psychology degree years later she followed my footsteps to be on youtube so full circle moment where did leasing come from i am originally from toronto which is in ontario which is in canada um i guess that's what that question means for some reason my first instinct was to say an egg like yoshi i don't know why but that's not where i came from where does lily sing live i currently live in la in hollywood and i moved there in 2015. but most the time i live in unicorn island does lising speak french do i just yes i do speak french i'm from canada i learned french all the way up until grade 10 and thus i know how to solely order a pizza and nothing else i don't know how to ask for help i don't know how to say uh i'm hurt i don't know how to ask for directions but i can order a pizza and also i know circus terms where did lilly sing go to college so i actually went to university and before you comment below saying you're so pretentious why are you making this correction in canada it's different college and university is different i went to york university in north york um and i was part of the dance team there and our chant was deep in the heart of york you jungle you can hear the lions rumble why uyu we never won a competition how tall is lily sing in feet i'm five foot five inches is that i think so on a good day five foot five inches i'm really lying i'm really short but i keep saying five foot five like on dating apps i always put five foot five but whatever inside no one's gonna know is this going public how old is leasing now [Music] i'm 25 26 i'm 30. uh how many subscribers does lising have on my main channel i am grateful to say i have about 15 million subscribers and on my second channel i believe i have around 3 million so across both channels it would be 18 million subtracting all the fake accounts that are just me 5 million we're self-aware listening how to be a boss pdf oh how to be a boss is the book i launched uh published i was like two three-ish years ago i'm grateful to say it was a new york times bestseller it is a guide on how not to survive life but conquer life and it's one of my greatest accomplishments because yo it's like really hard to write a book can we just take a moment it's very hard i wrote i wrote every word from me it took a year from my birthday to my birthday because i'd like to torture myself i wrote this book it's 50 chapters and i'm very very proud of it and like i said it's not about just surviving life it's about conquering so one of the chapters is about don't just pay your bills save enough to go on vacation some of my favorite excerpts from the book are embedded into the intro of my late night show and that fast text that's scrolling through um so if you want to pause and find those easter eggs if you care then that's a thing that's cool that's an exclusive for the wired that's an exclusive no one else knows that got you let's see how to make a sandwich this is one of my favorite videos i made a video a while ago when i first moved to la called how to make a sandwich and it was inspired by the good amount of sexist comments i've gotten over my youtube career that would say women aren't funny go back to the kitchen make a sandwich as we know this is a very common thing that i said to women so i made an actual tutorial on how to make a sandwich because so many people didn't know how to make one but it's a very sassy video where i'm basically roasting the person i left the comment one love we love everyone but you know light-hearted fun never hurt nobody i learned a lot today i learned that no matter how many thousands of videos i have on the internet people still don't know my real name it's in my intro and then i say it and then i say with my outro i think people might not know things about me that's all
Channel: WIRED
Views: 2,579,288
Rating: 4.8292832 out of 5
Keywords: lilly singh, wired autocomplete, lilly singh funny, lilly singh interview, lilly singh funny moments, lilly singh wired, lilly singh autocomplete interview, lilly singh wired autocomplete, lilly singh wired autocomplete interview, lilly singh google autocomplete, lilly singh interview wired, lilly singh autocomplete wired, lilly singh google interview, lilly singh google, lilly singh wired interview, lilly singh autocomplete, wired
Id: wEdu2D0W13U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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