LIL PEEP x NEDARB x LIL TRACY interview/mini-doc

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I don't know I've been like obsessed with music since I wasn't really home yo he's really obsessed with music [Music] I think the easiest way to describe it as far as GBC showed is kind of like emotional track music there's a lot of the beats I mean they had like you know trap elements like my ass and heavy hitter like secrets and then like you know the samples would be like punk songs and yeah looking you know [ __ ] with guitard [ __ ] so something along that type of line like if pop punk was like as relevant as it was maybe like 10 years ago I think this would be like - no rehearsals I was in bands and [ __ ] like I learned guitar on my face and drums listen like hardcore bands and in high school and [ __ ] and I started making beats low key in high school on GarageBand like as a joke and then stopped for a while I started making beats like January 2014 and I've been writing a lot too but like I guess be to remember yeah I've just been making beats like every day pretty much know something when I'm sober I didn't work sample [ __ ] but if I'm [ __ ] up and feel like really creative I'll just do like all since like unable to energy dress but I always do know these are samples individually it's taught me how to create sounds that I've pictured and imagine in my head or like if you think it sounds like colors and [ __ ] like if you're feeling a certain mood you know my matches certain colors and like you could go tonight would be this school being produced is cool too like in the background in Philly you got to stay home blowing [ __ ] I love working with the people in my clique the most that I feel like we just have my crazy chemistry yeah together so I don't know we kind of all come together as one everything just like flows far and we're like all friends and shouldn't realize so it's our game I mean like I would work with like like you would work with young side if you wanted to I want to work yeah you replied to me Indians well he did to me like five years ago that's sweet though is it cool if I get peeping here for cousin yeah [Music] damn [ __ ] talking about past experiences um just get book-related they know music that makes people feel doesn't know I got inspired by everybody else doing it I have to do that and I tried doing it and then I see a path for my life which will convert but we're necessary to surpass them because I really think that it matters how much attention you have I just appreciate music for the quality of it so yeah but it feels we're having a lot of attention definitely so that you never notice how much attention you actually are getting yeah yeah because you don't you don't see people like in their car singing your lyrics like you're not [ __ ] there especially else we're just home like a long distance like everybody just mean why everyone's probably not paying very but a lot of them don't I think the people that are real fans for them you are all like really just love this [ __ ] my favorite leather [ __ ] hated it's not like too many like in-between our fans are weird though they like to like be mean to us but like listen to us just chill and open up the Hertz I think our fans are representation of my hospital like we're sure we've been assured on each other all time craziest thing ever happen is so easy [ __ ] I think the crazy girl broke her nose at a markup it she was a girl in the wall girl a by what she had caught him in Austin I think one of the one of it's not nothing fazes is when we were in Baker spoon and we had to walk through the crowd to get to the stage and when we did they were like grabbing our [ __ ] ass oh yeah yeah so the venue thrive it it was the worst thing you ever and we had to walk through the crowds from the back straight through the middle to the stage there wasn't a stage this David pleasure I deserve but like not even appear in the Kathryn and there was a security in focus and even day were like filling us in Cheryl's it was too much yeah and they were at interpreting the deployer knew that she couldn't even really - yeah all the time I was DJing at him and during the same time they had hired like these old people like 89 years old - like it was like old people going to a underground highlight party and they all got on stage and or like hold the spotlight like oh yeah like oh like twerking like progress 7080 like retirement home type shape and it was turned like later yeah you knew yeah it was it was funny well in my first show I throw up after every single song excuse me I was informing what constant has measured I didn't expect my people leader it was a mere zone then the bed now like I didn't expect effect and so I vomited every single song I was telling about - you feel better no I look some something very finisher indifferent you go mama and I was like I got yourself on and it was like I was very nervous performing on stage for it pretty bad so I don't know I'm very awkward person a lot of social anxiety this isn't you same for performing the best pressure almost it's still weird for me cause I get anything you know someone out there is like not [ __ ] Rosie and but [ __ ] what is Michael suicide en [ __ ] I got a job meet you again whichever be go through there I'll be right back rapping [ __ ] super fun - it's more rare but DJing is just fun because like I see people just get tired of spot you know and like just have girls dancing and people turn up and should oh that's just fun as [ __ ] my opinion I really don't care about my getting pain I just wanted eating yeah take care of em decided that's not really good yeah same like I'll be straight and this apartment problems if I can parry and eat all I care about is like making bullshitting having fun like not trying not to do the person that's just having a little x1 would be cool but I don't care about like a mansion or anything like that like I'm pretty sad [Music] you [Music]
Channel: by.hassan
Views: 428,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothboiclique, gbc, nedarb nagrom, lil peep, lil tracy, yung bruh, souljahwitch, underground, underground music, emotional trap, emotional, interview, very rare, circa february 2017, smokeasac, yung c
Id: fIYKc8kAjpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2017
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