Lil Baby On Kicking Lean, Falling Into The Rap Game, His Debut Album + More

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[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club more than everybody is DJ envy Angela yeesh Alamein to God We Are The Breakfast Club we got a special guest in the building yes sir no maybe okay I'm checking your feet man in Reeboks I won't say no Reebok don't Reeboks oh the misery bucks okay okay that's all you tweet out our Reebok back your whole hood Reebok for years great would you get a deal with them on some sound like um bass like a little look campaign what they tryna do i oh yeah classic Reeboks you're like the closer you button each other bring them back basically gave me a little campaign we do know he's right yeah it's a robbery bucks who me yeah the gums holes I used to like the I used to call them soldiers soldiers the rug dog I think for women we were very into be bags 54:11 yeah that was for like birds you buy your Brno in Toulouse ahead no he's on the head to Reebok nothing inside but we will reward oh yank God and Iverson's that was a different era that was Robinson's pumps and all that Reebok pumps Elmo fashionable fashion yeah not like the classes were whatever the campaign like I got I had to you got you dope well things have been happening fast cuz you was up here I remember the first time you came up here and now you back and you've had a few songs been slapping since I was thinking that I don't remember when I can't oh when was that maybe there's like February oh that last year yeah yeah that's what I was thinking maybe like December mm-hmm before my last me gold um exactly so we had a blast yeah so prices went up as soon as that's my dog that made it really fair first thank you mm-hmm and then now you got a song with Drake out and that song was teased for quite some time before they actually put the full song it was called Pikachu at first no I think um Dre had played on his over your radio mm-hmm he's named a Pikachu okay well we know who named it name mm-hmm BG whenever the name of the song is called a because they didn't know what the name was like all right how that collaboration happened I miss her a lot for Drake mm-hmm cooling Rosa we chop it up widow you just sent me the song send me your verse on the beat I didn't rest any better he let me add sonic a new song I'll put it out he's going on my album for Shoto that's the project you got coming out in a couple days like today it was harder than ever all right now that's gonna be the first single yeah definitely it's me now I like your Twitter man you be saying you said you a [ __ ] going through the [ __ ] car log you're telling me you never like yeah you say you're a [ __ ] going through the [ __ ] caller yeah I just I was going to how's that yeah I thought yeah ain't no I work late they just showed me either nothing yeah I'm only now what does that mean you don't you ain't never with your girls won't ever yeah but you'd be amazed on it I'm not gonna that is the worst thing like when guys they just make you feel like they're what are you man if you got a suspicion about something and you go to look you ain't gonna feel bad if you find what you're looking for but if you don't find it then you really go feel bad so when you tweeted that you you three budget self now see yeah most of the time when I between be like versus on my show oh god you guys you got you got you Oh another [ __ ] all right well I could feel it though nothing sweetie will you let them you have to go to a girl call oh hey I got one girl she's all the young guys one girl nowadays why y'all so faithful you right hey it took me a long time to learn that I'm glad Burnett at early age I deal with the social media oh yeah you right I got time on it so when you tweeted out you just bought somebody a Mercedes cuz she held it down after you talking about yeah but as in Drake verse on my new song oh [ __ ] they were like real-life MB live in nests up an awesome new song sends a nut you can go sleep and now you gotta go the morning 94 you got energy two ways it's a real thing though it's like a medical like men fall asleep no ain't Saint wanna sleep what you got you do not gonna be there you got Lee what have you really like her you can stay but I doubt it you put everything in how does that work yes II see I since I've been wrapping stuff no well if it was to happen like that definitely ain't you want to put her in the same coz mi bin is you re how do you ask a girl nicely to leave I can't I can't you probably be like oh you probably get a fake phone call yeah I gotta go that's the only doing it Katie like this what you need over people send me over life I need any help sleeve me if I'm [ __ ] with you drove a sunless now you uh you also tweeted no lien since April 18th I'm proud of me hashtag health is wealth defin well yeah what made you leave that alone I'd be feeling differently maybe might fall from ID so like you should be on lean heavy fine I see today like a point today as she started [ __ ] with me like three different top different fear different like everything did you get there lately yeah definitely you can see on my Instagram like from pictures from then I look way bigger than what I look now like I was wearing like 160 file right now we 140 mm they like too much they're not drinking me I love 20 pound damn she sees hell old you want it hey I wanted pretty for like two years so I enjoy only flights we used but my sister Thursday only so when you came home and you was off it no I was on I was on it okay when I was on it before I went to gym right I stopped for two years cuz I wasn't you watching the other like people die of it that means you slow down mom definitely that to that's like being like Fredo yeah yeah that was like I don't know him remember I kind of felt that when I think that I scrolled I am saying right so I'm like lean mmhmm yeah they'd be ain't stopped like right Dean I still joining me insane but I started feeling him but I already wanted to stop drinking me stop I was on parole so I couldn't smoke on me it was like the only thing you could do if I got throwing me I started by smoking so he's like kind of held me over little bit hard in life like did you have people around you trying to get you over to like York man you got a future it's no not really nothing cuz it's a it's a job I like your Eddie like you honor like he's won enjoyed that effect you like everybody can see it and I'm just cool no that is serious like a bunch of people around you if they like you tell them like look man y'all put that down around me thank God Hank tell them but you know I I lately we Krakatau like no [ __ ] i strangling I'm rushing like but you ain't really on it to each his own but that's year in DC though dope yes it helped is well if you're working out in the subs or see I stay fit oh yes I already work out what like bros like run around [ __ ] play ball a sequel playing ball all the time like that no sir it's interesting to me that at first when you came up here it didn't seem like you were so gung ho on being an artist it was kind of something that happened because of who you were around but now since then you've been putting out a whole lot of music so it's kind of like you fell in love with it exactly that's why I can't I can't I really was first time mm-hmm I was rapping but I really want feeling I say like nah now you're presenting how about I get you a hundred percent in huh I saw some good money so that's got to feel good because a lot of people been doing this for years and haven't even been able to get what you gotten so far it feel great but also like it give him the case cuz I don't know how to feel I don't know about the state and she ain't made no money I don't know about it the struggle of it I don't know I just go arrest him but I know about to scroll in life period so I could understand but fires me right now oh yeah that could be a gift and a curse door yeah give editors because when things slow down a little bit you may not know how to handle it cuz you've been used to winning all the time you've him but by me already establishing that that's giving the curse on top of it slow down keep lying when did you say okay I'm really for really more into it now there's like over time is the Dagobah she's like literally day by day world and now festival I should leave not actually super late I was like what am i right be sure cuz that's a big show I performed at Coachella mmm-hmm well I do me always brought me out before my first time I wasn't sure how was the crowd receiving you I didn't flood with me spike I was surprised I rocked a visual mm-hmm I think I'm on the rating well I'd um that like I'm on the stage and I had I knew I had one abyss it mm-hmm sure when you said you was only five percent in what was what was you into the most what was what was consuming your life at that time when you said you'd only five uh sit in the music I mean just life period just was just like music I know down the airs I do got something I got no break no idea I went like I'm gonna hot I know no ain't really had no but I had a little booze but I probably be in and then on Monday through Friday you know leave Friday Saturday like now everyday song they do a rapper they me became my life like quit now you've been very vocal with the success also comes a lot of hate on CD mmm-hmm see no way I don't know nobody late on and I won't really get a lot of hate mmm-hmm so how do you deal with people that maybe we're around you before the success but now they see you kind of popping off it does sometimes like you people around me like [ __ ] run cool with like like well that'd be the worse way they won't stop bringing up middle school in high school I know II wanted you to be cool if you like did you buy be the worse but I never show my hand or like only get knowledge that I know that's what you want they'll keep push how do you enjoy it though because I know once I was like I how do you enjoy the music industry do you enjoy the work going at different cities and interviews do you are you having fun with it I mean it get tiresome cuz it's like better better better so sometimes I have fun like I sit myself to have fun I like rolling out I know I'm mad I won't have like bring the whole gang buy some stuff I do I make it fun make it fun right even if it costs me the whole everything when it comes by like I don't have funny we can easily we don't have fire well most days I like a job I think so sometimes when you're working you like alright even though I'm making this money I'm gonna spend that to bring everybody it's gonna be like a party for me yeah you gonna have fun no really just find this bunch of koi every night perform no he's fun when I'm on stage but that's only like 30 minutes people think just cuz you out in the club that means it's just fun but it is leader go bats ain't got no time for holes going on he's in a relationship with a girl I got a flower right every day I ain't got some of it yeah we put a lot of money on flights back in my Dominicans love michael kors love it and you can fly more Southwest I know Lou himself with always Delta babies I know Sally nope so you have a blueprint now you know putting out the album what's the blueprint for what little baby's gonna be doing in the future like where do you see yourself in this business and in life the way the way is going only we got no blueprint mmm I got a boot print like on the overall schedule like this boys like goes or like but just far as like my music wise what's the goals as far as everything overall life I was like me a financially stable I owned this home it already like these from the music oh it's as far as like in three months I'm gonna put out a new album and I already got I ain't on it right you've been putting out a lot of music already anyway it's time to put it out put it out but I got no blueprint or like I'm do the rap game how do you write your lyrics you write them in a book or you going you just rap i freestyle mm-hmm I just freestyle and a booth but he's like a new modern-day right because you tell them to keep it I don't delete it even if I don't use it so he's like I wrote it down there nothing I'm going to boo either guys keep it charging and charging and I keep it you did almost two years in jail right is that what made you step away from the streets in Atlanta once you came home I go made you something I going back and go like that I was in the street when I got out I was in the streets in there nothing but once I start rapping and started working like a mosquito is that the reason you didn't a crappy reason for us to do like Mallon over has any money in it no I ain't even about the money I wasn't a rapper hmm so really the blessing is the people that you were around like saw that you had some talent that you hadn't even really tried to develop like that and they said we gonna kind of hold you into it mm-hmm once they put a thought in my head and I actually decided to do it and then I start getting people to look at me on I can't be no bushy may I follow people oh they they like into or they pressing it so I'm not step it up because it doesn't make sense to have the access that you have and that's a [ __ ] right I I got a sweet mint out well my sweet mentality like from one of my old hair is like are you gonna hang around beat me Chand can't celebrate let me remind me to tell you everything so I can't hang around peeing them and not rap hang around Pino and rap but don't be hot like oh nothing that's my men's ties so you can feed him before the rap exactly okay but any because k would send me to rap game but I was so young damn you like everyone like man around he wasn't even playing with rap you was just no I'm not a rapper yeah like what made you write your first ROM like you know let me try this [ __ ] I don't even know to be on his life I don't even know like wait wait like readers is chilly but he's like I already had a wave in Ellen mm-hmm I don't know everybody on some slate fake rapping [ __ ] oh well I don't know I just tried this song but I got a wave like instantly like literally like my first day saying I'm a rep Gucci Mane coming out of my pigeons I'm inside you then they're coming back he's just like I'm a wrestler nothing lazy like really happy that day too much later I put out a mistake never sent it because you had like a reputation in the street people like to be yeah I already had a way okay I'm saying like I already had a way before I was ready the same thing I dunno like haha move around I was already move around you know it's on another level now again another type of money but it's hang way no new cars deep gonna cook a lot of money nice and a non-fun hood I run my side yondu get my honey my BA I had that wave already before I rep since it's still so early you remember your first time getting on stage and performing yeah on it yeah like I still I'm still I still be having them finish because someone who stays on going on my first time still mm-hmm no I allowed to steal my first time blue my first time oh no oh yeah being like folk looking down oh the music but and lemon even that bad could we fit it deep your bro you know the music yeah I'm gonna throw the money so he went it really that bad I'm saying well I when I start going out of town he's still like going some little places when I went out it but unless all cuz like my dog drop mm-hmm the crowd start rocking me not to go for radio so like when I got a man happening within like three or four months after day she started becoming like fun I started you start practicing I don't even guy do the lyrics okay I'm gonna do it exactly so I start helping me nothing buddy I miss around right start doing stuff like going on tour can be rough mm-hmm what a crowd don't know the music no no I really got her rock the stage versus a clue well they paid to see me well I'm going with somebody else where they kind of paid to see somebody else mm-hmm but um I'm staying you time I went over to audience and me those two different like I'm used to lying in the club right what a rocky me so now I got a rock crowd right now I got it all both how competitive is it at a QC it ain't competitive it out no competition cuz Bremen a kind of helping each other to that's where we are brothers though I'm sounds go to the studio together not aim you know II know composition though like I got out do them but they got it mmm no now you've tweeted out of you [ __ ] get rich then come back to the hood backwards it's about explaining that a little bit like you'd be lying on firm such a search then when they give me they go back right doesn't like my interview right I could be any rapper and what's my hood yesterday and passed out rebars they're gonna love me passing out shoes but even in like an interview ain't evil around and camera light I'll let them pass out as soon as I ain't gotta be on cameras pass I do this on a regular with my own money nothing like they know me when I pull up you know like that's a wrap of Steel though they love me to jump like but it's still a baby like I know him not not like I know that's the rebel little baby I know him from being around you like Versys I just became a big rapper so basically you should have been you should have been touching your hood yeah yeah when it was look you can about when learning your passion yeah you know it kind of growth too sometimes people don't even think about that but when they do when you get now you need to support you need it on your back right now don't be trying to pull up right yeah yeah it's also not the mentality to like when you're still struggling yourself to sometimes like you think about one kid in some shoes one I struggle with it mmm that's why I promote finding struggle with is that I wouldn't be promoting I know I just be you know I just be seeing a lot of it right and especially in Atlanta cuz I'm from Madonna like rain you went over there I've been over the night no you got the gang with you everybody but you went over I know it's like no I'm saying that people some people know what on between about [ __ ] but you know y'all I say money don't change you it just multiplies whatever you are so if you was already doing stuff for the hood when you what then you didn't have it when you get it you're gonna continue to do stuff with a hood I always wondered about that in Atlanta though because it's like all y'all getting money but y'all really firming you know the other thing you to make money you didn't move somewhere else but Java now but I promote that too though the objective is to get away from me mmm-hmm now I got the money and she like I'm still kind of slicked back was a little bit too though I'm saying like the objective is to get the money and get away from her I still found my cell i killing in the hood sometimes it's like backwards but that's my objective to get away from her I gotta chill to help him I gotta cheer to help them out like come through over the rebar get everybody into this i none of my business to do instead of chillin oh just sitting on the block you think I got too much going on right now but that should be kind of Harley that's how you know the person Hey so what would you tell the young uns coming up man so if they said they don't make the same mistakes you did as far as like jail and just getting right to the do what they need to be getting to my life is real sad cuz it's a lot of love a lot of young kids like kinda you know got it all I hang around young cats all day and they all understand like the five years from now or two years from now look this much they dishonor for now like life's real in this future I think if you want to fish mm-hmm that's only if you put any I think you mean Oh ain't no J think about if we do this right now I'm thinking about what's going on after we do it don't you talking about that absolutely all right well little baby yeah drop out your pocket it's falling out anyway this going to let it fall Charlamagne Friday right little babies to breakfast slow good morning [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 2,617,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, lil baby
Id: 9s0KmG1a5ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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