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Channel: Darren Pearson
Views: 224,177
Rating: 4.9812732 out of 5
Keywords: light art, light painting, lightspeed2015, led, Technology (Industry), Fine Art (Industry), Stop Motion (TV Genre), Animal (Film Genre), Animation (TV Genre), Photography (Visual Art Form), Speed Of Light (Unit Of Speed), Physics (Field Of Study)
Id: lfTPxdrB5uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 20 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Any link or source on how this was done?
reminds me of that old
heavy heavy low lowthe number twelve looks like you it is >>>
Holy fricken wow.
That was amazing. I can see a slight silute of the guy, I think he is using led lights. The detail in the animals is insane.
Dam, this is lightyears above other light paintings I've have seen.
Here's a quick primer on how it's done.
Check out the his lightpainting page for several more cool examples.
This was beautiful. Wish I had the talent and patience.
guy has dyslexia. this is amazing though
Drugs are a powerful thing.