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I guarantee you guys have never seen fireworks as big as the ones we're gonna do in this video you can truly see just how large these fireworks actually are when I'm crouching next to them and if that wasn't good enough for you take a look at one of these tubes next to my tire and in this video we're going to be setting off all six of the nation's largest fireworks on the consumer market now this right here is a pack of canister shells but not just any cans these things are seven inches long and they have a and 20 grams of break in them next up is this firework here which actually goes up into the air and breaks in the shape of a heart now how cool is that so this thing is a massive nine shot two and a half inch diameter heartbreaking cake and this one here is so large the fireworks store owner told us to brace this before lighting and I'm sure these ones here are the ones you're most excited to see including myself as you can see there's an extra long fuse on here and I think there's even one on this side yeah it's more towards the back though these are not just any Black Cat Fireworks these three in particular are the biggest and baddest fireworks that you can get on the consumer Market in single shot form now I don't think there's just one shot in these I think there's actually a ton of them but just keep in mind there's two versions of these there's ones with the exposed top that you'll find at normal fireworks stores and then the one we went to you got to go to the back to get them so that's where we got these so yeah it ain't gonna be no eight quad breaks it's going to be something way way crazier than that on all three of these and these things were 150 dollars a piece so they better be as good as the fireworks store owner said they were going to be also he did say it wouldn't be a bad idea to put some bricks on either side but I don't think they're going to tip over and we might even just do that later on for safety as well now guys I know that all of this sounds extremely crazy right but the thing is these are all still consumer fireworks they fall under the 1.4 G category which means they are 100 percent legal to use and purchase and they do not exceed 500 grams of pyrotechnic powder so yes when we're lighting these large Fireworks off we're going to be safe about it and now the only thing left to do before we light them off is wait for that sun to go down I think I am going to put two camera angles per item tonight just because I can't wait to see how crazy these fireworks are actually going to be and I guess uh technically it's not just six of them because don't forget in our little sleeve of canister shells here we also have six seven inch shelves so we've got lots and lots of large caliber fireworks tonight and I just cannot even wait all right so we're going to go ahead and start with this one as you can see we have a bunch of logs around it that thing ain't tipping over foreign wow oh I can't believe that thing worked look at these three huge Willows right here next up we're going to do the 2.5 inch in diameter heart-shaped cake all right let's see if we can see some hearts sideways sideways whoa that was a good one we got like three or four good ones in there so we're gonna go ahead and start loading up these seven inch 120 cans into this mortar tube they're going to go up in the air and create a really loud bang here we go [Laughter] Garrison you like canister shawls what was that on a scale from one to ten oh that's got to be a ten by far the best shell I have shot since we've shot death shells and that's been years we got another one going up foreign [Laughter] jeez yeah they got a thump shawl number four oh my God it's incredible unfortunately we only have one more after this [Laughter] what was that this is our last big boy 120 show wish we had more free so at the time this show was one of the gold standard shells for just a regular consumer can this was about as good as you got so we figured why not we're gonna throw up one of these classic canister shells and boy do I have a treat for you guys so Garrison just pulled this out of the cabinet um this is a Dutch Shell from like 2018 or 19 and this is the original run version of the Dust shells as you can see the bloody handprint there's no number on the shell these things I thought would be really cool to see the difference between these and the 120s that we've been firing because as you guys know there's nothing that comes close to dust shells even on a consumer market so I can't wait to see if the other shells are better okay for comparison this is a regular canister shell still very nice and now just for old time's sake let's compare those shells next to a death shell 120s are louder I can tell you already [Laughter] so I wasn't sure which one to start with but I think we're going to start with the purple one and as you can see we've got that thing pinned down to the ground there's no way it's going to tip over so guys I have no idea what this giant purple tube whoa oh so that's what it does I don't know how we're gonna top that purple one is this thing going to be even bigger there's only one way to find out this one looks like it has a pretty long fuse on it so I don't know if it's going to be quite as cool as that last one but I guess we'll find out [Music] [Laughter] oh that would have been cool if they did them all at the same time well these things were certainly a lot of fun but we've only got one left and it just so happens to be the biggest one in the lineup so I can't wait to see what this Quad Power by Black Cat Fireworks does one's gonna take forever just like the last one and this is definitely going to surprise us so this fuse is like really long and this happened on the last one we lit too so I don't know we might be standing here for a little while oh wow look at this there's a bunch of willows in that thing guys just look at the loadout on that last one and I had a lot of fun lighting these huge fireworks off if you want us to do more extremely large and ridiculous fireworks please let me know and we will do it again
Channel: CodyBPyrotechnics
Views: 153,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6ZFYV8pe3fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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