How to Get Fireworks for FREE!

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look at all of those free fireworks oh my goodness free fireworks are the best oh I just found a couple bottle rockets just lying in the parking lot all right everyone now if you are wondering how you can get fireworks for 100 free just like you see in this bag I know it's kind of hard to show then go ahead and follow me over to the lighting area that is right everyone sometimes if you get lucky enough you can look on the ground for fireworks that have not even been lit off now tell you what Roman candles are one of the lowest probability that you can find that haven't gone remembering to always check the boxes inside and make sure nothing is left oh I am liking the stash over here okay so there are a lot of Roman candles but I don't think that any of these have not already gone there we go everyone our first free firework look at that it is a moon traveling bottle rocket I'll go ahead and add that to the bag oh now I'm curious about this box in the corner and guys we have just found the jackpot look at that guy some smoke balls that have not even gone but mine I am finding another free firework this one is called monkey drive and this is a great novelty item that did not cost me a penny and I will go ahead and add that to my bag always gotta check all the boxes to make sure nothing is in them oh have we just found some firecrackers and these have not even gone these are like two dollars and fifty cents right here we completely do not even need to spend oh my goodness free fireworks are the best no way am I just getting extremely lucky or what guys there are more black cat fire crackers that have not even gone wow that is so amazing no way how is this possible and there is another one I don't I do not know if somebody's trying to like leave these here for me to send me a message or something but that is amazing either way 400 firecrackers for completely free and of course there is another one and I I do not even know what to make of this I guess people really just do become careless and deprived of fireworks over time and they just leave them all over the ground everywhere I've done this every single year here at boom City and that is by far the most fireworks I have ever found well we've got a homemade M80 that failed lovely let's go ahead and see what is over here now there is a lot of firecracker tissue all over the ground as you guys can see and there is another black cat I think this is like the seventh one that I have found and I do not know what is happening I promise guys I am not rigging this just come to the lighting area and find these wow that is so crazy what is going on another one how is this even possible I'm curious about these three Roman candles sticking up over here oh and it does appear to have gone but you can never let that bring you down as I was looking at this little Ash Mount right here of compost I found these little tiny lady crackers right here that's right these are firecrackers as a matter of fact everyone they are pretty defective looking these firecrackers right here have seen better days we will go ahead and add them to the stash and try to recover them nonetheless now just for looking for around 10 minutes guys this bag right here is heavy of free fireworks I'm also liking what I'm seeing over here as well I'd be amazed if any kicks were already lit now sometimes people do leave fireworks in bags so let's go ahead and check this one oh nothing in there sadly I think these right here are some free bottle rockets and there is as a matter of fact two bottle rockets in total wow there is some cardboard right here that is just burning away out in the really hot sun yes guys it is very very very hot here at boom City okay everyone so we are at the lighting area at boom City and we are going to look for some fireworks that have not been lit off and possibly even some bottle rockets that's right look at that there is one right there oh yes that's a store oh no wait is that a punk I believe I have just found a free Punk oh what is that over there no way an entire sparkler Now you kind of have to look around and remember not all of these fireworks are going to be in perfect condition if you find any but lo and behold guys nothing beats free no way guys we have just scored a ton of bottle rockets right here I do believe they say they are by Venom and uh there is nothing like free fireworks and guys look at that I'm going to have to cherry pick all of these bottle rockets right here because there are so many of them there's another one right there and right there look at all of those free fireworks there's some up here as well but they're kind of dirty oh yes look at all of those Free bottle rockets I'm getting a lot of free fireworks and yeah everyone I'm not really sure whose this is right here but it is a steal of free bottle rockets I guess some people just get bored of lighting fireworks off look at all of those Free bottle rocket fireworks we found yes guys look at that there is one of these little fish fireworks this one is called goldfish and it looks like it is ready to be lit oh I just found a couple bottle rockets just lying in the parking lot at boom City all right guys now here we are in a sweet beautiful peaceful forest and let's go ahead and look over all of these fireworks that we got for completely free that is right everyone all these fireworks that you see right here were on the ground at boom City now let me go ahead and count up just how many of these firecracker strips I got right here guys this is phenomenal as you have to remember that with inflation this stuff right here could have been in excess of sixty dollars check that out there is just so many of them I don't even know who left these there right here we have almost every single type of bottle rocket that we found lying on the ground along with a couple more right there we also found this pack of Snappers as well as two of the novelty items right here this one is called goldfish and we've also got monkey drive all right guys now here are all of the fireworks laid out as you can see we've got the black cat firecracker strips right here laid out from the worst damaged condition of packaging all the way to the greatest now what was amazing is all of these right here are in fact almost the same quality and that is right everyone these contain all of the firecrackers in them perfectly just like so and that doesn't go without saying that we found other little firecrackers here which are the individual white fused ones that you probably shouldn't like unless you have an extra fuse you want to tie to them along with some bottle rockets that we have also found right here and guys there is just nothing like free fireworks especially when they are free bottle rockets because these are one of my favorite fireworks of all time of course there was a free smoke ball that we found out there that hadn't even been lit a spinner and a box of Snappers even though some of these fireworks guys may not work up to brand new condition it definitely doesn't go without saying that nothing beats free and even with inflation all the stuff right here that we managed to find out in the lighting area could have been in excess of sixty dollars or more with inflation I know that seems like a lot but there are some stand owners that would charge that so at a minimum even if we saved ourselves 20 bucks to just go find all of the stuff right here it is still far better than nothing well I hope that helps some of you guys out into getting some free fireworks for the 4th of July it may come with a disclaimer that some of the fireworks may not perform and I will see all of you next time enjoy the nice hot summer out there everyone and be sure guys that you are in fact drinking enough water
Channel: CipherCraft
Views: 814,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firecracker, huge firecracker, firecrackers, petarda, petardy, vuurwerk, fuerwerk, m80, polenböller, 4th of july, 4th of july fireworks, legal fireworks, firework, fireworks, bottle rocket, bottle rocket fireworks, firecracker strip, free fireworks, boom city, lighting area, firework lighting area, firework lighting, best fireworks, cheap fireworks, consumer fireworks, 4th of july firework, cheap firework, old fireworks, broken firework, old firework, best firework, black cat
Id: XSh9UkXwoHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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