Lightform Tutorial 1: Getting Started with the LF2

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hi this is Eva from playable agency here with light form backgrounds today we're going to take a look at the light form lf2 using light art on top of art to make backgrounds on top of a painting by christina McAllister first let's start with unboxing the LF to the LF to is an all-in-one unit with projector and light scanning capability in one on the back you'll see HDMI and USB inputs as well as where the power cord is plugged in go to light form comm slash go to make sure you are paired with your light form and begin scanning to get a great scan you're gonna want to light it up well using a mix of overhead and natural light and watch for glare the structured light scan will take a few minutes you'll see that the scan is capturing both the distance and the objects in front of the projector by being paired to your computer you can then paint with light using your light form here's a bit of how that works you want to select shapes within your scene and give them different effects effects can be generative that can include text images video or built in generative effects you'll find inside your light form creator tool try rounded objects organic objects like flowers and adding layers and then make sure your light firm is plugged in with HDMI to publish directly to the device this way you can see your results add layers or try adding more slides for animated effects here's the light form creator and how those layers work try publishing fairly regularly to test different effects on top of your scene each object can be selected separately and you can add layers including color generative effects video in opaque or transparent layers you can also hide the layers so that you can see your work as you're selecting after you've selected check the library for a wide variety of effects and assets or upload your own to try new types of effects together when you're done move those layers around you can turn up and down the tolerance in order to have less dots there on this screen and see your new layer is then added with a new effect and here's what that looks like save and publish your work and then you're ready to go live the light form does not need to be plugged into your USB or HDMI after you've uploaded your designs it does however need to be plugged in to a power outlet so this scene is about a dozen layers including the generative effects on the frame and many different video effects but you can also try different layering and glitch and edging effects to give it a different look altogether this was for at night club dance scene including a game show that was run on soon so to put this as part of our scene background in this case we did live zoom where you see Scott and Evo direct with the zoom backgrounds light form in this case is projecting directly onto aspects of the background scene subscribe to playable agency for more tutorials like this one we want to hear your thoughts so go ahead and reach out to me anytime if you need to remember my name it's right there on my back I don't know if you can see that Evo hit us up the playable agency
Channel: Light Lodges
Views: 10,287
Rating: 4.0886078 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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