Lightbulbs, Multiplication, and More!

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hey Bing dongers it's your boy Mike dog here to take you on a journey through the internet first stop pickle cat that's right it's a cat in outer space with some pickles and the cat follows your mouse cursor wherever it goes it's kind of what life is about right it is a great example of a dog something you can do online now guys okay first up I am performing right now a camera is on me I'm being recorded hopefully I don't die it's happened before Wikipedia has an entire list of entertainers who died during a performance it's not a fun read it's a spooky read in some ways which is great for this month but really I want to talk about modular multiplication around a circle now if you get the curiosity box you saw the shirt that we built where a circle is surrounded by numbers and the numbers are connected to the products of themselves multiplied by some other number of cool shapes are made a couple of fans created great web sites where you can actually interact with the map here's how you use this under number of points I'm gonna put in let's say 100 perfect the multiplier let's make the multiplier - ooh we get a nice little butt shape others might call this a heart shape mathematicians call it a cardioid what is happening here will be clearer if I make the number of points smaller I'm gonna make it 20 okay perfect the number 20 corresponds to the number of points around the circle these red dots the multiplier tells us what number we multiply each points number by that it gets connected to so for instance here is point number 1 and 1 times 2 is 2 so it is connected to point number 2 2 times 2 is 4 so it is connected by a line that passes over 3 and goes straight to 4 4 times 2 is 8 so 4 is connected to 5 6 7 8 and so on around and around and around the more points we add and let me just speed this up I'm going to put in like 300 oh that's a cardioid if I multiply by three what do I get but eh oh it looks like an F Freud named after the kidney what if I make a four multiplier oh yeah that is very nice mathematics but let's say you don't like clicking little arrows like this well someone submitted a slider version on Twitter and it is just beautiful here we've got 200 points around the circle each one multiplied by two but we can change a number of points just by moving this slider oh that's pretty cool all right let's go back down to like okay 153 notice all the cool patterns that emerge some of which guru nice little spiral there I love that that's an even better spiral what's really cool is that I can actually give this a slow speed here and animate it and it'll move through different multipliers yeah we're approaching fifty four fifty five very cool very cool I love what you guys have created but it's a time now for something a little bit more important Snoop Dogg is turning 46 years old on October 20th of this year this photo comes from my Instagram electric pants I've taken a few pictures from my Instagram I'm gonna be submitting them to a color space analyzer now you may have seen this on reddit just about three days ago a users submitted a whole bunch of RGB scatter plots of colors as used in famous paintings here's starry night and as you can see these dots represent little chunks of the painting averaged to their average color and then spread out across a 3d plot of red value green value and blue value so up here in this corner we've got white and down here we've got what we perceive as black all these famous paintings have been analyzed and you could really get an interesting of how color was used and here's the thing though is RGB really the best well many people on reddit were saying that lab color would be better but look just put into your own hands there's a website where you can actually upload any image that you want and it will do just this to that picture here's some for my Instagram let's grab this picture of me and angle and then I will click mmm beautiful you can see the oranges from ink but there's a lot of dark colors in that I can change the color space to lab and see what I get ooh now the lab color space is much better at replicating human vision the way we actually perceive colors it's called lab because of the three axes here we've got L star which is lightness as you can see along this axis we go from dirty dark colors to very diffusely white colors a star is our red to green you can see that going right here the more red colors are here and they become more green as we move this way B star is blue to yellow so the bluer tones are down here and the more yellow something is the higher it is up here so you can try uploading any picture you want let's cool how about this one there's a lot of darkness in this one oh yeah you can change of course the number of points that you're drawing from the picture that can also change the dot size how about I make the dots really super chunky with all big balls beautiful beautiful all right now hmm no discussion of color and light is complete without a discussion of light bulbs this light bulb was taken from the sauce lounge that we have here in the office if we ever needed to replace one of these bulbs how the heck would we do it there's there's like no marking on this bulb I think there's some information about the voltage and the fact that it was made in China but you'd probably have to just take it to a hardware store and try to match it to things at least that's what I would do until now what's that bulb calm allows you to submit a photograph of a light bulb take it against a plain background and then its neural network will try to determine what kind of bulb it is let's do that okay it's beautiful okay now I'll submit that to the site and see what it tells me while it loads I'll remind you that the photos but this is one of the worst possible guesses it could have made so it thinks I uploaded an Edison shaped bulb our bulb is decidedly more of a ball [Music] next we have Venom's disc benhams disc is one of my favorite illusions predominantly because we still understand so little about how it works notice that the disc is just black and white but if you start spinning the disc really quickly you might see some color you ready the effect isn't really dramatic but you might notice that in the middle you see rings that are a bit maybe olive colored or brown we don't know where the color comes from there's no color in this image what we do know is that it's a great way to look at different disorders of the eye benhams discs love it I also love our home this is a photograph of Earth and a moon taken just last month I believe it was the 25th of September this is literally Earth on that day and the moon at their real distance apart about 400,000 kilometers it was taken by nav cam one on osiris-rex and that spacecraft was about a million kilometres away from both the earth and the moon this is how they look in space they're quite far apart but yet so beautiful and so alone in a sea of black it was just great here's another photograph one that you've probably seen before migrant mother a photograph taken a 1936 fight Dorothea Lange it's a photograph of a mother Florence Owens Thompson it was taken in California and it is an iconic representation of the Great Depression in the United States I'm sure you've seen this many times in your life you will probably see it again but the next time you find it take a look at the ghost thumb that's right down here there's some sort of semi-transparent digit let's zoom in love it okay I'm gonna find the thumb here while I'm zoomed in oh yeah talk about spooky Halloween things whose thumb is that is it some kind of Specter or haunting ghost it just belongs to Florence herself you see she's holding the flap of the tent open and the photographer and the publishers of the photograph didn't really like the thumb there but the Library of Congress has the original picture here it is and there's that thumb and all of its glory let's zoom in shall we boom boom boom yeah not so ghostly now is it I just love that there are famous photographs of things that are only famous in their edited forms the original forms are it's like an actual piece of reality the actual photons that hit her and her thumb hitting the film all preserved not changed not altered real history now let's play a game this one's called phonetics you essentially need to spell whatever words you can find out of a grid of two letter squares I'm a little nervous to play this on camera because I might freak out and get too nervous not be able to spell any words but let's try it's a fun challenge you can really feel that it's working your brain okay play I am seeing the word seer okay like searing a steak good it was only worth 20 points you get points for being fast and for getting a longer word let's move on to the next one okay now in this next puzzle whoops click here to continue all right in this next puzzle oh I'm already seeing flower I like that nice and long I got it quickly a hundred and fifty points dude alright now here I'm seeing a bad word so I'm not gonna play that one Oh Valley no not Valley that doesn't work wait bow bow valley oh it worked hundred points right there now I feel like this gets harder the longer you play foil good I'm just gonna take them because I really don't want to run at a time that means your game is over we're looking at stock stocks nice hundred points for that big one let's do uh clouds dude I am kind of rocking this not gonna lie poop true trial trip m-move Oh spoke too soon purple purple there it is man I might not lose you might just be watching me play this forever put great grip Floris see your sees that's a word all right look point is I'm a genius at this game and I'll never lose let's move on to our final dog of the day how to waste your time calm all you have to do is click this button right here start wasting time and now the site records how much time you have wasted I'm up to 9 seconds already 10 11 wasting time is actually a very important thing just let it waste away just feel what it feels like to move through time to be still in space but to be flying through time aging what does it feel like motion I have now wasted three minutes and 13 14 15 seconds it's time to stop wasting my time and get real if you like Vsauce and if you like dong you'll probably like the sponsor of today's episode brilliant dot-org it's actually really really cool it's full of challenging problems that you learn by solving we've got probability joy of problem solving physics of everyday I'm gonna choose outside the box geometry we've got everything from the abstract mathematics of origami 3d shapes mastering triangles I think I'm ready for that I'm gonna do a regular polygons by solving these problems you learn terms you learn concepts and you also get to feel really smart as you learn things which of the following is an irregular polygon well let's see I'm thinking the answers be polygons cannot have any holes Wow I mean I'm kind of embarrassed that I didn't know that fact about polygons but I learned something on my very first try let's keep going I'm gonna say that it's probably to correct makes me feel a little better oh I got started a one day streak all right I'm gonna keep playing this but if you want to learn more go to brilliant org slash dong thank you for supporting dong thank you for supporting vsauce and as always thanks for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: D!NG
Views: 1,033,025
Rating: 4.9210587 out of 5
Keywords: lut, vsauce, vsauce2, vsauce3, michael stevens, kevin lieber, jake roper, ding, d!ng, dingsauce
Id: eXUUClgd-Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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