Light Sabers Star Wars New Hope & Force Awakens
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: BertMartinez. Com
Views: 93,270
Rating: 4.2622952 out of 5
Keywords: Bert Martinez, Beverly Hills Pawn, Star Wars, lightsabers, Rogue one, force awakens, The Last Jedi, Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Return of the Jedi, R2D2, c3po, Star Wars Theory, clone wars, darth vader, anakin skywalker, lightsabers in real life, lightsabers duel, lukes lightsaber, Star Wars New Hope, darth vader lightsaber, darth vader lightsaber sound, jedi, rey, kylo ren, mace windu, the last jedi saber
Id: 2lN6-u6h6j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 03 2014
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