Lifter Release Trick Collapsed Lifter AFM DOD GM Chevrolet Lifter Noise, Engine Rattle

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today I'm Chris befores repair we are gonna show you guys a trick for that pesky collapsed lifter this is a trick that I have covered before however this video is gonna be a little bit different because it is a updated version of the video if this system has very high failure rate and I'm gonna go ahead and get over the trick for how to release it how to check it if you're curious I'm also going to go over how to do the relay starter trick to turn the motor over so you can quicker diagnose and figure out what the situation is so stay tuned [Music] [Music] with that if any of you have this era of GM truck it is technically started in 2005 and specific vehicles such as the Trailblazer Rainier Impala SS basically any GM vehicle non truck not Yukon or Silverado things like that it started in that era you know in 2005 on very specific models or a very specific time until oh seven in oh seven was the very large release of this displacement on am and active fuel management type system let's go ahead and show you guys in the ash board what's the load for so on these vehicles when you have the thing running you're gonna have an engine light on you're gonna have this little squiggly thing as Stabilitrak all that's gonna pop up on you it'll say Stabilitrak or something of that nature if you have one of the center displays you'll have a big Stabilitrak pop up that issue there that that scenario of things that pops up often comes with a pretty horrible noise if you have this failure now there are several types of failures with these systems the one most common number one most common one is by far a collapsed lifter that's tucked collapsed that is what I have right here and I'm going to release and show the best techniques that I have learned thus far on how to release it diagnosing it look for a mess but if you have if you have a code reader great find out what the codes are you're gonna have a p zero three zero whatever cylinder is misfiring now the dod cylinders up until 15 for sure and I'm pretty sure later although I heard rumor that GM's talking about doing all eight cylinders as far as having D I have not verified I have not looked into it but that's okay because the ones with the problem right now are gonna be cylinders one four six and seven so if you have a three zero one code that's cylinder one misfire that's the cylinder you're gonna chase after you if you have a 300 code that is a random misfire just straight up P zero three zero zero that's called a random misfire that one it could still be the system the computer just has not detected what cylinder it is yet but it may or may not be related you'll have to try and do the judgment there you'll have to diagnose and figure that out I'll go ahead and throw a link for one of my diagnostic videos up here as far as doing a running compression test because you know there's two different compression tests you can do one is cranky and one is running the running one you can do while the vehicle is running you can actually pull plug disconnect the coil make sure it's not gonna spark fire the vehicle up bleed off the pressure and the running compression test actually tells you a lot more as far as the system goes than anything so the static test which is what everybody knows for a compression test will tell you if it has any cylinder pressure at all it'll at least tell you the Pistons moving but depending on where the piston lands the the reading will be differently if the lifter collapses after cranking it if the lifter is only collapsing after cranking it it's getting fed oil and that's because of what's called a vom or because the lifter has rotated I have a couple scenarios where that happened I'll go ahead and throw a clip up here one that has rotated I'll show you a quick bit of one of my old video here is the good lifter you can see I can't really turn that okay that's the way it's supposed to be it's locked into place but this one here it's free it was actually 180 on so on that video you saw that the the lifter was rotating in the guide and that plastic guide can fail and rotate and then it'll pressurize the lifter and it causes a lot of damage it'll take out the cam it will do all kinds of things that's one of the failures but the collapse lifters they'll be different so you know it's generally almost always the intake valve I had one person claim they have the exhaust valve but as far as I'm concerned it's always the intake valve that fails we're gonna pull we're gonna pull valve covers off that's one of the things that you're gonna do once you know what cylinder it is pull the valve cover off and take a look so you can see over here we have the valve cover off obviously but I still have the injectors connected no reason to connect those at the moment and these two are cylinder four and those two are cylinder six now the one that has the problem on this one is this guy right here and that's gonna be in at the intake valve and you can see that this thing is very very loose and if you have that you have a collapsed lifter one that's permanently collapsed in the position is in right now and the reason those end up collapse like that is from a neuro lean effect for those of you who don't know what neuro mean is basically its expansion of metal to create a tightness so inside the lifter there's a shelf that actually gets beat up by these two little paws we'll go grab a lifter now no let you see so you can see I have a lifter right here and this is the system basically a stripped-down version of it you can see I shelled this thing out so right here is where the little paws sit let's parse it inside there and this sits in its normal operating position just like that and you can see that paw would sit inside this channel here and so that channel is what whacks it in place the problem is sometimes these little paws will get damaged to the point of where they create a ramping effect so that's why this one's cut apart in specific because this one was a ramp effect one and I'll explain that in a minute but for the ones that are locked up the reason they lock up you see this little beat-up spot right there so that little beat-up spot right there on this one it's a ramp but on a lot of them what it does instead of creating a ramp it'll actually create a spot that's popped out so the metal will actually be squished out and as you can imagine if the metal is squished out this way it's gonna sit tighter against here and this board surface is actually going to become a clamp for it so as it goes down it'll get stuck and what you're gonna be doing with my trick has given this thing a nice little smacky with a special tool that I make and that is available on my website but this special tool is actually what's gonna be saving your skin here so that special tool it creates a shock in the metal expanding it and moving it in a way that allows us to have just enough time because there's this heavy-duty spring that's pulling up on this guy it gives it just enough time for it to come up now normally when you give it that shock it's gonna come up like that it's actually gonna go past the point of the slot so this lock will now still be in the squished down mode which is what the oil pressure does is squish it down and when it's in that position you still need to take and go from this end and tap it down until it locks so I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys how to turn this motor over and check a couple things quick and then we'll go ahead and we'll start doing the process of releasing one of these to show you how to hit it how to start off hitting and how to just go through the general process getting that thing to release now if you have one that isn't loose so say for instance you have one that's still tight against that rocker but it's not spun it's not common it's not oil pressure taking it out it might actually be like the one that I just showed you guys where it's causing a ramp effect so that little paw that I was telling you about this one has a beat-up edge that's creating a like a 45 degree cuts in it and then the Shelf also has that 45 degree cut well as you can imagine when those two 45s come into contact all it does is just go past it so the locks don't work any longer if you have a situation where the locks don't work the lifters gonna need a replacement unfortunately there's nothing you can do to prevent that and you'll know if that's the case if you take the rocker loose and work it and I'll show you that real quick now these things are really tight their torque 222 foot-pounds so it takes quite a bit to get them loose okay so you can see this is the rocker I took it lose just a little bit now I'm just gonna pull straight up on it give you an idea see how it's just got a little bit of slop there that would be enough to actually give some gift now you can go a little bit more if you have to and what you're doing here is you're trying to get that lifter to go up into the lock position just in case it's filled up with oil to the point of where it can't quite get into the lock engagement I don't know if that's actually possible to happen it's just a hypothetical in my mind so I pull it up like that and then when they fail the way I was just explaining what will happen is you'll be able to either if you're strong enough to grab this and just kind of force it to move and it'll move but it'll still be tight but if you're not strong enough you could put a screwdriver under here you're not gonna wreck anything either it's just gonna push the spring down if I pushes the spring down you're fine but if it pushes this up then it's not locked into position and if it still does that when this is loose like this then it's not gonna work for you it's not gonna it's not gonna pan out you're not gonna be able to release it and you will need a lifter so there's that now I'm gonna go ahead and pull this up so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pull the plan on then take the alternator all that jazz off of here and I'll bring you guys right back when I get all that stuff off if you want to know how to get that stuff up perhaps go to one of my previous videos I'll throw a link up in the corner here and you guys can see me pulling the intake kind of quickly and going through that process but otherwise I'm gonna skip that on this video because I want to get as much information in as possible so with that you'll be right back I totally forgot so when it comes to checking that valve train if it's in the position where it's actually got lift on the rockers that you're trying to check for the cylinder that you're trying to check in you need to turn the motor over you can either use a 24 millisecond with a ratchet on the end of the crank it'll work perfectly fine you just turn it over slow until you give it the position you want or you can jump starter relay which is actually really easy to do and in fact I'm gonna show you quick because it's something that I've been asked a lot on my channel to show all you need to do it is a basica jumper four terminals that are you know EI wide this is like a medium sized terminal it's not large it's not small just a medium sized terminal these jumpers are really easy to create and if you don't have any yet go ahead and make a nice set with nice heat shrink tubing like I have here it'll come in handy for you quite often if you're working on cars a lot okay so obviously look at the fuse panel first you got to figure out where you're at I know this just by heart but the starter relay is right here and it's the same on both diesel and the gas so you can see this is a diesel up here gas here and obviously you're working on a gas if you're watching this video for learning the starter relay is right there now we lay this like this and we compare it we can see the starter relay is gonna be this one right here so we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and pull the starter relay out and then over here on the side of the relay there's a diagram and on that diagram tells you what pins you need to do and it's gonna be 87 and 30 so it looks like a big switch and the one that gets pulled to it when the magnetic field is applied that one which is 87 and 30 is the one you want to do is so 87 and 30 are right here so if we take this and we put it down there like we're gonna put the relay and look at it we're gonna see that it's this corner here in this corner here so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna just put one end for now and then I'm gonna get this one ready and when I put this in there it's gonna jumper it and allow the starter to crank over this thing happens they have a dead battery so it didn't really crank over but you can hear that the starter engaged and tried to move so that is the basics of cranking it over now that comes in handy for doing compression tests doing valvetrain checking you know basically looking everything all so I'll be right back again this time with the intake actually off since I forgot what I did originally alright once you have the intake off there's gonna be a bunch of dirt and debris in here I'm on a vacuum cleaner I already pre clean the dirt and debride but then after the fact that took a nice I cleaned off the intake area here where the intake goes up to it now you can see I didn't clean this one completely there's a bunch of dirt here highly recommended tool is a super scraper I'll go ahead and throw a link in the description below but all I'm doing is I'm taking the super scraper and dragging it down and cleaning it up so you can see it just real nice and easy cleans it off there and then your best friend is gonna be this vacuum cleaner that you can take and turn on and suck up all the debris so I'll go ahead and do that real quick in a fast forward fashion and now that I've done that we have it somewhat clean now if you want you can clean out where these head bolts are but I guess I don't mess with it unless I'm actually doing this under head necessarily sometimes I clean it sometimes they're doing I don't know it doesn't really matter one thing that you want to do before you just go cracking these bolts loose is actually check them so one of the most common things that cause failures on these systems for the lifter clamps since these bolts are loose so you'll still have good oil pressure loyal oil pressure is the source of the problem basically but if you still have good oil pressure but your system failed there's a good possibility that instead of the screen being plugged there which is one of the failures that's probably the number one failure or lack of oil changes plugs that screen but if that screen isn't plugging you still getting good oil pressure but it drops down when it goes in the four-cylinder mode these passages so there's gonna be two where these little humps are there's gonna be two ports and I'll show you that in a minute under each one and they're probably leaking so what happens is these bolts are loose from the factory it appears especially in the previous you know the first generation of models oh seven oh eight they're real heavily problematic especially oh seven and then an old in tenth Wow in 2010 they were also pretty problematic too and what I figure because of what happens is all the bolts are loose except for those that to buy this oil center I'm thinking the main drive gear for the mechanism that assembles us that comes down tightens all these bolts it tightens up at the same time and the main drive motor is on that end of the mechanism and these gears are worn out that that drive all this area and these don't get torqued down as well so we're gonna see today if these ones are loose but all you got to do nope there you go see look at that that one's loose they just try and turn it by hand that one's loose look at that they're all loose now watch I'll get to those two and they'll be tight oh ah this one's a little tight at least not hand loose usually they tighten up towards the back here's one that's hand loose that one's tight hitch okay so now we'll go ahead and take the ratchet and we'll see how loose the leftovers are now these two are probably pretty loose and see I'm not holding it very tight obviously oh this one's tight that's rare usually it's not like that hey kind of did this one is kinda it's definitely not no 18 foot-pounds now it's barely and so this one's a little unusual usually I get to those back too and those who are much tighter than any of the rest this one was probably the tightest one on this one so I don't know maybe they change the mechanism mid-year or something but this is actually a 2009 so I'm surprised that they were loose usually the 2009 they're fairly tight but regardless I'm gonna go ahead and pull this up you guys we'll be right back okay all the bolts are loose I'm gonna go ahead and pop this guy over here and bring it over here so you can think of look all right so this unit right here this is called a Balaam or V LOM for valley lifter oil manifold this is what controls a system some of them are bolted together like this one is and others are riveted together actually I've river two one on the other room and we're gonna be doing what's called a vom modification on this and I'll show you guys that closer to the end here see we're gonna do is go ahead and show you the lifter trick to release that lifter this is highly important though so I wanted to stress that before I go forward with the other part of it another thing on these look at this gasket here if this is not raised up this one's actually squished pretty flat so I'm gonna find a gasket to replace this one with but it might pop up as it's sitting here too so we'll see what happens a little bit later as far as that going if you do that the way that I'm gonna do it on this one I'll show you the way that allows you to drive it to a tuner to get it to and otherwise I have another source for getting a tune done if you send the computer out so consider that as well I'm gonna go ahead and get the lifter released okay so the first thing I'm gonna go ahead and do here is this rocker arm I'm gonna go ahead and take it out of the way I'm gonna leave the push rod in place but I'm gonna pull the rocker arm off so there's the rocker arm I'm gonna go ahead and inspect inside the DL this one's not worn funky now you can see the push rod is still in here well you can't see it very well here we go what's rod still in there I'm gonna bring you guys a little bit closer but before I do these tasks jiz line up perfectly with whatever one has the problem so you can see these two are over here that's because they go to this cylinder these to this cylinder so on and so forth so here's my special tool now this is available on my website link in the description below it's 25 bucks plus shipping Yatta Yatta meal fees or whatever there's also a kits available which comes with the block plug I highly suggest the kit over just the tool but if you have the inclination to get just the tool go for it now this is one of my reject tools and I'm not sending out because it's got a bunch of scoring the machining process did not go properly it got all funky but it still works fine so I'm gonna use it for myself rather than send it off to somebody else I go through several of them anyway so we're gonna drop that guy in the hole that I need to address I'm gonna go ahead and find the center so all you do is turn it now if it's high here in the wrong position if it's low you're correct so again that's the wrong position you want to make sure it's as low as possible but too low it's lined up properly if not it's it's gonna damage the lifter for sure you do not necessarily have to worry about the position of the lifter with this new tool that I made because it doesn't have a hole in the middle I used to do it out of a push rod what you could do if you have to but just keep in mind this tool is made specifically for it now it works great so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and put my hand over top right here above that that push rod because it is gonna shoot out if this lifter releases it's gonna shoot out pretty rapidly I start out with white hits and I work my way harder until I am uncomfortable and feel like I'm gonna damage anything now you don't have to use a soft brass hammer or a smaller hammer this works just fine but if you feel uncomfortable go ahead and start out with a small hammer that's fine the one thing you need to keep in mind though this block for instance is an aluminum block most of them are aluminum blocks if you're doing it on an aluminum block this is going in at a 45 degree angle and that 45 degree angle it'll cause it to kind of slide like a like a sled down a hill and it'll just kind of smoosh the block a little bit and cause a little raised area that well go against the lifter and a well potentially cause a little bit of material to end up in the motor but it's very very small aluminum and it's not gonna be anything big enough to cause an issue whatsoever it'd be lucky if the filter even filtered it out it's so small so with that I'm gonna go ahead and get started here this sure beats having a pool the heads either way for a lot of people because this is something a person can do themselves at home and a shop is gonna charge a fortune but a lot of people are too scared to pull cylinder heads and so they won't do that themselves but let's go ahead and hit this thing a little bit so I hit a light hey that time it jumped but and then jump out I'm gonna have to hold it okay it's probably just gonna go flying out I'd rather hold it than have a flip over around me one other thing you know I was doing slow little taps right one thing that you can do that sometimes works better but I've had a couple where they're really tough to release sometimes really short little rapid hits like that will actually release it better than the big wax usually the big hits work best but sometimes you have to just kind of go like that and then it'll just pop out No this tool is sliding in and out of here just great if at any point this tool gets stiff that means that you've hit it hard enough that this has now curled towards this side where it's going down that hill and it's caused enough damage that you need to try and refinish this and true it up square it up again sometimes you will have to true it up now another little note about this tool you can see the ding in there that little circle that circle is actually from the lifter there's a hole in the lifter there if you see that circle though the lifter is in the correct position for sure because that hole is supposed to line up with the hole that you're hitting at and you can see the mark there that's obviously because this metal is much softer than the lifter and I did that on purpose because I don't want to damage the lifter so yes it's steel on steel but no it will not cause damage to the lifter itself but like I said it could certainly cause damage to the bore for where the lifter rides in so one thing to keep in mind no go ahead and do it a little more [Laughter] definitely not having a very good look now you remember me commenting about the very short quick hits if you have a air hammer that's got a very very short barrel a very weak air hammer this is actually what's called a needle scaler but if you take this end off here it's got an air hammer like a mini air hammer on there I'm actually gonna use this this is an extreme scenario where it's not releasing very easy I feel like I'm having to maybe hit it a little too hard so I'm gonna go ahead and use this needle scaler air hammer portion just to go both real lightly on there yes that exact sound for those comics out there anyway so I'm gonna go ahead and just give it a light to hit and hopefully that'll shoot the thing out I would much rather hit it a lot then cause damage inside the thing because I've hit it too hard there it goes nice that was perfect I didn't have to do it very hard here's the pushrod flew right out of there so I know it's release now so I'm gonna go ahead and push right back in there there we go now the one thing I major thing I missed in my original video for this issue was the part that I'm about to do next to make sure that it stays so if you don't do this next step there is a very good possibility that this lifter will collapse right away at first startup it won't even get a chance it'll just collapse right away so my next step here does it take something stopped I'm gonna use this little mini pry bar the plastic handle on it I'm gonna put it up against that push rod right and then I'm gonna take the hammer and the lightly tap now what I should feel is actually be able to move a little bit if it came past the locks it'll move a little bit and then it'll stop come to a dead stop so I'm gonna go ahead and give it a try here there I moved a little bit now you can hear it's locked tight that's what we want so when I do that what I'm doing is I'm seating those locks into place like I had mentioned earlier now I can still feel the little sponginess of that lifter go ahead and start putting the rocker on but that sponginess of the lifter and I think it's just because the oil bled out all this time it's been sitting here Plus that one hasn't been functioning for quite some time I'm sure but that's basically locking those locks into place and that's critical because of those lots of art above when you go to start it if it starts right away and then tries to lift that lifter that lifts er comes up so fast that those locks will just go right past that here you have a lifter before they actually lock into place and it will end up causing the the system to just be collapsing because if that lifter ever collapses again it's already been damaged if it ever collapses again it's gonna be stuck collapsed again just like it was and you'll have to come back in here and do the same exact thing all over again so best thing to do is try that technique and then you're good to go I'm gonna go ahead and just thing back down here okay so you see now it's nice and tight so I'm gonna go ahead and just snug this by hand I'm not going to do the torquing it quite yet because I just want to turn the motor over and make sure it stays great where it's supposed to I didn't even tighten it much at all I just kind of lightly until it bottomed builders all I did okay so I see the exhaust valve is moving right now so I'm going to turn it over you see the exhaust valve is up on that cylinder now we're watching these here's the intake it just started to move there it goes there actually yeah it's in thing I had to make sure so now you can see it's functioning properly and this is a good verification just to go ahead and turn the thing over and make sure it happens how good twice is nice to do just to be positive so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna clean this gasket area up and then you guys will be right back we'll go ahead and do the bladder fridge and I'm also gonna put the valve cover back on here so I don't get any more dirt in there than I already have I know I saw some dust come out for this thing and land in there so try and prevent as much problems as possible torque that thing down the 22 foot bones put the cover on and then clean this up and we'll get the blahblah done so as you can see here we have the Blom itself the first thing we need to do we need to pull this oil pressure sensor off now I have a special socket for this oil pressure sending unit that I have a standard socket we can fit it I don't remember if it's the same size as what this is so I'm not anything into the size you'll just have to figure it out otherwise a crescent wrench adjustable wrench can be used this thing is super high failure rate you can see this one's actually a new one then he replaced this probably because he thought he had a little pressure but pull that guy off of there then there's a screen inside that hole that we need to push out as well so you can use the punch or even one of the old bolts and push that guy out that's usually the source of the problem the screen is not all plugged but I believe they said that they replaced it once already I'm not positive but I believe that's what they said so we're gonna go ahead and do the modification like I said that allows you to drive the vehicle to a 200 shop if that's the option you need to do in order to do that modification you need a chisel and a hammer so this is one of those videos where a hammer fixes just about everything it's pretty sad to be honest with you but your goal here has to remove this gasket material where these guys are so what you need to do take the chisel make sure it's sitting level nice sharp chisel mind you give it a light hit it'll crack it then go over to the other side give it a hit it'll crack it you should be able to pop it out fairly easily there and how that one's done for there see now you got an open hole now the reason we're doing this is to make sure that no matter what happens no pressure builds up on those oil towers whatsoever so even if the solenoid has failed and caused your issue that won't allow oil pressure to build up your goal is not to allow oil pressure oil pressure actually collapses these lifters so as long as you keep the oil pressure from accumulating you're gonna be able to have those lifters not collapse again but when you do this there's a second thing that we have to do in order to prevent from losing oil pressure when it tries turning it on and prevent it from losing oil pressure if for instance one of these solenoids was stuck in the opens of the open position where it's a while and fluid through you also need a way to prevent that oil from getting to that so I'll show you that in a minute here as well alright so now we're to the point of putting the Guam plug in so you can see I have this little sleeve here now I machine these out of steel and it starts out it's like a plastic insert it's it's made this way sort of but it's not the correct size so what I have to do is I have to machine it to make it the correct size so now that the screen is out the center is out I can go ahead and install this now when installing this we have to make sure it's in the correct position we want to make sure this slot is not at all in line with the oil port that's in here now there's a hole in the side of here that goes towards this passage here so as long as you aim that slot that direction you'll be good to go so I'm going to drop that in there and of course you want to find yourself a socket that fits in the hole but also it doesn't fit in the hole of the plug itself and we're gonna go ahead and take a hammer again hammer to fix everything and we're just gonna tap that guy down in there and what that does is now it blocks this whole this oiling hole and it goes down far enough that it still allows the sender to go in but you do have to toss the stream that screen is not needed anymore anyway because there's no oil flowing through it it doesn't have to filter any oil oh all I need to do is detect pressure and there's no actual flow so nothing's gonna plug up so you can remove that now so now with this version of the vlog modification we're gonna be able to drive the vehicle without a tune and not have the lift or collapse again so that is why this is critically important but if you want to do a tune I'm also going to be linking a tune video in this video as well so stay tuned for that we're gonna go ahead get this installed and show you guys that it actually worked all right I got the truck back together I'm gonna double-check all my connections quick and then we're gonna see if it fires up and runs the way it should hopefully without a misfire and hopefully the lifter stays where it's supposed to be this is not a guaranteed fix but if it does work it saves you a ton of money as you manage because these lifters are very very expensive just to replace the stock lifters and if your camshaft has any damage you have to replace at that as well and then you might as well do what's called a full bolete I also have a video on that link above so if you want to see that video be sure to click on that otherwise let's go ahead and get this thing running again and hopefully it's good ok everything connected one last tip for you guys here this cover sits on the back of the intake manifold if you pull this cover up it makes accessing that oil sensor much much easier later down the road if it does fail so pull this stupid cover off all it is just you can see there's a little poem in here it's probably it's my assumption on noise dampener for when you you know open up the throttle and the vehicle goes will make step that throwy sound which is also muffled by these dongs on here but when it's making that sound I think this is to keep some of that from getting through the firewall to use you can hear I don't know why they've even put it in there it's it's really a pointless piece of equipment so if you don't want it here out of it I hate them I throw more anyway with that let's go ahead and fire this thing up I need to jump back it's dead so it's much much smoother that is for sure and the ticking is gone now when I first started it hopefully you guys can hear it I'm not sure how old amber picked it up but I had a little tipping right at first that was that lifter that was empty pumping back up so it had a little bit stop in it but it still bit top that thing down a relief now I'm gonna take it for a test drive and I'll bring you guys along to show you what it feels like without a tune and then I'll tune it afterwards but you guys aren't gonna be able to see the two them I'll just link a video above or down in the description or something for a video on the tuner so let's go ahead and head it on a test drive and see how this thing drives and a response when you don't have a tune in there alright so I am in the vehicle and we are about to go on the test drive I just started the vehicle up so it has not had a chance to warm up but I wanted to cover a couple things quick like the startup oil pressure notice how high it is it's nice and high we have an engine light on but I also have not cleared anything yet so I have not hooked a computer up to this vehicle at all you can see it's still it's a two hundred fifteen thousand miles on this vehicle oh yeah half dick again see how the audio we got all kinds of craps but anyway I'm gonna go ahead and start driving it and as soon as it starts trying to disable the system I'm gonna turn the camera back on that way you guys can see what it does when I try to disabling the system so I'll be right back well that didn't take long at all I didn't even make it to block it started acting up right away it just started doing it right away so let's go ahead and get you guys in a position where you can see what the dashboard does just did it right see I let off the gas on the a slight beat there we go this it kind of runs a little funky so that's what doesn't it like shutters a little bit it has a weird hesitation feel to it and that's having the vlog modification without actually having the tune done so it does still work the vehicle.well still run fine it just does a weird stutter thing when I tries to engage the 4x4 or not 4x4 Wow 4x4 when I starts to engage the dod system the FM system and then it throws that Stabilitrak light on and it gives you a warning and whatnot and that's a try acting now why the Stabilitrak is affected so much by the system is beyond yeah why'd you decide to think that somehow part of the system it's kind of kind of silly if you ask me but now you guys know what it does and I just wanted to be sure I showed you guys that before ending this video I feel like that is very helpful for people to know what to expect and I know what they're getting into now you'll notice I'm still driving the truck and you don't hear any ticking back you can see that the engine light is not flashing and the reason the engine light is not flashing is because it doesn't have a misfire the vehicle is running great it's running perfectly I mean it's so dang smooth right now it's just insane but anyway there you have it a successful displacement on the man fixed with the cheap fix I did have to work this one a little more than usual but at least now you know the extreme case of what you can do nothing in there remember there is always the possibility of a very small air hammer that you can use and it will be able to release it then if if worst case scenario you can't get it to release the normal way in fact after that situation I may just resort to the air hammer from here on out because I have that little thing and it's still conveniently released this one it surprised the hell of me how quick it release and how easy and how little pretty took it must have just the right harmonics to knock that thing loose so with that like share subscribe as always and I hope to see you on another video thanks for watching
Channel: CrazedPerformanceRepair
Views: 530,891
Rating: 4.81005 out of 5
Keywords: lifter release, releasing lifters, lifter release trick, dod fix, lifter fix, afm lifter, lifter release tool, collapsed lifter, crazed performance repair, lifter problem, Tahoe lifter noise, dod, lifter tick, Vlom mod, lifter noise, chevy lifter noise, vlom failure, chevy lifter, Chevy lifter tick, afm delete 5.3, dod delete, gm engine knock, active fuel managment, discplacment on demand, Chevy engine knock, engine rattle, Engine rattles, stuck lifter
Id: pP7I5tbXsfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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