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[Music] what father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever this evening is gonna be an interesting topic I pray and we're going to be talking about what we know of but maybe we don't know how they these things operate and function with us and that is life versus existence live versus existence that's going to be our topic about today life versus existence now the first question is maybe somebody will say well when God came which one did God create first was it existence or life or was it life and then existence and someone might say well I can't be alive if I don't exist first and someone else will come and say but how can you live and be alive if you are not existent or how can you exist if you are not alive first so which one did God bring was it existence did he create first or was it life or vice versa to answer that to answer that we need to understand what is existence and we will come to that in a moment but before we answer that I'm gonna actually give you a few questions that every one of us you know more or less they these questions go through our head and we think about them and we ask them and we question them number one why did God create everything I'm sure a lot of us asked this question why did he create everything what's the point number two what's depression and I'm talking about the emotional depression I'm not talking about the clinical side of it but I'm talking about the emotional depression where at some stage in my life I don't even feel like getting out of my bed I feel absolutely empty I don't feel nothing so I don't want to even get up I weigh like a ton of bricks and what's the point if I get up and go out and then one what's depression number three what's the greatest virtue of humility or what's the great sorry what's the great virtue of humility what is humility and when it comes to humility we say what am I Who am I what am I doing here I'm absolutely nothing yes I was nothing I'm still nothing and I'll always be nothing and some people think by preferring to themselves as nothing now they are humble that's how they interpret humility when I'm nothing but are you nothing if we are nothing in the sense that I am nothing then why do you ask for forgiveness what is there to forgive for someone was nothing since you're nothing there is nothing to forgive so you stand before the Lord Jesus and you say Lord please forgive me I'm nothing I'm empty I'm weak I'm blind I'm this I'm nothing please forgive me the Lord is gonna say well since you're claiming you're nothing what are you asking for forgiveness my dear friend you're nothing there is nothing to forgive so it's that humility because I'm nothing you're not nothing you're everything and humility in Christianity is foundational the Lord Jesus throughout the Holy Bible both old and new and the Lord when he came in the New Testament he called everyone to be humble and the Lord Jesus said it he who exalts himself shall be lowered made humble and He Who humbles himself shall be exalted the Lord called us to be humble but humility is it that I'm nothing number 4 what is death another question what do we mean by death guess what a thing that is alive cannot die and a thing that is dead can never live because these two are exclusive units on their own neither life can be death nor death can be life now the light can be darkness nor darkness can be light so what is dead so is it that one day I was alive and tomorrow I moved on I'm dead now see you later so is that death when I leave this world no a living thing can never die so don't ever say to someone just because they came out of this realm these people are dead because life can't die and death can't live so what is then another question and please hold on to your seats if you're sitting in a plane the captain will say ladies and gentlemen please fasten your seat belt quite tightly because we are going through some moderate turbulence so I wanted to fasten your seat belts because number five question is the ultimate question where the greatest professors the greatest experts in life have not been able to find an answer to this question and that question is what is wrong with our teenagers why are they angry all the time what's wrong with you guys why you guys are angry what's wrong with our teenagers experts haven't found an answer to it yet number six why honor your mother and your father I'll say these questions again what did God create everything what is depression what is the great virtue of humility what is dead the ultimate question what's wrong with our youth and number six why honor your mom and your dad now we've gone to it now into more details lies vs. existence this is our topic don't lose track of that title well did God create existence first or life first so to answer that we'll come to existence first what is existence existence is every time you fill a space every time you fill a gap every time you fill a space you exist why do we exist because we have filled the gap we have filled a space when you read in the Gospel of John chapter 1 says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God in him everything was made and with fro and without him nothing was made from what was made so in other words in him Jesus Christ everything was made out of nothing what was before space how did existence come when that space was filled now we call it existence so if the definition of existence is to occupy space in the physical world to occupy a space in the physical world taking up space in simple terms when you take up a space in simple term you say get out I was here before so what is existence I was here before get out when you take up a physical when it take up a space in the physical realm you exist now let's assume this is a book when you take this book and you put it on the shelf that shelf prior to this that shelf was empty what was there there was space on the shelf when I took the book and I put it on the shelf now this book took this space this book now exists on my shelf when this book took the space and became existent can you now bring another book and put it in the same space that this original book took you cannot because that space can only be filled by one thing at a time two things at the same time sharing the same space cannot exist are you with me because once this face is filled you can't fill it again the space is taken now just like when you go on to any car park and when you see a space you park your car once you park your car can someone else come and park in the same spot he will crush your car there for existence to be requires conditions so existence comes with conditions and please bear with me it'll be clearer as we go existence requires conditions in order for it to be and continue example for me to exist and continue to exist 1 I need to eat I need to drink I need very importantly to breathe without oxygen I can't exist I need to have a shelter a home a house and I need that's a good one I need friends mom dad I'm going out with my friends we're just gonna hang your odd knickers Stockland mall stop ringing me Mom stop nagging me Mom I'm with me friends mom so get a life man so existence comes with what conditions on the other hand life the topic is life versus existence on the other hand life what is life life is the function that it has and the effect that it has on the surrounding the life of a thing that exists the life of a thing that exists is the function that it has and the effect that it has on the surrounding existence has conditions life of that existence is the effect and the change that it brings to that existence so life came to change existence give you idea fire fire gives warmth and gives light what did fire now give fire gave a change and an effect to your existence that is life water what and made things to live and grow that's an effect and a change to that existence when you planted a seed in the ground that seed without water couldn't have lived and changes happen to it the seed became a stump and the stump became a flower and the flower gave fruits how did all these changes come about because of life the seed exists without life cannot change if existence comes with conditions and without conditions cannot continue to exist life on the on the other hand makes no demands no conditions life just knows to give and give only without demand without conditions when the Sun gives light and warmth the Sun does not expect anything in return the Sun naturally gives warmth and gives light that's what it does because the Sun is the source of life and life demands nothing requests nothing puts no condition the Sun only knows one thing to do is to give without condition so life gives with no conditions existence cannot exist unless there are conditions very important in our life this lesson therefore as long as you exist you have the right to live so God brought existence first in order to give it life as long as you exist you have the right to live but existence has conditions life or conditions sometimes my existence and my life don't go hand in hand sometimes bit my existence and my life there are frictions between them they are not living harmoniously they are not living in unity and peace because sometimes what is good for my existence may not be good for my life and what is good for my life may need may not be good for my existence and this is the reason why we are depressed that's the next question what is depression depression is a result between a as a result of a clash between my existence and my life they when they don't go hand in hand I'm depressed my soul is alive but it's barely existent my body exists but it's barely alive my soul is alive but it's barely existent my body on the other hand is is hundred percent exist in existence but it's barely alive you see the body exists but the soul lives but for for the body to exist and continue he needs a soul because the soul gives that life but for the life to continue as a soul it needs a body these two when they don't live together in peace the person ends up being depressed and I'll explain it why we need to try at least to bring my body and my soul my existence and my life to live in harmony let's take an example of marriage how many of us here are married show of hands yeah quite a number are you ready those who are married it's kind of too late you're already married but those who are engaged and looking to be married it's a good time for you brother it's not too late at the end now listen to this very important message I believe anyway and I hope the same with you the lesser you exist the more you are alive the lesser you exist the more you are alive the more you exist the lesser you live in marriage why do the why do we have conflicts why do we have arguments what we have quarreling and fighting between husband and wife and wife and husband you did you said no no it's you it's your fault then mmm-mmm-mmm and then there is the World War three erupting why because when husband and wife when both of them are searching for their own existence there is no life between them what do I mean by existence existence what is my existence the word simply is me when I say me when I say I am when I say my way this is my existence what is my existence the word I am men one listen my it's either my way or you hit the highway and I'm not gonna listen there is no compromises you either do it or get out of my face when the husband is seeking his way he is seeking his existence he's trying to establish it he's trying to reinforce it he is trying to impose it and when the wife is doing the same thing what's gonna happen to existence cannot be sharing the same space because once you fill that gap that gap is for one once it's filled another one can't fill the same gap so when you try to come and fill the gap what's happening eruption happens a nuclear weapon and it's World War three the husband and wife are fighting why because each one is trying to seek their own existence and do things their way their way will be no way the more you exist the less you're alive and the more andum and the less you exist the more you are alive do you want to live or die so what is there death is when you are in search of your own existence when you want to do things your way when you are stubborn about it when mum and dad and their and the bishop and the priest and the whole world come to you and say please don't go there please don't do this please don't say this please don't live this way and you insist and say no I'm doing it my way this is Australia this is the 21st century it's a free country I'll do whatever I want I'm 16 plus no one on the face of this planet dare to tell me what to do it's my way and it's it when you live this way you have just killed yourself you're dead because you've seek your existence I'm dead when the husband and the wife if both parties live for the other person there is no problem if you live for yourself you'll always fight and they will be never the end to it no matter what because you're trying to force something that never ever existed it's all in madge ination existence we said takes up space and therefore existence is embarrassing existence is childish what I mean by that existence alone is embarrassing existent alone is foolishness childish actually this morning I was touching base on this imagined well it's not an imagination I am a bishop so it's not there's no imagination here but this bishop imagine is in this church by himself the whole church is for him now I occupy this whole space and I've got plenty of space to breathe to do whatever I want I can go I can run I can jump I am I can do whatever I want because the whole space is mine then but this is my existence I'm in this church therefore I exist because of fill this space imagine because I exist but at the same time I'm alone I'm by myself on this all church and then I stand and start preaching who am i preaching to I'll be preaching to the walls isn't that childish isn't that foolish isn't that nonsense and then you come and then you fill the gap that I once preoccupied now it's cramped I feel kind of tied now I feel kind of uncomfortable now because you took the space that I once occupied but guess what even though I became kana tight kind of uncomfortable someone is invading my space as they say someone is coming into my territory but I'll but I was glad that you came because without you I'm nothing so what I'm a bishop as long as I exist I'm nothing because my existent means it's only me and only me what am I gonna do with me I'll talk to walls I'll go crazy I'll go nuts and if you see someone talking to himself they'll say some of these cables artists but when you came in and occupied this space with me I was glad why because you're present gave meaning to my existence to my value now when I preach I'm preaching to you and this has meaning to it there is morals to it there is value to it a guy comes it says father you know I don't know what I do with this you know like I'm alone it's boring I want to I want to get married I want to I want to establish a family I want to settle down I don't want to be this crazy guy going and jumping and I've been with me mates all these years might but I've got a change so you're alone you've got all the space for yourself you go out whenever you want you come in whenever you want you do things your way you are you're alone you're free you can do it but then that does not give you happiness I'm alone I need a partner you find a partner and now you're fighting which one here I'm free but I'm not happy here I'm finding my happiness but I'm miserably angry and fighting all the time existence only will give you depression I exist and because I exist I'm depressed and for as long as I exist for myself I'll always be depressed emotionally and this is exactly the reason why sometimes are gone one to get out of my bed what's the point I got up and I wash my face and I ate and I drank and then wise and then I went out and then what and I talked to my friends and then what and I went to watch the movie and then what and I came back and I'm still miserably depressed because depression is the result of me searching for my existence and the more you put and third - to find your existence and to impose your existence the heavier the Lord will get on you and the heavier the Lord the more depressed you are so to get away from depression and to abolish depression in your life stop searching fear existence stop doing things your way stop saying me me me me stop let go of you and live for a change so what's the solution to depression how are you now good what are you doing nothing do you want to go out what's the point do you want to eat now you want to go to check do you want to sing shut up what you want to do I don't know leave me alone so what's the solution out of this depression you know there's a word we use it sometimes get a life have you ever said it to someone get a life well yeah you've said it in a sarcastic way like you've said it in a kind of funny way I just get a life night but did you know it's a true statement now we've taught you now you're speaking the truth now you know you are really telling the truth when you say to someone get a life that's exactly the whole point everyone needs to get a life but not in the way that you said it in a sarcastic way but really this is the right way everybody should be saying to each other get a live cat alive so what is lets get a life stop worrying about your own existence start worrying about someone else's existence you want to get a life stop worrying about yourself start worrying about someone else then you will get life if the husband worried about the existence of his wife and if the wife worried about the existence of her husband they both got a life and when you get a life you can never die so what is death when I exist what is life when I don't exist I live for the existence of the one I love if everyone ask the Lord Jesus to help them to live for the existence of their partner everybody would have got a life so please increase this word between each other get a life get a life get a life stop existing get a life so the question that is quite often Li asked why are we here what's all this about what am I doing here and then when we asked this question and a lot of time we asked this question and this question does not exist this question is the wrong way to ask we say what is the purpose of my life that's wrong because life has no demands has no conditions life just gives so it is the wrong question to ask you cannot say what is the purpose of my life that's wrong the correct question is what is the purpose of my existence not life so what is the purpose of your existence the purpose of your existence to live to someone else can I say it again the purpose of your existence is to live for someone else's existence not yours so the reason why God brought you into existence so that you don't live for yourself you live for the one you love then you are alive and now get a life so what is it what is the life a life is what makes the difference life contributes life does not take life gives existence tanks never gives now the other question that we asked earlier what is humility when you say you're nothing in a way that your life is meaningless there is no meaning to all this I can tell you this a moment of your life is of infinite value to eternity a moment of your life is of infinite value to eternity your life is so precious your life is so valuable it is beyond any measures that you could think of don't ever say what kind of a life is this life is absolute precious therefore my beloved existence is embarrassing because when I think about myself this is embarrassing this is childish what do children do what do children do they fight so they can take their own space this is my room girl's sisters at home the sister comes into the other sister's room it's World War three how dare you come into my room you are rude you don't even knock at the door you come into my room why we're fighting because you came to invade my existence my space that I occupy how dare you you invade my existence this is childish like little kids fighting over a toy it's mine it's yours it's mine it's not and when you look at the kids what do you do you love you say ah that's very childish but don't we act like those little kids a lot of times we do so if you wanna laugh next time laugh at yourself and say to yourself am i a little kid when I fight over things that's childish this is my laptop this is my iPad this is my mascara Pescara this is my Chanel this is my I gonna wad this is my car is my my dress these are my shoes you wear them a snack you as in that childish existence is embarrassing you're making a fool of yourself if you're seeking your existence you're acting like a little kid yet you're a grown-up grow up and get a life so let's get a life forget about your room when your sister comes se says this is your room before it's mine baby since when I bought the Chanel I thought of you lawyer asses can I borrow your car do you need to ask are you serious this is your card baby take care now this is alive Wow everyone is happy the one who gives us happy and the one who receives is happy and the next time what you gave is gonna come back to you just like you gave your car your sister one day we'll give you your car when you need it we'll give you her car when you need it your sister will give you the Chanel that you she borrowed of you that last time and sharing and caring is a beautiful life but being selfish is absolute death and it makes no sense for you to die for what it's childish stop living for yourself stop exist stop it let go of yourself and of your egos this is the reason why our teenagers are always angry what's wrong with you guys why our youth are always on lock ready to attack they wanna pull the sword relax rather what's wrong with you why you're on the edge all the time [Music] and especially the teenagers are always angry with their parents especially not so much with their friends but with their parents it's like Bruce Lee karate mom talks blood pressure goes up I was fine until my mom opened her mouth I am I was doing I was doing okay until my mom spoke I was fine until my dad spoke I was fine until my parents spoke why are you guys angry because kids the reason why they are angry because the children are always living to exist they are seeking their own existence that's why they're angry you say as a daughter you say mom always tries to ruin my life don't you say that mom you're ruining my life you're ruining my day I was fine you came and just you spoil your ruined at all and the son says I wish my dad never spoke every time I wanna go out where you go when he coming back what are you gonna do who are you meeting he is ruining my life dad I'm getting out of your way I'm gonna find my own life you know and that parable of the prodigal son where the Lord Jesus gave it in Luke chapter 15 this son the younger son was living with his dad he's living absolutely luxurious lifestyle but one day came this sunset was that he said dad you know you're a beautiful dad you give me everything you buy me everything you spoil me too much money things give through your left right and center but you know what that you don't let me have a life so I'm gonna leave you I'm gonna leave your home because I want to live for a change but the problem again with this question or with this statement the whole statement is wrong your mom is ruining your life your mom is ruining your existence not your life because mum is interfering with my space because ma why would mom want to destroy your life she gave birth to you she gave you that life it is absolutely makes no sense for mum who gave that life to you to come back and take it away from you why would she do that doesn't make sense mum cannot ruin life because life can never be ruined life can only live no one can take it no one can change it no one can stop it because the one who gave this life is God and what God gives no one can take away so mom can't killed life because life can never die and death can never live so mom can't ruin mom can't kill life because life only knows to live and to give so therefore mom is getting on my nerves because she is ruining my space my existence mum walks into your room Dora come with me mom listen get out of my room excuse me what did you say you heard me mum get out of my room mum and dad both parents mum and dad will come back to you and say excuse me this is not your room this is my room because you are living in my house and for as long as you live in my house you do it my way so mum and dad it is natural for them to invade your space because your space is never yours never was never will be that space is always the parents because you live in their house they don't live in your house do you see why we fight and we say the wrong things so I'm trying to say to my mom this is my room meaning I'm occupying this space meaning I exist here so get out of my sight because I am here first so he can't be here I was here first so get out of my room but that room it's not yours the house is the mums and the dad's the Hat the space is theirs the existence is theirs you are living in their existence and when you challenge their existence you're asking for trouble so mum will say for as long as you live in my house you'll do it my way and you better be nice to me for me in order for me to think about letting you sleep in my room are you with me parents have the right to be parents so when children are saying to their parents get out of my side they are saying we exist without you this never was never is never will be because the existence of the kids are the parents and this what happens what is death is when I deny my existence in other words who is my existence my parents that's why the Lord God said honor your mother and father you'll come to this statement and you say and parents always smack you with this thought Jesus said honor your mum and dad me remember this okay and when you don't honor me what's gonna happen the Lord God says honor your mom and dad so that I can give you a life have you ever noticed what the Lord God says honor your mum and dad so that I can give you an abundant life and a long one the more you honor them the more you will live you don't honor them I'll take that life away why because the only way for you to live is to deny your existence when you deny your existence then who is truly your existence your parents they are truly your existence because they are the reason for you to come the reason for you to be alive because they became your existence they gave life to you they gave birth to you and when they gave birth to you they gave your life and the reason why you were alive because they were your existence the moment you challenged this existence you're dead yes so honoring mum and dad is not like do I really have to do this life would have been much better without the hassle of yes mom yes dad I don't want to say I don't want to be mysterious I want to do a different way but the question will come back to you and haunt you do you want to live if you say yes then you have to acknowledge your existence which is your parents because without them you wouldn't have existed so who is your existence your parents and because they are your existence and as long as they are your existence you're alive the moment you find your own existence you can't be alive you're dead now who is our ultimate existence God who is the ultimate parent to us God and the reason why the Lord God gave this commandment and said respect your mum and dad what didn't he say respect your wife so I can bless you and give you a life what they say respect your husband what'd he say respect your bishop he said respect mom and dad why because God is the mother and the father with all that it carries with it the disciples came to the Lord Jesus and they said Lord teach us how to pray he said every time you pray you say our Father who art in heaven so what is God my dad and in the book of Isaiah the Lord God says if the mother forgets to breastfeed her own baby I the Lord God will never forget you how is he representing himself here as the mother so God is the father and God is the mother he is the provider he is the protector the father protects the mother provides so he is the ultimate parents both father and mother and that's why he gave that to the parents to the physical to the earthly parents because he said the only ones that that truly represents me are the parents when you respect them you respect me and since I am the source of existence to you when you live for my existence you are alive when you live for your own existence you've denied me as being God your existence then you're dead because without God we are all dead even if we are breathing going and coming but spiritually definitely dead and the reason why we argue at home and we fight at home because as youngsters living at home we don't have a life for mom to ruin because I don't have it what do I have I have existence I don't have a life and my existence is what my mom is trying to challenge when you're living at home under your parents roof and you want to do things your way you're saying to your parents I exist you don't that can never be because that was never the case and never will be because from day one your existence are the parents so you trying to take their place and live in the same space can you put two books in the same space can you put two cars in the same space you can't only one thing occupies any space at any given moment so when the parents who are truly your existence and you come along and you want to take that existence meaning meaning occupying that space argument and fighting happens in the family so how do I honor my mom and dad so the Lord God can bless me and give me a long life next time mom says can you wash the dishes sweetie you say of course mom anything for you do boys and girls that live with mom and dads at home do yourself a favor you better challenge your mom to be always a mom and you better challenge your dad to be always your dad because if mom is not mom you don't live because she's your existence and when mom becomes someone else you have denied your existence when you've denied they saw your existence you don't live so you better make sure she's always mom and as a mother her job is to say to you firstly know why not because this is the only way mom can is able to express and explain to you that I exist you don't I'm the owner you don't it's my space it's not yours this is my home it's not yours this is my bed it's not yours this is my room it's not yours but out of love kindness I'm allowing you to occupy my space meaning existence on one condition that you honor me respect me otherwise if you don't you cannot live get out why was Adam kicked out of the garden because the Garden of Eden because the Garden of Eden is the space that is occupied by God God is the king God is the ruler God is the sovereign authority God is the only one that occupies and exists they Adam wanted to be like God meaning he wanted to be another me in the same space God said it's either me or the highway you either do it my way or you hit the highway Adam for as long as I am your existence you live the moment that comes that you become your own existence you're dead it's not that God killed me it's because I lived for my own existence but you know what when God created Adam and all of us are Adam read the Holy Bible carefully and thoroughly what does it say about Adam and then it says and the Lord God breathed into the nostrils of Adam the breath of life and Adam became a living soul what did I say earlier I have I am a soul my soul lives barely exists I have a body my body exists barely lives and Adam became a what a living soul and living soul does not have its own existence a living Souls existence is God so Adam lived as long as God was his existence meaning Adam had to do things the way daddy wants it not I wanted when the day came Adam broke daddy's word and ate from the forbidden tree something was born in Adam that was never there before what was it one the I am was born in Adam when he broke God's Word what is I am existence what is existence now I have filled the space with me not with God i trespassed now I wanna be in the house of the Lord my way I wanna live in my father's house my way the father will always be father the mother will always be mother they cannot change don't force them to change because they will never change because father means exist mother means exist you take my existence I'll tell you off so don't be shocked when mum and dad say to you no because that's their job to do for as long as they are the existence you live the moment you exist you die existence versus life is it really should it be this way no they need to live in harmony they need to join in unity how's it gonna join in unity the moment that I begin to live for someone else's existence I will live when kids live for their parents they're happy the day that comes kids go against their parents because they are searching for their own existence they can never be they're depressed all the time they are vacuumed empty from his side why because they tried to establish something that they were never created to be you were created to not have existence because your existence is God your parents so when you create something that is not in you you killed yourself when kids do things their way and go out of the parents house in search of freedom in search of peace and search of you know fullness value so what do they do they go out and they say now I am living because no more parents nagging me and choking me what happens to these kids 100% they get in trouble 100% you can never escape this you know why because God intended it to be this way that as long as the parents are your roots are your existence you will live abundantly and a blessed life the moment you live for yourself you are living fear for an existence that never existed you are destroying your life now parents we have physical parents we have spiritual parents we have divine parent God any of these parents we disrespect we destroy ourselves you know what's the problem of that 21st century the Western world is one thing they want to abolish Parenthood the original sin is the abolishment of parenthood why did Adam died because he denied God sisters the Western world will always teach you to live and individualistic lifestyle uuu as an individual they drive this very forcefully they teach it through the educational systems schools everywhere mum dad touch you say something triple zero bro you're 16 you're entitled to leave home and you can live for yourself the government will support you now some might say in the Western world it's gonna be this way because the West is the West and the East is dazed Mar Mari you come from the East you're trying to implement the eastern to the west no who created the east and the west and the north and the south is one and that is God but the problem of the West they have denied their existence and who is their existence God there the moment they denied their existence they died that's why they drive everything that produces death Western world does not focus on you on family value its individual value you're a teenager now you're free you're mature enough no one can tell you what to do you not happy leave divided you know they say something in English you wanna conquer divide then you can conquer divide and conquer because when you divide you making it weak and when you make that thing weak you'll always control it when you're on your own you are vulnerable you are susceptible to anything that goes wrong because when you're alone anyone can come and break you but when you are one unit family held together no one can break you why does the home collapses because there is division because everyone home is trying to live for themselves not for the other if the brother lived for his sister if the sister lived for her brother if the dad lived for the Son and the son for the dad the mother for the daughter and the daughter for the mother the home is built on the rock and that is Christ Jesus who can bring it down no one when God is with me who can be against me when god is my rock no cyclone nor earthquake no tidal waves nothing will bring that the house down because everything is under the foot of Christ at the moment I begin to look for myself and then I get driven that way family collapses when the family collapses children get lost destroyed my young people I love you guys don't ever think outside of home somebody loves you more than your parents it's a lie if you believe it it's a lie no friends no cousins I don't care who that person is and I'm not judging I'm just stating the truth the facts of life there is no one outside of that family home on the face of this earth that loves you more than mum and dad except one Jesus Christ who art in heaven he's the only one that loves you more than your parents but on earth parents always will come number one when it comes to sacrifice to giving to lay their life on the line for you no one will do it but mom and dad will so why are you accepting and believing in a lie then going and trusting a friend and not trusting mum and dad why are you putting your life in the hands of so-called friends and not trusting to put your life in the hands of your parents yet they are the only one that will always love you from the bottom of their heart and I've said this and I'll say it again the Western world and when I say the Western law I'm not judging I'm not saying that East is better than the West or the West is better no no no no I'm saying is there God in your life now this has got nothing to do with East and West because God is the creator of all directions and every piece of land God exists when we deny God we die and I'll always say this the Western world is absolutely successful in giving value to everything but the Western world failed miserably in giving purpose to everything what did I say about purpose when we ask and say this question what's the purpose of my life I said this is the wrong question because that question never exists there is no such thing as purpose of life but there is the purpose of existence that's the true question that should everyone sure every one of us should ask what is the purpose of my existence so true so the Western world failed miserably in giving purpose to everything and purpose is to do with existence and when you find your existence you're alive when you deny your existence you're dead what's value human rights what's purpose existence the right to be a human I'll said again what's value human rights what's purpose existence the right to be a human we always talk in the West it's human rights you have the right to go out naked you have the right to marry this Joe Mary Smith and Elizabeth marries Rachel you are right no one can tell you what to do no one can tell you what to say and then they come back and look at these Christians they are a bunch of you know discriminative people judgmental people they think there's something everyone else is a second-class citizen it is not to do with Christians it is to do with your existence might be a friend because when you deny your existence you cannot live you will destroy your life and what's happening in the West around us an absolute destruction of life because they have denied their existence which is God so when they denied God their existence they did not talk about purpose anymore they started talking about and force it focusing on value what is value human rights what is purpose the right to be a human that's why human rights is their goal but you know what for as long as you don't know what the purpose is how can you give it value if you don't know what the purpose of a car is how can you value it if you don't know what the purpose of that computer is how can you put a price tag on it with that purpose there is no value so when you deny purpose you have abused your value that's what's happening people have abused their values which is life because they denied their existence which is God and they search for their own existence which was never the case and never will be if Australia comes back to Jesus Christ who is God it's a beautiful life if the whole world Middle East where I come from I'm not judging I'm stating the truth you know what the Lord Jesus said about the truth he said and that truth shall set you free what is freedom life because you cannot say I am Alive if you're not free so the only time you can claim that you're alive when you say you're free and the only thing that gives you that freedom which gives you life is truth what's truth purpose what happened to Israel that rugby player hmm are we afraid to talk No What did he say wrong does he have no right to express his freedom of belief how come others have the right to express their freedom of belief how can how come when somebody comes out and and be disrespectful to my god how come I'm not taking him to court how come I'm not suing them then why is it when I say something all of a sudden I am the enemy I'm the worst ever to exist Israel had total right to say this is what I believe in is he judgmental now the Western world talks about freedom human rights where is it you see it's a lie why because there is no such thing as human rights there is one thing only the right to be a human not human rights so I've been seeking and searching a lie that's why everything we say it's a lie and meaningless it's a lie come let's go out and have fun that's a lie take out some drugs that's a lie let's go and kill this person that is a lie let's go and destroy this house that is a lie hey you are free you can do whatever you want that is a lie because you were never meant to be free whatever you want to do because you came to existence because someone decided to make you exist and that someone who decided to make sistahs God when you deny God your debt your parents you died so people are searching fanatically for freedom for prosperity for success outside of God what a lie I was listening to an atheist talking about some scientific stuff to prove to this to his audiences that there is no God he was talking childish stuff kindergarten not even level yet he is a professor what did I say about childish existence is childish because you're fighting over space this is my room get out of my room when you look at these kids fighting like that you laugh at them and when you listen to a human being mature with a degree of PhD from 20 meters long he's got a certificate from the the best you know universities in the world and then he comes and then he fights about his existence he says to God get out of my space I don't want you you don't exist I don't what this is exactly like a little kid fighting childish there is no wisdom and that kind of talk I don't care who you are and I'm talking with love and respect I'm not judging I'm stating effect it's okay for Richard Dawkins to come out so hostile and speak so arrogantly and so this is respectfully against Christians nobody not Christian has taken Stephen Hawkins to Supreme Court and sued him for this because Christians believe in one thing my existence is Jesus Christ I'm not here to judge them I'm not here to hurt him I'll let my existence talk God but I'm praying for people like him for my God to make them realize the truth I urge you and I beg you don't listen to nonsense things at school with friends in the street and the internet Facebook nonsense get away with you don't need it come back to the Lord preoccupy your time with the Word of God read the Bible instead of sitting on that laptop grab the Holy Bible and read it pray instead of talking about people respect mom and dad instead of spending time with someone so be good at home don't be good outside in the street I'm bad at home but I'm mr. nice guy in the street what is this be good at home for you to be able to be good outside if I can't respect home I can't respect the street come to church instead of the club drink the blood of Christ instead of wine that makes you drunk and lost come to the light instead of the darkness of this world come to the truth instead of living a lie be you don't be someone that can never be you be you be true to yourself be honest with yourself and be humble what's humility when I let go of my existence and live for the one who is my existence that's humility humility is when I left for Jesus Christ not for myself why is Jesus humble because jesus never lived for himself not even a single moment the thirty three years and four months that he spent on the face of this earth every single moment of those 33 years and four months lived them totally for his dad nothing for himself read the New Testament Jesus never said never did anything that glorified him everything he said and everything he did was to glorify his Heavenly Father it is not who he says to me Lord Lord wills will enter the kingdom of heaven but it is the one who does the will of my dad will enter the kingdom of heaven I came to do the will of my father not my will my food is to do what my dad has sent me to accomplish I came to live for him and as long as I lived for his existence I live forever I don't die the moment Jesus if he had lived for himself he would never be able to get out of that grave but as long as he lived for his dad and said my dad is my existence as long as that is my existence he is my father therefore as long as I acknowledge my dad I live the moment I deny my dad who is my existence I don't live please listen and think about what you heard grab one word and focus on it why am i fighting why am i angry why am I not happy why am I not content with what I have how come I'm whinging and complaining what is this what is this house what is this heart car what is this life where is I don't have money I don't have this hey do you have Jesus that's the question you should ask yourself and find the answer to what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses himself but I say to you blessed is the soul that loses itself for my sake i the son of man for you will find yourself in the end you live for yourself you lose it you live for me I Jesus you'll find yourself mom I'm sorry that I've upset you tonight I'm saying to you forgive me that I'm sorry for every moment that I broke your heart for every moment that I made you upset for every moment that I was the reason for the tear to come down from your eyes I am sorry how can I help you dad what can I do for you mom what a beautiful life Jesus I come to you humbly denying myself and putting my head before your holy feet and saying sorry for I have sinned before you and heaven please let me be a servant in your home I'm not worthy to be your son again for I have sinned against you and heaven just let me come back to you Lord let me come back to you Lord be genuine those who are married love your partner even if they are pain in the neck and if your partner doesn't want you you still love them if you want to live love them and that's why the Lord went to the extreme and he said love your enemy sometimes the husband or the wife can be the enemy but you know what it's not that bad after all because if somebody tries to hurt someone they are ultimately hurting themselves no one else because you cannot hurt someone unless you first hurt yourself you don't want to be hurt love and I love you because I don't want to be hurt Jesus taught us always to love one another love whenever that was the last commandment he gave before leaving us from Earth he said if you love me then love one another in this the world will know that you are my disciples when you love each other you will prove to the world that you belong to me and in order for me to love someone I have to deny myself I don't live for my existence I live for their existence and that's the only way I'm gonna love them and when I deny myself I become humble when I become humble I live when I live I'm not depressed anymore god bless you guys may the Lord Jesus always bless you guide you and protect you and teach you how to live humbly not for yourselves but for the one who is in your life give yourself for others because God gave himself for you you need to return the favor just like God gave himself up for you on the cross you need to give up your life for him love is a both way street it's a two-way street love is never selfish never love is never egocentric love never thinks about it about itself love always believes in everything and always covers a lot of errors when somebody does something wrong against you if you truly love them cover that mistake don't reveal it and don't expose that mistake to the world if you love you hide things you don't reveal them but in secret between you and that person you tell them off what you did was wrong you need to fix yourself but before the world you are perfect let's dance for the finale frivolous in the name of the Father and of the son of the Holy Spirit one God amen Lord make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me sow love where there is injury pardon where there is doubt faith where there is despair oh where there is darkness light where there is sadness joy or divine master grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console to be understood as to understand to be loved as to love for it is in giving that we receive it is empowering that we are pardoned it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life amen may the Lord Jesus bless you guide you and protect you all the days of your life now and forevermore amen you
Channel: Christ The Good Shepherd Church
Views: 858
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: Christ The Good Shepherd Church, H.G. Mar Mari Emmanuel, Mar Mari, Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Christian, Holy Bible, Sermon, Love, Mercy, Unity, English, Life, Existence
Id: HaiMx9dU23E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 18sec (4638 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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