LIFE ON A ROMANIAN VILLAGE FARM (The Romania You've Never Seen)

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foreign [Music] [Music] welcome back to another day on our Romania road trip y'all we are just falling in love with Romania especially brassov like this city has something special the coffee the food the hospitality of the people y'all we went to book coffee shop again this morning to get one last little freddo flat white for the road and when I went to pay the owner who I assumed was the owner was like it's okay it's on me he's like thank you for coming back y'all you saw when we went the other day it ended up being a food tasting an alcohol tasting and they were so kind he was like this one's from us and wouldn't let us pay everything's freaking delicious and Jordan and I both walked out of there like I literally I was teary-eyed just because somebody did something nice and kind without the expectation of anything in return and we have experienced that over and over here in Romania like it is easily becoming my favorite country in Europe yeah I think too when you're on the road for a long time and then someone kind of extends friendship you're like really that's true I'm lonely thank you so sometimes that's nice but anyway we're on to make new friends today because we're sadly leaving brush off but hopefully the next destination is just as special and it's a pretty unique place we are heading out into the countryside to the town of kogor to stay on a farm got about an hour half Drive [Applause] we did that for you without any AC it was really hard it's so hot [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] we're about 20 minutes out from where we're heading and y'all we've just been driving through Romanian Village after a village and look at this spot behind me the horses here and the carriages all the villagers that basically work with the horses they're they're everywhere and they're so unique looking too they have this Decor on them they're beautiful we've seen so many and then these massive like historic looking birds with huge nests up on all the telephone posts they're everywhere in the Villages and you just it's just a different world it is awesome the telephone poles sometimes that takes his action get me around hay bales and cornfields and it really comes out pose we gotta get there soon y'all this huge storm clouds coming in and the wind's coming in I do not want to be unloading all of our stuff in the pouring rain oh this is the smallest Village we have been in so far and we're a little bit off the beaten path as well this is awesome yeah you gotta line it up just right or left uh we're here welcome to the kobor biodiversity Farm we're quickly greeted by our host Joseph who gave us a look around the property from the gardens to the guest rooms we are already so excited for this two-night stay Joseph shows us to our room in what used to be the summer kitchen of an abandoned Farmhouse now known as guest house 21. The Rustic charm is exactly what you would hope for in an authentic Romanian Farm stay [Music] he was just about to like let us get settled in he was like I have a secret place if it's really hot tomorrow and I was like do tell do tell and then he's like hey you can put beer in the well and it'll get cold and Jordan and I both were like oh I want to do that we usually put some beer to be cold and lower to into the world this is awesome the milk gets cold that's amazing what a fun thing yeah building those are beautiful oh my gosh First Impressions one this place is so authentic and so charming and then obviously like really you know kind of proud of what they've done if you wanted to tell us all about it and we are so happy to hear all about it and have so many cool programs with their animals we're gonna do a tour tomorrow sounds like there's going to be 20 guests on property and you eat all your meals together so in a little while I think dinner is at 7 30 we're gonna go have dinner with everybody get to meet our neighbors we also were told that our neighbors across the way have a dog staying with them so hopefully this is great we're gonna get settled and we'll give you a full proper tour but [Music] settled in change clothes just a little bit and I was just fluffing the place for you welcome to the kobor biodiversity Farm that's in the village of kobor which feels very much in the middle of nowhere as we drove up it was a straight Gravel Road and the village feels like it's pretty much just the farm stay but I'm sure other people live here as well this is a active like functioning Farm they have lots of different guest houses we are in what I mentioned before is their summer kitchen area and then across the way is another like converted Barn facility they have more rooms across the street which is where the like dining area is they even have conference rooms that you can rent you can have your company Retreat here if you want to the very first thing I would tell somebody who is interested in coming here or what you will notice when you first arrive is that it is rustic which we both love and it's just something to take into consideration during your stay we have beautiful Timber beams very handmade hand-hune kind of feeling beautiful little like crocheted curtains and hand-painted artwork it is authentic and if you really feel that energy but you know also it you got spider friends and you've got like brick floors so it's all very much part of the experience let's go upstairs and I'll show you the two bed situation and then we'll come back down show you the bathroom and a little bit of what this building actually is do you collide stop to the top of the staircase you'll find the bedroom I am like five five six on a good day and can just barely stand up all the way so it's a little snug up here we may end up sleeping downstairs because it's pretty warm but anyway the beds are comfy we were kind of lounging on them a bit earlier no complaints from me really the facilities are you know pretty simple pretty basic but they did bring us lots of good water to drink there's no kind of like kitchenette or anything but you know we can pretend it is the summer kitchen that it used to be got a beautiful iron kind of a pot belly type stove we won't be needing that it is July but it's beautiful nonetheless let's see the bathroom on the way to our last stop I've mentioned several times now this was the summer kitchen and you can see that here this is the old oven and it is quite large but I'm not going any further in there because it scares me a little bit oh a farm stay so I wasn't expecting too much crazy luxury in the bathroom department but it's it's perfectly acceptable with a nice big shower lots of good counter space big old water heater that's just for us I'm really excited to see more I was gonna like kind of take a walk around when we first got here but it immediately started raining which put Jordan and I both into nap mode and we just lay down and scrolled so it is dinner time now rain or shine let's eat friends [Music] we walked out y'all we heard this little like jingle jingle from the Bells on the horse and there's this beautiful horse here pulling a wagon with a lady in it that'll get much better than this making friends everywhere [Music] we made it into the dining hall y'all so everything here is family style we got the full board to get breakfast lunch and dinner and they can also accommodate vegetarians they're gonna have no problem eating here pretty much everything they make is from the farm here yeah so I'm gonna try my first Romanian beer this one is made in Russia which is the city we just came from something like that this dining room is beautiful it has the wood Timbers and the Sea land and The Rustic charm but I also like very fresh remodeled film inside first course seems to be a beautiful looking vegetable soup and we've got some bread and maybe some sour cream to go with the soup I've got myself a little sauvignon blanc which is made here in Romania I like this a lot kind of mild yeah I could drink a lot of this the first course of soup is delicious the soup has kind of essentially like a white green beans like a long bean carrots maybe some red peppers parsley a nice kind of Summer dinner soup zucchini the second course has arrived I've also had a whole glass of wine so things are excellent we have beautiful looking very fluffy rice with cheese stuffed mushrooms and then we also have cheese and veggie stuffed zucchini smells amazing um it smells like kind of a Savory barbecuey almost oh I can't wait to get into this we're waiting for a plate so I can't do it right now the wine is good so we did confirm all of the vegetables and everything we used which is basically from this Farm there were probably a few things a few reasons and they'll actually grow here and they Source all of that locally from within ladies in here to support all the local Villages around the farm which I think is just great and something good to do for the whole Community here in the sour cream that we have with our soup was delicious some of the creamiest sour cream we've ever had and it's made by the cook here using it was here how cool is that we were finishing up dinner and he said he needed help feeding a baby calf and I said you don't have to ask me twice let's go foreign I was told he doesn't know when he's done I said yes I can tell because he was still trying is great [Music] [Music] it was a bright fresh day on the kobore farm and we are headed to breakfast breakfast starts at 8 30 it is currently 8 32 so we need to get over there the like dining facility is like across the street from where we're staying there's kind of places to stay all around the village but anyway I've already been greeted by Yen the golden retriever we opened up our front door to our house this morning to let some air come in and next thing I know golden retriever was in our little foyer and I said good morning I tried to talk to him but he speaks Romanian nonetheless we're buddies now so it's already a great day thank you [Music] okay oh that was a very big lick his tongue felt like uh sandpaper anyway breakfast was delicious they had quite the spread we had yogurt and granola all kinds of cheeses vegetables fruit coffee tea we had bread Jam butter what else am I missing eggs forgot about the eggs that's important and Jordan wants to start the day with archery we did try to play a little bit of archery last night after we said good night I'm not great at it but I'm gonna try and redeem myself come on [Music] I decided to be more chill about at that time not overthink that was good yeah that was okay I got on the board finally [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] for a little farm tour this is included with our stay here at the farm we're gonna hop in the bed of a truck trailing my inner Texas girl and we're gonna do this gracefully here we go that's how you do it we're gonna go see some animals now so come on [Music] I'm so excited to see all the animals this trip isn't sponsored in any way or anything but I do think it's an excellent place to stay especially on a remaining road trip and not only is the farm tour included which takes you all around and shows you all the different programs they have and the animals but they've got archery slacklining and obviously you can walk around any of the property all day and check out the gardens they have camping when the weather is right bike rentals actually I think bikes are free for people who are staying anyway and then there's towns all nearby I think we're gonna try and go visit one or two of them later this afternoon to see a few cool things that are in the area but yeah it feels like you're in the middle of nowhere but it's actually plenty foreign [Music] stop looks like we have some horses over here [Music] so Joseph who is the guy who's taken care of pretty much everything here he's like a jack of all trade it's his part tour guide part helping in the kitchen part helping get you checked in and settled and just making sure you're having a good experience is telling us a little bit about the farm so they have about 22 horses here roughly 80 of those horses are theirs that they rescued where owners who had in the past couldn't take care of them for whatever reason or they were done working in their in their old age and so they rescue them and they let them basically have a good life here in The Meadows in the pasture of Transylvania they also have some Carpathian Shepherd dogs back here in the kennel that we're gonna go show you right now she's the best mother she had six cups last year yeah so they are all very friendly yeah hi yes kisses oh my goodness thank you we made our way down to the kennel and this is where they breed Carpathian sheepdog I think they have like over 10 of them it's a really cool program and I was asking a little bit about it of like you know what's involved in like breeding and training a sheepdog because they're incredibly skilled they said well actually we have it pretty easy our alpha male here is really great and more or less teaches the puppies what's what and the only command they really teach the dog is basically a call off of an attack so these dogs do two things they protect the herd the cows they also more or less protect wild animals because they're not really intended to attack animals that may come by it could be a bear they had a bear come by recently wolves foxes whatever they redirect and he was saying yeah they it's amazing they work in teams the bear that came in recently from the hill up there the forest it came down and three of the dogs kind of circled the bear and basically forced it to turn around and go back into the woods so there was no attack no fight necessary just keeping everybody where they go it's pretty amazing right now apparently it is a mating season so they have to keep all the girls apart because was they fight they fight each other during this time so that's why everybody's in their kennel right now most of them are totally snoozing because it is hot hot but they're so sweet so friendly very fluffy and very smart sweet puppies oh and the best part I almost forgot they donate the puppies to Farmers around at no cost that's a valuable gift I would say and so cool they're really doing some amazing things for their community oh yes so we learned a little bit more about Cobra farm and it's a biodiversity Farm which basically means that basically everything here is natural organic they don't use fertilizers or anything like that they let the animals eat all the natural foods and they also have just like diversity in what they do on the farm they have horses they have cows which we're going to see now really like you think about the mission of what they're doing here they're really just trying to preserve the natural way of life here in the meadow and the area that they operate in and I believe that Cobra Farm is also associated with it's not owned by the Carpathian Wilderness Foundation which interestingly is trying to create the biggest National Park in all of Europe with hundreds if not thousands of protected hectares of natural forests y'all and there is so much Wildlife here with the Carpathian Bears the brown bears the Wolves and the beautiful mountain peaks don't be surprised if you see in a few years the next best national park in the world see the herd of like 200 of the cows we can't keep driving here because there's like the road just ended we're gonna go on a little bit of a trek to go check them out these beautiful babies with very special horns are they're Hungarian gray cows it's out there called Hungarian gray cows and they are gorgeous Jordan and I were just Reminiscing on our Africa Safari days because that's what we felt like we were doing check that video out if you haven't seen it it was our very first Vlog it's cute it's hard to keep the camera we just learned that the Hungarian gray cattle were traditionally bred for basically working the land and also like they have really good meat for people who would eat meat as well from the cow they are also from this region of Transylvania even though they are called the Hungarian gray cow because this region was actually at one point in time part of the Hungarian Empire so besides brown bears Joseph was telling us that they also have links out here in this region of Romania but the lynx is very Elusive and they're rare to see and last time Joseph saw links was like four years ago and he's out here like every day which tells you how rare they are to see so such a lucky sign to be able to see one in the wild foreign [Music] foreign [Music] just taking a moment back at our room to kind of cool down bring everything down we didn't even do a whole lot but the heat really kind of zaps you lunch was delicious a nice simple pasta dish we rinsed our little legs and feed off and here in just a few minutes we're gonna head back out get in the car though and drive out to see a few things that are in the surrounding area so just you know just five minutes for a siesta Siesta time see you later this video was almost done for y'all but you're lucky what about a rally you know I know man let's go [Music] we drove to a village called ohaba which is about 40 minutes from kobur and they have the Old Mill of ohava here on one of the Little River streams and they grind traditionally flower and maybe cornmeal I'm not too sure I think they close in like an hour so we're gonna go see if they're open we didn't really know where to park we parked on one side of the village and here's a stream with a little uh bridge that we're gonna have to trust I think the middle part I'm a little concerned about it looks a little wavy you want me to go first no lighter all right one of two let's do this tilt tilts all right so it's Sunday Google Maps said they're open I'm not really sure about that hopefully they are because they did Drive about 40 minutes to get here not real sure where we're going but it feels a little bit like we're trespassing but it looks right this is beautiful look at these flowers it's beautiful this sign water Mills around water so then we're getting close but it's beautiful [Music] [Music] this is pretty cool y'all if you watched any of our uh Vlogs from Prague in the Czech Republic they had some Mills there on the rivers I was just fascinated with the engineering behind it and how you use the water basically to create this Force to grind different types of materials to use this one is huge and it's an actual working Mill which is really fascinating we're gonna see if we can find somebody to kind of give us tour and hopefully buy a bag of flowers too you study thank you so the little history is built in 1873 this is the fourth generation of family to operate it and the second generation of that family that operated it was actually imprisoned during the Communist Regime because they refused to give it up they kept it as private property and so they call it the mill of Good Fortune because it survived that whole time it does grind both wheat and corns foreign [Music] is quite brief but they have a description in Romanian and in English so you get a little bit of History which is great the lady that let us in is so nice she doesn't seem to speak any English but we're figuring it out and it's cool I mean we weren't you know 45 minutes out of the way but what else are we gonna do during the afternoon this is kind of a fun little Adventure at The Hunt of it all like where are we going are we in the right place kind of was the fun of it so let's see if we can maybe buy a souvenir or buy anything from her and I guess we'll be on our way [Music] sadly they didn't have any flour or cornmeal for sale but it was a really sweet little visit and the lady was so nice it was 10 life per person so nothing too expensive at all and we were thrilled to make a little visit it's a precious little place she was so sweet and you know what for a little afternoon Adventure I'd say it was worth it I think we're gonna see if we can fit in maybe one or two more stops before we head back for dinner so let's see what we find [Music] going off-roading y'all we're at the Great pyramids for drama we are coming up upon some very very large man-made Hills oh but first very very oh Lord we're gonna break our rental cars yeah let me see did you like it yeah that was a little more off-roading than I thought we were gonna experience but we made it let's go check out these Mounds we've made it to the Mounds it's not exactly known what they are they're obviously man-made they look very like unnatural on the landscape out here it's thought that they are burial mounds but I think that's contested a bit they remind Jordan and I very much of the Mounds that you'll find outside of Stonehenge in England which we visited a while back if you haven't seen that video check it out but you can climb to the top of them they're quite large and they're very much just kind of out in the middle of not nowhere there's some civilization but a long bumpy road let's go oh my gosh these things are huge look at that they're way bigger than I thought they were gonna be in bed we're both debating if if they are burial mounds which isn't you know we don't know but if they were is it rude to climb on them we were both there's a trail people definitely definitely climb on them and maybe somebody else who's watching this thinking who cares but it's something we pondered both of us were taught when we were little and this could be an American thing that it's rude to step directly on someone's grave like you step to the side of it or whatever the view is beautiful I might just enjoy the Little Valley in between the Mounds [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] we go the man at the end got me that was awesome oh my gosh I thought their horns were gonna like scrape the car for a second and they just went around and they surrounded us there had been 100 of them oh my gosh what did you think at first I'm like oh it's so cute so cute by the way I don't know what my hair is like right now because I didn't look at it but at first I was like oh so sweet the sheep and then I look up and Jordan's giggling because there is a sea of sheep we are surrounded it was delightful it was delightful I loved that [Music] foreign [Music] first course was a creamy vegetable soup with a most delicious croutons main course for vegetarians anyway it's kind of like a green pea kind of a stew it's very tomatoey very Savory and then some pickled beets cauliflower Peppers it's delicious same white wine also very delicious what you doing how was your day yeah you know me today I missed you I missed you you silly goose we're leaving in the morning I'm gonna think about you every day sweet baby I guess I'm gonna round up this video and we'll say goodnight to you guys as well we had an absolute blast on the cobort biologic Farm getting to meet new friends and exploring the land and learning all about all the amazing work they're doing out here thank you so much to Joseph an absolutely incredible host we highly recommend this place for an authentic educational Farm stay like option and definitely add it to your Romania road trip we're gonna get some rest it's been a big hot sweaty day but a great day tomorrow we are driving on one of the best roads in the entire world we'll see in the next one buddy okay okay okay
Channel: Keep Going Places
Views: 257,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: romania, brasov, brașov, transylvania, travel vlog, eastern europe, brasov romania, braşov, romanian food, transylvania romania, romania travel, europe travel, couple travel, full time travel, road trip vlog, vacation vlog, trip vlog, tourist vlog, farm life, romanian farming, romanian village, transylvania countryside, romania country life, transylvania village, romania farm life, romania tour, romania vlog, eastern europe travel, europe vlog, europe travel vlog
Id: 3rY_k3x0zcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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