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[Music] that could literally kill anything in Minecraft and what the heck is this pig doing yeah what's up mr. pig you want to go for a nice little swim in the pool ah what's up little buddy you're so dude I want the flippers they do it alright guys anyway if you answered yes to my question earlier well you are going to be in for a nice little surprise what the flip man this little piggy jeez oh my okay alright just chillax hold me but yeah this is why you need oh my Jase yeah that's right nerd yes anyway ladies and gentlemen as I was saying today we are actually going to be getting a pet which I'm sure all you guys know and love the wither storm in Minecraft I don't be showing you exactly how you could do that today but guys if you're doing Deutsch this video do not forget to go leave and like down below just go get your dog or your cat or whatever pet you have and then just slap them into like button or just lightly tap whatever you really like to do whatever you normally do just do that but yeah guys if you do want to see it more of the wither storm in Minecraft I was thinking of doing some mob battles bet she had some pretty good ideas maybe against the ender dragon maybe get some other crazy minecraft mobs just leave some suggestions down below in the comment section because what Thor yo this guy is a sniper hey guys just leave some suggestions and down below holy flip alright bro alright yeah I see you man I'm gonna parkour my way over here yeah that's right oh my gosh just got so good yes Wolfpack inbound oh my gosh she's going in I will fact what though flip this is like an Opie skeleton alright this is why I need to get myself a wither storm because that dude almost just Hotel my Wolfpack there you go branch good work will fak but yeah I should probably place them back because we're gonna have a huge issue on our hands if my wither storm new pet decides to take down my Wolfpack so let's make sure all you guys are seated there you go are you guys stay here because I'm gonna go spawn in the winter storm now I haven't really thought if this is a good idea or not but I mean it should be still fun nonetheless so let's go test this out what the heck what is happening why can't I just somebody in the wither store what the flip is going on in my world today there are mobs left and right literally just trying to kill me like where did this gholem even come from but thank you mr. wolf it was this ah thank you alpha alright I knew my Wolf Pack to just stay stationary for just a few minutes here so that I could get my wither storm pet who will protect me I mean I won't have any issues after this I don't think anyway but yeah let's go see so the first thing you're gonna do is get this mod it'll be linked down below in the description but anyway dudes once you add this you're gonna need to get yourself first off a monster spawner which you craft with some iron bars and an emerald in the middle and then right after that you need to get yourself the wither storm fusion part now this bad boy is a little bit expensive you're gonna need some diamonds and also a command block in the center which yeah to get that you're gonna need a rabbit's foot dragon head you're gonna nametags nether stars electra and crystals and even a dragon egg in the center saddles like you literally gonna have to scour your Minecraft world for the hardest to get items but once you do it guys trust me it is so flippin worth it actually I'm not really sure if it's worth it because the wither storm may eat my world I'm hoping that there's a way where I can sort of control him because technically you'll be my pet but I mean it doesn't seem like a great pet to have okay let's go woah what is okay I hear footsteps hello where did you just come from all flip oh my gosh it is this dude's a cow alright stupid fake messy what the flippin are command this time yeah that's right Wally's rejoining what the heck just happened alright that's just act like nothing uh well I don't even know anymore lady gentlemen I don't know what the heck's going on man here we go we have a monster spawner right there we're gonna place our fusion part in the top slot and then we're gonna place our blocks of coal in the bottom or maybe I just need regular coal alright BAM there we go we just have a few pieces of coal in here but uh okay why isn't this working alright so for some reason it's being a little bit glitchy as these things go so yeah basically just put coal on the bottom you put the fusion part in the top slot and then after I believe like an hour or two you will get the winter storm spawn eggs you'll get this bad boy right here out of there and we'll also test out this thing called a mob carrier so hoping that once I get my wither storm I can put him in this egg so that he doesn't destroy my world or if he does I'll be able to at least stop him yeah I think that is everything I think it is now time to summon this bad boy in so also betsy has challenged me to try and take down all of these mobs now this is a lot of mobs I don't think I'm gonna be able to do it alone so the wither storm is gonna have to do a lot of the heavy lifting here so let's grab all these we have some guests we have a Vindicator which and also oh my gosh half a stack of creepers and we also gonna test him out against some dragons alright this should be a pretty dang interesting I kind of forget how quickly he evolves because obviously if you've played the games wither storm starts out really tiny and then he just keeps growing and growing and eventually just eats your entire world say oh what the flip what is this thing okay alright might as well spawn in with a storm now here we go ladies gentlemen three two one wither sport oh here we go oh my goodness there he is okay alright he killed a spider so I guess that's a good thing whoa what else is killing me Oh whip pigs what is that that baby creeper what is will do what is happening Oh what is that thing alright so yeah this is the wither storm in your Minecraft world yeah he's currently killing every mob that tries to kill me and I also just realized that I have 400 levels of experience so I mean if you're low and experienced something the wither storm and he is picking on my blocks okay bro so yeah I'm guessing the wither storm will suck up everything around him to become bigger and bigger wait let's actually go check his health so his health will constantly go up as you can see look at that every block you picks up it goes up a little bit and then it'll keep going up and up and up till he is super fat with a bunch of blocks now real quick before this dude gets super big I kind of want to see oh my gosh he looks so scary in there but I don't want to see can I put him in this egg I'm gonna say oh yo I can actually get him back that is gonna be super flippin useful see and Here I am carrying my wither storm which is it's good trust me because once he gets bigger he will destroy your entire Minecraft world let's go see let's grab all the extra experience like holy flip that is I think around 600 levels that I just got that is kind of nuts so we're gonna head over into the desert because yeah I got what is sort of kind of get away from my house so that the wither storm doesn't destroy everything around there my Wolfpack bestie my beautiful kitchen so we obviously am and my cookies are all stored there so I got to be careful about that but let's go say well let's try and place him back down right there all right that yep it works so let's see I want to start feeding him stuff so let's spawn in a slime right there oh well that was quick oh my geez and so my gosh he's picking up cacti and a bunch of things he just killed all the slimes ah dude where are you going okay I guess I'll stay here hey man wait what's going on oh my gosh she's almost had a thousand health okay he started at 300 like a regular with her mother yeah oh my goodness he's fighting the slime now okay all right let's boil it some more slaps and go BAM take that stupid slime and bam there we go late gentlemen oh my gosh he is annihilating the slides that I am getting destroyed all right where the storm need some help here all right he's literally just exploding them like he's straight boss all right there you go good job with his storm you're my best friend all right dude so he's almost at a thousand help which I think he goes into the next stage when he gets to a thousand let's burn in a shoka right there oh no no he's about to hit a thousand Oh yep he just got a little bit bigger let's say okay he doesn't have his tractor beam yet but I believe that's the next stage once he gets around a five thousand health we'll get his tractor beam and then that's where things start getting exponentially worse okay man stop shoot fireballs at me bro oh no no okay guy levitation boot oh this isn't looking good for me are they let's make sure be at full health okay where do I live I guess all the cactus right okay all right there we go babe all right dude let's go see we have two more shortcuts for you to take down let's say come on dad I'm down you got it buddy yeah I believe in you okay you're still not killing him bro and I got hit with levitation come on man all right miss the weather storm you're doing good so far I mean you really haven't taken any damage he just keeps gaining more and for health but let's go see next up we have five guests and it's just is it an insta-kill yep instantly just destroys them look at that and five guests down the drain really dang easy next up we have been Decatur's way let's see this guy anything about I don't kill me breath OH wither stored please man come on come on yeah there you go buddy alright let's spawn in at ten of these guys here we go one two three four five six seven in a turn okay I am getting the flip out of here okay alright that's good see yup he's actually absorbing them he's already at 1,000 almost 400 health all right there we go all right back up power back up my wither storm is gonna wreck your day and yep I tried to warn them alright miss the weather storm you're doing good next up we have ten witches actually 20 witches now apparently they don't really like poison the wither storm is kind of not really too keen on it so let's go rare and say let's spawn out one right there let's say two three four five six seven eight let's call it all 20 of them alright don't I don't kill me please don't kill me our man there we go let's see ours Wister I'm taking any damage no he actually gained so much look at that he just killed so many of the witches I think he killed them all in one single head with a giant fireball but he is almost on his next stage which that's where it starts getting a little bit crazy so let's go see next up we have 32 creepers but let's actually make him go in his next stage so I believe he hits that around at 12,000 so let's make him 11 oh my gosh all right dog come here buddy where the heck is he going what is that he just picked up items you just absorbs everything alright let's head up here yo what's all that can you uh kind of wait up for me I don't know where the heck he keeps going our man here you go we doesn't have his tractor beam yet here is a creeper like that oh my gosh it is just an instant let's go dudes oh my gosh that is just an instant death okay there we go alright he explodes but uh-oh with a storm you took a little bit damage there alright let's level up our wither storm at two I believe this is stage two here we go this is where he gets his tractor beams let's see will he suck up any mops there you go buddy oh my gosh The Creeper I feel kind of bad for my minecraft we're out of butter I mean the creepers you know they just got to go all right mr. with a storm ma'am it you are dead okay yes let's go ladies and gentlemen now I'm waiting for him he can use his tractor beam to pick up mob some sort of kind of waiting for him to do that maybe against an elder Guardian let's see all right mr. wither storm I need help man oh my goodness that fireball I believe it does around 20 damage which is insane all right let's spawn in some more Guardians here you go buddy don't let them kill me please oh gosh oh my gosh okay that's not good wait a minute wait a second please tell me no no no this is not what I wanted oh [Music] this is not good my house look at my house this literally puling blocks from everywhere all right we got to get the heck out of here come on mister with a storm this wet please okay wait a second can I still put him in his mob carrier I don't think I will put let's go try it no no get back in your mob carrier okay ladies gentlemen oh yes okay I can still get him in there all right I think we're far enough away let's place them down here and I'm actually gonna stay in creative mode just because I don't feel like dying again but this dude still should fight all the mobs here we go let's spawn in a bunch of creepers and see if we'll eat them up hi ma'am there we go is gonna use this tractor beam at all holy crap it's literally just straight instant kills by a man Snipes and your dad rocket launcher come on you got them yes let's go ladies and gentlemen let's actually get some elder Guardians in here let's surround him our ma'am there we go holy crap all right let's see can the wither storm it shake them all down actually let's give him a little bit of more challenge because he is almost $5,000 let's spawn in a crap-ton of of ochres all right man there we go we have a bunch of miniature minecraft bosses that say I missed the winter storm what you got up your sleeves all right is he taking any damage now he's still gaining health let's take this up a notch what the heck all the vexes are going after him let's give him something even let's do a Minecraft wither boss all right let's see welcome while the withers actually sort of kind of helping him so this was not a part of the plan wait okay he's going after him let's see is the wither what the heck okay he's kind of shoot him he's like half shoot him oh there comes out the tractor beam oh and the wither ran into him and just got a kind of rack just a little bit but yeah let's see the wither storm okay he has his beam now is he sucking any mobs up oh my gosh look at that I will wave come on mr. winter storm show me literally is pulling them all up and then it's insta kill he just eats them it actually says he's eating all of these mobs wait a second if I spawn in it's more withers wait let's do five wither bosses all right let's see he literally eats them on the spot that is insane look at that he pulls them in and kills them in one hit ladies and gentlemen this is the boss of all bosses now also apparently there is somebody stronger than him that I can add into the game so if you want to see that let me know in the comments down below we'll do a wither storm versus that boss and it'll be kind of insane but I think first things first we have to upgrade this guy let's upgrade him through the next stage all right here we go 11900 now he should be about to hit the next stage in just a few seconds alright I guess in the meantime we can have our wither storm at fights some stuff let's actually try dragon alright let's see does he like the dragon these are from all that as well flippin big one alright he actually doesn't seem to care about the Dragons maybe if I spawn in some ice dragons do you like the Dragons uh yeah he doesn't really even seem to care maybe they're on the same team oh just kidding he just ate a dragon in one single pipe okay dude you are a straight savage now he's not on his next stage yeah but let's actually try a command let's see is this is next it alright okay that is that what I wanted to do ladies and gentlemen he has officially reached the destroyer stage which means yeah it is game over from my world now I am curious can I pick him back up in this stage wait I get him no wait what I call no I picked up his tentacle oh so yeah he's a bunch of different parts to him now he has tentacles he has three heads now so yeah I can no longer pick him up and yep it is officially game flipping over I think he just uh did you just lose a what I think his tentacle fell off but uh yeah he grows new ones back and he can also just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger look at that poor spider just got rekt in the face but I'm actually curious if he could take down any mob in Minecraft let's spawn in a crap-ton of withers here we go there ya go looks good keep spawning it withers and bam I just bought in at least 20 so let's see what they got alright so here the withers and that's the wither storm but they don't really seem to up nevermind they're all getting eaten by the wither storm as soon as they get close to him so yes ladies and gentlemen this is the wither storm in Minecraft I don't know if you would ever want to spawn them in because that yeah if you see my world it's kind of getting destroyed a little bit but let's actually see he may indeed have another stage let's try this let's do 100,000 let's see oh my goodness look at him he literally takes up I think almost like my entire field of view this is absolutely insane like okay this is me and he's literally what the heck is going on he has 100,000 L which I don't think anything in Minecraft could take this do down with let's try some let's do kill @e let's see no wait did work I'm not sure if that worked or not ladies and gentlemen I actually think I took him down it said the wither storm skull was indeed destroyed it when I did slash kill Adi so I think that may be the only way to get him out of your world once he gets into the destroyer stage PS ladies and gentlemen that is the life cycle of the wither storm if you want to see some wither storm battles or anything else with this giant minecraft boss just let me know in the comments down below and leave a like on today's video but any we're dudes that's pretty much it I hope you enjoyed my name is Beck bro Jack and I will see you guys all back again here tomorrow peace out dude [Music] you
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 11,362,331
Rating: 4.8369193 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, best minecraft mods, minecraft map, beckbrojack, beckbro, mini game, mod, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, traps, trolling, glitch, moments, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, minigame, troll, adventure, beckbrojack minecraft, top minecraft, minecraft mods, witherstorm, wither storm, minecraft wither storm mod, wither storm mod, wither storm boss, wither storm tutorial, wither storm minecraft mod, wither, storm
Id: DXytqsRGy9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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