Life Of A Teen VENDING Machine BUSINESS Owner!!

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what's up you guys welcome back to a brand new video I hope everyone is having a pretty good day today there is a bunch of things that we got to do for example we're going to one of our locations to collect the money restart the machine we also got to go to Sam's to go buy candy for our brand new candy machines or gumball machines on location and then at the end of the video there's something else that we're gonna be doing which I'm not gonna tell you guys what it is into the end but yeah I hope you guys enjoy the video if you do drop a like subscribe if you haven't already and let's get into the video look check this out everyone it's not actually 99 degrees over here in Texas you guys can see right there 9999 so let me go ahead and turn this up all the way there we go oh yeah so we just got here to the new location and again just like last time it's closed so we have to go through the front oh look at you all awkward yeah it's gonna awkward whenever we walk through the front that's where all the office people is that you know they just look at us bringing in all those snacks and drinks you know what I'm not even gonna call it the new location cuz every single time that's pretty much what I'm gonna keep calling it what should I call it cuz I don't want to say the name of the business of course I don't know I gotta come up with the names for all of my locations but anyways baby it's been like two weeks since we've been here the first time we came it was only one week and we made how much do you remember it was like 47 dollars maybe 45 no it was 80 but in cash altogether with it like with the credit card sales it was like 40 some day now it's been 2 weeks since the last time we've come that means we should make what at least a hundred dollars and a second feed back there we didn't bring a whole bunch of stuff so not a lot really sold by anyways before we go inside comment down below how much money you guys think we made in two weeks alright so before we go inside let me double check on this chocolate because you guys know what happened last time it actually melted what do you think it's kind of squishy but did it melt it's not melted it's still pretty good let me check the pastries everything is getting kind of squishy so we got to hurry up on one side yeah us take Amazon right off the bat let's see how many empty slots we have we have one two three four four five six seven if my math is correct seven slots plus empty equals money it's not only do I have one lakh but I do have a second log over here on the sides just cuz you know it came with it so why not use it do you wanna look at the money first or restart the machine not see that for last let's do something machine then collect the money so before we restart the machine you guys can see obviously pop-tarts do not sell here so we might have to replace it with something else I think only once all together that only one sold airhead bites also barely sold [Music] they tell me keep on running keep on throwing and punching I know I got it go but I'm holding on to something my mother know that I gotta keep on shoving even when I'm low yeah I gotta keep it coming and I'm going home wrong never took this never learn alright so there you guys have it we have this tank section pretty much filled up except those two which if you guys don't remember those two actually don't work but everything else is pretty much full it looks nice it's colorful but anyways now for the drink section let's see what we have sold out alright let's open this up and see and there we go so actually wait why is it dripping is that water I thought it was a soda for a second I was about to get scared look it's dripping a lot though but it's coming from up here like if that all that just came out of the machine like a might be leaving all these scars on everything you touch [Music] we do have everything pretty much full accepted gatorade we're missing one two three four five six but we actually do still have enough for the next two weeks all right so let's see how much we got oh we got a lot of money all right now for the bills how much is it okay good amount oh there we go putting my stack in my opinion let me see and that's about it for two whole weeks it actually looks exactly the same as he first week all right so before we go back home these snacks back here look a little bit lonely so I might go ahead and eat one of the honey buns yeah I can't tell anybody all right it's a secret that I eat my own product but don't tell anybody I'm pretty sure coming up look at that I'm pretty sure if some of you guys had a vending machine business and y'all always had snacks with you I'm pretty sure 100% guaranteed y'all would do the same thing y'all would eat yes on product Oh Jaime why hasn't your girlfriend really been in the video so far because no I didn't hate you reason why she hasn't been in the video that last couple minutes is because she got off work and you guys know girls oh my hair doesn't look good girls you're like I'm not like that what guy do you know that's like you know you I told her baby you look beautiful and just like no I'd known you guys would see her though later on in the video right I just turned the camera off and she took my honey button oh so now you give it back oh maybe as a pimple I don't like it it's so cute remember that comment I showed you there's a minor a key it's a pimple yeah somebody said if it's not a hickey it's a pimple hey I don't know why you guys like to make fun of me hey come here boy you want a snack is that what it will is a quail is people were saying quail is a bird that's a bird a quail I was gonna guess we're back to get our daily dose of Sam's everyone come to Sam's every single day I can't sleep with all night I'm just playing but it feels like we come to Sam's every single day so this time we are not yet to get sodas or product for our soda machines or snack machines we're here to get candy for our new gumball machines on location because we are gonna be making a video of buzz going through every single new location that we got we're gonna be restocking the machines collecting the money if there's any money inside Sonos we might go and find a few dollars we have to get this why why now why because it's too and oh no way yeah it's a better deal we can't even sell those in the machines though why would we buy them no you eat to view it okay who's it for then but the only candy that they have is either peanut M&Ms or regular M&Ms which one do you want to get the peanut butter ones no I don't think those would sell but the thing is how many of these do you think we need because we have eight machines on occasion but I think only half of them have pin M&Ms you think maybe two of each it's broken oh wait we will wait look check this out what if we get these instead look they're blue red and white for what is their fourth of July okay you think it would sell I don't know I want to get it because it looks cool but I have an idea if you guys want us to buy this one the one that has the red white and blue then let me know down below and if you guys want us to buy it I will buy it but for now we are not gonna be buying them so but before we leave I actually found some things that I think would be really good sellers option number one we got the what is this jelly beans option number two is the red white and blue M&Ms option number three is the Reese's Pieces and the last option is my girlfriend's favorite the chewy sweet tarts no the best yeah maybe Shh you're gonna wake them up I put it on the sieve it looks good you gotta make it on the biggest setting cuz you got a big ol head then the biggest setting what do you guys think can she rock it or not I think you can what do you mean you look like a boy you look good I'm the last person that can rock a hat so I'm pretty sure I would not look good in this he'll not know where the golf clubs all right I was the guy so we're actually a Walmart right now because I didn't tell you guys this but we're gonna be spray-painting one of the machines that we bought maybe what do you do it do you think I look good or what hi I'm sorry if I look bad well we actually have no idea what color to pick what do you think like it could be any color so far by the looks of it I like this one I like this one what do you guys think should we paint a machine pink oh look at this imagine if we made a machine chrome can you believe that it looked just like this I think I look pretty cool I'm gonna take this off because I don't like how it looks I'm gonna put it back where it goes all right so we've been thinking about it for a very long time like 20 seconds and our final option is gonna be this one right there it's a very nice pretty blue so I think it'd look pretty good no we're actually only painting one machine just because we have no idea if it's gonna come out good or not and also I want you guys to comment down below what other color you guys want us to paint the machines there's your names right there Oh Oh your names right there [Music] maybe imagine if we like what do you mean it's not that big you always gotta be throwing stuff throw at me one more time yeah get a kid us alright let's see how you get home guys I actually or we actually don't have any friends like sometimes hey baby like when are we gonna have a party at the apartment and she's like who are we gonna invite and that's true cuz we don't have any friends I mean of course all of you guys are my friends so I do love every single one of you but it's not like I can invite all of you guys to the apartment or maybe I could you guys want to come if any of you guys wanna be my buddy my friend my best friend my brother hit me up I need people to hang out with bradster no no sister honey brother or any of you sisters don't want no hey I said sister how am I know you guys see what I'm talking about they gotta check my ID just because we have spray paint yeah Oh what did we get a table now check this out we've been here what two months now a month and a half yeah I've been here almost two months which by the way we still don't have like couches and see we don't have couches we actually did buy the couches but they're not gonna be here in two a two months which is a long time but we do have a few things so far we do have the dining table show them what else we got oh yeah we got a TV now it's not new it's the TV she has hey Google turn off the TV hey and you guys know me I do love LED lights so we got a key down here in the kitchen what no there's not talked about there there's not talk about that I have no idea why I have that do you guys think that's weird I'm sorry I just like LED lights it's just something I've always told myself whenever I got my first apartment I would have light everywhere which by the way I'm actually not finish it I do still have to buy a whole bunch of light bulbs LED strips you like to live in a cave you don't like LED lights we can still turn them off by anyways this is what we picked up from Sam's we got two of these M&Ms regular M&Ms and two of the peanut M&Ms and all this of course is the leftover product I don't think this is gonna be enough for the a machines on location I mean it looks like a lot but if you think about it this could be for like one machine no two machines are you guys - before we end up video we're gonna be trying to spray-paint one machine I want you to pick one machine you want to spray-paint that once we can paint it blue again the red one you really I think this one looks nice already alright so for the first machine we're gonna be painting this one let's see if it's not too heavy now that I think about it where are we gonna paint it outside what if it gets onto like the floor so we actually do have like a little claws the outside and what I was thinking all right so we do have like a big box I was thinking what did we just put it against the floor and just do it inside it oh yeah wind might move it so that's true it's in there just go on growing up oh yeah does this go yeah we couldn't do that that's actually pretty smart baby alright so I'm going to put this inside why'd you break it up yeah just like that I guess I don't even know how to take this thing off the guy literally gave me like a hundred keys I have no idea which one it is oh it worked no way when you stake and try a second try literally hi so we got pretty lucky second try I got the lock out there's the lid there's the globe there's I don't know what this is called the cube hey alright so there's actually two nuts I have to take off from the top that way I can take off the whole thing so let me see if this is the right size it's not oh my gosh we got some good news and some bad news so the bad news is I don't have the correct size for this to take the whole top off so we have to find something else to spray-paint what if we just do one of those [Music] hey baby you want to go take it out or you want me to grab it just in case it's still way it's limb see ya baby don't grab the whole thing its way it's not ready he's not right it's not right let's dry it is yeah this thing came out beautiful look at this I picked a gift really yeah it looks really nice alright guys so I brought it inside just because outside is way too noisy I think it came out so nice it just looks nice it looks pretty it beautiful nobody up for him I think he came I'm pretty good you picked a really good color baby Thanks oh if any Hey so I guess it was enjoyed you let's stop the drying on me but anyways but everyone's that's gonna be in the comment section like oh you're supposed to send them down first you got a kingdom with alcohol and all these things first of all it still looks really good in sec and we only wanted to see how it was gonna look and again it looks pretty good 100% I'm gonna be using this color on the other machines because it came out really nice I just bring it back outside it's pretty heavy very no pointing oh yeah so before we end the video this county money we got from the location we serviced at the beginning of the video like you guys saw it actually doesn't look like a lot of money that's pretty much all the bills we got it kind of took me a long time to count all this so let me count it real quick and see how much we got oh $24 we made in two weeks okay so in bills we made $24 pending coins we got a dollar in 25 cents I'm like boiling over here but we actually make more money in credit card sales okay so for the two weeks in that location we made a 115 which is actually still pretty good with bills coins and credit cards that was put together we made a total of a hundred and eighty dollars with eighty cents so in two weeks we actually made four times more money than the first time but anyway this is pretty much it for the video I hope you guys did enjoy and if you guys haven't already subscribed click that subscribe button we're so close to getting 200,000 subscribers I hope you guys have a great recipe day and I'll see you guys in the next video peace out
Channel: Jaime Ibanez
Views: 235,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vending Machine Business, vending, how to start a vending business, collecting money from my vending business, vending machine, how to buy a vending machine, how much money do i need to start a vendin
Id: kGTseOl53-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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