Does TAPE On A Dollar Hack ACTUALLY Work In A Vending Machine??

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pull the tape back and I get my bill back guys real quick we might have some bad news so he came and look at this does tape only one dollar bill actually work in a vending machine all right drum roll here we go see [Music] yours good everyone welcome back to a brand new video hope everyone is having a wonderful day so I'm pretty sure everyone has seen those videos on YouTube you know where people try different types of hacks to get a free product from a vending machine for example a good one is putting tape on a dollar you know you put the dollar in once you buy your product you pull the tape and supposedly you get your free item and you get your dollar back it kind of reminds me like that episode in spongebob were mr. Krabs you know whenever he's like a little kid he puts the string on a coin buys a soda once he gets the soda and you know he pulls the coin back out and you know he got the free soda and you're right so it makes me wonder can you actually put tape on a dollar buy a product and then just pause the tape right out does it actually work well to be honest I actually have no idea if it works but of course I do have some vending machines so today we are gonna try it out and see if this tape on a dollar hack actually works but also by the way for everyone has been watching my videos since like forever you guys know back in the day like months ago one of the employees in one of my locations actually broke one of my vending machines by doing this so please please please do not try this at home or anywhere anyways I hope you guys do enjoy the video if y'all do drop a like subscribe if you haven't already and comment down below do you guys think this hack is actually gonna work anyways let's go try it out I buddy with guys before we leave of course I have to put the tape on a dollar I actually have no idea how to do this because obviously I've never done this to a vending machine maybe how do you think I should do this like just half way it has to be hanging that way whenever the bill goes inside can you guys even see the tape so whenever the bill goes inside all I got to do is pull the tape back and I get my bill back shouldn't you have it a little bit more longer I'm gonna putting another piece of tape around it just in case whenever I pull the dollar back it doesn't like the like the tape doesn't come off you know yeah that's smart baby and boom there we go this is a secret weapon I really hope it doesn't work but uh yeah I mean that's putting my chair now it's time to go to the location fill up the Machine first and then test out the hack see if it works I guess we finally made it to the location baby do you have the secret weapon or what what do you call it the dollar who wears this alright alright so there we go we got the dollar we just got here at the location it's time to go in are they close in like 30 minutes so we have to hurry up fill up the machines first alright so we're gonna fill up the machines first and then dance it's like it's dark the tape is all messed up now but I think it should still work hopefully it does I bet it was like I said wait what what happened by the way like I said let's go inside we do have other stuff in the backseat we did go to Sam so we still gotta take everything out we bought maybe six I think yeah no actually I'll do eight yeah the starbursts do really good here so we got to make sure to take plenty of them alright let's go why do you why do you have a play no comment alright there you go we got the drinks the snacks dang you still working on the cupcake you how many did you put eight right alright ten stars yeah alright guys so one last time before we go inside and test out the hack comment down below if you guys think it's gonna work what do you think it's gonna work or not in my opinion I think you will because somebody has done it to my machine in the past but I don't know if they worried hopefully not cuz then if it does everyone out there watching it's gonna try to go do that to a better machine so hopefully it doesn't but anyways let's go inside we have like 25 minutes before they close so we gotta hurry up so let's go [Music] okay so guys real quick we might have some bad news so he came and look at this we got one two three four five six seven seven empty slots of chips but the credit card machine didn't let me know that we had this many empty slots the bad news is out and bringing up chips which sucks look check this out I only have one two three four five five different types of chips I mean I have cookies buy chips I don't all right so I'm going to put the dollar down there until we finished filling up the machines so since we only have 25 minutes left you want to fill up the sorting machine while I do this okay you doing this with a machine right [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I just had a question to put the Gatorade in do I have to move the things yeah [Music] alright guys so there we go we have the snack machine all the way filled up I look so nice but there's still a lot of things missing for example like I set the chips I'm gonna have to come back later on this week because like we have cookies and cheez-its in the chip section they're not supposed to go there you know chips and cheeses are supposed to be in the third row with like these snacks or you know crackers go also look so sad only one pop-tart oh well I mean at least it's doing good you know it's doing pretty good so it's not too bad anyways before we try the dollar and see if the tape on a dollar trick actually works let's take the money out and see how much we made you wanna do the honors or I'm just go ahead and take out the whole build scepter you gotta press the button on the top remember there we go how do we do it pretty good pretty good bad let's see I mean it could be better it's not too bad it was pretty empty who knows how long the machine has been empty actually you know that's why it could be a little bit but we still have some coins so to see how much we made in coins oh we didn't collect them when you last time right no wait the tape guess back to the air I almost forgot that we didn't collect some money last time so this is from last time we came to restart the machine right okay so I'm gonna put that with the other bills down there and that right there is how much coins we made pretty good you guys can barely see it but it's not too bad oh look wait does this builds up 13 20s does it two 20s let me see it doesn't say when let me see on the back there's no way it takes 20s does it that's weird a twenty dollar bill a new bill acceptor because I know some of them can take 20s but I thought this one was pretty old well it's pretty weird let me see if it actually works that's weird it doesn't take it wait did we give somebody changed last time we came all right but anyways now for the moment of truth does tape only one dollar bill actually work in a vending machine so again you said you things alright so you don't think it's gonna work I I hope it doesn't but I hope it does just for the video I've actually never done this before so I don't know how you do it by the way so here we go so which one which selection do you want me to try out something that's a dollar maybe some chips it's Danish okay so I'm gonna try a c7 look just so you guys can see c7 is one dollar alright alright drum roll here we go okay I gotta make sure I hold it wait [Music] what's happening how do I cancel it hey don't don't push it cuz you can break the the belts look it's just taking the dollar mean I hope it doesn't bring heat nothing happened wait let's see if it it lets me buy it off so see seven like the tip is still in there oh my god okay so see seven nothing look the light turned off the light on the bill tipped it turned off that means that it's not on all okay so it's jammed you see how the light is blinking one time yeah if it's blinking one time look up here number of flashes one flash means bill pass jammed it actually got stuck we have to open it up oh it's right there it's right there like the bills actually right there so you can actually open up this bottom tray to take it out look I'm crossing my fingers that it doesn't break can you play oh yeah look at the tape it's all wrinkled should we try it again okay I'm gonna put this back in all right so that's back in let me go and put the bill acceptor box back inside and there we go so before we try it actually take take off the one that got a wrinkled which one is it it's this piece right all right so there we go so we only have two pieces this time I'm gonna try it one more time because I really don't want to break my bill acceptor all right guys so again jump alike because I'm risking my Vilks after all right this thing can break so see you guys can see the lights are back on now we got two pieces on let's see wait is it doing the same thing look the lights turned off again it's off look it's trying to set it back in no come back okay I don't know how to cancel a try to buy something see seven all right no nothing okay I'm gonna have to open this thing back up again and take it out let's wait it's sensing you take it out okay there we go uh hi I'm sorry heart attack it the noise wouldn't stop coming right I got scared I thought it broke it it's okay what do you need you today I really thought we were gonna break it so I brought this one as backup it's pretty smart in you and bingo that okay it's okay good actually good thing you didn't break cuz I brought this as a backup I don't bring the tools through places hi baby you're broken um but yeah I mean conclusion it didn't work I guess the lights are back on I think we should try it out before we leave just to make sure it works cuz you know if it doesn't so let me get a dollar actually our let's see if it still works so I'm even put the dollar in what do you want they needs a game yeah I never got it oh yeah okay so Danish okay so like the lights are on so that's good c7 a dollar works like new I'm really happy we didn't break the machine because we just got this machine like a month ago but yeah so anyways everything is good I just couldn't close the machine and let's go alright and there we go snack machine is filled up and good to go ooh very nice yeah that's actually a lot better than the snack machine I put also anyways we have the soda machine also ready now it's time to close it up and get out of here guys whoa check this out look at all the trash we have in the trunk this is from maybe two or three locations and we're so actually I'm so lazy to take everything out she wants me to take it out but I'm too lazy actually I've seen a few comments on people asking me like why don't we keep all the cardboard to sell it I don't think it's I think I don't know where you go but I know you sell it by weight so like you go and take it they weigh it and then they give you money like the kind of like metal like cans but I don't think it's worth because all this cardboard right there is may be worth like a diamond yeah it's like they barely give you any money for cardboard so it's not worth it's not [Music]
Channel: Jaime Ibanez
Views: 2,406,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vending Machine Business, vending, how to start a vending business, gumball machines, collecting money from my vending business, vending machine, how to buy a vending machine, how much money do i need to start a vending business, vending machine hack, arcade hacks, Does The TAPE On A Dollar Hack ACTUALLY Work In A Vending Machine??, will monopoly money work at the arcade, will the coin on a string hack work at the arcade, dont put $100 in a claw machine, jaime ibanez
Id: rN5Z0aMHQ-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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