Life of a cable technician Ep# 7

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youtube good morning it's your boy cabletech23 thank you guys for tuning in to another episode the life of a cable technician folks we are ready to get in we are ready to roll uh starting off good man going to a 8-10 install um so yeah it should be it should be pretty cool man i can't wait to show you guys what the uh what the day is like ahead of me um so yeah if you enjoy your content please like share subscribe you know and to all for the people subscribers i i truly appreciate y'all thank you so much like i said it's my goal to keep this thing going so uh thank you thank you guys so yeah i'll see you guys there [Music] [Music] all right guys unfortunately my first job of the morning it sucks but it got rescheduled um customer wasn't answering the phone no one is uh really here so uh but that's all right we're gonna keep this thing rolling man so we're gonna go ahead and see if my next job is available it's at 10 o'clock but uh i'm gonna call the customer and see if i can get there early all right guys correction the customer uh contacted me so uh i decided to swing back over to get this job done man so we're back i got first install uh should be easy all right we are here at the tap here we are let's get this bad boy open there it is all right this is the tap right here folks bam there it is that's the uh that's the address i'm looking for right here so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just take this off unscrew this and uh check signal and uh yeah stay tuned good signal coming out of here so we're good here so now i'm just gonna put the end on the wire good to go put the equipment inside the uh inside the home all right i'm going to wear stay tuned i'm going to hook up the equipment inside the customer's home and i'll let you guys know how that goes just got that job done uh man i i am really grateful that uh that guy came back and allowed me to finish that job uh but it was real quick and easy he was getting the wireless box and the uh xb6 modem for the internet we got him hooked up got him with his high speed internet and all his channels are in uh and he was also able to use his dvr so i will see you guys on my next job which is another install uh see you guys there let's get it all right youtube this job got cancelled it's it's it's crazy how it happened but uh i called the customer right and the customer was like no i'm at work right now but my mother's there uh so yeah i'll give you her number so you can call her like okay that's cool so he gave me a number whatever so i'm calling her up and um she's not answering the phone so i contact him because i have i do have a different area code than the area that i'm working in so i called him and i i told him that uh uh to see if he can contact her um so he was like okay you know he agreed to contact her never got an answer from him uh the leggy his mother never came to the door so i'm like what the heck contact dispatch to see what's going on uh dispatch and they got taken the job off my board uh but they told me that somehow their account got all screwed up man and they put the wrong address on that account so i was basically at the wrong wrong place um so they they took it off my board they told the customer that he'll have to call in and and put the right information in i don't know how that happens but you know it is what it is i guess so right now i'm a con i'm contacting my dispatch to see if they'll give me another job uh and uh see all right guys uh dispatch just gave me a job here are we just installing a modem it's a one gig so we gotta put in the xb7 um this is where the tap is that's where the pole is where my line's coming from and you're shooting from here and it's going all the way to the house over there so uh so yeah we i'm gonna go up here and uh check the signal out make sure signal is good make sure the wire is good uh and yeah so stay tuned folks let's get it all right youtube just made up here i wish i can show you guys a tap right now but this is kind of like the only way i can rig this thing up uh i'm basically just going to change out the fittings make sure the wire is good up here and uh all right folks just make it to the ground block so i'm going to change all this up here put a filter in on it um it's already grounded over there all right we're going to put a ground tag on that yeah stay tuned [Music] all right nice and grounded i just gotta add the ground tag here and we're good to go all right folks we are in the basement this is the wire right here it's coming through all the way here it's kind of covered up here with this material it's coming here and it's going all the way to over here where this configuration is so um i'm not going to keep it like this i took it off because uh i would like to get it with the full signal because there's only one piece of equipment so i'm going to uh search for the wire using my color toners right here if you don't have one of these you definitely have to get one save a lot of time when it comes for searching wires and stuff like that so we're gonna find the right one connected into the main main wire here and that's it all right there it is let's connect it so we have juice all right time to install the modem all right guys so yeah just finished up that job um it was an easy easy install hooked up the internet got that service right it's 12 o'clock and i only have a two o'clock on my board so i'm definitely gonna eat some lunch and uh yeah i'll see you guys on the next one folks stay tuned all right youtube so dispatch did not give me a uh another job so i'm here at my two o'clock appointment early um i think we're gonna have to swap out this drop here um i already made customer contact i was talking with the guy he was telling me his problems intermittent services um when i looked at the drop one side of the house um it was it was old man uh actually it was so old that it still had the um back in the day they made the drops with the uh with the phone lines connected with it as well uh so yes we definitely might have to uh swap out okay so yeah it's confirmed that this wire is bad i uh plugged the amiga plug this wire into the meter and my mega was not loading up all the way so i'm definitely gonna have to uh swap out this wire as you can see this was out this is what i was talking about earlier with the uh the old phone lines that's how they used to do it so yeah go ahead and grab my uh rg uh rg6 tying into this and pull it through at the pole all right all right folks so i'm up here at the tap i got the old wire right here and i'm going to get ready to uh pull it through all right so stay [Music] tuned [Music] oh yeah yeah yeah uh they were but uh but yeah they they kind of got away from it yeah yeah it is it is it is they decide to just keep it you know cause a lot of people you know they don't want to change so they just left it alone all right so we got a connection here and then we're going to plug this right now we're plugging into the meter i mean we're plugging the meter into the tap all right so we got the meter on this is the new drop right here guys just pulled it through zip tied gotta cut the extra off but uh yeah we're getting ready to get good signal inside the customer's home uh all i gotta do now is get a signal and also putting on the fitting and we will be good to go oh no it's all good it's quite a good job yeah good man let you guys know what i get with the uh signal i'm gonna tie this in and uh see y'all at the ground block all right stay tuned folks getting it in old drop will cause bad service there you have it folks we changed the old drop uh and we got him going with good service good speed well with his internet modem and uh yeah he's uh he's happy with the service um i really wanted to uh show more footage than what i than what i had but uh this this customer was kind of excited that i was here man he was following me around you know looking at how i was working and stuff like that you know uh but yeah man i'm just glad i got a service working uh guys i appreciate you for tuning in to another episode this is episode 7 folks thank you very much i appreciate you guys please like share subscribe like i said before and uh yeah until next time folks see ya
Channel: Cabletech 23
Views: 16,246
Rating: 4.9225807 out of 5
Keywords: cable tech, cable technician, cable work, install, installer, trouble call, SRO, upgrade, downgrade, cox, comcast, spectrum, time warner, Rg6, Rg11
Id: uNTWhlRqogA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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