Life Inside Maximum Security Prison (Jail Documentary) | Real Stories

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[Music] hey Bravo take note [Music] [Music] caning we stand up got the ball now it's time to man up can you call now nobody got hand up I got it all now nobody skateboarding for me it started as a hobby yeah to reach professional standard I need to join a lot of competitions 2009 to 2011 that's why I started to get recognized in overseas so from 2011 till 2014 I managed to get skateboarding sponsorship from local and over is usually for skateboarding shoe we must have a the right Sol much more flat than this then uh it's not slippery for exercise I don't think it's helpful outside you can smell like you know the bus F the grass the trees cigarette smell yeah perfumes prison uni can smell like walls uh the last competition I had uh before K roughly around 2018 or 2019 and then Co started to happen so there was no competition at all I was in relationship but then I have a girlfriend I argue with my girlfriend I didn't me to hurt her it's just my mistake that I grabb her March 2020 that where I started my sentence it's a oneman cell and you're all alone in the s that loneliness when you can't express yourself when you need to talk to someone you stu I feel I'm a bad person I think I make a lot of mistakes I have to accept this is my punishment B1 is a maximum security institution and he also houses image with very long sentences Imes who are receiving violent intervention programs I'm we do not want any unnecessary conflict so that's also one of the reason why we we house send in single man cell our prisons have to be sparten but not a front to human dignity it is as you can see bare it is simple but at the same time prison's conditions has to facilitate Rehabilitation canun 507 507 yeah so this is basically where I'm staying this is my home uh usually this is uh my area of sleeping usually I don't wear clothes on because inside this cell it's very [Music] hot usually like 400 a.m. uh 5:00 a.m. I wake up already so so we have nothing to do because it's very dark so we try to go back to [Music] sleep once the light on then I will go to our washroom over [Music] here so when we uh we bath I brush tee then I will come back to this area again to my [Music] bber the reading I will walk around this sou from here to here or sideway from left to the right and when I'm boring I actually did count by my feet is about seven uh The Weave is five L from 7 to 7:15 we have started with a mindfulness prce so there is a music we [Music] play ATT to all H2 stand by for the morning Master check I repeat standby for the morning Master check you are required to stand up with your T-shirt T and greet the officer okay Master okay good morning good morning Master check is a process where we account for the image HC home in our prisons so let's say for example if I have uh 150 imites in my house unit I must make sure I have 150 H accounted for morning sir good morning not just seeing them I also need to make sure that they responding get his acknowledgement as well good morning to make sure that he's not feeling unwell or anything Bravo Master total present 41 41 and the master check is over so once Master check about like 20 minutes then uh our full ledge will [Music] open yeah usually this uh is very important to us because it's our first view of the day from uh long lockout uh from yesterday night before the breakfast the shaver will be issued and they will shave inside the cell [Music] after 10 minutes we'll collect back the Sher around 7:45 so our attendance will issue breakfast to them so our breakfast usually consists of four piece of bread so they will pass it to our full ledge morning bro morning then we will take our Mark so put it here once we give our dation tea or coffee then we'll bring in after this this door will [Music] close I'll finish my breakfast everything I will walk this is a central kitchen giving uh meals for the entire cluster B per day we have over two meals lunch and dinner approximately about 7 to 8,000 meals prepared for prison officers volunteers and inmates in this kitchen the meals are prepared by imate kitchen workers stuio don't mind can close door 10 close door 10 open door 11 [Music] okay here is uh preparing the vegetables for tomorrow's lunch and tomorrow's dinner people might wonder if we safe for inmates to use this type of tools in this Workshop but as you can see the tools here they are chained when they come to the kitchen right we'll monitor their attitude and their performance and we'll see who suitable for which location so like say veg cutting area requires a lot of cutting and grinding so we need inmates here with the correct composure and correct mind so perform this St task okay once get ready back the TR okay okay now you can arrange there will be shfs from the Singapore Airport terminal services in short sets will be here to educate and guide the inmates on how to prep by the mes the kitchen cats for 6 to eight different diets approv based on the diation recommendation we have normal non- meat soft diet which means means diet off chili for people who can't take spicy food low purine for people who can't take things like tofu and low sugar for imates who have diabetes the kitens will ensure that the daily protein and vegetable nutrition requirement is CED for for the inmates every day they have different types of food clly for Monday they have baked chicken for Tuesday they will have fish food production is done on Industrial scale the inmates are the one preparing the meals ensuring that the immat right they get the proper amount of food the food after being pack is placed in this food troles this food troles will ensure the food is kept warm until it reaches the inmates so Wednesday afternoon usually we eat uh me or be so today is M uh this one is like totally if give Point Z to 10 I would say maybe it's maybe zero because it's very cold and some the me also Harden already when I was doing those illegal stuff was money was well to do I do bring my kids because they love uh restaurants the western food mostly every day I eat restaurant so compare the food now it's like totally one heaven and one H usually after eating I still feel hungry for to me it's not enough uh for lunch usually we don't have uh meat dinner time you have two breast chicken or fish over the years uh I really start to adapt the food but eventually I still miss the food outside the way we being served or what is like being treated as pet uh in the C sh for me is definitely uh hot [Music] B1 is uh one of the maximum security presence we hold about 500 plus inmates here Bravo krami Duman slider the sales that we have here in B1 is special in a way that it's all singl man cell in other places you have three man cell a fourman cell and eight man cells I think that's an interesting thing this one piece will make 52 layers watch on mobile devices or the big screen all for free no subscription [Applause] required over here you see the image cell door all right it consists of uh three key items over here which is the viewing panel and we have two apertures one on top and one below there's this portion where which is perforated so from here we can hear and talk to the image inside it is not encouraged to talk through the aperture because um you know we do not know what they have up their sleeve they can throw things or they can grab all your item nearby the aperture all right so the the poster you see over here is uh basically the uh cell layout which the image have to follow uh they have given a set of items inside the cell so when it's time for master check they have to arrange the items according to the poster which is uh given over [Music] here the image will be given a clear pill a soap box uh a MK with a cover all right uh it's uh transparent so that self can see what what they are hiding inside they given a plastic spoon right for them to use when they eat their meal and we have uh a set of toothbrush and toothpaste the toothpaste is made in a way that it's clear and you can see things inside if they were to hide anything inside it would be visible for stuff to [Music] see and and if you see the tooth brush over here it is made in a way that it's very short because if they were to use this as a weapon uh I would say pretty much it won't cause much damage compared to a longer toothbrush each treid will also get two blankets big enough to cover the whole body last but not least we have the stat uh for them to lay out and sleep on the hard ground if they want it to be more cushion and they will just fold the blanket in a away and make it like a mattress this is the toilet area where the imate go to the toilet and also take a shower so the CCTV will capture everything inside uh the cell including the toilet area as well so if they go to the toilet you know to do their business or they were if they were to take a shower uh we can see everything at night the cctvs that is inside the cell uh equipped in a way that they have they can see in the dark this is a oneman cell setting it can be psychologically small in a way if you are cooked up here for a very long time for the weekend uh is really uh very big impact very very big impact for 48 hours uh knowingly knowing that your perimeter is only this much it it really uh disturbs uh the mind and the body as [Music] [Laughter] well my wax my moisturizer my my lip balm my lotion these are all the things that I don't have [Music] here before I came I was a fitness trainer I was living a high life a luxurious life people Wan thing to get a car to get a bike to get a house to get every single thing I manage to get it all done before even I hit 30 uh for this time my sentence I I was caught uh transpassing to eal during that time I was in a high in drug I just T to follow my thoughts and I like to uh go to places that uh eventually are uh interesting or unique when when I was being caught I have a drug utensil with me there is a was led to the uh drug consumption I was sentenced to three years imprisonment um for drug consumption and four months uh for drug utensil position the blankets is the most uh for me important one because the blanket can change to become F then we have plastic spoon usually I think you guys use only once all right then we yes this thing is like one year plus with me one year plus yeah this one tasteless made from China yeah totally this one I don't know why they give us I think maybe budgeting or what but it doesn't give any effect yeah totally seriously so I'm a worker so I this thing uh is the not the normal soap so this one uh is quite good better than the normal soap the normal soap one is too dry way too dry centered soap is one of those things that motivate imates to uh maintain their conduct and behavior in prisons so that they can actually go for work soon so once you go to work then the we actually given allowance then you'll be able to purchase Cen items like uh soap I got this goodies from the allowance that I had working as a p facilitator [Music] today I last be 50 days to go until my release date on the 21st January I've collected all these item so that I can reward myself every single night for my Countdown by having some rewards and achieving this rewards by myself I'm able to eventually make myself think better during my dark time here basically I worried I forget I need to focus on the risk of me getting into trouble fighting uh arguing and disobeying uh officers can be extension of 3 days to 7 days from my release date to now tonight I'm going to treat myself with biscuit this biscuit he is a very good inmate but doesn't mean all the good inmates are good citizen we have a lot of experience where the inmate obey but after 2 months they come back they fail to become a good citizen he's a very good inmate but what we are focusing now is we want him to become a good citizen so that's our next challenge that we need to prepare him before he release Ben to sh message over yeah salute to Mr Ben send your message over Ben to sh prepare for the room one sarch Sal to Mr Ben Roger proceeding okay we're going to conduct a routine cell search from 507 to 511 okaying standby for C search this is part of the prisons regulations that we need to do the Sal search to make sure that they don't uh keep any contrabands contrabands can include excessive items or any items which are modified such as a cell hook uh strings okay Bravo can run 507 search we want to make sure that the environment is actually safe for the imates and officers to work in so every day we have a scheduled uh sales to search okay take out your to box see outside every time when I hear my turn for uh I feel very s yeah Bing before I go in you got anything to declare no sir the officer will come with that shoe on so this basically where I live this is my home so uh after the sell sht I have to actually rean the whole sale so normally would like to keep things in any part of the doix CH usually the whole over here right they will use um stippler bullets or they can even put straws to use as hooks to hang things and usually they have a long piece of string and then you just put round and round and round and around just to conceal it so this string they will use to do some trading to their eyebrows or to the facial hair if C with Contraband in the cell a report be submitted against them and they may actually lose opportunity in terms of the work program or even uh uh have their out of sale activity their y activity uh forfeited when it comes to the toilet area this is where it gets more exciting like over over here you see an improvised hook which is not allowed each cells they allowed to have uh three cell hooks okay two at the living area and one at the toilet so this is an extra one I will certainly has the image to remove this and pass it to me and I will give them a warning we have a sent of iTunes for imates if imates are allowed to have their own items then it actually makes our offic job more difficult to to to check and then secondly it's also more on enforcing equality among the imates we need to make sure that everyone is the same treated the same the reason why I knock is to see whether there's anything that falls uh in or out so these are the buttons for the flush in the shower uh usually we just press the flash button first to see whether they hiding anything at the toilet area they normally will hide things right under the pipe over here uh so we will just use the flash button to flash it all down in case uh they will know what they they'll be hiding so in my experience when we do cell search we check the toilet bowl because sometimes we can find inmates hide things inside there things like um medication pills tablets even improvise items that uh they wish to hide okay bin can come in with your too box chances are they are they are smuggling among each other passing around without the staff knowing right um they could get from any place that you can imagine uh but this is all not within the radar of the staff that is why it's very important for us to do cell searches uh every day regularly this is origami looks nice nice but you're not allowed to do all this inside yes sir for origamis and other artwork that image like to create right they are not part of the standardized items and it's also part of image discipline inside prison so that's why it's not allowed let's say if imit were to keep a long piece of string that turn into a rope uh you can use it to you know hang himself if there are things that are sharpened uh that could also know be be a risk to us uh when we work over here luckily for the imate earlier uh there were no major contrabands that were found it's just uh rubbish and a few improvised item that doesn't implicate security inside our housing [Music] unit me with some straws and actually the additional hook it's actually improvised like hook Yeah so basically inside we use uh rice to make glue to actually roll out the paper so after it dry it become hard make sure got five for the St is actually for celling cost we have this uh every week if we have good performance they will actually give us uh packet drinks so uh the STW is actually where it come from I just feel that the hook for toilet is like not enough because usually I hang Tower to dry out then uh when I actually go in for bar I also have to take out my pants so you I will find something to cook on that's why I do the additional H after all this being confiscated I think I have to readapt again to yeah use an method in the right way okay so far all the things that I find here are all rubbish and all the things that you're not supposed to keep see straws improvise sell hooks all these are give you warning okay if you ever do this again the punishment will be higher [Music] okay okay B we're going to tuming you for the offense that you did inside yourself for having extra cell Hooks and all the straws that you kep yeah housing unit informal resolution system it's a platform where we record down the image wrongdoings what it does is it takes acknowledgement from imit who have committed some mistake and it gives them like a contract not to do the same mistake within 6 months if not then they will be uh liable for higher higher punishment which is uh disciplinary charge okay sign over okay so uh in prisons we have minor and major charges so for minor charges it can range from calling with another inmate uh disobeying officer instructions or keeping accessive or modified items for image found guilty of minor charges the punishment May range from a written warning confinement in PE punishment cell up to 7 days or his uh release date will be extended for major charges King may be imposed and for serious cases it may also be referred to the police major charge can range from fighting with other inmates holding of medication and even Tattooing in prison hey Bravo can gra me 509 59 I think the hardest part in prison is the control maybe if you outside you can be in control but I'm inside here I cannot do anything you got anything to declare on right nothing nothing to declare next when uh yesterday yesterday three which one is the oldest one the one some of them do store quite a few to eat later in the night they're hungry and all that but they should only have two we can cannot have them to keep it for too long because it could have th pain to get them sick so we have to remove this one cuz it's been a few days already this one is just his own personal own drawings so I'm also taking this one because it's an unauthorized material there's no chop there's no official uh stem on it so I'll take it away why because uh it could lead to him writing messages across the house unit or even across the institution plastic um stapler strings and A4 paper all this we can't have in the cell cancer we are definitely not allowed to have up because that one we can and use it for tattoo although all these thing in design is not allow but we have our means to get it one of the possible ways how IM got that contrabands could be through the housing unit attendance who may put in the contrabands OR additional items while they're doing Food Insurance actually everyone knows that this against the rules bought in the room bottom there nothing to do then I just do the [Music] tattoo um you was s front the CCTV but the back facing the CCTV like reading a book to like camouflage some magazine will be thicker use St bullet like those you can find can find on some magazine you have to be round and have to be thicker it's not like normal normal those paper stapler sh to the on the floor just make even out one round then sh close TR I need a string because um the string is to like be re tie to the theend stapler for the we try to get uh from the doctor we ask for um like diar medication they will give us this Cho di it to the in of the the the tread will exor the in they do not have the proper facilities to do those tattoos so they improvise and I've seen infections their whole hand being swollen that's one of the reasons why we we want to curve it the other aspect is in mid subculture uh a lot of our inmates are affiliated to gangs so usually some of the tattoos that they want want to put uh gang symbols and that can be problematic and that can affect the good order and discipline of the institutions back then I was a SK te member so we do this tattoo to show a bit of slity then to like let people know that we are from this gang High properly then the officer saw it is like fresh W so they they CAU me my date of release have extended for 21 days and four stroke of K for I think nothing on three different occasions I was carrying three different type of weapons actually the first weapon I got was a samurai s I plan to go down to this place to meet this guy that um I just want to like slash him then I walk off to actually teach him a lesson not to mess with other people's wife the second weapon I carried was a parang that was on my back I needed because um the time I was paranoid like people enemies were following me and then my last weapon I carried was a brad knife it's actually a protection for myself again I didn't get to use it up but after that I go callau it when you get K there's no installment in total I have 21 Strokes of the K when you get K you cannot you can't scream up you can't faint also and you can't appear weak we are in skety so um we have to be tougher if you all these you can't go can't take and in future other trouble how you're going to face it what I'm setting up over here right now is for basic wound care for the patient after caning contrary to what people normally think they are linear um superficial wounds evasions um it won't be profusely bleeding I would consider a minor wound because there's no uh deep tissue cut they try to walk straight after the king process some do cry some don't uh some are harder than others so if they do request painkillers we will prescribe for them so far I've not seen any mate requesting look for y time is because y uh basically we actually do exercise and the space is more bigger then we can feel more uh air that is coming in up from [Music] [Applause] there 1 2 3 [Music] we doing our usual exercise routine now so it's our own uh soall hi yeah High intensive training one week we have uh two hours of yard then uh twice a week so it's for on Tuesday and Thursday yeah here's the yard time quite quite long 2 hours yeah we are make full use [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when officers are supervising the yard it can be very daunting you're taking care of a large number of image in one uh confined space the officers um tactically trained they will expect the unexpected 1 two stop guys you all cannot use the bench for exercise huh if they are trying to do the bench press then that will deprive someone from using the table to their newspaper or play games and besides the bench is also not uh intended for that purpose so next time I don't want to see this that's how we are showing the not correct way of exercising we really can do like jogging set up pushup uh hi but we can't use any equipment in the yard let's say the the wall the bench everything we cannot use out and we cannot cross the red line around the yard so basically we just do exercise smartly so when there's officer we try to just a we really do something that not allowed that let make us come here so most of us will still do because there's nothing more we can do okay um this is my portfolio when I was at visual art half uh we can draw visual art Hub is a place that we imates can do like our Fine Art ptry carpentry btic yeah you can do anything to express ourselves as [Music] so this is the picture of me and my wife I use a pencil need [Music] eraser photos it's very precious here every month we have 20 points out we'll be if we not get charge or anything we'll get 20 points so you have to accumulate 60 point 60 point for one photo 60 point it takes about 3 months to to accumulate yeah so you have to maintain your conduct like 3 months yes to get just 60 points then you can claim for your redeem for your photo and my wife were married in 2008 so uh after that after one year I need to come into reason are because of some chases that I've done so um during that time my wife was pregnant she's still waiting for me uh she never leave me my wife didn't miss any visit only twice because she need to give birth and bring my eldest daughter for [Music] checkup I used money to yeah to show my love to my wife whatever she want like those brender bags all this we just okay you know let's go we go and get [Music] it provide they leing they the house grocery made everything that I can feel like some of my wife don't have to work and slowly slowly I start to uh fall back to drugs you slowly yeah everything gone [Music] [Music]
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 301,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Changi prison, Changi prison inmates, Real Stories, caned, coping in prison, crime prevention strategies., incarceration experience, inmate behavior, inmate experiences, inmate stories, jail doc, life behind bars, life in confinement, life in correctional facility, life in prison, loss of career, origami in cell, prison reality, prison regime, prison routine, prison system
Id: xrMnoP4fNe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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