Inside Maryland's Prisons

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For this scan, just based on… Is it on you? It indicates she had something in here at some point and ripped the end of the bag off and hid it because that was stuffed in here like this. Sometimes it's difficult because that was found under here. If they buy a small amount like this, it could be anywhere within the car. Mix it with both heroin and fentanyl, because fentanyl is so much stronger. If you were to go to Baltimore City today and buy this many drugs, you're looking at probably $3,000 at least. Yes, yes, I got you. For such a booking they'll be charged for possession and possession with intent to distribute narcotics. Appreciate it. Ensure you're safe, we've got one minute, then we'll get all the doors shut. We're going out here, all right? Thanks, guys. He's moving, get to cover now! Twenty years, straight off the jump for a fight. I was just devastated and was like: Oh, my God. I couldn't believe it. Hey, guys. My thoughts are like the Gladiator. You take the other guy into the arena and you kill him. Just keep it down while we're in here, please. They break you down on the mental aspect. Sometimes they'll hide knives in the spine there. If you take the book and put a tag right there. Inmate accused of killing a corrections officer at the state prison in Jessup. They decided to use plexiglass because plexiglass won't set off a metal detector. The sheriffs think they are in control, but they have no idea they're not in control. Even me. Everybody going to the jail is scanned for contraband and weapons. There you go. -How are you doing? -Hey, Mark. Good to see you. Hey, guys, how are you all doing? No street arrests? We have about 325 inmates here at the jail. It means how many per day? Each day it varies. On average like you said, today, there are about three who came in. On any given day, ten or 12 is probably a busy day. There's a key at the top. The individuals that are highlighted in red are in court. Green is working in the kitchen. Yellow is in the laundry. You can compare this to one of these boards in an airport that shows the incoming and departures of flights. This is the same thing for inmates. It tells their status, where they're located, where they'll go, where they'll be, whether or not they're in their cell, if there's any movement in the facility. If you see it just refreshed there just a second ago. What is the yellow up there, Mike? -The yellow is laundry. -All right, I've got you. This is at work… I don't think so, I think this is something we designed at Frederick County IIT. It's very good, yes. Nobody during my tenure as sheriff, no. I think it was 1992 or four. I'm pretty sure it's '92. Is this what you want to do? That's how we do it. Hey, guys, do me a favor, just keep it down while we're in here. Do you have your ID? I'll check for each inmate's ID. As I do that, I'll check off the name on the roster. The server then provides the inmate with a tray. With the ID and roster, we can verify if there are altercations, or things like that. We're observing too if the inmates come up to the block. You've got it, guys. Sometimes these inmates end up with having four or five pairs of pants when they're only allowed three. They have a certain number of socks allowed. They are allowed up to seven pairs. We've got to try to keep it out of sight. If they see it, then they can take it and we won't get it back. We don't have real pens, we have flex pens. You can't do any damage with it. If you try to hurt someone, it'll just bend. We don't have real toothbrushes. We have little miniature ones, and they're only this big. We can't fashion it into any type of weapon. Here, I can never go in another block. If I go on another block here, it's an escape charge. If they break you down on a mental aspect, they have you. In a lot of cases that's true. As long as they're like: We can't have any music here. For a lot of us, music was our life, it's how we relate to people, situations, and things like that. Here, you can't listen to music. It's not allowed, it's not acceptable. We write to them, we ask them for it, and they say no. Fuck them, I hate them. I hate this jail, I hate the sheriff's. They hate us, I think they are racist. It's different out here. For a person who gets caught with a handgun and some drugs out here, if you're black, you're going to prison. If you're white, they're going to get you a drug program. Hey, C.J. This picture is Russell Crowe in the movie Gladiator. I love that movie because my thoughts are like the Gladiator. You take the other guy into the arena and you kill him. That's how I win elections, I walk them into the arena and I come out victorious. I like a hard fight. I like the movie Gladiator, it's like me. It's stoic and tough. This picture has a little bit of a story behind it. That's me at the age of two years old. Our current sheriff, Chuck Jenkins, knew he wanted to be sheriff 50 years ago. To me, being the sheriff was probably the most honorable thing that could have happened. They don't believe in what we believe but together, we have done something very special. Corners are now shored up and I suppose, myself and Officer Marty, are conducting a yard check. Coming your way. You could find a glove that maybe the worker set out that may have drugs in it. You could find weapons out here, a lot of times in the windows, outside the window, or there in the cell, and the inmate comes to the cell and they may retrieve something that way while in the yard. Empty. Excuse me, nine Bravo! Something happening within the facility, so the officers have to attend to the situation. They will shut down the yard and gym so that the officers can do the detail. Hey, get it on camera, ass hole! West side, baby! We already got you! Let's go! I'm going to do it. Now, news this morning, a 43-year-old prisoner stabbed to death. Police are investigating at the maximum security facility in Jessup. Be safe and watch each other's back. Remember, if something happens, observe, back up, call for assistance, and then when you call, we'll come and support you. Make sure you're spread out across the floor so that you're not bunched in a corner. All right, let's get them out of here. Female on a par! Female on a tear! Melody! Sometimes they'll hide knives in the spine there. Damn, if you take the book and put a tab right there. MCIJ, there's violence everywhere. At the same time, I feel and believe that the officers pretty much will have control where they feel safe, whether or not everybody's walking around if I'm willing to come where they're not walking around with a knife. This is a piece of metal that was fashioned into a weapon that has a point to it. All of these are inmate-made weapons. These came from the light fixtures that were inside the housing units. If he was selling it to a gang member or to somebody who needed a weapon, he could probably make $50 or even $100 for this weapon because this weapon would kill somebody. They got smart and decided to use plexiglass because plexiglass won't set off a metal detector. Some of them are found on the inmate themselves, hidden in their pocket, in their pants, in their coat, and in their rectum. Thank you. Have you seen Shamira? I can't find her anywhere. I cannot find Shamira anywhere. Come on, ladies, move it up! I'm sorry, Broady, did Shamira come down, yet? Shamira. Shamira. Nobody wants to be in a room with somebody who's a mass murderer. You have to check everybody out. You never know what everybody's here for. I've been waiting for you for hours, because I missed you. Hey. You didn't think I was coming. You would have been here normally. I'm so used to you picking me up now or being right there. Thank you. Hi. Go down to the bottom. In November of 2007, several teens attacked 44-year-old Gregory Simmons and beat him so badly. Lord, thank you for this food for the nourishment of our bodies. Bless the hands that prepared it, the less fortunate, in Jesus' name Amen. Amen. She thinks we're going home, she just thinks that I'll go home without letting her know. It's good Beau. I look out for my daughter because I know there are a lot of misguided kids here. They come here with no one to look out for them, and they end up doing a lot of crazy stuff like drugs. She doesn't have an opportunity and not that I would let her. I'll be on her back. I'm a stalker. It's still dangerous because some people just don't care. You have some people who just don't care. Like I said the other day, the ladies were fighting and they had to go to the hospital because one stabbed the other. The other hit the other with a lock or something like that. It's not even regular little catfight arguments. They are trying to hurt you. This situation is bad but it's comforting for her to be going through this with me so I don't go through it by myself. I'm stealing this for her, she likes yogurt. They search so I've got to put it in my bra. I already got this. Smile. If you look at another cell, it doesn't look like my cell. This stuff, we made. I made this to give it a little design. My friend painted that picture for me, and I hung that up there. In a prison, it's hard trying to be comfortable. Like when you decorate and make things pretty and nice colors, in your cell, at least. -Do you feel better? -Yes, you feel better. I have this. When I put it on, or I have this. Even in the new chapter, they're letting them know what the hell you're coming back to… Well, I had those for four years. Four years ago, they cut the makeup off, and that's when everybody was like: Oh, I have to hold on to what I have, because when it's gone, it's gone. You want to feel like a woman, you don't want to look like whatever. You want to do your hair, you try to do your hair and your lips, because you want to look nice. I saw this in a magazine. I've been here so long. When I was home, I lost a lot of my stuff. I'm trying to make a new book for her that she could have. That's her when she was a baby, me and her. She looks like me now, right? Make it into a photo album. She's going to make me sad. It makes me sad that she doesn't have these things, do you know what I'm saying? I just wanted her to have pictures of herself. We lost so much. This is an ugly picture of her, and she hates it, but I love it. Oh, no, this is why you don't wear makeup at times like this. If they need the money I give it to them. I got 25 years for the assault and three years prior for a weapon, but they gave me 28 because I had a record. However, to give her 20 years, straight off the jump for a fight, I was devastated. I was like: Oh, my God. I couldn't believe it. They're tough. They're very tough. They need to be more specific. I know some people deserve tough on crime, but you can't judge everyone by what some people do. I grew up in a place where people fight all the time, but they fight with their hands. They get into fights, they get smart, and stuff like that. If you beat up my sister, I'll beat you up. If you touch my younger brother, I'll beat you up. Stuff like that. I'm fat. Get ready to go. I think it's to show the public what we have. To show them that we have the equipment that it takes to protect them. I think it shows that we're a strong agency, and we do everything we can to protect the public. That's what it's all about. Don't you think it's a little too much? No, not in today's world. No. The reason I say that is if you look at the Orlando nightclub shooting a couple of years ago in Florida, and if you look at the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, it was this type of vehicle that stopped those two attacks. They said: We don't come to Frederick to break the law and to sell drugs, because we know in Frederick County you guys don't mess around. That message is out there. By news, this was paid for not with tax dollars, but the proceeds from illegal drugs and some of the money that we get for housing ICE detainees. In every county in the United States, illegal immigration is a problem because people come into this country illegally. They commit crimes against American citizens and their immigrant communities. It's a problem for us locally, it's a problem nationally. I decided to be a part of the solution. Pictures here, we can have some inmates over here and we'll have to edit… People misunderstand why I make the decisions I make. Listen, I love this country. I love America, I love this county, I love our quality of life, and I don't want to see it go away or taken away. Hey, Sarge, how are you doing? How's everybody? What else? Thank you, guys, for doing the job you're doing out there. You guys are asked to do a lot in this county. You're asked to be everywhere. Every sporting event. The schools want you, the community events want you, the library. Everybody wants that body armor and that gun, but they don't want to pay for it, right? Do you have anything in the car, stolen property, or anything like that? No, sir. They think I'm a dangerous individual. I think it's just because I'm smart and they don't expect me to be that smart. The sheriffs think that they are in control, but they have no idea they're not in control. Why do you say that? Just like any other jail, it's corrupt. COs, the correctional officers, some of them work for us. Some of them don't. It's all about money. Being patient is hard, right? I always say, when I'm asked… A gang leader continued his testimony today in a federal jail for corruption. I have to start over and I have to transfer everything from illegal to legal. I keep track of paychecks, where I work. There can't be any sketches in them. -That's purely the paper. -There is nothing sketchy about me. -Would you like for me… -Especially my sneakers. My sneakers… Now, would you care for me to elaborate on Mr. Sketch? Yes, I did meet him while he was locked up. Believe it or not, this is the first time anything like this has happened to me. That's because normally, we talk about it all the time, I would have never dated anybody from prison. There's something about Joseph. He's different from any guy that I've ever talked to before. She accepts it and she understands. More than that, she's a helping hand whenever I need her for anything. -Good morning, good morning, good morning. -Good morning, mama. -I love you too, welcome back. -Thank you. -How is he behaving for now? -He's doing well. He's doing well. He just got back. I'm hoping that he gets something out of the program that allows him to reintegrate back into society. Employment. I think he's trying to get married. Get his life back so he doesn't go back to where he came from. -It's time to get started. -It's time for class. -Yes. -Yes, ma'am. I can come here and know that there's no police involvement. I know that I'm not being recorded, or videotaped, or being watched because it's illegal. What's up, bro? Not much. What did he say about that situation when the blood nigger shot at him and he shot back at Russell? You already know when it comes to that, I don't mix words. I don't let niggers think something that isn't real. If he starts doing stupid shit, I'll cut his ass loose and whatever happens, happens. but I told him if he is chill I will back him all the way. If he's chilling. I don't know what the fuck Chaz thinks he's doing. You ensure he knows that you run that shit out there, bro. -Not him, you run that shit. -All right, bet. Do you think you are going to come back to prison? No, I don't think I'm going to let them catch me. I think they'll have to kill me this time, I'm not going back. Good morning I'll have to do inventory. -Texas! -Yes! -How many hats do you need, one? -Just one. -Did you damage the other one? -Not yet. I'm going to, I've got to run it on the computer. When you work here, you have to be a certain type of inmate. You can't have a certain type of charge because they use tools, dangerous tools in here. When you work here, people recognize that you're not only changing, but you're trying to better yourself. I work harder to save money so that when she goes out, in the next three weeks when she goes home because we don't have too many people who are going to be like, here, she's going to have to work hard, too. She works hard and I work hard. We both work hard to prepare her for going out in the world. I'm ready to go see Shamira. Shamira! -Who made this? -Me. On this site, did you make this on the computer? All right, C-H-E-Q-U-E. [Spanish spoken audio] I've taken this class before. I've taken Spanish, so if I can help her, I'll try. She's really smart now, and she's taking over. She's going to have to help me. I think it'll be tough on her for one because she's coming from prison. Two, because she has to work ten times harder. It's hard for women to get jobs now, good, good jobs. Still, after all this time. Now, it's going to be even harder but I'm going to do it. She's not coming back to prison. She's not. You've got to be careful. We're prepared for that. -Hello, sir. -How's everything? I'm doing well. -I listen to you on the radio a lot. -Do you? -Yes. -Do you agree or disagree? -I agree. -All right, good. How are you doing? -Meet my wife Kathleen. -Good to see you. What are you doing, buddy? Good evening, everybody. Welcome to all the early birds tonight. Let's give away some money on the first King Tut. You can take that out, hunt anywhere out west, anything walking North America. The one that's the most valuable is the Remington Bolt Action 700 BDL. It's probably the most expensive on the table. It's probably about $900. I'm thinking about that barcode. I know it, I know it. I am, only because a group of guys that I used to work with bet me that I would never shoot a deer without crying. I wanted to prove them wrong so I got my license and I went out and shot two deer. It's very peaceful and very relaxing. My son wants a camouflage gun. If I win the holder, this will be what I choose. For a gun or $350 store credit, the winning holder is 2,600, 2,600 is the winner. It's 1,513. He protects families. He protects the country, the county. Yes, he does a very superb job. He's for people like us that obey the law, and do a good job. Especially coming up here and doing this kind of thing. Sheriff Jenkins is a great guy, and he stands for what we believe in. If you're not here legally, you're transported out. I think the wall would be a great thing. I'm not going to say that on camera, but it'd be a great thing. -You can… -Thank you. It's rewarding to be able to go out and help people and everything. It's a fun job to have to help the community and talk to a lot of people and try to make a difference. The blue ticket winning holder is 100. One hundred is the winner. Somebody just asked, for those who weren't here earlier, there is an ATM Machine in the far… -I just won. -Congrats. Thank you, and I'd just said 100 isn't going to win. -You won! -I know. -Near the red band. -Oh, Jesus. Thank you for your service to the country, and for everything you've done. All the veterans, stand up, a big hand.
Channel: Best Documentary
Views: 1,103,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, fortune, billionnaire, privileged, life, millions
Id: X4YWzdrifWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 15sec (3195 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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