Life In 1000 AD Britain (Medieval Documentary) | Timeline

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Wonderful. My boys loved this. They home school, so this is an excellent way to sneak history in. They are just 12 and 8, so keep em coming.

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father hooray through there don't help Alan CFE namaha hundred Toby commenting region ranking the world in Villa on earth on earth as it is in heaven give us this day one [ __ ] do you hear me Lord this is super as a year 999 like one of 400 years was living alone of pray to Christ was denofa's acres Lord in our time every day lad that was leaders not in a destination of you and deliver us from evil and low Saxon England by the Year 1000 was a very highly organized Christian country it had a hierarchy with the King at the top and different grades of people fane's freemen and the slaves knowing their places anglo-saxon Chronicle is our main source of evidence for the events around the Year 1000 and a very pessimistic outlook this was a very prosperous country but increasingly vulnerable at the time to organize attacks from the north from the Vikings [Music] and 995 came a long-haired comet token early [Music] liking host sees the Isle of Wight 900 the Viking floater sailed the Midway burning and slave in the Shire Kent [Music] angle alone there's a land of small villages stretching from here in Kent to Northumbria our king F'lar and is far to the west in his capital Winchester I am couth bet village priest a man of learning in this my Chronicle I write about the 14 god-fearing souls of my village true folk of England this village six hundred years our forefathers have a walkin in this place they came across the sea to settle this Island when the Romans left and walls and Saxons they were heathens then now we've seen the light at least wolf rich eager blacksmith's son first to empties in the ladder unloading last night's hornfels avail our kindred slid closed around the hearth walkin by the children or the call of the [ __ ] flees and lies there are bedmates under the fast roots but I love which welcomed her in the Hills she's still not resolved she must Wed soon Lord keep her from sin West ow [Music] what really mattered in this accident was health physical health and so why is how behold be healthy was a typical top of the morning greeting they were practical earthly I suppose that if you or I were tuning in to anglo-saxon channel just know he would sound rather harsh and gravelly a bit like waves dashing in up on a shingle beach each other ha de peut Γͺtre que no more to the matter to Automag and littler measly all the words that come from our language that are good and short and tough and blunt and terse and hard and quick come from anglo-saxon man see ship sky love [Music] everyday life with definitely struggle it was a physical work the average intersection was much fitter than we are and there'd be much less likely to be overweight than people are now that really wasn't the problem for the anglo-saxons only the very rich would ever get a chance to get fat we don't think people actually wash very much at all it's a bit odd for somebody works on this period to say so we're actually dealing with a period of people who were really smelling our village life is rooted in the loners we live alongside goats pigs and poultry the Hardy not squeamish they must rear and grow all we need hundred years ago king alfred cast out the Viking raiders but in my lifetime in the reign of King Ethelred the heathens from by the Year 1000 Angelo Saxon Society was very highly organized that was a very developed hierarchy with the King at the top and the slaves at the bottom and different grades of people in between slaves we call them the Broads of Louis run they do every work when the bigs in the plan there Jackie left in wills thoughts on the carry we shelter but if they run away there may be stoned to death no that is our law slaves may not sit beside their Lord this is the slaves overseas Godwin his wife's heavy with child we can't rely me what he's learned to count he's our Reeve and the bailiff from collected for our fame Edwyn gon wins the rich Freeman they sure long as we call them his father left him over 60 acres in his will Godwin grows barley wheat and leeks or rather the slaves grow barley wheat and leeks for him that's their place one may end up as a slave in anglo-saxon society through a variety of pathways and one of these could be as a captive in a skirmish short battle you could also be born into slavery you could also end up as a slave if say you had been convicted of a crime you're unable to pay the fine that was required then you would end up in our blacksmith less wealthy like his forefathers making french was women's work it was one of the hardest most time-consuming things that they did basically because of grinding the flour one of the reasons that they didn't make all that corn in spread was that grinding flour was such hard work and took such a long time there's a big difference actually between anglo-saxon teeth and modern teeth because of course they're flour with stone ground and little bits of grit would come off into the flour so all the time people were eating bread they were grinding their teeth down and by the time somebody was why I suppose in late middle age they might actually have no enamel left on the tops and bottoms of their teeth it's all good thing quite thankful life in one of the wooden houses it would have been cozy because they would have had a fire going all the time it would have been smoking all the smoke would have gone up to the upper half and we do know that quite a lot of them suffered from sinusitis presumably contracted from sitting around in smoky environments the train deposits obviously contain people's bodily wastes but also intestinal parasites particularly worm tapeworm that we have now and then they had whipworm and there was a nasty one called our scary which I had as well which could be a bad foot long of course they didn't have toilet paper what they did use were leaves moss anything that was reasonably soft there's actually a joke what is the cleanest leaf and the answer is Holly because of course it would be quite unsuitable for that purpose we know they combed their hair because we find their combs lots of combs quite elaborately made some of those combs have mitts on them women certainly married women would wear a cloth over their head all the time that they were outside there was some kind of belief that women's attraction lay in their hair yeah there's a pretty girl with nice long blonde hair and you know once somebody was married she wasn't supposed to be attractive to everybody else no veil yet for khun hilt she's on Wed her father Oswald is away fighting the Vikings her John's have been noted by Godwin's brother Edmund a wealthy German an ungodly bullying kick by his horse they say [ __ ] hilts father is in our Thames war band part of the fears the angler army trucking down the Viking for Wolf Ridge has been chosen one day to take his place at are they inside it's a great honour for a mere blacksmith's son he could win booty be granted his own land all the better to win over some girl war of course provided what the tunas it's the people as well as causing many problems so there's much more social mobility than there had been before and someone who perhaps hadn't had the chance to become a soldier and then possibly to improve his status might well find that a place was available for him in the fair because so many other men had died khun hilde has more than one Swain seeking a Wolf Ridge he may not come back from war Edmund his wealth may turn Khun Hill tent in time [Music] praise the Lord the joy of giving life the main thing about childbirth was that it was extremely painful the curse of Eve that you have to suffer to bring forth children and in the year 1000 there was no effective pain relief life expectancy on average was very low the worst time was the first five years of life and within that the time around birth but childbirth was really a female saying all the women in the village would probably come and help so there will be a whole load of women in the house and the men probably wouldn't be anywhere to be seen [Music] [Music] it is ELISA mid-summer tomorrow I christen Godwin's kin [Music] I follow meekly in the footsteps of cinta gostin who came from Rome 400 years ago to baptized or Zangler my flock are god-fearing but theirs is a life of toil as priests I seek truly to unfold the Gospels do them in the year 1000 there was still going on a revival in the church which had begun in the reign of f-words father Edgar and it was beginning to have an effect on village communities ordinary people would now be expected to go to church perhaps more frequently than they had done before but they grit the great health of the Reformers was that the parish priest would explain to people what Christianity was about what the meaning of the services was and how they could infuse it into their everyday lives or meet their God where he sere his leave blood on friends baptism around the Year 1000 was very similar to a baptism service today the role of the godparent was important the role of the family was very important as well it was in fact the defining moment in becoming a Christian who needed to be baptized to be a Christian [Music] ill tidings [Music] warrior of our settlement [ __ ] Hills father has been gravely wounded our Lord Thane Edwin has written over 30 miles to bring him back from the field of battle [Music] [Music] [Music] the first thing for a wound would be a cell I suppose to cover it up and to soothe it and those would be usually made of fat with some herbs in them but it was also understood that it was important to keep wounds clean so they would be cleaned with things like honey of course even if a wound had apparently healed up somebody could still become ill they could get what we now understand is blood poisoning so they'd be feverish and they'd be debilitated and they could even die in the end it's hard to see how small growing many more gray hairs harsh alfalfa such a worthy man I pray he lives for the sake of his daughter poor couldn't Lord keep us from the Vikings bring death to our door I have a sad tale to send down to say here of 999 must solo before 1000 while King Ethelred cowers in lament Vikings robbed our kingdom our warrior Oswald has fallen foul of the heathen Sorbs and lies dying his daughter can only watch she's very nervous [Music] [Music] in the year 1000 the king was king ethelred ii who has the nickname the unready that's in fact a play on his name Ethelred noble council une read new council or possibly ill counseled and it's thought that he got his name from being badly advised by something nobles around him [Music] so one winner soon after Ethelred had come to the throne in 978 Viking raids began again and so by a thousand there must have been a lot of fear and insecurity in many parts of the country how many more warriors broken bones will lie on this hill before I give the time whoo gods also these evil time we paid twice over once with the lives of our sons and again with our hard-earned tax was raised not only by the king in order sirs we'll have swell his own coffers but by around the Year 1000 enormous payments of silver were being made to the Vikings ever example we find more anglo-saxon coins in the Viking poems than we do in England they're thieving heathens will not take these I pray a sad day what Oswald silver or not Norma's in the work of Christ the priest was responsible for burying the dead and this often led to great disputes over where a particular person should be buried because a payment had to be made to the priest upon the burial and we know that priests often fought over corpses in rather and ceremonious manner in order to acquire not just the corpse but more importantly the burial fee [Music] work stops for no man even the dead summer comes to an end until we must ready ourselves for the cold ones live possible even for Akunyili anglo-saxon England was rich and that depended largely on sheep the Sheep is really the ideal multi-purpose animal it's got the fleece which you can use to make clothes it'll keep you warm it gives you meat it gives you tallow which you can use to make candles and you can milk it as well the silver penny goes right back to anglo-saxon England and it was a coinage that was very much centralized it was withdrawn every six years to be remitted to warden and Weaver one great concern courses for the minting of bolts of coins and if a money it was thought of minting coins in the woods is another way that they put it then he could expect to have his hand chopped off and fastened above the doorway of his mint this was a clear indication then and that the the person had wronged [Music] no talk of coins today my villages must forget worldly sins for it is Sunday a day of rest for most but today have worked for me as I watch over my wayward flock [Music] priests were responsible for the pastoral care of villagers at this time and they were responsible for making sure that the villagers are dear to the religious feasts they were responsible for making sure that the villagers went to church on a Sunday and the law was very clear that villagers mustn't do any work at all on a Sunday or else they'd be fined and went allowed to carry anything anywhere and the priest was responsible for ensuring that that happened so that might sometimes mean that the priest wasn't particularly popular [Music] washing was considered a luxury it was something that nuns and monks gave up when they entered the monastery because it was a certain affectation it was something it was nice but that wasn't necessary and the ordinary anglo-saxon peasant certainly never saw a bath and probably didn't wash very much at all [Music] what she'll do [Music] bathing [Music] he offers up the Apple in my own garden do not leave rich the church has never had a very good opinion of any form of sex lawful marriage is the least of evils it's not particularly a good in itself but all other forms of sex constantly fulminated against fornication incest rape sleeping with nuns you name it some priest has complained about it when it came to marriage this wasn't an entirely personal choice marriages were contracted between families and women wouldn't have a lot of choice about who were they were to marry although the law is clear that women weren't forced to marry someone that they didn't wish to Larry moon Hill has made a choice a smoothest kuna battle and alert its willable for Weaver where your thumb near thorolund all of the adult male villagers belong to a tithing which was almost like a local neighborhood watch group which was responsible for making sure that everybody had aired to the law and that was really the point of contact between the law which was being created by the king and by his advisers and local people [Music] beyond the tithing the village works together to defend our kingdom from making arrowheads to giving up a song to the feared the army our settlement gives sacrifice greater good huh this may be the last time blacksmith two Sooners play together it is time for Wolf Ridge to go and fight on our bill they may be of course the price bounding away shame Oh [Music] [Music] Wolffe rich leaves our village to face the fallout side oh well matter to ward each Shire our people build strongholds or burrs where armies muster the war band heads to Hastings burn with our thing near a thousand to the King Ethelred was very weak and ineffectual King the anglo-saxon Chronicle records when the army was supposed to be going out he was coming in when the enemy were in the West then the army mustered in the aged Viking raiders a near only God knows war features faint now the anglo-saxon sense of fate was that the shape of our life the time we were born the main events in our life the time we died was already determined but I think that these shapers the gods had nothing to say in shaping the color of our lives the way in which if we have a sense of humor it can be a lot more bearable even if we're suffering Kooning Digicel de Guerre metronome fit local Honda noun bells met any event in the anglo-saxon period would lend itself to verse which is how most people would have heard the news the poet remained a key member of society articulating the stories that told the English about themselves and about their origins a medium by which in other words they identified themselves as English what where gardener and yard are compelled Kananga through Muir foreign on which loosely translated quite or what has almost the same word drawing attention to the declamations that all would have be hushed when the great word watt went out what how we have heard of the erstwhile fame of the spear wielding folk kings of the days of yore huge sharing shared on a threatened monocle my Beowulf is the great epic that forms the beginning of literary art in the English language welcome the welcome I wish my congregation was as Raptors is something they're always enthralled by the old tale hunting down word of mouth a monster kill a bear wolf and those ale rowdy and warriors they have a great feast and days of course singing in the feast and it is to the sound of this singing that introduces us to the next major character in the poem namely the monster Grendel they are Westbury we're here that Rendell can't stand the sound of the singing Grendel perhaps the most frightening monster in all of English literature it is quite possible to trace back the monster in the film alien or the monster in the film predator to Grendel as their prototype doesn't show on earth and Grendel is immune to edged weapons of any kind which beileve is aware of so he proposes to grapple him in a great wrestling match and Grendel is surprised when one of his victims actually fights back and whatsmore gets him into a very strong wrestling hold and appears to be a kind of half nelson and eventually he does manage to wriggle and twist himself free but at the cost of his own arm which Beowulf is left hanging on to in the same grip and more day work a bear wolf is enormous ly significant because it's been deepened into the most profound comment on a human life someone who is a real thinker and who says what on earth is our life about here on earth how are we to make sense of it what are the principles that we must live by and by now everyone's getting a bit fed up getting a bit more rowdy and a bit more stupid with Al or Mead and I say go on tell us a riddle and maybe he starts asking a real he said well I've had enough of this why don't you tell me a riddle because the riddles are the song of the unsung laborer they're the songs of the illiterate no thought admin you baddest there are some riddles which are very saucy which purport to describe objects from the kitchen and around the household but actually describe parts of the female and male anatomy staff though mean is sweared harassed under itch in bed not wha say oh there McNair WA we've wound and lock what [ __ ] Hilde is fearful former fridge who faces true monsters more fierce than Grendel you it is harvest moneth fall in the year of our Lord 999 since we were over Coleman the bottle of Maldon nine years ago our people have feared the Viking men who raid our kingdom my fellow churchmen whisper that the Vikings are the Antichrist you all bring the world to an end and out into this darkness beyond our village has gone Wolf Ridge our blacksmith's with st. edwen fighting the purpose behind the Viking raids around the Year 1000 was to raise money so they were partly looking to taking booty but like many other early medieval peoples they were relying upon taking tribute by which they meant they were relying upon people paying them money to go away so they tended Babbage an area literally burning places down to in Castle and even people and so they made such a nuisance of themselves but somebody would organize a tribute to take them away as the rates got off people refined it increasingly difficult to pay that money and churches were having to sell their silver men were having to sell their land and if you didn't have any land so you might even sell yourself well members of your family into slavery [Music] [Music] the Viking attacks were seen as evidence for the wars which in the Book of Revelations are mentioned as the type of thing that we'll see in the reign of Antichrist and after that there will be the end of the world the church was very pessimistic about the Viking raids many churchmen thought that the Viking raiders were some sort of divine punishment from God because they hadn't been a Deering to their prayers I hadn't been going to church enough [Music] [Music] [Music] undoubtedly certain sections of the ecclesiastical establishment believed that the world would end 1,000 years after the birth of Christ all the death of Christ Archbishop Wolfe stan has left us a very impressive sermon addressing the English as lay over and men beloved men you can knoweth that salt is know what the truth is this war old is on off stir this world is in haste and hit nail lacquer damn ender and it rushes to its head [Music] this is one of the most explicit references to the the fact of the belief that the world would end in some form or other around about the turn of the first millennium [Music] the Battle of Malden was the first time that the anglo-saxon suffered a serious defeat in this round of the new Viking attacks one of the oldest and most respected elder my bet loss was killed and I think this was a warning signal to the anglo-saxons that they could be in trouble the lines which the alderman of the English his name's birthmark speaks to the Danish Harold who's asking him for Dame Gale rather than fighting about him could be applicable to any invader one can imagine it being sent at Napoleon or Hitler or even some of the bureaucrats of Brussels when Britain off said you hear the stool say Luther what this Volk saith translated do here sailor what this folk says we'll give you Spears as tribute and time-tested swords what were the Vikings like they were out you go there's a terrific word in barrel it describes a ship which was icy and eager to sail that's how I think of the Vikings they were thrusting confident opportunistic and enormous ly successful they were also arrogant lacking battles at the time will be a horrific place to be the only thing that kept men together was the fact that they knew the men around them the archaeological evidence tends to come from skeletons and shows particularly that sword blows could be quite devastating cleaving skulls amputating limbs winter drums all will live to see it some pigs we cannot feed all through the cold months the time is over for them Tomatoes one of the month Symington was called blot on us which means blood months they always wanted more meat because it was protein and fat that were least abundant in their diet the anglo-saxons had far less variety of foodstuff than we do and not all species that we think of as being native species existed then they didn't have any potatoes they didn't have any tomatoes leeks so very keen on leeks that was their favorite vegetable and some kind of cabbage stuff but they weren't very bothered about vegetables what they really liked was meat the art will be looking for gaps in the line where men weren't concentrating on him so that you could try and get a clear shot if you know that the arrows are coming with a shield it's relatively easy to defend yourselves the archer will be moving around as much as possible trying to catch people who weren't concentrating on low Saxon fear would have looked cloudy it's made basically the same way as it is now out of malted barley people did drink a lot more beer than we would expect because the water wasn't necessarily very clean they might have a nice well but they might not they might have to get their water from the river and that would be the same river that they were throwing all the rubbish into so they wouldn't be very keen to drink it a happy day our Lord sane and winner or fridge of come back this time they fought off the Vikings saw us there safe until spring at least one of the [Music] [Music] infinite rest well [Music] it's unfair Lander [Music] I do think the anglo-saxons had a good time we're certainly capable of having a good time as much as we are today the idea of a great feasting hall presided over bourbon nine leader or King was very much their idea of heaven on earth and for many of them their idea of heaven itself fighting all day and drinking all night so what more could you want [Music] the anglo-saxons are underrated there's this extraordinary idea that before the Norman Conquest who was a miserable Dark Age of savage peasants who had no idea how to organize life whereas in fact anglo-saxon England is the starting point for much that we think of as valuable and significant about later medieval and modern England our language place names are churches many systems of government will go back to the anglo-saxon period it's not true to say that the history of the country begins with 1066 that's a mere blip on the history of the people of England it is ye'll dawn is near on the first day of the thousand years is the birth of our Lord all seems well our future lies when the like rich community and the children down there the world has not come to an end Archbishop Wolf's Delmas wrong then life moves on well our people still be here in another thousand years there are some characteristics of the English today and of the anglo-saxons which seem uncommon ly like one another what we have now as the year 2000 dorms is something historical kind of backs-to-the-wall toughness there's a melancholy there's some fatalism and I think there's a great love of ceremony of doing things the right way of ritual in some I think we'd be fools not to look back to look forward [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 1,191,962
Rating: 4.7126679 out of 5
Keywords: medieval documentary, medieval times, middle ages, middle ages documentary, history documentary, medieval history, medieval times documentary, timeline documentary, documentary history, medieval europe, dark ages documentary, medieval life, the middle ages, medieval history documentary, medieval europe documentary, 1000 ad, great britain, medieval england, documentary movies - topic, full documentary, bbc documentary, tv shows - topic, full length documentaries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 59sec (2879 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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