Life Engine Unnatural Battle Royale

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welcome to the life engine Arena where these organisms will fight to the death in a battle royale I maybe had a little too much fun making this world there are some obstacles and shapes and food in the middle here which I think should make things a little more interesting here are the Gladiators all of these organisms were created and submitted from my Discord community and in the middle there is one of each they also get their own little starting sections of the map with three randomly placed organisms in each section which should give them some room to breathe there were 17 submissions in all and you may notice that a lot of them look the same they're just one cell but they are not the same because most of them are unnatural what does that mean a natural organisms are ones that are neither evolved nor constructed with the in-game editor but instead they're made by directly editing an organism save file which looks like this it's Json which means it's just text that defines an organism's structure and behavior it's essentially its genes last time I offended a lot of people by calling Json a language instead of a notation or format these people have soup for brains and they deserve to be offended I stand by my words Json is a language unambiguously it is a formal language it's not a programming language and I never said it was it's like XML a language that's used just like Json to store and transmit data and XML literally has language in the name and just because Json stands for JavaScript object notation and not language doesn't mean that it can't still be a language does every language literally need the word language in the name to be a language no that's ridiculous anyone who says Json isn't a language is a fool and a liar and they ought to be destroyed by fire and hang on distracted unnatural organisms these are organisms where people have made changes to their Json files so they've basically hacked the organism's DNA to let them do all kinds of things that aren't normally allowed so for instance Ned the original unnatural organism has stacked cells where he has many cells all in the same location allowing him to eat and see and move way more efficiently than normal natural organisms he's also not centered so he can rotate through walls he's a very dangerous creature so I wanted to see how far we could take this and I opened up a contest to create the deadliest creature possible here are the rules first movers can produce food they usually can't you can only have 15 cells no more than that there is no mutation so no Evolution there is no mercy and the maximum population of the world is fixed at a thousand per submission which ended up being 17 000. this is a new evolution control that restricts the total number of organisms to whatever you want where negative one is unlimited this has the kind of unexpected consequence that a more productive organism can outproduce other organisms and drive them to Extinction without even touching them so that factors in a lot to this competition finally after 3 000 ticks the organism with the highest population will be the winner to make sure it's fair I'm gonna do three rounds where the starting location of each organism will be randomized on each round now here are the names of our Gladiators and the names of their creators notice the original Ned is here as well as the default starting organism Luca there are some fully natural organisms here though they are at a very serious disadvantage okay we ready for this three two one go [Music] all right things are starting to slow down here and I'm just recording this in post so I'm just gonna speed it up for you keep in mind that most of these organisms have 15 stacked cells so they're actually pretty big and they slow down the simulation quite a bit you'll also notice that most are purple it's hard to tell them apart but when you select an organism you can actually see the species name in the details window so that should help it's becoming pretty clear that the purple organisms seem to do the best this is because the last cell in an organism's list of cells is the actual cell that occupies the location in the Grid it's ultimately the cell that is actually displayed and the one that other organisms can see and damage so when the last cell is a purple armor cell that organism is purple and basically invincible so most of the really successful ones are purple I also by the way change the color of the purple armor cell to be a bit brighter and stand out more just for this video that's not a per minute change [Music] [Music] foreign ticks let's check the populations I added some new values to the statistics tab so you can see the most popular species and this janky button that lets you see the population of every species now the button I only added for this video it is not in the official version because it looks awful with normal environments but for this video at least you can see all the surviving species in their populations the clear winner of this round is smart micro Quasar or the official name micro Quasar Devourer is second non-euclidean struggler Ness and third followed by a plant suffocator neck and Bob I'm really proud of Bob for surviving he's a natural organism after all a micro Quasar totally destroyed this with 13 000 of the total 17 000 Max population okay moving on to round two I've randomized the starting locations so let's go oh I should mention this guy in the corner here is actually a cheater he has 24 cells um actually he was just accidentally submitted to this competition by someone who didn't realize that this was for a competition and I didn't catch it so it's on me either way he doesn't do very well so whatever [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign thank you [Music] all right round two is done once again micro Quasar comes in first 12 000 out of the 17 000 population Devourer in second a similar sort of layout from last time and finally round three once again we're going to randomize locations but this time let's watch the center in slower speed [Music] thank you [Music] we can see that it mostly fills out with purple organisms micro Quasar Devourer neck Ness all very similar survival strategies [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] very similar outcome micro Quasar with the Lion's Share devour and second again but Bob didn't survive this time well we have a clear winner and it's a blowout the most Unholy of all unnatural creatures is micro quasar invented by ryoku ryokune anime profile congratulations here is micro quasar's Anatomy it has 10 producer cells remember that movers can produce food in this world only one eye a mouth killer mover and finally of course armor it moves towards everything except for armor you can play with micro Quasar yourself in the community Creations tab as well as the full battle royale world it is an exceptionally deadly creature perfect organism s of morality it even out competes Ned in a normal world where it can't produce food I think we have effectively created an Abomination so thanks to everyone who participated I will likely be doing a similar competition for natural organisms in the near future not sure what the rules are yet but if you want to participate in that stay tuned on Discord thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Emergent Garden
Views: 8,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: np6ZVZIs7f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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