Life By Design: GOAL SETTING Documentary for 2021

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it's funny to think about this isn't it we take time to design a house before we build it we get our clothes designed before we wear them everything that is man-made is designed before it's made at least we had an idea before the outcome was decided but when it comes to life no one bothers to design their life the most precious thing of all life must be designed [Music] lou holtz once said if you're bored with life if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things you don't have enough goals now all successful men and women have one thing in common goal setting goal setting I called a master skill of success with it everything is possible without it nothing is possible and fortunately goal-setting is a learned skill it's a skill that everyone can master and anyone can learn if they're willing to put in the effort you see it's very liberating when you finally realize that you have the power to make your life whatever you want it to be it's a wonderful feeling knowing that your success does not really depend on anyone else most of the people on this planet do not get what they want because they don't know what they want in their life you see most people never go after what they want because they don't know every step they have to take to get there I want you to think of a person going up the side of a wall of ice now the only rule for reaching a goal that you have to know is knowing where you're going and knowing that you're going to get there you do not have to know how you're going to get there now pay attention to this for a moment imagine the climber has all his equipment he's got his crampons he's got his climbing rope his hardware his ice access how does he get to the top he's standing on the ground and he's looking at maybe a hundred foot vertical wall of ice he looks up and he has absolutely no idea the path that he's going to take he just sees himself at the top he reaches up and he puts one pick in and then another pick then he raises one foot and then the other now he's not standing on the ground any longer he's suspended on the wall on a vertical wall of ice that goes up for a hundred feet he adapts to the changes that taking place in his environment and then and only then does he see the next step and he moves this pic then this pic then this foot then this foot now that's how he gets to the top a step at a time and that's how you're going to get to your goal you just have to know the first step to take and when you take that step you're going to find that your conditions your circumstance and environment will change then you see how you have to make the next step it's a matter of adapting all the time you only have to know two things you have to know where you're going and you have to know that you're going to get there you've got to see it in your mind now this is the beautiful scenario this is what it's all about save that in your mind and think of it often think every time you think of your goal and you're trying to figure out how you're going to do it think of that vertical wall of ice what's the next step that's all you really have to know one step at a time and you'll get to wherever you're going that's how Hilary got to the top of Mount Everest by nature you are a goal seeking mechanism and you move toward those exciting images and beliefs you hold uppermost in your mind you know experts on the science of success know that the brain is a goal seeking organism whatever goal you give to your subconscious mind the brain will actually start looking for information for resources and for opportunities and other ways to achieve the want that you've identified now why this may sound like an impossibility given your current situation of circumstances we've seen countless individuals literally suddenly get what they want often from a source or opportunity that already existed in their life or their sphere of influence but that they had never instructed their brain to find it before there really is no magic to this at all by our very nature we are goal-seeking creatures your brain is always trying to align your outer world with what you were seeing and expecting in your inner world what you instruct your brain to look for the things you want you will begin to see them in fact the object of your desire has probably always existed all around you your mind and your eyes weren't open to it you see we are surrounded with billions of sensory visual audio physical inputs of information each day to keep ourselves from going insane we ignore 99.9% of them you only really see hear or experience those you focus your mind on does that make sense here's another example take the simple test in the room that you're sitting in right now count the number of red items that you see take five seconds and count as many as you can go how many items did you count now without looking eyes closed how many items in the room do you remember that we're blue you probably can't recall many at all now open your eyes and focus on all the blue items that you see around the room and you'll probably see a lot more than you remembered why because the first time you weren't looking for them thus you didn't see them in your first reality they didn't really exist at all so when you define your goals you give your brain something to focus on and look for you give your mind a new set of eyes so all of a sudden see all the people circumstances conversations resources ideas creativity and otherwise so it can go about matching up on the outside with what you want on the inside your goal [Music] goals make us grow if we want to discover the unlimited possibilities within us we must find a goal big enough and grand enough to challenge us to push us beyond our limits to discover our true potential the real purpose of having a goal is not to achieve the goal hmm okay probably had you up until that point but now the real purpose of setting a goal in my opinion is to see who do you need to become in order to achieve the goal so there's no magic in thinking small because life operates by growth and contribution now if you're not growing by definition you're going backwards because everything else is going forwards so if you set goals that you know compel you to become more of who you need to be in order to achieve them then you're on purpose with something that's the real reason behind setting goals your life must be about progress and flourishing changes you must make that constant shift from where you are to where you want to be you know I think that we all should have big goals I think that we should have a huge ginormous dream you know I believe that if your goal doesn't make you a little scare then you're not dreaming big enough if your dream don't make your knees knock and your teeth chatter then dream bigger that if you know the how the moment you create the what then make your what bigger [Music] don't set your goals realistic they send them into highly unrealistic I mean shoot for aid who would be disappointed when you Vincent as opposed to shooting for 20 in being ecstatic when he hit 21 we beat our goal yeah but it was logo you know I think I think to be frustrated and achieving something rather than ecstatic and achieving less is a better way to live not to mention your team or there is not a single success story that was not goal inspired every human achievement is an accomplishment of a goal so often when you're setting a goal without realizing it unconsciously you're injecting the values and sometimes the fantasies and the ideals of other people and when you're setting a goal you'll hear in the back of your mind I should do this I ought to do this I'm supposed to do this I need to do this I got to do this I have to do this I must do this and this is an inner language called imperatives and these imperatives let you know that the goals are setting or the expectations you put on yourself are not really from your own heart not really from your own highest values not really what's most important not most important to you anyway it is so important when you set a goal to know what your highest values are know what's really most important most meaningful to you and set of goals that are aligned and congruent with that when you do and it's truly congruent you'll have a different feeling you won't hear those voices of imperatives you'll hear the indicative x' you go I love it I'm inspired by it you'll feel that it's destined you'll feel it's impossible for you not to fulfill it is so important not to minimize yourself to other people or compare yourself to other people and admire certain people go oh I should be like that I ought to be like that or you're going to end up with the imperatives and anytime you set a goal that's not in line with your own highest values you would tend to have what is called the ABC DS of negativity a negative feeling towards yourself because you're trying to be somebody or not as Emerson said envious ignorance and imitation is suicide so make sure you set goals that are really important your life demonstrates your values and look at what your life truly demonstrates on a daily basis that you spontaneously inspired from within to go after and set goals that are meaningful that are aligned with that that you absolutely are willing to do what it takes to get them make sure you set goals that are meaningful to you and in the process of doing it you'll do something that serves the world here's an interesting revelation for you everything you own or what you have become is the result of a goal you have said in the past if you are what you didn't want to be it's merely because of the absence of goals that you forgot to set in the past there's so much clarity and purpose when you write your goals down goals are not just words they are your future that you are carving only 3% of adults have written goals and everyone else works for them write it down this is called a psycho neural motor activity where you actually write the goal down physically on paper and it activates all your mental powers it programs it into your hard drive and then your subconscious works on it 24 hours a day until it's achieved once you write it down [Music] put a smile on your face let's get that enthusiasm and energy pumping in your heart get ready you're about to chase your dreams it's very important to jot down whatever comes to your mind let go of any judgments or self-imposed limitations put your dreams and goals down on paper first you're going to start with your personal development goals this set of goals will create your ideal future in terms of personal and social development you'll be clear about what kind of person you want to be in the future [Music] don't think or rationalize too much just go with the flow right rapidly pouring your desires inside out do it as quickly as possible let your dreams and aspirations pour out of you don't limit yourself don't think about how you're going to achieve them those steps will follow later right now just write whatever you feel at this moment write down anything you want to achieve within a month or within the next 20 years let's not look into when or how just write what it is that you wanted your personal development goals here are the questions that you need to answer start writing rapidly here you go what would you like to create in life what are the experiences you want to create what are the areas in your life you want to excel at the most what do you want to be known for what areas of life do you need to improve upon what subjects do you want to master what is the area of your key interest what are your learning goals what skills abilities and attitudes do you want to master what books do you want to read what subjects do you want to master do you want to achieve any artistic goals or something to do with cultural activities what training programs do you want to take up what seminars or concerts do you want to participate in is there any knowledge you want to acquire in particular what do you seek to learn what information and skills will you need to achieve your lifetime goal what is that one skill that if you develop it will tremendously change your income what is your competitive advantage or a unique strength that you want to work on what do you want to be good at do you want to learn new hobbies or skills such as dancing salsa singing learning a new language new sport or activity do you want to learn yoga or meditation do you want to take up any classes learn any new language what character traits do you want to develop do you want to be more energetic enthusiastic passionate patient loving and positive what are your emotional goals what emotions do you want to control do you worry too much or are you mostly anxious about everything in general do you get angry or do you get provoked easily what emotion do you need to work on so that you can be happier and peaceful is there any part of your mindset holding you back is there any part of your behavior that upsets you if so set a goal to improve that behavior what behaviors do you want to change do you have any goals to be more relaxed or more attentive what goals can help you follow your passion what activities do you want to engage in in order to lift your spirits what do you seek do you want to travel where do you want to go what are the places you want to visit what are the countries you wish to visit how do you want to enjoy yourself on a tour what are your personal and professional relationship goals who are the people you want to meet and whom do you want to be part of your network whom do you want to associate with learn from or spend time with are there any relations that you want to rekindle people you wish to forgive any social activity you want to take up or any cause or charity or contribution you wish to give to your community what are your community goals what do you want to contribute whom do you want to contribute to do you want to make the world a better place if so what are you going to do about it what is that one goal that if you said it will become a legacy have you found the soulmate or life partner you want if you haven't found one when do you want to meet that person do you want to be a parent how are you going to be a great parent how do you want to be seen by a partner or by members of your extended family what is that one goal if said and realized that will enable you to be a better person how do you want the other members of the family to remember you do you want to spend more time with your beloved ones if yes then what habit do you want to develop to meet this goal what bodyweight do you want to achieve what fitness level do you want to have are there any athletic goals you want to achieve any sports you want to be a part of how are you going to be fit do you want to go to a gym go jogging or swimming is there any bad habit you must give up in order to improve your health like smoking or drinking do you want to develop new healthy habits what habits do you want to quit do you want to cut down on television and read books or listen to music for better relaxation keep writing your goals keep going till you've finished writing your personal development goals if you still need more time you can always put a pause to this program and finish writing all your personal development goals [Music] in this session of the program you're going to identify and write down your material goals or possessions you'd like to have whatever you want to call it you can write down anything you want to have within a year or the next 20 years be at home car vacation homes anything just write down all your needy greedy goals don't think about how or the Y or the when be a little patient all those answers will follow later right now just write those material goals down all that you want to possess someday sooner write down those things that others told you you'd never have let your imagination go wild write all you truly desire let it be a beach house condo yacht personal jet helicopter a private island sports franchise personal chef Butler or a personal massage therapist it's okay to enjoy a material life we are all spiritual creatures having a physical experience now if you've not taken a vow of poverty you can just go wild here with all those dreams others told you would never be possible by you just keep writing don't stop yourself right you're greedy shopping list for this year write a list of things you want not what you think you can get be imaginative and creative in your wants don't be limited in your desires the truth is that what you become as a person achieving all your material goals is the biggest gift you can give to yourself and others just like that saying we don't change over time we only become more of ourselves this is irrespective of whatever we possess make your shopping list write down gifts you want to give to your loved ones exotic vacations or anything that money can buy make your I want list I want followed by all your wishes take your time write all your material goals [Music] in this section of goal setting you can write your ultimate financial goals or your money goals how much money do you want to earn every month what annual income do you want to have what is the net worth you want to have how much do you want to make in one year after taxes what are your investment goals write down anything related to finance savings investments real estate mutual funds stocks and shares contingency funds etc what are your business goals if you're a business person write all your business goals what do you want to achieve within a year or 20 years from now in terms of your business goals what is your dream business create a set of definite measurable achievable concrete numbers numerical targets are you leading your dream business if not what would your dream business be like how many people do you want to impact in your lifetime through your business your products your services how many customers do you want to serve in the next 1 year what is the market share you want to achieve in the next 1 year or 5 years what is the number of items you want to sell monthly and annually what is the number of consumers you want to serve in the next 5 years what are the annual sales you're expecting in your business what is the expected ideal turnover in a year what is the net worth and net income you want to have what value do you want your stocks to have if you own a public limited company what are the new acquisitions and mergers you want what new markets do you want to enter how many new branches do you want to open keep writing all your business goals if you're employed write your career and professional goals are you and your dream job if not what is your dream job what is that one job that you'll enjoy the most what gives you the greatest feeling of importance what career growth do you desire what promotions do you want what title or rank do you want in a year or five from now how much salary do you want which firm do you want ultimately to work with whom do you want to work with what is that one goal that if you said and realize it will take your career to where you want to be whom do you want to team up and partner with who are the people and your ideal team who will make it into your ideal team what are their names whom do you want to partner with collaborate with in the future [Music] if you're done writing all your goals the next step in the exercise is to set a deadline to your goals set a very clear specific target - Amen this acts like a forcing system for your subconscious and your super conscious minds and what it does is it motivates and drives you forward to achieve that goal so set a deadline if it's a big enough goal set some deadlines and break it down into parts and then keep thinking about the deadlines remember goals must be time bound against each goal that you've written down write a timeline next to it a timeline is the deadline to accomplish your goals if it's one year or less than one year write one or mark one next to that goal write three for three years five for five years and ten and 20 for the next ten and 20 years write the timeline you think it's possible for you feel it from your gut do not think about how you are going to achieve it just write a timeline that you think is more realistic and is possible by you to achieve during a particular time frame go on read the goals you've written down and write a timeline next to it do it right now for your personal development goals material goals economic goals spiritual goals and all the other goals you've written start now if you're done with the time line exercise then welcome back now pick the top three goals you want to achieve within a year from each section if you have so many goals choose the top three goals according to your priority pick three goals from each section that you want to achieve within a year okay go on do that now write those three goals you want to achieve within a year from personal development goals material goals and economic goals Fredrick Nietzsche once said he who has a why for which to live can bear with almost any how so you always have to ask yourself why you want to achieve a particular goal most people set really nice goals but they're what I call our surface goals they don't really have a big reason why they want to achieve it and for the most parts their goals sound great like you know I want to become a millionaire I want to travel around the world I want to lose weight I want to have a great relationship I want to be happily married and the problem from purely a brain-based viewpoint and the science of motivation is this if you have a goal but you really don't have a big reason underlying big reason why you want to achieve it you simply will not have the deeper motivational Drive that your brain requires to keep you motivated and help you overcome the doubts or the fears or the anxieties the ups and downs the challenges that are gonna come your way writing the why of your goals is the subconscious process in goal-setting if you're clear on the benefits you're willing to pay the price when you know the reasons for setting that goal you'll find enough motivation to achieve that goal when you have the reasons you will persevere till the end so the first thing that you need is you need to have a compelling reason like if you look at people that get married right they people have never been able to lose weight suddenly are able to lose weight why because they have a compelling reason that reason is well I want to look amazing in my wedding dress in front of other people and I want my wedding pictures look nice right so without a compelling reason attached to your goals it's very hard to achieve [Music] now let's do another interesting exercise I want you to write a paragraph on how absolutely you are committed to these goals right why you want to achieve these nine goals right your motives and reasons why you chose that goal for each goal listed right the reasons why you wish to have it your Y can be attached to a feeling or sensation you get when you accomplish the goal remember most of the things you want in your life have a feeling or an emotion attached to it the need for something is actually the need to experience a particular feeling now right that feeling what is that feeling you derive from accomplishing a particular goal write it down when I meet this goal my sensation will be followed by your answer right that sensation how do you feel when you fulfill this goal go on write your reasons both emotional and rational start now okay so you have the top nine goals and you know for absolute certainty why you want to achieve them your feelings and motives are pretty clear to you now since you know the why let's go to the next exercise of how you're going to achieve your goals [Music] make a list of everything that you could think of that you could do to achieve that goal and keep writing until the list is completed do you think of something new right on the list there's something wonderful about breaking things down onto a list Henry Ford once said the biggest goal in the world can be achieved if you just break it down into enough small steps some people ask the question how do you eat an elephant and the answer of course is one bite at a time but you've got to divide it in two bites in other words a goal is a big task and it's easily achievable when you thin slice it we set big lofty goals and immediately they stress us your goals are supposed to stretch you but they're not supposed to stress you and when your goal stresses you that means you need to break them down into more bite-sized palatable digestible pieces here we use a strategy called chunking that means slicing down your big goal into small goals a very large goal should be broken down into more easily manageable tasks with short timescales remember the cliche success by inch is a cinch and by the yard it's hard for every big goal you need a list of mini goals or a to-do list to achieve them there are several ways to figure out the action steps or prepare the to-do list to accomplish any goal one is to consult with people who have already done it one of the best ways to do that is to find who else has achieved it so who else has achieved your goal and how could you learn from them what they've done you could read biographies or autobiographies you could read books written by people you could talk to friends of yours that have achieved it make contacts with people who have you could do a course again by someone who has managed to do it there's so much information out there and so much information out there for free just like this video for example by the way but there's so much information out there for free that you can use to be able to learn and know exactly what strategy you need to use in order to achieve a result there's people that will tell you for free how to write a book there's lots of information so again go after the information and learn and find the strategy of achieving that goal you want to lose weight find out how much to lose and then go online check it out talk to people who lost weight and ask them the questions there might not have the exact same strategy all the different people but you'll be able to find the different choices you have so that you can then try different things and get the result and find out what works for you another way is to start from the end and look backward you simply close your eyes and imagine that you've already achieved your goal then just look back and see what was the last thing you did to achieve your goal and then the thing before that and the thing before that until you arrived at the first action you started with that is starting from the end one of the key and critical elements of goal achievement is getting your brain to figure out how you could achieve something that you've never achieved before and the bigger your vision is the more you're gonna get your brain to work for you the more clear your vision is the easier it's gonna be to block out all the things that you don't need and now create all the things and find all the things that you do need in order to achieve those goals you can also do a mind storming exercise it's also called the 20 idea method proposed by the father of goal-setting Brian Tracy himself all you do is take your top 4 or 5 goals after s if you're working in a corporate company it might be your top four or five projects and all you do is you write out 20 ways to achieve that goal 20 different approaches 20 different things that you can do to make it a reality now this is a lot of purely mental exercise it is important to actually write it down so you're going to need to start in say a Microsoft Word file or grab an old pin and a piece of paper and sometimes writing it out physically is the more effective option now let me get you a very small example of how this might work my younger sister has as a goal for this year get a new car now as a student she has limited financial means so what she should do is sit down and write out 20 different ways to get a new car this year and of course you might start with things like grand theft auto and bank robbery but that's only two now you have another ATMs ago and it's important that you get as far as waiting out all 20 because the first four or five ways usually come quite easily but then you start getting into six seven eight and nine and pushing your mind further and becoming more and more focused and more creative and it's usually somewhere around nine or ten ten or eleven that you start getting ideas that you go hey I could actually do that all perhaps better still ideas that make you look at them go why haven't I been doing that already twenty different ways to achieve your goal whether that's world domination or writing a book whether it's becoming famous in your field to becoming an icon in your industry or whether it's simply getting a degree whatever the case might be write out your major goals and come up with twenty different ways to achieve them the method is simple come up with a question how am I going to achieve this goal then come up with twenty answers or twenty ways to achieve one big goal you need to generate twenty different answers to your questions write your goal is a question first then force yourself to write twenty answers keep asking how am I going to achieve this goal how am I going to achieve this goal how am i how am i how how how keep storming your mind write a list of possibilities make a list of all the possible things that you can do to take your goals forward write them down you need to write all twenty answers go on keep writing twenty answers of how to each goal okay once you've answered the questions for all the goals with twenty answers each select the answers that you're going to act on immediately as you take action on one idea another action will come up implement your ideas these ideas generate new ideas on the way and implement them convert your ways of how you're going to achieve goals into a to-do list a list of twenty activities prepare your to-do list like an action plan remember each to-do list is an action step to achieve your goals each of them is a mini goal once your list is ready organize the list how do you organize the list you organize it two ways first my sequence is what is the order in which you have to do things and second of all by priority what is more important what is less important and remember the 20/80 rule the first 20% of things you do in the achievement of a goal usually account for 80 percent of the results that you get now you have a goal broken down by sequence and priority and you have a plan personal with a goal and a plan can accomplish extraordinary things sometimes beyond their imagination find the one from the to-do list of actions that jumps out of the page at you or choose the easiest step to get you started then choose another step than another do something move quickly do something immediately to achieve your goal do something every day that moves you towards your most important goal whatever it happens to be before you start the day review what you're trying to do in the first place then you're far less likely to get caught up in all the Maelstrom and avalanche of activities that don't matter and you're more likely to focus on those key goals if you read them every morning write weekly plans consider the most important activities for a week you can also use the same procedure on a daily basis chunking is the secret of achieving your goals when you chunk down a mammoth task it's not overwhelming anymore and the way you do that is you have this goal you have this big goal underneath each goal and and it might the numbers might change but this is a good rule of thumb underneath every goal have three milestones a milestone is a big point that lets you know you're going in the right direction I use that a lot when people are giving me directions because I make a habit of getting lost even yes you know what GPS in Google don't know how it works so I like to say what build am I gonna pass what lets me know I'm on the right path oh Lisa you're gonna you're gonna pass a three story beige building you know you're going in the right direction you're gonna pass a chevron station you know you're going in the right direction so these milestones let you know that when you hit them you're going in the right direction now under the milestones and mind you the minds milestones the three milestones are under the goal right under the three milestones under each milestone is at least five action steps these action steps are the things that are going to move you forward on a daily basis action steps are daily actions that you do to move you towards your goal now when you chunk it down into bite-size palatable digestible pieces the action steps are getting you to the milestones the milestones are getting to the goal so what you begin to look at is the action steps and the mouse tones more than you're looking at this big huge bodacious amazing ginormous goal you're simply looking at the mouths tones and under the milestones your laser on the action steps and that allows you to move forward shoot down your goals slice them down with action lists the way to achieve your goals and beat all procrastination habits is to take one small step at a time the number one success trait of Highly successful people is not that they start a lot of things it's that they finish the things they start everybody who's ever achieved anything worthwhile had to overcome obstacles so the question is not will you encounter the obstacles along the path but how will you choose to deal with them when they come up when something isn't working well come up with alternative plans and activities to achieve your goals when you implement your strategy the great news is that a lot of times it will work but the bad news is sometimes it won't and when it doesn't you need to be flexible you need to adapt you need to be able to be focusing on adjusting a little bit by bit by bit whenever you don't get the result that you want you adapt you become flexible whenever you don't get the feedback you again learn from that feedback you adapt it whenever you start to find yourself in a position where you're not going towards your goal you're able to be flexible so that you're able to get back on track sometimes it might be flexible about it the particularly self but what's imperative is that you're being as flexible as possible so that no matter what happens you're always coming up with creative and innovative ways to move towards where you to get to flexibility is key when your plans aren't working you may get disappointed and at times of frustration you'll be attracted to dream stealers beware of gold critics and dream stealers and here's another thing about your goal when you set your goals only share them with people who are going to build it inspire them encourage them and hold you accountable to them don't share your goal with dream busters vision Stiller's don't share your goals but with people poor energy vampires those individuals who never thought they could do it and so they don't want to believe you can do it either be kind to your future be kind to yourself on who you share your goal with and then lastly when you share your goals of people don't expect everyone to believe them don't expect everyone to see it with you because I call them God you come whatever you choose but when God gave you the vision for that goal God only gave it to you I didn't give it to everyone so if you're the only person that could see your goal you're the only person that can get the vision no it's because it was given to you there will be supporters on the other hand who will empower your aspirations because they're also pursuing their dreams and goals just like you do remember to hang out with your support group who'll push you all the way to the top so you got to be saying okay I need to speak this I need to share it with people and I need to get some comrades some people with me who are gonna be my champions or be along with me if you're trying to lose weight you got to have a workout buddy you know if you're trying to finish your book you got to have an editor or a writing buddy if you're trying to get that promotion at work you need to have a mentor or another peer who's also going for that promotion who we can talk with and strive with you've got to socialize both your learning and the sharing of your goals because if those two things aren't happening you don't have somebody to learn with and strive with and no one knows what your specific goals are then the odds of you sticking and staying on track are very low when pursuing a goal the most important thing is to continually hold in your mind that picture of yourself six fully achieving the goal think about your goals all day long and here's another crucial difference you see I've found that when you look at people not achieving their goals they're setting them but it's not infiltrating their consciousness they're not fully immersed in their goals most of the day and it's just my experience that if you're not fully immersed in your goals all through the day you rarely achieve them so when you walk down to the shops at lunchtime think about your goals when you are heading home think about your goals when you go to the restroom think about your goals you want a 10x how much time of the day you're spending thinking about your goals now I know that might seem extreme but if you just do standard goal-setting then you're going to get the kind of results that most people get which are really really poor you want to have it so that at least 80% of what you're thinking about during the day the workday are your goals now when you do that things will happen when you do that you're going to come up with ideas on how to move things forward when you do that you're going to notice opportunities that you wouldn't necessarily notice if you were thinking of your goals all day long that is a crucial ingredient in effective goal-setting that almost nobody does and here is the best part of goal realization develop a magnificent obsession in life a lifetime goal can be a magnificent obsession what is your lifetime goal how do you want to be remembered by the generations that come after you what is your magnificent obsession it's when you dedicate your life to a powerful and compelling cause [Music] what's your goal what's your dream what will your legacy be at the end of the day when you leave here what are three things that you want said about you when you check out because we're gonna all go nobody's figured out how to get out of life alive a lot of people go through life not attempting to do anything big or major with their lives because they are trying to play it safe hello listen to me hello there's no safe position in life hello there's no safe position you can't get out of here a lot you got to die anyhow here's something you can do to develop a magnificent obsession make the best use of drawings photos pictures and other visual aids to assist you in visualizing your goals visualization is a very powerful tool make the most of it the most important part about visualization is not to see yourself cross the finish line it's to see what do you do when the struggle happens to maintain right so if you want to run a marathon as an example lots of people say well visualize yourself running across the marathon line visualize that visualize that visually I might actually know visualize yourself getting up for months and months and months going for those morning runs practicing visualize yourself when you are running the marathon right in the middle of marathon when you're it let's say well let's say you're at like mile 13 you know and you're just like oh my gosh I can't possibly do any more visualize yourself overcoming that struggle that's where an emotional sort of anchor sets in for making a goal important when not only do you visualize yourself doing it but struggling through to make it happen then yes visualize yourself running across that finish line if you keep having goals that fall off on the wayside or fall on the backburner it's because you're not revisiting them we need to revisit it visualize it see it right really make it a visual thing tell the story see it in your mind in order to help you even do that better is you need to have a weekly visit what I call weekly scoring okay every week on a Sunday I think about all the goals of the week I just had and all the goals of the week I have coming up and I literally measure myself I'm like hey how did I do on a scale of one to ten last week how'd I do eight I did good six I'm not so good for I sucked okay and I rate myself every single Sunday I think it's really important that you take a look at your goals on a weekly basis and rate how is your performance how did you do not just did you accomplish all of them because you know what life comes up your kid gets sick you get tired some big emergency happens in the business something will always come up there will rent us from achieving every goal that we have every single week but it's a good idea to say where did I mess up where did I quit where did I stop not to berate yourself or be hard on yourself just to acknowledge where you're at because if you're not looking at your goals on a weekly basis at least I mean what are the odds you'll keep working towards them just because their to-do list in your calendar doesn't mean you gonna keep going after them that's why I like to put those things together visualize in the morning and at the end of every single week look at how you're doing [Music] constant visualization leads to an obsession when it's supported by action it will become a magnificent obsession and so dream big and then get detailed and stay in action most people dream about their dream way too long they're dreaming but they're not in action Joan Baez says that action is the antidote to despair Lisa Nichols adds action is the prescription for that success you say you when people ask me how did I do it I said the only difference between you and I is that I'm in more action on a daily basis than you so what I love about action radical action is that it's available to everybody get in radical action and then you'll see things happen [Music] what do you love what turns you on what do you really want in your life for your life how do you want to show up in the world how do you want to use this gift call life has been said that life is is God's gift to us and how we live our lives is our gift to God whatever your goals are your personal goal your financial goal or this social contribution your legacy your mark what you think about it and here's what I know that it's possible here's what I know and if you think about it what you think about you bring about if you're willing to put in the work it's possible if you continue to encourage yourself continue to fall forward I've got to sing when life knocks you down try and land on your back because if you can look up you can't get up you have something special you have greatness within you your dream is possible you [Music] you you
Channel: Positive Revolution
Views: 294,366
Rating: 4.874558 out of 5
Keywords: goal setting documentary, best inspirational documentary in youtube, self help documentary film, films like the secret, paul robinson motivational speaker, best motivational videos, goal setting tips in hindi, brian tracy on goal setting, new year resolutions for 2018, goals for 2018, tai lopez, bob proctor on goal setting, mentors from the secret movie, david laroche world, brendon burchard, putin documentary, evan carmichael, how to design your life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 36sec (2976 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2017
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