Life Beyond L'Jarius Sneed: Chiefs CB Nazeeh Johnson Says Chiefs Are In Good Hands With Current DBs

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this past weekend obviously I caught up with with nazy and um we had we had a long conversation about um a myriad of things but one of the things we talked about was filling the shoes of lerus Sneed and um he has a lot to say on that so I'm Gonna Roll the tape here when we first talked our first podcast and you talked about how Deion Bush and Justin Reed were the two veterans you guys looked to and the other veteran in the DB room was Leary sne at the time and now it's you guys you are the veterans now so my question is everyone always talks about oh we're going to miss lerus and y y y and of course we're going to miss we're going to miss him but he left a kind of a foundation for you for jayan for Joshua Williams McDuffy what did he teach you that you can take into your future this year and then beyond man he just T us worked I think I mean he just always was about his work he was never coming in there U messing around he knew what the game plan was and he just excelled at it and um you know with him being gone it just elevates I'm not going to say it elevates the room a little higher cuz now it's like a big what if like everybody keeps thinking about sneeve sneeve sneeve but we have quality cornerbacks like Joshua Williams and Jaylen like they were the other opposite of Trent Trent is All Pro corner but we still have really good other Corners right there so it gets respect for them but it's also going to I think going to make the dwe room even better because now we all pulling together to um feel that void but you know we all bring our different aspect to the room like sne was a physical corner but I made may be a more alile corner you know just a different maybe a ball hawk or something like that and you know vice versa so you never know what you can get it all depends on what the coaching staffs have in store for us but we've been around the program for three years now so I think we have it figured out by now the most veteran uh threeyear group of all time I mean two two Super Bowl champs two back to B all we know is Super Bowl so I mean the worth ethic is there I mean the foundation is there and it's not going to fall off because sne is not there we love sne to death but you know we still have things to do we still got everything you know the 2022 class is some serious hitters in that class you know what I'm saying so everybody just um now it's our time to sign and we're going to do what we need to do JD uh a lot stands out there obviously I'm more we you and I were already confident in those guys to feel lerus sne shoes before I talked to him but the confidence there it's like yeah lerus did a lot of things but we do a lot of other things too and I gotta say like and I I I said it right there to him these guys are three years in these guys are veterans these guys have played 25 weeks every year they played in the season obviously Nazi out last season but I gotta say I mean I'm very confident in these guys big time what what did you make of uh of him kind of saying that they'll be able to pretty much fill the Jerry Ste shoes and maybe even offer something that he did that he didn't provide to the defensive backs uh I tell you what first off man phenomenal reporting incredible job on the interview Market Mar I'm I'm telling you man like I don't know if everybody knows this that this this is your background okay being a news reporter going out there on the beat interviewing people and doing stories and stuff man but I tell you what man that made me proud I had to tear my eye I was like d God Marcus is incredible brother ABC repter okay first I just want to say that just my thing is I I I think na no lies told at all none was whatever uh and the confidence that they have of just playing and trusting one another I think is what he he was kind of you know kind of saying I think he he he went in just saying like look we understand Steve is gone and everybody sneeze sneeze Steve but we're like look what about us what about our everybody else around here okay we understand Steve was good he was a starter but we had guys that came in that played too play Sly you know when when Steve was gone you know they came in and just was able to pick up wherever Steve left off and so what he said is some guys may have some talents elsewhere like he said he may be a ball Hawk as opposed to maybe playing man you know which might be like Watson or or Williams that might be their strong suit but they all got it down pack I think for them they trust each other so much that they they're just G to get it right they're just going to get it right um and so when you when you have that in a guy like this a young guy talking about how good the room is uh then you could you could rest well tonight right there's no concern there I think I could put my head on a pillow knowing the secondary is in a great place and spags and those guys have got them ready Dave and those dudes Meritt has got those guys ready and playing at a high level so uh happy for sne going and getting his bag what he did thank you for everything he's done playing here uh but we got guys here that could do the same thing that that sne did uh or at least that's what I'm I'm expecting for him to do okay that's the expectation is hey a guy like that leaves you step right in and we're not looking for any type of you know uh downgrade in that position we're looking for you do just as much as he did and even better okay we got one proo corner on the one side who's gonna be the other other guy can somebody come in and actually become a a pro bowl corner right with McDuffy that's a possibility and I'm telling you man it's just they so young they did just feed off each other they really do like you said they got a lot of man they got a lot of experience right there in that room uh but yeah man I love seeing NAU man just you know there smiling and answer the the uh uh uh you know all the the questions uh he he done a phenomenal job man but all that took with the interview bringing that out of me so yeah I appreciate all the love in the chat and I appreciate the kind words JD absolutely it was nice to dust off the microphone and get back out on the field um but but I got say the the one thing and going back to the 2022 draft class of all these cornerbacks that we we drafted and you know even signed after the fact um we did V did an amazing job and these guys are all gems the the way Nazi you know kind of eloquently just talked about what they can provide and that's why I want to ask that question because every question these guys are Fielding is how much are you gonna miss ler sne okay like he's gone he's gone now like yeah I'm sure they're going to miss him but like it's their time now and I want to know what can they bring to the table what what kind of tools did sne Le for them provide them that they can take and they can add their own little spice their own little zest to the defense and his answer there talking about how he can how he can do stuff that sne maybe couldn't do and you know and there's stuff that sne could do that maybe he can't do as well but I'm gonna be able to provide something else and Watson and and and and and Josh Williams would be able to provide and I love that I love that answer because it's so confident too man like he it wasn't it wasn't the way he said it wasn't arrogant at all but it was very confident it's like yeah you know what I I'll back you all the way I TR I trust you 100% nazy man look as a DB you have to have confidence you have to there there there is no way that you can play in the NFL as a corner and not have confidence or have any type of doubt if you do you're gonna get burnt you gonna be toast all game and you gonna have a short career that's how it works so those guys got to trust their ability man because you these guys play with somebody running at a full speed forward and they got to run backwards just as fast open up their hips and cover and so we talk about athleticism those are the most athletic guys on the field I don't mind saying it you know I I used to say you know tight ends were and whatnot but those those DBS shoot no doubt about it no doubt about it that's why you see the talkers like Dion and those guys that's that's who they that's why who that's who they are that's who they are look I'm on I'm on group chat with them every single day okay I'm on there with with probably uh eight DBS all right and I I know their personalities man because they they they all ball they are ballers uh and and and look and they did they showed it they showed it so I I I do believe man with with Nai uh he he understands what they have in that room okay he's saying if you want to go see lerus s go watch Tennessee play okay get you some tickets or go on get you the SUNY pass and go watch lerus sne if you w worry how he's going to play if you want to watch the chief secondary okay which is still going to be good which is still going to try to go get a threee who still trying to be the best in the in the entire business okay which is still trying to be the best defense of what we got then come see us come see na Z come see Watson come see Williams Come See McDuffy come check us out okay because we got there too we got that thing cover nobody should worry about anything everybody should be fine with what we do these are the things we got to see it so brother never give credit for his T no doubt about it he should look bro he look he should have been a pro bowler should have been and I don't know why I don't know what they gave to why he didn't get it sometimes the popularity contest comes out a little bit uh and they didn't want to get both cheap they want to have two guys in a pro bow I think the last time that happened was uh uh maybe uh uh Dale um and and uh and Hasty Dale con Hasty I think they only I think if I'm not mistaken I I do believe they both made a pro bowl I'm not quite sure but I know those guys played Pro Bowl caliber football I know that uh but just saying that look our secondary is fine that's one position I don't have any concerns about whatsoever none I think Lou CB said the same thing about like the dine might have some concerns sure and rightfully so but as far as DBS not at all but yeah bro like you said hey man uh yeah he said uh sne a a Falcon perig Falcon shoes a yeah but they'll fit it they got they got the shoes look they don't mind okay matter of fact everybody has their own shoes to feel like they said everybody's got their own superpower my thing is these guys don't mind going out and displaying it so be good for that Albert Lewis and Kevin Ross days bad boys no doubt about it bad boys for sure appreciate you Caesar say that shut down Corners we got them we got shut down Corners so like I said man I think it's gonna be that's the strength of my defense to be honest like just as a as a group overall like it was last year is I said secondary here our secondary guys up front hey once they generate the pressure the speed to get after the the the quarterbacks stop the run hey man let the ball Hawks play let them run around man get some interceptions take some to the house somebody was talking about cook coming back I want to see that High Step going back in Into The End Zone like he did last year looking so good high stepping that joker man look like uh look like the uh what is it the uh major from Ohio State you know he comes after does the high kicks God that's look like love it the DB room like outside we're just talking about quarterbacks right now but yeah when you talk about cook you talk about the the new guy Jaden Hicks Justin Reed uh even Deion Bush you know he had a nice Pi pick in the in play in the championship championship game and then you talk about the young guys that we have too the the guy the Kamal Hayden from from Tennessee who the people love his uh his numbers and the analytics off the charts with that guy Nick Jones Bowling Green that we drafted last year who I mean I I I think I think he he looked good in preseason last year in training camp so maybe he'll he'll you know get some playing time but that's the thing it's like top to bottom home run with with with our DB room alog together man oh man no no doubt about it name the young guys I didn't even name them yeah because we solid just with the with the vet we got and so they they're gonna learn so much they married man and spags we already know that we know what they give we know that Lee Marshall said linebacker cor will be nasty too no doubt about it linebacker core is another solid man we look across the board you know first second and third level we we we're good we're good right we we we're talking about just some of those things depth still need depth of defensive tackle J du 84 I agree I agree with that okay some things may shake out in in in training camp there's always a d tackle out here that you can get okay D tackle don't you know use too much uh you get you get a guy man who's ready who's hungry to come in and play who's going to just come in and and Crush guards and tackles that's what you need that's what you need so they got arms as big as panel man we we need to get you we need to get you here man we need to sign you I do agree with that I think I think but across the board I think we're pretty good defensively and just look at the 2022 dve draft just to to highlight how amazing that draft is Tren McDuffy George caraus skymore okay Brian Cook Leo Chanel Joshua Williams Darren Canard he's now in a Philadelphia Eagle now in front of the show um Jaylen Watson Isaiah Pacho and nazy Johnson I that's that is I mean what that's a million picks there I think only I say misses but you know guys who didn't pan out Canard and so far guy hasn't really panned out but everybody else and we're talking we're talking the seventh rounds alone Jaylen Watson Pacho and Nazi and you know Nazi you know was a great special teamer was SC with the ones last year before he got hurt and right away he's cleared he's cleared again JD and he's running with the ones again already had a pass break with the ones um I think Friday was his first day running with the ones and then I think this past week he's been running with the ones again so I I looking at that draft three seventh round how many teams can hit on three seventh round picks that's doesn't happen that that's that's what beach does man that they put that together man when I'm telling you being able to get some type of work and I a't just talking about just regular work I'm talking about starters seven round that's phenomenal that is absolutely phenomenal so I think I think that's what he's really good at man is is catching that Talent some of those you know Diamonds in the Rough come out here and get them to play because my thing is and I'm sure he's telling like look man look at this SE round we had last year he's a star so don't think about where it is that you that you got drafted okay if you can make the squad and you could play you will start here you will play here and if if it works out then we'll keep you for a long time if not then you can go somewhere else but at least we you understand when we get you in the seventh round we've seen something in you that other people didn't okay we want you to have a little bit of that chip on your shoulders things that some people just couldn't necessarily see but we've seen it we seen it so we invested in that man I that just get me goosebumps just thinking about it I tell the guy look look everything against you right now seventh round come on people doubting you but guess what you gonna get a chance and opportunity to play here okay and they done a great job with that to tip around us they've been an absolute phenomenal job doing that uh see Pono KY said hi Jason don't you think that risio deserves a roster spot in place to Sky he doesn't bring anything ah deserve a a no deserve don't it don't work like thato it don't work like that okay if he beats him out then he deserves it but as far as like just saying hey man you no it has to work in practice and everything else needing rooms the whole n so ain't no deserve right now okay the only one that deserves anything at this moment are the ones that got paid that got the big bucks is the Patrick Mahomes tra Kelce and uh Chris Jones that's deserving okay of bet so but no man it's go it's gonna be competition and and you need that okay so how however it it shakes out between those two guys that's going to be deserving of it so that's and RI don't really have we don't have a lot of sample size of C I mean because he got hurt pretty early on in in preseason last year and he looked good in that Saints game but after that I don't think he played against I think he was hurt I think he got hurt in that game so and that was it so deserves I I I can't give him a deserve spot when we've only seen him play in one preseason game so yeah so you know too small of a sample size we just got to see it though uh OTAs is one thing hey look everybody look good without pads on you supp to without pads you supposed to catch every ball thr to him same thing I said Justin Watts Justin Ross supposed to catch one one-handed in his Bread Basket he's supposed to do that he's supposed to oh I can't believe you hating on Justin Ross uh hello I played 11 years in the NFL I've seen guys make catches like that all the time well how come they not doing in the game because you don't have every Vala catches in the game that's why but I can tell you what I'll put you on the line with any wide receiver in the NFL if they'll tell you that I never caught a ball like that in practice shoot I they lie to you then they be lying to you but you know we'll leave that alone we leave it man I just I think you know as far as as far as like what the guys look like uh defensively I think I think we look really good um somebody saying on here talking about let me see let me see you go to Caesar you was talking about t just added three more undrafted free agen D tackles uh said he should invite players from the UFL for cam invite special DT position could still happen still early you know so Camp a lot of things changed from from here to training camp there's a lot look there's a lot of guys come in and out especially training camp they usually bring in as I remember when we would get dressed going to practice you'll see three guys over here putting cleats on they're gonna give him a shot an opportunity that's how it happens we gonna see what a guy can do so uh it'll be interesting it'll be interesting plus a couple years ago we signed Brandon Williams later on the in the season too I mean there there there are there are gems and some vets that you can add later on the season but yeah I think for the most part I think that D tackle depth is pretty much going to stay uh as what it is right now and maybe they'll address it next offseason yeah hopefully hope hopefully they set it a higher priority next offseason but that's a next year a next year dilemma yeah hi everybody thanks for watching subscribe here to get the latest from the show also be sure to check out the best clips from chief concerns and if you prefer to listen to the show subscribe and follow us on Apple podcasts Spotify and anywhere else you get your podcasts
Channel: Chief Concerns
Views: 4,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chiefs, Kansas CIty Chiefs, Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce, Chiefs Kingdom, Arrowhead Pride, Chief Concerns, Andy Reid, KC, Podcast, Bleav, NFL, Jason Dunn, Nazeeh Johnson, Chiefs Cornerback, Nazeeh Johnson Chiefs Starting Cornerback, 13's Promise Foundation, Northern Virginia, L'Jarius Sneed Nazeeh Johnson, Trent McDuffie, Joshua Williams, Jaylen Watson, Louis Rees-Zammit, LRZ, First Team Reps, L'Jarius Sneed, Titans, Kelvin Joseph, Minicamp, Mandatory Minicamp, Chiefs Minicamp
Id: tbSGkE7SIi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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