Lies Of P Is The "Best Soulslike" Game.

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what a game honestly what a game I don't even know how to start this video I really don't this game is Just star struck me from the beginning obviously everyone that's read by the title we are going to be talking about lies of P see the thing is I've been like watching the leadup to this game for a real long time probably since the beginning of 2023 since I saw the trailer and after the demo I was just completely hooked into what the story would offer thing is as well I think go super in depth in the information and what the game would always be about all I knew was like the rough part that it focuses on jepetto and Pinocchio the sort of fairy tale story of that and have all the different characters which you see throughout the game every single character in this game feels super fleshed out every single one I loved all the side characters I love all the people at hotel Kat like jepetto pandrea I'm going to butcher some of these I know that and then also there's vinin venino venini ven venini yeah there's venini and there's just so so much more that this game really has to offer and I can't stress enough why I think everyone or majority of people should play this game and experience it fully through I seriously can't really think of a bad point to bring up so I'm just going to go quickly straight over everything that I think the game absolutely accomplishes and Nails 10 out of 10 the entire world design is fantastic I thought it'd be quite small but it turns out oh no it it's it's long it's long have all the different areas for the world so you have the Central Station you have Hotel qu like I mentioned you have alysian Boulevard um malum District the baron swamp vini's Workshop the cathedral the library in the grand Cathedral you have the grand exhibition and you also have the aisle of The Alchemist and there's so much more that I just can't physically talk about because I want people to experience this game Neo whiz and everyone that created this game seriously you have done a tremendous job at creating what I believe is to be the sort of successor to what bloodborne 2 would do and I'm not saying they're the same company I know this the born 2 is probably still yet to come out but for me it's kind of satisfied that craving that I've ever had since bloodborne and I just really love the style of lies of PE it almost feels like sort of victorian-esque Souls likee which they've never really been done apart from obvious bloodb and I just want to premise that even though I'm holding this game in such a high regard and I love every single second of it the enemies are so annoying the bosses in this game I would argue they're harder than most Souls games yep I'm not even joking see I've played Elder ring and I'm kind of like putting it against that Elder ring is fairly hard again it's depending on how you build your character and stuff this is what they always sort of fall down to eldering kind of has a lot more loopholes which you can sort of build a broken character you can do go into sorcery some pretty certain sorcery still bust in the game you can just basically 12 hit something and it's completely dead boss or not uh or you can use bleed obviously I know that was like the go-to yes so I was a bleed main I know you can you can all throw your insults I heard that got nerfed but it's still broken in Elder ring terms but it's also the exact same with lier P which is why I think people should definitely give this game a go if you play it very very very expertly but it can be kind of like a breeze if you're a newcomer to this game and you want to rely on some help with specters which are basically the a I helping you in the boss rooms which I'm telling you now there is one boss which everyone and I don't care who's watching this everyone is using Spectre against king of Puppets if you haven't you're lying because that boss I can't wait to see the ranking for that boss I genuinely cannot wait to see what they rank that boss there's always there's going to be one YouTuber that's like it's not even in the top 10 bro he's so easy which is why I genuinely love Liza P it throws you so many different things that you just genuinely don't know what to expect some bosses can be fairly easy and a breeze through some are just completely broken and you have no chance until you either rip out your own hair or snap your controller into two and again even the weapons that you can craft and customize and assemble I've only touched a small amount of just how much weapons there are in the game I've been using the same one uh well I've been using the same three but this game has so much diversity in its overall Arsenal its customization I can't physically tell you any more than to get this game especially if you're into Souls games and even if you're not and you hate them I would really recommend starting with this um well maybe for the experience not for the bosses cuz this this game I think has some harder bosses than most Souls games I'm not going to say which ones but um yeah it's super fun I'm going to try and stay away from story cuz like I said I don't want to spoil too much for everyone that hasn't got around to playing this game but so far the story has been so good and it's just a 10 out of 10 throughout the different month moners and the versatility between them is so good as well like you have puppets you have monsters you have robots you have dogs which who who made that who who thought who thought let's make Soul like games and put dogs in them let's make them so quick and so annoying in Souls games why but even with that I still think everything went well so with this I just can't say anything more than it's just 10 out of 10 for me personally it's a 10 out of 10 it's so good it's so fulfilling and I was thoroughly happy with the final product so yeah that's all I really wanted to do for this video I hope everyone that's watching this gets a chance to play lier p and I hope a lot of people get to experience what I experien which is a lot of deaf and a lot of annoying bosses please why did you do that anyway that's all I have time for so thank you very much for watching if you did like this video leave a like of course And subscribe to the channel if you are new it does help out and as always leave any comments down below if you've played this game if you like the game if you dislike the game which I don't think is possible but there's probably someone out there that's going to hate it everyone at Neo wiiz absolutely fantastic work I tip my invisible hat to you and yeah I shall see you in the next video take care [Music] [Music] [Music] I have a final report on the crot experiment you certainly took your time paracelis your findings I think we have a new brother a new type of humanity so to speak there are many forms of eternal life it's intriguing and worth further observation noted and we'll have to get his arm back anyway I'm counting on it expect another report at the next meeting paracelsus is returning ah and when I return I will find her for sure another key of ours [Music] Dorothy [Music] all
Channel: thegameattic
Views: 1,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lies Of P, LiesOfP, Neowiz, Wizard Of Oz Lies of P, Soulslike Games, Pinocchio, Geppeto, South Korean Games, thegameattic, LiesOfP Gameplay, Lies Of P Geppeto, PS5 LiesOfP, Bloodborne 2, Elden Ring, Lies Of P Showcase
Id: 9Bu0uxgH-W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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