Liereyy vs ACCM Quarterfinals ALL IN CUP EMPIRE WARS

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okay ladies and gentlemen we are now with the quarterfinals and this is one of the favorite well probably the biggest favorite in this tournament because let's say from the top four is the one who is playing here and that's the kit right the kit yeah and is leery because the vibe the viper hera mr yo he's not he's not playing in this tournament and now we have lee opening with a stable opening with a stable versus rt range of course playing against the aztec is very difficult he's definitely different from any other matchup he's going with one when really only resources are good for europeans because you get more resources he's gonna take the eagle no he's gonna try to probably try to take some value or i don't know he's doing another eagle and now it won't be that easy trivial is taking the deers more scouts remember that accident yesterday with aztecs in a map called marketplace he lost it he's gonna take the eagle and now he's bringing the spear but he's coming with the scout and rt range right away didn't make double attacks didn't make any upgrade it seems that lia want to prioritize on yeah on the military and now that the scout is almost bye-bye ouch that's the main scout you want to probably use it to explore and oof you don't want to lose it don't want to lose it that scout is only one kitten is down he's going with the arches already uh no fletching no not a single elaborate it's still walling and well let's see went around with the scouts obviously those two scouts won't do too much damage because one is almost dead that's why he probably need to send some archers or maybe even more scout in that area but he's coming already with archers but he has artists as well no problem resources i mean what is this is starting to do it to the eagle and now we will see the the action here that village is down yeah he lost a village already but he's sticking the arches and you have seen how how important is to kill the units kill the units is so important taking the eagle he loses loss of believe and now doing fletching uh oh not not the micro man oh my goodness accm with the ceto micro titanic micro for sure what the hell well you have seen how he has lost already six units sending arches to to the death and now doing already a tower already a tower because the kit is gonna be up very very close very very fast damn doing the second mining camp he's gonna click up in five minutes yeah he's clicking up during five minutes that's impressive really and you can see how yesterday didn't make the any upgrade and today either is not a coincidence is his meta is his bill order his strategy we need to copy his bill orders because he sold the win to castle it's by many 20 seconds okay he killed the lawyer too yeah probably in the south i miss it because i was checking more the units so now he's the same and he's have to castle each so being that fast doing the market and now walling everything he can send the dumb ethiopian arches that are going to be lovely and now he's doing double attacks and gold mining upright unbelievable really unbelievable i believe that he'll do a secondary range soon and now he's not attacking because he know that in castle he should be able to dominate of course um accm is about to click up he has more values but the transition to castle age is gonna give him what one minute and ten seconds advantage and that can be a lot can be really a lot you know there's a tower there's an archer he's coming with two spears two skirmishes and one archer and now obviously more barracks the eagles we have seen how strong they are of course he can make some knights he's doing a skillmail armor already and like he's coming through this aria she's gonna try to attack to this one let me take the forward war he's trying to discover and here he is with the scout interesting okay he won in the last second not completely and there's not a lot of units and leo need to make another archie range but he's not doing he's gonna make university maybe oh boy bob can arrow crossbow no he's doing a tone center so he prioritizing the economy interesting maybe bozo even bozo of course great great economy and now he opened that one to lose the spear and now time to get in he need to get closer and closer he's gonna make a market here or something no he's gonna break in he's gonna get inside he will have army yes he's triple barrack so leo need to make damage he still have now a lot of farming as you can see a lot of army but those are going to be ego warrior he's trying to break in but won't be able he's 500 hp and maybe if he's getting inside the egas will come and those are going to be eagle warrior plus 2 squires difficult sending knights sending crossbows sending everything the eagers are going to be there now he need to mess all the units together and then maybe he can do the job but for now so complicated obviously you need to play perfect to beat the aztecs seriously perfect he's going around now trying to move those archers and he's still sending more units any upgrade no no he's killed by the armor his economy is looking good he's definitely looking good but if he's not coming but he's attacking the house i don't get it i really don't know what is he doing here with the archers yeah maybe you scare him or or what you know what i feel that he could do yeah exactly what he's minding right now this is a stone i cannot see it properly but i remember one game i think it was incredible four i don't know but i remember when the game lee went with ethiopians castle and shootouts shoot the warriors against against the aztecs and they are actually an amazing answer you never see or almost never see leo going with that much on stone but he feel like with the second tc that fast with the the economy upgrade you have a solid economy already to let's say spend so much on stone you know and make a castle because obviously these this always puts you behind a little bit uh oh those knights are not gonna be a note he's losing one that's gonna make a house he definitely need to to keep the position till he's gonna be able to do the castle but he's going for the castle they still have a lot of farming but accm as well those are a lot of eagles coming with so many crossbows there's no ballistic no and his car that he can try to attack so many archers and the knights if they catch up the eagles some of the eagles they can't take it still eight will is ahead why because he has two tall centers long time ago now i need to move there's no husbandry and he already bought it the stone guys already bought in the storm who is this brilliant thank you man and as you can see we see now more eagles going you have to he has to be careful this is the kid with the trying to dominate but not gonna be easy the gate the gate it's weak and he's just trying to get time okay guys castle will happen look at the castle castle is already happening at home see to our shop so now it's time for leary to start to make the infantry upgrade i believe that the next one will be skill mail armor blue one is probably going to be there let's see we will see with that caster he is really well defended he has gold at the back some houses he can also take the woodland in the azaria and well he has 24 farmers and coming with so many eagles somebody troubles too and you can see how many crops he has with one artery range almost no real battle since they are in castle but let's see because he can see the mangonel those outposts are beautiful beautiful they helps a lot believer can i take the earlier oh okay and those villages you need to go back but starting to make shooter warriors it's gonna be in time as i told you he's doing a skill male armor not doing more houses because the aztecs are so deadly they see a few eagles need to micro ballistics helps a lot he's gonna take the bang gonna holy took it already mine girl down though ziggy's are going to be annoying he's open at the back and he didn't wall now he will that's the dc so he's gonna be oh you see how the multitasking also for the for leary is difficult but he's still still sending more shooter warriors yeah okay we'll see who's one armor only he need to make the blue stew in my opinion otherwise the shooters are not going to be a note but now he's trying ooh baby who baby no no no they are super fast oof another good shot not not brutal but a good shot of course 66.72 game very cool with one player the aztecs trying to put the pressure ethiopians being defended all the game he can see on the left no relic and stone that would be lovely if he could see it will be lovely if he could see squires to make them even faster more shooter warriors remember shooter warriors literally eat the eagles they really eat but they also died super fast against the biagonals okay super fast so he has to be careful he's don't want to take any battle yet now he's doing crossbows and bodkins well he's forced to invest quite a lot and now chain may larper lose to armor for those beautiful units still coming you know ballistic 18 is he's a problem but look look look at the eagles well he almost took three without almost touching the rc range is going to be by buy and now he's gonna try to take the micro look one mango down one down and oof oof he has to be careful he's also more monks he's gonna go right i wouldn't be surprised that he's going to go right guys stone to make another castle where is there going to be the other castle i don't know maybe here on top of that hill so you have the goal still doing more and more shootings 84 really 77 two-tone centers both players they know exactly what the illini is doing here he is a good castle he's a good castle depending on his on his base we don't see lee often playing these kind of games no no no no no if he's now shooting with those oof oof those shooter warriors are not going to be a nose but he's coming with more unbelievable unbelievable but he's gonna try to take all the manuals he's killing all the minors out now with those shooting warriors and the crossroads he's trying to kill all the eagles gonna go more villains but there's another manganal both are losing a lot but this battle i don't know if that was that great for leary he needed this castle or they asked him will dominate but now he's losing so many eagles yes he's taking all the eagles now and it's still a problem because lily can't make this castle no ballistic but if he's sticking those guys all the eagers from accm are in the hell and that's huge really really really really really really really huge because those eagers are so dangerous really really dangerous and those are the unis that kill obviously levy has lost 14 billions and now accm has more village than the kid than his opponent fantastic fantastic approach here because he's going all in the castle is not working and without this caster leery can do the job he's doing two extra tone centers but his economy is still okay he need to make this castle he's not doing yet doing double rg range more and doing more shootouts they need to kill those and this castle need to be up castle is that close because he can't really go super close that castle is going to be up now and we'll take some failures but he's also losing crossbows and now that castle should be up and when he's going to be up he's going to lose the vanguard the crossbows and everything there you go billy's inside and now the mangonel and many crossbows in the hell but he's still killing villages like it good job by accm population brutality brutality now how how accm has almost 20 villas more in theory leary is doing the right strategy but this castle costs him a lot 16 billion is more his score is still similar but he's still losing more egos he has to be careful but obviously wouldn't be surprised that he's going to go up to imperial soon anyway now with four tone centers leery might be able to record his disadvantage with the economy but the transition to imp gonna be lovely gonna be really lovely novelistic he has ballistic as well well not a single upbringing no wheelbarrow no horse color no bozo no nothing but he killed 28 villas to his opponent and with those 28 villas people was telling in the chat why we're wandering with this city is leo will win 3-0 well this game looks very good for accm he's about to go up to imperial and this transition to him with the aztecs is gonna be deadly at least skirmishers and now with all the two tc's this is the the aztecs power man aztec's power is just epic really epic still leery has 44 farmers how is possible that he has 44 farmers i don't know he's going to be able to now raid himself and kill i don't know either and this is many crossbows and with these crops and those shooter warriors he might be able to kill all if he's attacking all together he can kill everything he's not doing because he has ballistic novelistic for leary he's gonna come from behind or he's gonna raid and now he has the same village and more army the problem is the timing the momentum and the timing is definitely better for accm the score say that leader is ahead but he's alive it's a total lie it's a brutal lie okay more crossbows and now if he do not notice he can kill the villius in a moment okay let's see yeah the villains just disappear with the shooter world look look look look at ccn look at multitasking multitasking accm well losing like 10 villas or i don't know how many villas he's losing now he's behind 12 villains already oh my goodness he killed 20 billions with this raven 20 village with this radiant but still leary is not up to imp in mind if he's now denying that castle he's already 20 village ahead trying to kill those groves he can't and now look at the food he need to sell and go up 54 farmers 54 farmers with the market market is here and now he's on the way to imperial unbelievable game really unbelievable game okay we will see the trend witches are now coming but the archers leo is trying to micro with one in front as you can see he's going back ethiopian archers are using insane still a ccm with more is doing marvelous but in an arborist battle if the game go to m don't think the asters will win with arbalest with some excuses maybe but you can make also bomber candles or ornigas i don't know we will see poison one year streak thank you man consistent thank you man really appreciate it mr darcy keep killing more villains man can i raid more yeah look three hits bam and killing morbidly is this castle need to be need to be uh repairing his will wall this area he's not walling and then the rating can the rating can do a lot of damage the problem is that the timing the momentum is still so sick here and we know uh an amazing castle that's a great castle that need to make it with so many villages let's see if lee is going to be able to hold he still have 127 billions the castle is going to be up even if he's killing zombies it's not the problem for him now billy's inside and bye bye he has a lot of food he didn't even repair now he's just sacrificing some body amigo what is this thank you man chemistry leather archer armor and now what all those things are gonna go by military is similar but he's a migrant allowed this dc man he's pc in danger he still have a look at the food he has look at the fruit he has iii doing all the upgrades he used to have a lot of parts but the same 27 artists 20 skirmishes he's trying to repair that one he need to repair this castle he's not doing for now but with the manual maybe he will be able to take it okay i think he will take those units and he will try to take the traps or not 57 army 36 only three tone centers you can see at lao how important how important is the okay the shooters are there the troubleshoots will go down very fast this is a manual he's gonna shoot in the middle oh my god okay he's gonna lose everything now with those utils he's sticking a lot he's gonna take the traps very fast i'm gonna kill all the units and then if he's cleaning this he's gonna be able to clean the other area as well if leo is coming back in this game i'm gonna cry i'm really gonna cry he's still 44 farmers and no relics at all and now with that army he's gonna clean he's gonna clean his easy m he's gonna clean it he has a rally that he's not taking but those are ballets are so good he's waiting he's waiting for for the average he has a chemistry now and those ethiopian archers so do the job we will see chemistry already as well for leary has so many units and now with those shoe tails maybe bomber cannon that he has a siege warsaw i don't know he's doing a castle in a in an amazing hill but uh he's trying to clean and now with those shootings he's gonna disturb yeah he's gonna disturb i mean if he's losing the shooters they are working like a midfield yeah and killing absolutely everything there the good thing is that he's obviously sending more and now he doesn't have at least he's gonna make it ballistic now well even without ballistic he took all okay okay well there's one armor you need to kill it you need to kill it on the right you can see how he is still trying to push obviously leo is still with 10 values more but the situation is critical he's dramatic for the kid he need the armor he doesn't have the the second and the third but he's doing the plus four okay and now doing a castle all right on the left and doing the push four he's gonna take it camp rams steven with more harmless i don't know military numbers is similar leary is taking the score lead and i don't know how that is even possible maybe he still lose the game but it's incredible how he's holding the situation 15 bill is more acc and three relics he has everything to win the game everything to win the game still have goal one really that he should take it but he's not and well he's just a spamming army now spamming army handguard no keeping wilbaru come on i mean his economy accident economy is at the limit but shuttle's cleaning here he's gonna come or not he's attacking the run that's not good that's not good he's missing armor as well so he's missing upgrades he's mainly skirmishers is he standing or not no he's gonna try to raid his sims he's to kill him man he has more population he still have more population than his opponent unbelievable okay the ram is down and now keep trying to kill the units i don't know man i really don't know 55 farmers 49 lumbriax is too common now coming with the shuttles he is going to kill the units and the shooters will eat the traffic very fast and if he's not doing because of these units yeah just look how fast they take it and then he's cleaning all those it's still more army now he's it need to make more houses he's not doing okay yeah well he's at the limit still he said the limit is still leery but uh able to keep in the game and now i know the castle on the left okay trying to push it back this is thought that he could take it and but now he's wasting so many he's shooting almost 2 000 foot almost 2 000 food sell though that economy or or make even light cause i mean even if they are trash because his opponent is doing all these skirmishes those are eagle warrior not the lead he has no economy to make elite eagle warrior or anything still missing armor i mean he's playing good but he's missing some good stuff some really good stuff the cast is going to be up he's going to convert probably a failure and no he didn't convert it going back a little bit yeah now he's getting more gold stone and uh well doing the plus four attack crazy game and the 70 180 population apple is on his skirmishes he's doing more shuttles he's just spamming shuttles and now another's there because he cannot see anything yeah he's gonna try but this is a castle on his face still accm with 43 army trying to push with the skirmishers elite shoot the warrior how with what resources man oh my goodness but i really think that not having the blues 4 armor is a huge one here a big mistake i mean he's doing at least shoot the world but then he's not doing shuttles which which is uh is big well now he's sending some he's trying to micro he's trying to micro those siege rams doing a little bit more she's on goal now heavy flow he could take the snow but it's not taken he's still going back military numbers accm keep going and now see trams doing another castle he could go with threat but he's not doing still a handle look at the wood okay don't shoot the words are the fully abraded oh did he cancel blasphemes yeah but missing those armor is is just insane it's really really big in these battles it's really big in these battles he's trying to go for the goal okay he's gonna send the shooters just to take that goal did he take the relic yeah one running clearly four for the aztecs that's not the greatest and now he's coming with the rams shooter warriors are not there he need to attack those units with couple of shooters you can take the traps and the rams very easily now he's gonna clean all the gold miners here that's good okay and now he will take the threat easily as well wow those superwords are cleaning look at the military 190 population for both players what is this game man what city is this game unbelievable okay he don't want to leave the game and keep going now elite eagle warrior and this is the first game of the day this is gonna be a long day oh baby skirmish is gonna take those now with the shooters you stink the traps remember now it's tables trying to go live caps he's still with a lot of food you like that for me if your opinions are you know what means trash skirmishes shoot a warrior sticking the goal he's gonna make a tc great tone center in front of the castle but he doesn't know that he doesn't know that okay yeah he will kill the the jowers but also he will lose all the all the shootouts he's sticking those units and now losing all those is not the greatest not gonna send more yeah i don't know how he is still in the game seriously don't know how he is still in the game he's still doing now the plus four attack has madrid he's still trying to raid from this area which is not gonna happen anymore because those shooters will clean and now with all the light yes maybe he's gonna be able to rate the problem is he has one two three four five six castles i'm not really good in math but with six castles maybe you are safe you know don't know what you think with six castles probably you are safe just probably you know now he's doing the upgrades he will have all the economy outbreaks still with good population similar military and now sending shuttles obviously we'll literally need a siege but how to do siege when you have zero gold income zero gold income difficult right very very difficult sending more skirmishes here to the left still waiting at home with those and also ceo bill is on goal for accm but for relics he's cleaning all those buildings he's selling resources okay he's going to lose those really some wood but now he's taking the gold miners in this one and there's more skirmishes missing the armor for the skirms are there is terrible really really terrible okay he's gonna take those now the legends are just not gonna do anything now finally doing the plus two yeah look how he killed the buildings with those with those uh shooter warriors very fast very very fast it's still population similar pikeman upgrade okay pikes against arches okay well he got light caps sorry yeah yeah yeah i forgot that but he's gonna clean all this yeah he will clean all those units he will clean all the units and although he is gonna go to the hell as well it's incredible and now ready what the hell what the real health still raining now he's ready now raiding his economy doing another castle he has all the map control but he keep prac keep trying to kill stable lumbrican and well those seagulls are doing the job as well yeah he has he has a huge advantage blue i don't know how he is still in the game but it's impossible he can win he has no resources basically he has no no map control at all and the only way will be that that he rate massively and kill all the farmers and obviously take these relics killing the monastery will be will be insane he's still missing the blues four armor which is very very important i insist these lightsabers are already fully abraded according to what they can do for for ethiopians but now there is jowers jower's killing the lambriax here that's a problem yeah it goes like that we'll do okay again this is the problem is the castle and now there is more raiding in the north population is dropping now dramatically for leery amazing try amazing try by the kid but accm never throw with this game he did a great job keep pushing all the time expanded all over cast us all over as well and garland wars now oh boy carl wars plus eight pikes he's gonna eat the light caps literally eat the light guys well leary is trying a lot he's really trying a lot even too much in my opinion now because now is just impossible thank you for the follow hopefully to enjoy this is the first game of the day and it's been a crazy one and a very long one and the kid it's starting losing the series so it's gonna make these cities more and more interesting of course yeah 50 minutes in empire wars he's a lot guys he's really a lot he's going to clean all this okay his trudeau is to have well similar numbers in military similar numbers in military unbelievable 64 farmers like like seriously and he's doing now is tons of mining because he's going to take more stone crazies too yeah the problem is i insist leaders still have a good army but zero siege 74 farmers 74 farmers with no map control unbelievable yeah crazy craziest dude keep spamming man he still have military all over are now gonna raid but the problem is leary can't raid i mean accm has castles all over these remind me dead match he can't raid man he can't really raid he need rams traps i mean something to kill the castles otherwise yeah look at that look at the pikes they they are eating the light caps eating the light cap man holy well when he saw those like us die like this he was like okay let's go let's really go i will put here best of five just five dollars because this is one zero four ccm and hopefully you have enjoyed this one was an amazing first game accm played very very solid and leo couldn't do it leo lost the game pretty much when he tried to make the castle here remember he lost their 28 villagers 28 villages if he had that castle up probably he would win the game but that was very big advantage he gave to his opponent statistics military you can see they killed more or less the same economy more wood leery 12 000 more food but guys accm 11k 11k more gold 11k more gold with 11k more gold what you can do nothing literally nothing yep well amazing game look at the apm guys look at the apn for leary do you think he was ahead with the apn but when you have aztecs and this kind of situation just look at the apn man incredible really really incredible you said about the the what we can take the bikes i don't know if we can take the pike uh separate graphs uh i'm i'm i don't know military where's the military man yeah well i don't know military here where's the military yeah we see the economy but we don't see if we can see pikes guys get number two let's go it's gonna be it's gonna be amazing now and uh with lyric and accm berbers stable house and stable as well this map is special you cannot make farms around the tc and that's why probably why they pick a mirror because you don't need to make a melon then you can draw farms all over which doesn't matter you know okay and uh let's see this is very easy to wall let's see how important is gonna be also the lake and this is this makes the the series more interesting because yeah we will not expect leave going be being behind remember that lee has been always one of the best empire wars and that's why he's champion from the last two red bull no sorry for two red bulls not the last two red bull my my my bad because the last two red bull was doubt and then leery lee has been in the in the last three finals that's more correct if i'm not wrong okay more scouts going and now he has the dog and doing fishing ships okay don't bring the scout to that villa well he has more scouts so he's fine he's still doing farmers kepmer farms is so fun okay fishy look at the wood he has a lot of wood i mean what is really good is to have almost no resources that means you are using everything officially now he's doing a fire galley but he's housed that's not great that's why he's not doing yeah you need to make more and now the fire galley is just going to be there pretty much at the same time i don't know if he's going to go full fuel or he will try to make a transition to castle it just as good as possible because this map as you can see well it's not that is super easy to wall it's just that the the plans just wall everything as you can see yeah clear is that wall he's now trying slowly and this probably will go to castle h obviously who is doing a smooth transition to to the next age to cancel he's gonna be great i'm gonna have a huge advantage now because you're on a wall gonna stay there with one scout double dock whoa that surprised me that really surprised me and this is a bad move by accm losing the galley pretty much oh it's going to repair gonna take it and now without the sphere let's see if we're gonna take the bottle and it's gonna be leery or not oof oof that's his greedy is repairing he's repairing that billy is he's giving him an extra life yeah and that villager repairing gave accm the advantage now more fire galleys more scouts okay and more spears as well are you ready or not no he's walling everything now leary as well and he's three gullies three gullies is quite a lot he has to be careful with the with the spear need to kill it and now again going to repair you need to kill the failure you need to kill the villain otherwise he's going to lose oh but the speeds are doing an amazing job but now he's going to take the value got it yeah he's doing a good job at the end but he's using a lot now doing the bloodline whoa okay he's committing this unit is he's pretty much killed yeah he's gonna take it got it and now he will take it both wow he basically cleaned completely he has the two scouts there but guys this is 10 valleys of berries so many and that's why he has 20 foreign food 14 on food the difference is massive he asked how many six of berries which is quite a lot too yeah but now all those are going to be idle so he has to relocate he definitely has to relocate more galleys [Music] oh those discounts are pretty much bye-bye and now camera economy will just explode with those many farms 17 farmers how many farms here from yeah 12. i mean five farmers more working constantly with khmer food you can see his food insane okay another fire garlic you need a demo but he's gonna lose the water but how important is the water if you are really really ahead to castle age that's that's a good question right yeah i think he will cancel that belly and he can go up well he's not doing he's doing another belly going to go for the goal and he's going castle it it's not gonna be super slow accm to castle h and uh remember oh he even have a market so he's buying the resources he sell 100 stone but the problem here is that berbers in my opinion are more versatile like you can go camels you can go night cheaper but let's see kamer with the knights between skill body and armor no upgrades at all and it's only few seconds at the end but one play ahead so became pretty pretty close fishing ship and he's kinda investing a lot on water is that worthy we will see we will see if he's worthy or not i think he will take that galley yeah yeah he's gonna take it got it oh okay got it oh there's a demo almost kill it and now trying to kill the uh with the scout he's gonna take it man with the scout he's gonna take it probably he's gonna take it most of them oh baby oh baby come on and now the name of the deal no he's going back he's going back in time but will he take quite a lot he take quite quite a lot to these one and three fishing ships we will see second stable on the way forwarding and skill guard and armor i believe that he will do chain button armor right away yeah and all is stable as well for perverts remember also that depends what accm is doing see what siege will shock for chimera is very very strong he's going to repair pretty strong with those scorpions with extra range he's doing the attack still doing the armor interesting very very interesting doing the armor man okay he's now repairing that one he can take that one if he's migraine he need to migraines that and he's doing got it but now he's repairing but he can't repair anymore and that will probably will die yeah got it okay the knights are coming and pikes as well he knows that he probably need the pike because he might go oh he's going full light actually wow look at how many knives in the queue and that's bad in my opinion why he has eight knives in the queue and then he's not doing the average plus with upgrade no bluetooth attack no no armor that's dead it's kinda weird no no those toes those guys are helping a lot are really helping a lot yes he has the uppers but need to go away morgalis but those knives can now clean the fishy ships smart very smart those are three fishing ships that he's going to lose now he's gonna go with the demo the demo oh but the demo is smart and now leary took the demo with one pie goalie the knights are very strong he got the upgrades but he got so many galleys it's true that now he's coming with camels as well need to go back yeah big battles all the time big battles all the time but accm in numbers is still ahead man he's still really ahead okay yeah he's not doing the plus 2 armor the pikes are not doing the greatest job because the galleys are still there but the guys are going to be gone now he need to go back the demo the demo no and now he wants to yeah he want to waste the pike yeah that's good that's really good obviously in this situation i don't know why the demo is not doing damage to blue to his own units he should do it for sure that's not really realistic but well this is a game so what we can expect and now this is not a good battle man purpose for the win perverts very dangerous burgers he's going to go to the to the demo he's going to no okay he took it but accm to zero guys accm with six villages more look at the army now during the third town center and eva leery dumbass army fast snowball game and 2-0 yeah i told you that i prefer burpers for this reason you can spam much cheaper also versatile units it's true that he got spiked but he never mastered too many so probably for leery real problems for leery here maybe he need a monastery he's in the wheelbarrow but wheelbarrow is not a big thing here he's going to repair this table or not yeah i agree everything castle is extremely dangerous he's extremely extremely dangerous it's repairing we run with one villain on the second on the gate he's 700 gold this will balance that economy with the market he has no market oh he open now spikes doing the market finally [Music] yeah but in numbers he's he kind of stabilized now starting to add more and those spikes are strong they are close to attack not no armor but okay it starts to be a lot of pikes he's still only two tone centers which is obviously not great even obviously even less when your opponent got okay those flags now need to make the job the cameras are very bad against cam against uh against spike saying you need to go back need to go back but he's coming with more galleys he need to avoid that situation and he's gonna make a castle at home whoa well well well he's looking bad for leery really really bad well two games in my opinion two better civilizations for for accm i mean ethiopians is very good yeah but i prefer aztecs and then here i prefer burgers for sure and he's playing smooth accent very very smooth okay he converted instantly what the hell the monks monks hate it yeah well when you see those conversions you really want to cry like come on sometimes you need 10 seconds sometimes two seconds well camel artists can actually eat the bikes if you smashing camel arches inflation obviously you will need the upgrades but still 17 really is more 17 billions more doing more upgrades here leery and uh you really need to titanic accm to lose this game it's possible to to happen it is why not this battle shouldn't be the best well here three monks stick in the bottle but no no this is a bad battle for him now this is game he's probably going to resign if he's losing this battle and i think this is over okay snot is going back a little but he's starting to have so many camos and knights also with monks need to make more barrage obviously wait wait wait look at that economy i forgot about this beautiful camera economy it's gonna click up to imp with 20 villas less but it's still going up to him maybe he can do something i mean unlikely because the amount of farming look at the population difference is insane and also it's time to get the relics to grabbing the relics what is this more stable more barracks but we have seen how limited our camera for castle age battle what what to do here yeah he's doing the bikes he's doing the nights the skirmishers now also to counter i don't know so the way to imp is up to imperial but accm is up to impedance as well with a lot more values man yeah so complicated yeah i don't think he can do anything if he got good resources what he can do house okay camel archers if hassan's okay camels policy he's gonna try to kill that stable is going to go down and now time to go with the army it's true that now lee has good numbers like he didn't convert he's wasting a monk all right pardon armor that mug is going to be bye bye i mean a bad bottle here but what to say all the pikes no no no baby okay well didn't make that much damage but he is still killed 93 bullies 29 army score is still scary obviously second castle as well leery is not even mine is thought so one half thread widgets won't have conscription won't have anything those bags will kill a lot that was a bad battle of course the camel artist helps but now he's close to the castle need to go back got ballistic you've got vodka he's not doing the hard card he has everything heavy plow as well and uh well domination by accm domination by accm sorry guys sleep very bad today like pretty much every day yeah it's 1700 score difference are you kidding me man whoa okay plus four play ball in armor and how about the upgrade okay let's see with the plus four and with the house he can do something seems to be very hard but he will try obviously he's gonna he's gonna take the bottle yeah yeah those spikes will do the job with a nice killer to go to the camel arsenal but he can outmigrate him we will see he's good army he's definitely a good army he still have good amount of release over a hand the village with kimmer is still solid now he's coming with few demos oof you want to go there all right they are plus four now and the house still need upgrades but the helms are so powerful against guys the cavalry well if you want to sacrifice the light caps doesn't feel too bad 2000 score difference population is still definitely ahead more demos need to go back i don't know what he's going to under the castle and uh what leo can do now i don't know man he's just doing more upgrades more and more upgrades so it just became more and more difficult let's do the push for attack the score difference just increase three dc's through town center doing the third castle oh my god third castle yeah and i don't think he has chances here with with with kimber i mean he's still going because military is similar you know the score is it's brutal difference because look at the kd kd is insane it's got a wall okay house and now billy is on the house as well and gg guys 2020 choice for by far by accm and if lee wants to to come back here he will need to make three games in a row three games in a row oh boy statistics well play here very smooth play by accm you can see the unit kills fantastic economy better economy obviously for him less food than leery but stone more gold and a lot more stone more wood sorry more villies and the transition to him was pretty much the same 2-0 okay guys game number three leery about to be eliminated but is the kid gonna be able to to make the the comeback the crazy comeback well this map is a very fun one and dangerous let's see if he's gonna play sloppy or sleepy like like people say that that looks yeah he has a horse corner right away and no w tanks for now remember that they scout for frank's more hp now doing double attacks and scouts right away farming and like i said this map should be a good one for him rt range and walling all the map oh boy oh really boy let's go with the spamming we're gonna go for the for the deers he's gonna make a spear no and sending the scout to the south and trying to explore i'm going to go to leary's point of view because he's the one who is at the limit at the real limit and then wouldn't be surprised that we need to make an arty rain soon because the hands is going archers it's going archers so rt range will so happen he has wall completely the woodland so he's fine need to go back but you need to explore if it's not exploring problems real problems france has also bonus on on the berries remember 25 faster that's great and um oh starting to spam a lot still no fletching but i believe that he'll do fletching quite fast let's go to see if he's gonna find it there's your range you see that in the total center he's finding the wood guys he's trying to find the wood berries are fully walled and the wood is basically fully walled so problems if he's not doing an artillery range real problem he's really spears but the archers are coming with legend and this can be deadly really really deadly thank you for the subscription soccer amazing new subscriber man love it okay and now problem probably is two artists only but as i say it problems to need to lure the deers it's not i mean those villas are with hunt need to go back you don't want to lose those because they yeah they have a lot of economy going to move back those four villas are now coming with more scout how many scouts he got quite a lot i'm doing forging so those scouts need to micro them perfect need to be careful he's going to lose that failure no he's going to go with four bellies and all those scouts to take those units let's see his micro he's going to try to take the spears probably with the villagers unless if he's going to kill everything i think he will and how much is he gonna lose not a lot one two scouts okay but he clean all that's good problem economy for accm looks solid very very solid do you know an archer he has pillars of gold okay and he need to make damage because what he sell the stone he sell his soul he's on the way to castle age man whoa whoa whoa whoa this transition to castle is it's also dangerous because hmm he won't have army at all sell the wood man and go up sell the wood and go up but he still have a lot of army man look at the castle his transition well leary leery at least that he's going now incredibly aggressive he's bye bye and now he's probably trying to do it fletching gonna try to go and clean he need to clean the darby because this transition is insane maybe he even need to send village forward and make a tower to take the wood otherwise if he's not going now all in accn will make a 3-0 and total domination yeah as you can listen right now crazy stuff yeah okay let's see okay be careful there be careful there got it skateboarding armor arches and excuses well he's doing the tower but i don't know he need to make a massive this is open this is open this is open this is open yeah this is open this is open he's gonna kill billy he's gonna take the spear he can't kill now few villains that can be lovely but you need to kill those you need to kill all those three villains just kill those he's gonna take it come on he's gonna take it off he's taking a few sticking few values but is this six villas seven billies ahead and knows when he's in castle age well yes he's curious now okay a few skirmishes need to take those archers bot can arrow no resources okay trying to go in all in killing more villains all aggressive nia is still ahead with the score but the botkin arrow is complicated man really complicated okay he's gonna run with those okay he's going to the left and look at the resources he's he need the market probably to go up he's eight wheel is ahead but i don't think this is an oath oh no no no no no he's bought him man well but no ballistic he had his skirmishers still holding if he's doing the market he's not doing the market between another rt range oh baby coming with now with kev archers but woof so difficult game for the kid still ahead in the score he's gonna make another male didn't make the the market so he can't go up yet oh baby you found those berries oh he didn't see it okay he didn't see it now he's gonna see it all right he has good amount of skirmishes it's good economy husbandry man husbandry problems for him no ballistic not a single upgrade you can see how how snowball empire wars can be you need to put the values on the tower and now four archers need to go with the skirmishes need to move there no markings yet trying to hold but this is looking that leader is gonna lose three zero in this one oh baby who will expect this people was telling hey this is three zero for easy and is him the opposite well maybe he's called in no no he's losing one but yes it's still six billion is more oh he's gonna go attack okay he's gonna now buy the resources by the resources man to go up he do not notice really is on the tower he's gonna lose more unbelievable what's going on he's on the way to castle he's still with six millions more but hands are hands and uh now lucy thank you for following man 3-0 for accm the kit bye bye free weekend now for the kid come on whoa well leery lost it leery resign and three zero in the house whoa well in another level in another level an accm total domination right with this eight minute castle age man eight minute castle is he obviously idea and kill more units economy also more economy for him live with a lot more food but look at the goal and with that transition bam total destruction leader 3-0 against accm 3-0 against leery thumb up on youtube amigos holy moly
Channel: MembTV - Age of Empires
Views: 3,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LIEREYY, ACCM, Quarterfinals, ALL IN CUP, age of empires 2 definitive edition, RTS, tournament, EMPIRE WARS, Liereyy, membtv
Id: pdUmPZl9Tw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 17sec (3737 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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