LiDAR Point Cloud Vectorization: 3D Python Tutorial (+ LoD City Models)

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hey friends very exciting today what we are going to cover is basically Point Cloud vectorization so vectorization the process to go from some kind of modality rer data 3D Point Cloud to a vector entity or vector set of entities which is the default go-to in a geospatial information system and a lot of application so there is a missing link that you can find on the internet where no one is giving you the tools or the way to do that and I intend here to solve part of the pipeline we will create some lighter data from an open data portal source and we will extract a neighborhood from this little area and from there we'll want to detect the houses extract the footprint of these houses and then create some kind of level of detail model for each of the individual house and that is a very strong point toward more analysis down the line so that is what we're going to do without further Ado let's dive onto what I prepared what is the tutorial plan for today as you can see we are going to go through five main phases the first one being environment preparations where we will want want to make sure that you are equipped from scratch to be able to attack this challenge then we will move on to uh data preparation the phase two this is also something that is uh light so it's will be a light progression and at the end of that normally you should have the data that is ready to go through the first set of experiment which is the phase three we do not want to scale an automate at this stage we just want to take one example one building and try experiments to see if all the the pipeline works on that so that is what we're going to do this is where the bulk of the work is and then after that we'll basically um re-engineer beat the codes to automate and scale so that you drag and drop your point cloud and you get the CT modeling of the area that you are considering that's the ID and of course at the end we'll go a bit onto visualization and Analysis um there is some experiments that I do also on on on rization so Vector from RoR data but that is u in the article that you can find that okay so if you're ready we can get started right away way so the first thing we want to do is actually uh set up a virtual environment with python so you go onto Anaconda org and you download Anaconda and you take the one from your distribution once that's download you install it and you have separate way to use that either use the um GUI or use the command name so let's start uh with the qu once you install that you should drive to something like this which has a base environment so what you need to do is actually create a new environment for me I have vectorization but you can create the one of your own in which we will install the various libraries I can also show you another way to do that which is Anaconda uh prompt right so you can execute that as an administrator and you have here so you are in the Anaconda prompt of anaconda and basically what you just have to do here is cond and list uh to check out the environment that you have installed already and you see that you have a lot of them and the one that I will be using is vectorization but if you do not have that you just make cond and uh cond create and for the name and here the name could be uh YouTube YouTube V and then you give the python version that you want to use so for example 3.10 or 3.9 is okay and this will create your environment it may ask you sometime to agree with stuff you just press Y and enter and will follow the installation now it should be installed so if I make coma M list now I have YouTube VEC all right so what I can do is K activate and I type the name of my uh environment okay and this is it this is I'm in the environment so from there I can install the various library that I would want to have so first first um we will install three Base Library with Pip install and the libraries that we want are n computation um pandas M plot Li to plot and at this stage it's really good so let's install this fundamental libraries and we are good all the Base Library are installed now we can move on to installing um 3D libraries P install open 3D for manipulating 3D data and open 3D is installed so now call try to insult last spy with umet ar and class uhp and we are good to go so we have the Base Library NP P and M lip we have two 3D libraries open 3D and aspy for the point clouds and now let's load a bunch of geospatial Library so peep install um rasa EO for manipulating rest of data um geopandas an extension of pandas for just special data as well shapely to to handle 2D Vector data and also alha shape which is a small library to compute Alpha shapes now we are almost ready so we have our environment isolated created with a bunch of libraries onto this environment and the last stage will be to use an IDE and here we could use Jupiter lab right Jupiter lab so install jupyter lab and I press enter and that means that it will fetch jupyter lab for us IDE install it and we will be able to code from there now very good the installation is is done so we're ready to code to code we can just launch Jupiter space lab and that will open us um a window of Jupiter lab there there is one thing though is um that you are launching jupyter lab from the folder in which you are cited into your little um uh terminal so here you will see that I will be in a local folder which is not really what I want to have uh instead I want want to change the folder to where my code would be written and I usually have always the same structure so code data results which means that I need to change that so I will close my jupyter lab uh window I will go back to my terminal you see that my server is running and I will close it by pressing control+ C now I will change to where my code is so first uh if you need to change the drive you just need to press um the letter and from there I will fetch my little uh with change uh change folder so CD and where my code is all right I press enter and everything is fine and from there just launch Jupiter LA and here we good to go now when you're here you can go into uh your specific file that I created for you right so you can donad it and put it here from the GitHub or the link that is just down below and you should arve here okay so so the first stage that we have to do is actually load the libraries and the first stage is loading the Base Library so import n by as NP import um MTH plot lip directly pip plot I will use so P plot as PLT and import bers as p and then same thing for the libraries the 3D libraries so here it's import up in 3D as all 3D and for the just spatial libraries which are here and also um I will make sure to import from this Library some specific function uh from origin resembling shapes and polygon so that we are ready to go and once this is done you just press uh Mash enter so shift enter and no mod will name m PLP which is normal I press that and I rerun it and everything is imported and you can see my version of Last bu which is 2.5.1 okay now phase two data preparation that's where we AG going to create the data prepare it so profile it and then uh pre-process it so that we can then directly take it from there and run the follow followup actions okay so the data that I chose is from a region that I really love in Canada uh which is Vancouver and basically you can go to the Vancouver portal here and I selected one tile from here okay and you can do the same so taking a tile and downloading it and you will have a l file or you can go to my uh Google drive folder uh where here okay I did not drop yet the file but you will find the neighborhood file directly here okay so um some stuff about this if I go into the information why do I choose that is that we already have classification given to us with un classifying two is the ground and six is the building so we have to to remember that now let's load the data so to do that we will use last py okay and uh the function read and we will pass where our data is so I express everything relatively with uh this two points points to say go one back data and the name of my file is neighborhoods. La okay and that will load our file into the Las variable now from that we could explore the classification field by getting the last. classification and printing the unique values of that and then finally printing whatever we have in our um in our header and finally I like to print out the coordinate system projection system and once I put everything there we can have an output where we see that we have classes ranging from 1 to 7 okay we have XYZ and a lot of features and the projection is in epsg 26 910 which is I think uh UTM on 10 Central Meridian 1 2 3 West okay that's important if you want to to then fuse data sets together that's it for the part of creating the data now still within this phase two uh we will do some kind of pre-processing and basically here what we want to do is to create a mask okay uh which will call Point mask which will retain only uh the points where the classification from the last file is equal to six so which is building and then we'll transform that into a NPI array with NPI v stack we stack vertically the various um points from that so the x last. x last. y and last do Z so the XY and Z except we'll pass the mask to that to filter out only the point with the mask so Point mask and I take that I put it here and yeah right and that's uh pretty much it I forgot to put another double bracket around that that will be good to go and once we have this nump array I put the T because it's Trans Sport this will be X Y and Z instead of X Y and Z okay uh we will create an open 3D geometry of type Point Cloud here and we will pass to this new geometry which is called PCD or 3D the points with a vector 3D Vector function from open 3D that take the transpose of the transpose right and uh from there we can make sure that we will work therea with local coordinates because they are too big and we may have problems to handle that so to do just that we can trans translate uh our Point Cloud but before translating we get the center with this little function and then we translate um our Point Cloud so PCD 3d. translate minus PCD Center and the final operation to do is actually to visualize the results with this little line or. visualization. geometry and I press enter and you see that I have a window that pops up that shows the little buildings that are extracted using the classification field so pretty nice already at this stage we see that we have a lot of noise points it's not perfect classification but it's good enough and that will be the base for the follow um steps where we want to derive buildings from that right okay so let me close this now let's do the same thing uh and isolate only the ground points so basically I'm just retaking everything I'm not translating again right so that's what I'm doing Point mask transpose and I take a ground point and I visualize that let's see what it makes that's only the ground point you may have a hint why we are doing that at this stage um if you do not please trust me you will see just down below why we still need ground points in our experiments okay so that's very cool we uh went through this data pre-processing phase and the last stage that I like to do is to bit profile more what we have and compute the nearest neighbor distance between point and I want to average the nearest neighbor for each point around its neighborhood and I can do that with this common line where I see that I have around 11 cm between points okay now it's time for phase three which is the single unit experiment and as you can see from this nice uh chart we're going to go through first an unsupervised segmentation phase okay okay so trying to identify the Clusters within the buildings for having each instance of its own and um then I will retain from that just one single house and I will pass through all the unit experiments so first extracting a building footprint a 2d building footprint expecting a bit of centic and attribute information from that that can be very useful and then going from a 2d to a 3D Vector that would be the base to create the model with both the meshes and the faces and then we post-process that and Export okay so that's really what I'm going to show you so the unsupervised segmentation you have many ways to approach this and uh I will show you one way to do that but I encourage you to extend what you learn here with other ways um one way would be to use cins the problem is that you do not have outlier filtered out so you need to be sure exactly how many hours you have so it's not fully automatic you can Define this parameter automatically but it's not as accurate the second way will be for example to use S so the segment anything model that will work but you need to go through a phase of projection that that's a bit heavy on the computation side so I will show you a third way using DB scan because um you can basically work in an ENT space which we have clear delimitations and on top you will filter out what is noise and only retain relevant clusters and for that we need two parameters um I will set that very high to make sure to retain uh a sufficient let's say number of points and then after I want to compute labels and Max label so my label will basically take PCD cluster DB scan we take the Epsilon the minimum cluster of points and the max label we just want to know how many uh clusters we have okay and finally let's color each of our cluster differently so for that we use M PL lip basically and we Define what are the colors so we take the top 20 discrete color range and each um labels that is below zero because the noise will be classified label minus one will color it black and all the rest will take it from there all right and finally what is missing is the visualization that we have here so now let's activate and wow you can see that we have something super nice we have the houses nicely detected with various colors um and that would be very very interesting and I think a strong base to use for individual modeling so even if this two looks like they have the same color they're actually in two different segments and here again okay so we have 31 cluster that's the stage and now let's go onto a single experiment so here we will select the segment to be considered which is the step five and to select this segment we will just take one for now and we know that we'll be we'll have that as a parameter within a loop um and to to to get the segment basically you have a function which is Select by index from open 3D and we will make a check where we need to have the labels which is equal to the selector so the labels okay and that's what I do and I just take the first because it returns to me um an MP array with more than one element I just want the the first one and that's it that's my segment and from there what we do is actually draw the geometry of the segment so let's check out yes we have the house if I were to change uh the selection let's see if it works you can see that we have another house so this is very nice let's keep the first one uh which is interesting because we have chimneys we have three layers of roofs um yeah it's it's it's a nice little sample right so now that's finished we go on to the step six which is extracting the outline the building footprint of the selection to do that we will uh first extract the x and y coordinate of our Point cloud and uh you know how to do that we take the point 2D and we will filter out based on the index we take all the points and we just take X and Y okay the two is excluded always when you use NP array segments. point we need to make sure to go through um the initial open 3D object to an MP array that's why I do that because after that for the shape with Al shape we need to pass an array okay and to use the alpha shape of the building Vector we just use the library that we imported we use the function we pass the 2D points and we give a parameter of alpha the lower um uh you will be the the more little detail you will have the higher you are the more you will be close to a convex F so having the full envelope without any concavities that's what we also would like to have and to print it here with um shapely you can just type the name of your variable at the end in the cell and if you press ENT normally the magic happens you have your shapes that happens here okay now let's create some kind of way to store this information and we will use geopandas to do that and we use a building gdf or Geo data frame and uh to create a geod DAT frame basically you just call the function geod data frame you pass the geometry which will be building vector and the CRS and if I were to print uh the first line here so I will do building gf. head press enter and you see that we have a geometry which is a polygon which is stored in kind of a data frame but it's a geod data frame entirety very cool at this stage um we already accomplished a lot but it's not finished and uh it may be interesting to push a bit more and go onto the second phase which is Computing semantic and attributes step seven now uh we want to have the height right of the house as a relative measure and let me show you something first first um by Computing the altitude so what do you think is wrong if I do that I compute the altitude by taking only the Z value of all my points I add my uh translation of Z to get to the real coordinates of Z so the attitude right and after that I will take the maximum of my little segment point cloud and minimum and that will be my height so what is wrong with that I will tell you just right away we are dealing with imperfect data which means that it's real data and you may not have within the building actually points that are close to the ground close to the reality where your house is standing you may have a a shift where actually if you were to use that you may have a house that is 2 met instead of 10 for example so that is something that we do not want to have but you may see that in a moment so that's where if you connect the dot I will actually leverage what we did at the beginning so extracting the ground points and we have to define the ground level in the local area so what I do is the following I will uh Define a query Point first that will be based on the center of my segment okay so I want to take the center of my segment and from that I want to actually drop the Z because I don't want the center of my segment there but I want it at the minimal value okay so for that my query point will get at the minimal value of my segment which is get min bound and the Z now I will take my um ground points okay and I will construct a kd3 with the following line PCD uh tree um equal to all3 Geometry kd3 FL ground points so that will construct my KD tree and from there I will uh do a kind NE search where I will retain the indexes um of my of of my points for each of of my points okay so I pass the gray point and I take 200 100 whichever if it's best for you let's put 200 for now okay and uh I will retain all my indexes and now what I just need to do is to create a sample of points that will return that so I will take my ground points and I will select my index and I will pass my index list okay and I will paint that and visualize it so uh yeah let's do that for now so I will delete that and let's do the visualization to see what we have and as you can see my house was standing there you can see in Gray all the points that will be selected uh by my little Cay and the idea now is to use that to compute the minimum value of my building okay so the point that are close to my to to to to my building uh this is the only data point that we have that could hint where our building is okay that has that is relevant enough so we will use that to define the lowest bound and the highest bound of my building will use the point of the segment okay so the last step is to define the ground zero and we take the sample and we get the center and we take the zv value of all this points and finally for the he we do a uh Max bound minus this ground zero right of the segment minus the ground zero and if we were to check the difference we could do that H so again this is the one that we have previously and this is the new one um which is a shift of minus 12 CM so in this case we we were actually pretty close but that's important to have that that was a big step now let's move on to Computing some parameters so basically here it would be nice to have a lot of parameters and because we have the alpha shape we are able to compute some interesting parameters so the first uh parameter that we would like to to stick with is um let's say the um label information okay so we stack all into a geod data frame so my building gdf now I will add a column called ID and here I want it to keep my selector which is one for now okay to make sure that we have always that now we want the height so I just do the same thing and here I put height and my height is basically um segment minus clown zero but we could do that directly by taking sample get Center instead of Ground Zero okay and we can have an area for getting the area we can use the alpha shape so here area we take my Alpha shape which was building vector and do ARA that's that simple same thing we could have the perimeter which is an information that could be useful perimeter uh and then let's take out the local Central WID of our building and also the shift okay translation by keeping that and the point number and to do that we can have the length of the segment points uh just like this okay and now if we were to print the first line of our data frame how would this look like so now I have everything if I print out perimeter is wrong yes it's normal because it's length that we need to have so I press enter and you see that I have my geometry ID height area perimeter and so on so this way we already have a very ways to structure the information that we have after processing through the steps now I want to show you some way to get some extra attributes right so I pass um I will extract points 1D along the z-axis and I want to print the local Minima and the local Maxima right and then after I want to plot the histogram because we saw that we had three roofs so maybe we we could leverage that somehow right and um extract some kind of very interesting way to after we could model the roof layers for example so let's see that just right away we'll delete this line and as you can see if I do the histogram along the z- axis we have the three roof that are really popping out through this chart which means that we could use some break points and identify the breaks to try and segments our Point Cloud even more so that is very good perspective to have now let's move on to step eight which is going from 2D to 3D so basically here it's very simple we'll compute uh vertices by using the list operator building Vector X records and then we'll compute a polygon 2D and here I show you way to do that uh with the list utility so we still have to compute a 3D Vector but here we actually using a list comprehension that will obain the point plus zero value and uh that's it pretty much right right and at the end we could use open 3D to visualize so we went from the shapely to open 3D and very interestingly you have here your shape so this is super cool now uh we have to do that for the top layer so this is exactly the same process okay I will call that an extrusion so I create a line set geometry I create my Vector 3D oity and 2D and I draw my geometry and after I will also plot my vertices so that you see the difference between both so those are my two lines pretty nice nicely uh plotted and here that's all the vertices in blue and in red that we have that Define this polygons okay so that's one way to go uh around it you can see that instead of putting a zero uh and yeah uh itating over the line set I put the height so it's from zero to the height so that's is correct now we could do that in more efficient manner in the Step n which is actually by um using an MP approach so what do I do is first I'm I'm going to um yeah I'm going to Define three variables a b and c a being the coordinates of my Alpha shape okay B is basically taking my Alpha shape and uh dropping the and B is basically just creating a single array that is the same size as a but filled with the center of my sample so the ground points and see that's the same thing but I take that plus the he okay to make sure that we really put in a local frame of reference um our two uh vertices and now what I do is actually hash stack so horizontal stacking with n Pi a plus b and a plus c for the up Point Cloud so every time the x cord so only 2D plus C and B okay and finally I will create an open 3D object and fill the points with exactly what I have so the concatenation of both okay and along the axis zero and that will create one single entity which is the following nice nice nice we are now ready to compute the alpha shape of the base point and we could use open 3D to do that here I pass the line of code what is interesting is that I use the function create from point Cloud Alpha shape and I put a very high alpha because let's say if we have building up to 20 met I still want to create some kind of triangle and I want to paint it as well and I want to show my point cloud my mesh and also uh the segment in it okay so the vertices the mesh and the segment and beautiful we have our model that comes out of it and you see the vertices and if I zoom in you can see that we have our Point Cloud uh which is enclosed into our mesh okay we have a lot of uh warning but that's to be expected um because you have invalid Tetra mesh within our creation beautiful now it's time to go onto um the final stage of this single building which is Step 11 postprocessing operation and export the first thing that is before exporting we want to reposition the mesh so you can use the translate function of open 3D and pass the center that we uh saved just before now for the mesh basically we will write our mesh and then export also the shape file so for the mesh um you can just do that right triangle mesh and you go into the res folder how sample mesh WR as key false so it will be binary and I put a bunch of other commments in in it and then uh for the shape file there ising gf2 file and you export your shape file and I press enter and everything is now exported so here is my folder as you can see we have our shape file with all its dependencies and our py so let's open Cloud compare okay and load the input data that we had and on top the sample house and the shape file to see exactly what is the results of our little experiments so now let's let me go to the initial data and you can see here the point Cloud that I use neighborhood I'm just dragging and dropping this point cloud and making sure to apply a little translation that's okay and I will reapply that result our sample and I just drag and drop it here and we have XYZ I apply I take the previous input and as you can see we have our eyes really nicely positioned here right where it makes sense and it sticks nicely to the ground as well so that's a massive success at this stage and the last thing that we wanted to check is to load the shape file and you see that we have the shape file it's normal it's in a local frame of reference because I didn't want it to truncate uh the Precision of our shape file so I I stick to have it in local but you have the translation so it's easy after to apply the translation upon it beautiful so let's now automate and move on to phase four which is 3D Automation and scaling and for that we are are first creating a loop where we will select the segment okay so to select the segment we do what we had before CD or 3D select by index npw label equal to selector so for cell in range the max label plus one that's what we do I take the L line that we had before that is not needed then we compute the building footprint okay so for that we you remember we take the 2D points and the building Vector with Alpha shape then we compute the height of the segment so this is with the query point and uh using the sample ground points and ground zero and then we are going to um compute the various attributes entries we actually could drop that because I don't think it's used uh but let's keep it for now and after that let's add that to um geometries entries but for that we need to initialize some kind of U Master geop the data frame that's not a the common practice but I still wanted to to show you that it's possible to initialize Jo data frame and for that you do uh you data frame and you pass all the the the column names right and at the end you just say which geometry uh column you are going to use and the CRS okay and that will initialize an empty GE data frame nice so that means that now we could use that to concatenate every time this single building GE data frame to our Master GE buildings geod data frame to have some think um which is updated great finally we can compute the vertices and the 3D geometry and for that nothing simpler than just doing that one little thing is that it will be good to paint um each instance with a specific function that take random colors and I will Define that just here this kind of function um it's an optional utility let's say and I will import random and Define RGB as random color and return a float color which will be interesting to colorize then uh my mesh okay and that's pretty much it we did here everything that we wanted except um except except exporting so for some reason here it's not yeah so that I can delete and here I think we are good to go we have a right triangle Mach the result house underscore something string selection py mesh right asky false com so let me I think I have already some houses there created so let me drop all of that um and drop all of that as well and be ready so now that I made my automation I just press enter and it will Loop this is normal uh that we have a lot of outputs so maybe what we could do is also um let's say reduce the output wave of open 3D so else it's very heavy so just add this set verbality to just have the error and not the warning so I very good so uh let's check out our building GE data frame so if I do that and we have all our polygons which is very cool right with all the information every time so before going to step five we could export also the uh shape file so let me do that by just doing exactly as before and now if we look at our folder we have all the houses and what I will do is take all of them and drop them in Cloud compare yes and beautiful you can see that we have all of our building that appears and instantiated right so I could select each of them independently this is beautiful and wonderful at the same time I will also load uh my shape file which is there and it was not this one it's the full neighorhood shape file and you can see that we have all of it as well right so this is wonderful um you you could see that we would need to have some kind of post process for example to merge this little um here this little entities with a big entity and here as well with buing operation you do not have that in open 3D but in other libraries um or you could just filter out using here the number of points uh whenever you have like a low number of points like let me show you the building gdf like here translation and so on but if I were to put head five be better um or just yeah add five yeah like for example here you have 335 points whereas the other one have a big number so this means that we could filter out here at this stage right we are at the end of this tutorial that was a big one but but I think it will provide a massive value uh here if you are into the scope of going to export vectorized entities whether 2D or 3D as we saw if you like comp guide an article you can dive onto the medium article if you prefer tutorials please subscribe uh that means a lot to me and uh share it with the world that would be also something super nice to help as much people as possible if you want an entire ano course there it is at the geodata Academy and I was really happy to have you on to this journey and let's see each other in the next video tutorial [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Florent Poux
Views: 5,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Point Cloud, LiDAR, 3D, Data Science, Modelling, Geospatial, Python, 3D Python, Vectorization, Segmentation, AI
Id: 7SPLEDyCrmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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