License Plate Recognition with OpenALPR using Raspberry PI and Python

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hello everyone in this video I will show you how to do automatic number plate recognition using open ALPR with raspberry pi so let's get started [Music] okay so to use open LP Arrhenius verify at first we have to get to the pi so for that I am using pootie so you you can use B and C or dietary imagination whatever you want so is my the IP of my PI and the user name is PI and the password is raspberry by default so I am into the PI now what we have to do is we have to write a code for that to use that API now I have already written the code in my github repository so you can just copy from here so what you need to do you just you can just clone it or I will put the link in the description so that you can copy from there so you just write get loan get flow and paste the link and yes it's done now let's get into the deposit into the folder okay so here we have one single code and tree just test images okay so now let's get into the poor nano open so here if you see that this is the quote so let me open the code in a text editor so that you can see it better so as you can see this is the code so basically here we are firstly importing two libraries one is requests again is base64 thread is Jason so basically we are doing this because like we have to do stuffs with images there so I BA 64 and this and because we need to some kind of person here now here we have a function OCR so basically we will pass the image path in the OCR function and it will douse here French shall be written as the pic of nice number play if it finds any so and here is the secret key secret key means sorry so basically you have to open an account in opening lpr okay so it's totally free and so you just go to and create a count and then you log in and then you have to go to cloudy pie and here you will get the secret key also as you can see is current plan is free and Parmen mm I think API request a free per month so you can like for small hobbies it's just pretty well okay and for commercial purposes you can also buy it if you want but I think mm API requests are just awesome so and also you will see how many you have used already so it will show you that also so basically you have to copy the secret key from here okay and then then you have to paste that key here then we are just opening the image and then Jake we are just encoding in base64 and then we are just sending the image to that URL so basically it's the URL and here one thing is very important in the URL part which is here as you can see at the date sorry and country is equal to India so ind so basically here you have to replace this part with your country code okay so for my case is india ind and if you go to the open LPR official website opening LPR penelope accom so if you go here you will see there are they officially support many countries where it is think aloud epi yes here so as you can see they support all these countries so basically in each country the number plate have its own pattern so basically differs from country to country that's why you have to mention the country code in the in this countries well day here okay so you just change this ind with your country code and you just put this secret key here you just have to modify these two things and remaining things will be just the same okay then we are just posting the request and we are getting the response if we found any if you find any play played then we will return it exited we will just sprained this there is no number plate okay so this is how the whole code works there is nothing okay and the main advantages is very much accurate and there will be no load in the raspberry pie just you need to need your Raspberry Pi to kinda to the Internet okay now let's just try it so okay so like I said here I have to copy the secret secret key here so let me copy the key yes I have saved it now now let me show you the images I am going to try to it so they all are Indian images because like you have to use the same image you have like I have mentioned India there that's why I have to use Indian number plates so this is the first one this is the second one and this is the third one okay and this this is taken by me even okay so let's just see okay so what we have to do we have to just import Pike will decide Python then inside it you just try it from open l PR OC import OCR from open l PR OCR import OCR and after that you just write OCR and inside that you just mention the name of the I mean the part of the imaging in my case isn't the same folder - I'll just put the name a dot jpg and you will see within very few seconds I as you can see here is the number plate okay so if you see the real image it's the first one as you can see the real image and here you see the so as you can see it's very much accurate so let's try it another one just feed oh jpg and as you can see it is already giving us so this is this one is DL for CCB one one one one so if you see yes okay so like this it works so basically you can just import it for importance like function in any of your code and use this for any of your application because it's free it's accurate and it's very much fast okay so I think so that's it and and if you get any error like basically so you have to embalm yeah you have to install distance so you just write pip install request pip install base 64 people storages and okay so I have already installed oh stuff so I haven't shown you but you if you got an error you just install those stuffs and even in things which is the same so I'll put the link in the description of my github repository okay and thank you for watching this video and I will upload this kind of video in future so please like my channel subscribe to my channel like this video and thank you
Channel: SPARKLERS : We Are The Makers
Views: 62,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raspberry pi, openalpr, license plate recognition, Number plate recognition, Automatic number-plate recognition, python
Id: VkBABm-ywgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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