Library and IDE | C Language Tutorial

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welcome to nourish technologies so this is cinemas in the last session we discussed the classification of methods so we know the importance of methods as well as a variables to write a program so here it is so now we are going to start a first application but before going to start writing the first program so we need to discuss about two things so what are the two things first one is a first one is library of C language library of C language second one is ID e right after completion of these sessions only so we can start the first application development so here it is the first one is a what is C library and what it contains so generally so with our knowledge here it is simply we can understand to write a program variables and methods very very important variables and methods or we can call it as a functions these two are very very important so what is the library means to develop our C application to develop our C program so many predefined things are available so predefined things also variables and methods only but here it is a library is a collection of header files C library C library is a collection of header files sir what is header file and why they divided that C library into header files means just consider in our computer hard disk why we are dividing into number of volumes number of drives and in each drive so why we are creating folders why we are not placing the complete information into a single place in a single Drive why we are creating number of folders means for easy access that we can understand folders creation means the related information we always placing into a particular folder so that whenever a requirement comes then directly we can access that particular folder only so that is easy access policy so in the same way in a library also so many predefined things are available so many predefined functions and predefined variables are available in a C language all these are divided into groups related groups called header files right so we can call it as a folders here it is some of the header files stdio.h standard input/output library see whoa ni whoa dot H console input/output library string dot H string dot H graphics dot H math dot H dys dot H so many header files are present a collection of header files is called C library here it is stdio dot H Co ni WA dot H string dot H graphics dot H math dot H dos dot H all these are a standard input/output header file so contains some of the functions standard functions so to print a message on the console printf function already ready no need to write the code once again I just want to print a message on the output screen from my program right so directly you can use a printf function if you want to read something from the end user in your C application for scanning purpose scanf function they have given predefined functions and second one is a console related functions if you want to clear the console clear the console means clearing the output screen clear screen function is available and if you want to read a character from the console here it is get CH function is available and next for example if you want to manipulate the strings if you want to know the length of the string or if you want to reverse all the characters in the string here it is STR le n to find the length of the string STR re V to reverse all the elements in the string and x1 come to this graphics C programming allows to write a graphical programming also some 2d games also we can develop using C programming and here it is for example if you want to set color so drawing color if you want to set a background color set B Que color and so many methods are available hundreds of hundreds of methods available in a graphics dot h header file we'll see when time comes and here it is a math dot h right here it is some random number if you want to generate is present in a math dot h if you want to find out what is the power of a particular number we can go for power function dot dot h dass means what is a disk operating system operating system related information if you want to access from your C program then we can go for dot dot H here it is for example what is a get date and next get time get time such type of functions available in a dot dot H so header file is a collection of related predefined functions and C library is a collection of header files C library is a collection of header files and every header file is a collection of related set of predefined functions so this is what we called a library a set of predefined functions so why they are by forgetting into number of header files for easy access question yourself why we are creating folders into our computer easily you can remember this concept so this is what is C library and the next concept what is IDE so here it is what is ID ID stands for integrated development environment integrated development environment so generally if you want to execute any program right one environment setup is required see for example here I am taking class the class is nothing but one program to continue means for to execute this program one environment setup is required so many things required right for example here it is a board marker at one a room and one main set up in the same way if you want to execute any program C program C++ Java also one environment setup is required so generally C and C++ programs execute in the original environment of operating system either Windows Mac Linux every operating system is having its own environment to execute the program whenever we click on a program it is executing in the background with the help of operating system to run that application operating system will set one environment from that environment only we can execute the program but if you want to execute C or C++ programs from the original environment it is very complex thing so as a basic programmer as a learner right directly it is not possible to work with the operating system environments so that is why they introduced the concept of IDE it is a duplicate environment where we can easily write compile and run applications the best example easily we can understand is a blue screen is a blue screen this is called ID where we can easily write compile and run C applications compiled C applications using a blue screen here if you want to write the program whenever we open the blue-screen software right an editor will open that editor is in a blue color here it is the blue screen we can divide it into two parts two parts the blue screen is called editor so whatever the screen which is appear in a blue color is called editor and next one where we can see the output is called a console this is a black screen this is a black screen so using this editor using this ID as a basic C programmer as a learner easily we can develop applications right here it is first directly we can write the program after writing the program if you want to save a shortcut they are given you can press a functional key F to wherever you press the functional kiev to then automatically it will ask what is the name of the application including path right so directly we can save our application with a dot C extension after saving now we need to compile how to compile how to compile here it is a shortcut they are given by holding the alt button we have to press f9 key a functional key f9 so with the help of alt button by holding the Alt key you have to press f9 functional key then your program will be compiled automatically and if you want to run the out program by holding the ctrl button you have to press f9 symbol ctrl f9 so whenever you press the shortcut ctrl f9 so then what is happening in the background that is a bit complex process in the coming concepts we can understand but as of now as a learner right you are just starting how to learn programming and all using C language so that is why that much complexity is not important so later we will see in a coming concepts but here it is if you want to write compile and run the programs use these shortcuts for say the program f2 to compile the application alt f9 to run the application control f9 right after that if you want to see the output of the program here it is simply to maximize the console to maximize the console if you maximize the console so then only we can see the output to maximize the console we need to press alt f5 a shortcut key alt fi we have to press so then so automatically the black screen will open the black screen will maximize and so that you can see the output of the program that what we have written in the blue screen whenever the blue screen is in a minimized mode so then console is in a maximize mode whenever console is in a minimize mode and here it is a blue screen will in a maximize mode so at a time you can open only so one screen either blue screen or black screen in this IDE and remember these shortcuts not belongs to C language this is not a C language right here it is to make our task very easy we are using I des so so before using IDE so first we have to learn write how to use that IDE first you have to study write some of the things about a IDE so then only you can start working with this ID number of IDs are available in this market one hundreds of hundreds of IDs slowly you will understand right all the IDS but the basic ID and the standard IDE to develop C programs is a blue screen right so this is our discussion about a IDE and this is what is a library and what is IDE so by using these two right so now so we are going to start first C application alright so that we will see in the next session right thank you thank you for watching you
Channel: Naresh i Technologies
Views: 620,790
Rating: 4.9269986 out of 5
Keywords: C Library, IDE, Srinivas, Naresh IT, Online C Language Training, C Language Tutorial Videos, C Language Interview Questions, What is C library, What is IDE, Library and IDE, C Language Tutorial, Need of blue screen, What is C library contains, What is header file, #include in C language, stdio.h, conio.h, C program execution environment, What is editor in C, How to save C program, How to write C program, How to compile C program, How to run C program, C Library and IDE
Id: ndfz-biPdZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2016
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