Command Line Arguments in C | C Language Tutorial

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[Music] hi everyone welcome to nourish technologies this is cinemas in this session so we are going to discuss about the command-line arguments concept in C language the concept is command-line arguments so first of all so what is argument what is arguments we know that technically we can call it as an argument this is so we can call it as an input value or input element input value or input element next one what is command line write as a command line is nothing but see you I command user interface or we can call it as a character user interface the best example DOS operating system the black screen we can call it as a command line command from simply so here it is what is the meaning of a command line arguments means generally we can edit nothing but we can write compile and execute the C programs using blue screen the blue screen we can call it as a IDE integrated development environment what is ID already we discussed in the previous sessions and here it is right now the discussion about a DOS operating system so what is the use of DOS operating system means generally whenever whenever we install any operating system in your computer two types of operating systems will be installed Windows based examples one is a cui second one is a GUI cui means command user interface or character user interface GUI is a graphical user interface so mostly end users will use this graphical user interface end users and who will use character user interface means programmers will use character user interface programmer operating system is of two types one is the cui and second one is the GUI generally as a programmer we always work with a cui only because it is very easy the people thinking that right we have to learn commands right to use the DOS operating system command user interface right like that the people will think but it is very easy process to work with a command user interface how how much it is easy that I will explain practically I will show you how to work with the command-line arguments and all okay so this one now the discussion about this cui whether you want to compile application after writing the program so where I can write the program C program right suppose if you are not using any ideal suppose blue screen if you are not using blue screen all right so first we have to write program using notepad open notepad and write program and next after writing the program anyway we will save that program with a dot C extension only of course right after saving with a dot C extension so what we will do so what we will do means second one we need to open doors nothing but open command prompt and locate the compiler compiler is a program briefly compiler is a dot exe file on Windows operating system dot exe is our one example not bossy compiler TCC dot exe compilers Eller turbo C compiler with the help of compiler only you have to compile the application any program name see for example your program name is a program dot C just considered we should compile compile application nothing but clearly source program then it will generate the files compiled file will be generated that we can run that application run program this is the process actually if you are not using any editor right like a blue screen and all it is big difficult of writing programs locating the compilers compiling the application and executing the application but this is the correct process nothing but this is the exact process of writing C programs or of developing C applications or C++ applications anything but sir then what is the use of blue screen sir blue screen as a basic programmer you are the learner you don't know anything about the programming languages you are new to programming languages so first of all this much complexity no one can explain and of course we cannot follow we are thinking data right learning a programming language is much difficult so that is why first as a basic programmer will start developing applications with the help of ID is only like blue screens where you can write the program and you can compile the program and you can run the program with the help of shortcuts we know that shortcuts after writing the program on a blue screen if you want to save shortcut is a functional key f2 suppose if you want to compile the program a shortcut they have given that is alt f9 is a shortcut if you want to run the program simply control f9 we need to press if you want to open the console to see the output by holding the alt button you have to press f5 all these are shortcuts right given by that ID blue-screen so then what will happen sir whenever you press alt f9 and whenever you press ctrl f 9 whenever you press alt f5 this is the background process but already we are good in a C programming language because almost command-line arguments is the last concept in a C language alright so you are a bit perfect in a c programming language at least now you should understand the correct way of writing compiling and executing C applications right so that is why we have to follow that Doss operating system ok and here it is whenever we are compiling and executing the application how to pass arguments to the program from the command line is called a command line argument that we'll see so how to pass the command line arguments C suppose here it is the command prompt in the command prompt if you want to compile one program program named this consider program dot C only with the help of compiler TC C dot exe is the compiler name with the help of compiler then we have to compile this one program dot C it will compile after compilation what will be generated means our b0 file will be generated or clearly dot exe file will be generated it generate program dot exe file clearly next here it is in the command prompt now directly we are executing this one program dot exe now how to pass command-line arguments are followed by this program named after writing program dot exe here you have to pass arguments how many arguments no limitations leading the space between arguments argument one argument two argument three argument for like that you can keep on passing number of arguments you can pass how many arguments means no limitation no limitation passing input values these are input values input values means arguments from the command line this is command line command prompt arguments we are passing to program we are passing to input input simply this is what we called command line arguments from the command line we are passing to the program we are passing to the program we are passing okay and who is responsible for collecting all these arguments and how to process all these arguments and what type of data it is and means what what type of arguments we can pass right so all these things we'll see in the next session okay thank you for watching for more videos please subscribe to nourish Shetty channel thank you [Music]
Channel: Naresh i Technologies
Views: 183,806
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Keywords: Command Line Arguments, Naresh IT, Learn C Language, Online C Language Training, C Language Tutorial Videos, C Language Interview Questions, Srinivas, command line arguments interview questions, command line arguments in c interview questions, c graphics library, C Language Tutorial
Id: JArmogmRCcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2017
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