Liberalism Beyond Identity
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Channel: The Agenda with Steve Paikin
Views: 23,041
Rating: 4.4326243 out of 5
Keywords: The Agenda with Steve Paikin, current affairs, analysis, debate, politics, policy, Liberalism, identity politics
Id: Y9hWNhVZqeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Wow, this guy is right on point about the identity movements chasing people away from their own parties. I.E. People who use, "Don't 100% agree with everything I think, GTFO of my party you fucking bigot!"
I've always been a liberal, but frankly I've been moving further right / more conservative because I see these morons that have no room to agree on somethings while understanding you don't need to agree on everything that have too much power over where the Liberals are going.
Diversity hiring, as just one example, is dumb. You can hire people based on merit, who happen to be diverse, which will put the focus on abilities. Or you can make a big deal over hiring people based on their gender/race/religion/sexual orientation and you take all the focus off their achievements and give people reason to question if the best people are being hired for some very important jobs.
If you then go on to call anyone questioning your method of hiring for jobs, that will directly affect those people's well being and prosperity, bigots, homophones, sexists, misogynists, racists, etc... you're alienating a large part of your own base. Those people are either not going to vote, or will vote for your political competition. Which is how the states ended up with Trump as president. People had a choice to make that had two equally shitty out comes where one side was forcing PC culture on their base. So people, who would have voted on that side, for Hillary, stayed home or voted for the other side.
You need to be fair, not brag about doing the right thing for the wrong reasons and not alienate your allies.
Precisely the reason why my vote's going elsewhere for the next federal election. When I voted for the Liberal MP in my riding, I mistakenly thought I was getting a liberal. Clearly, I was voting for social justice and identity politics, which I thought was mostly limited to the NDP.
Identity politics is toxic, IMO. Absolutely toxic.
The content is more applicable to the United States, but it's worth considering for us, as our political landscape somewhat mirrors the US's in that identity politics has become a main focus in the general political conversation here.
Identity politics and equal rights/affirmative action are not the same thing and one doesn't require the other. We can have equality and right past wrongs without dividing the country into "oppressors" and the "oppressed" with the "oppressed" breaking from their infighting over who is more oppressed only briefly to fight the "oppressors"
This way of doing politics is like doing meth. Feels good at first but it destroys everything it touches and it's damn hard to kick once you start. It doesn't even lead to a better society it leads to Donald Trump, Charlottesville and Berkeley.
I will remember this quote for the rest of my life: